Dachel Media Update: Social Skills, Gut, Vaccine Choice
June 24, 2013, Education Week: Preschool Autism Program Enlists Classmates to Teach Social Skills
June 23, 2013, Chicago Tribune: Slaying of boy with severe autism leaves community searching for answers
June 23, 2013, TheTownTalk.com: Book questions alternative medicine
June 21, 2013, US News: Gluten Allergy May Play Role in Gastro Woes in Kids With Autism
June 21, 2013, CBS 4, Roseburg, Oregon: Vaccinations: 'That's my decision to make'
Education Week
"One fledgling early-childhood initiative is finding that getting classmates involved in helping autistic students can help boost the social skills of all children in the classroom
"The Learning Experiences Alternative Program for Preschoolers and their Parents, or LEAP, immerses children with spectrum disorders into classes with typically developing children who have been trained in ways to communicate and work with them. While the research underlying the program has evolved over 30 years, it has been gaining in popularity recently-roughly 100 preschools across the country now use it-in part thanks to positive results in a study that met the stringent criteria of the federal What Works Clearinghouse."
This story from Education Week is a perfect example of conditioning kids to the fact that they'll have to know about autism. These are the people who will never remember a world without autism. I wonder how they'll feel about paying for it.
I have only one question for Philip Strain at the University of CO: Back in the 1970s, when Denver researchers started to teach autistic students, WHAT WAS THE AUTISM RATE?
We can see how autism is changing our society. Everyone, everywhere is going to have to be trained to deal with people who have autism. This is no different than what's happening to EMTs, firefighters, police, librarians, ...They all will have to learn about autism. It's a fact of life for us now.
Chicago Tribune: Slaying of boy with severe autism leaves community searching for answers
"The slain teen has become a celebrity of sorts for a group of critics who contend that hospitals routinely ignore other physical issues they contend are at the root of the autism."
"Physical issues"? That's the closest the Trib comes to talking about what was wrong with Alex Spourdalakis. Notice the brief criticism of Andrew Wakefield with absolutely no mention of his work as gastroenterologist and autistic children.
THREE REPORTERS WROTE THIS STORY. It must have taken all three to figure out how they could write about Alex and cover up the truth at the same time.
There is no comment section here, typical for a paper that doesn't want to honestly and thoroughly report on this story. Notice the difference between this coverage and these three stories:
March 8, 2013, Patient Safety Awareness Week - Would this Happen to a Child Without Autism?
March 11, 2013, 'Thinking Mom' tells Loyola Univ. Medical Center that autism is not "a mystery"
Mar 23, 2013 Update: Alex Spourdalakis - AGE OF AUTISM
"Alternative medicine doctors sell patients on a variety of unproven therapies, such as chelation, a process of removing metals from the blood, Offit says.
"Although chelation has real medical uses - treating acute heavy metal poisoning - doctors also promote the intravenous treatments as an alternative remedy for everything from Alzheimer's disease to cancer."
Paul Offit was on the attack here. He went after Drs. Oz, Mercola, and Buttar. Most of all, he sounded an alarm about THE DANGERS OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE. I posted comments pointing out the scary things about conventional medicine.
US News http://health.usnews.com/health-news/news/articles/2013/06/21/gluten-allergy-may-play-role-in-gastro-woes-in-kids-with-autism
"But finding doesn't prove a gluten-free diet will help kids with the developmental disorder, experts say"
The subtitle says it all. It seems the purpose of the study was to convince us that even if ASD kids are sensitive to gluten, a GF diet doesn't help. Whenever we talk about GI problems and autism, it gets close to what Andrew Wakefield said and that can never be.
I left a comment.
CBS 4, Roseburg, Oregon
"Oregon lawmakers approved a vaccine education bill, which would make it harder for parents to send their kids to school without vaccines."
"On Wednesday, the state lawmakers in the house approved a bill requiring parents to watch an educational video or consult a doctor before saying no to the immunizations."
Great chance to post comments providing information for parents. I posted lots.
"Slaying of boy with severe autism leaves community searching for answers"
One simple answer is right in our face.
STOP "vaccinating".
Posted by: Lou | June 27, 2013 at 12:15 AM