Since 1938... Autism and Mercury
Out of the Mouths of Babes: "Autism is a Sickness Where Your Tummy Hurts and You Can't Talk"

Dachel Media Update: Are you the Good Mercury? Or the Bad Mercury?

Online newsBy Anne Dachel

The really big autism news out there is the latest study from Harvard. Finally experts are saying something that makes sense: known toxins in our environment are linked to the development of autism. 
For years, researchers tried to convince us autism was genetic and that it was nothing new, at the same time we were told that any possible environmental factors in autism were things like older moms, older dads, moms who drink, moms who smoke, moms who have babies too close together, moms on antidepressants, and moms who are obese.  None of these could possibly explain why a once-rare disorder is now so common that everyone knows someone with an autistic child but they showed someone somewhere was doing something.  The new findings open the door to heavy metal exposure and that may be getting too close for comfort for some people.  If breathing mercury in the air is harmful, something that has long been established and is connected to autism, how could anyone justify injecting it into pregnant women, children, or anyone else for that matter?
Logically speaking, if there's a possible link here, then there's a way to prevent autism---something that's never talked about by officials.
Notice the caution in the stories out there.  Neither Dr. Andrea Roberts, lead researcher at Harvard, nor Dr. Alycia Halladay from Autism Speaks will come out and say pollution causes autism. It's only an association.  How it leads to autism is unknown. It seems to be more of the mystery. 
June 19, 2013, CatholicOnline (VIDEO): New studies reveal more information about autism cause

June 19, 2013, CNN (TIME): Prenatal exposure to pollution raises risk of autism in kids

June 18, 2013, CBS: Air pollution exposure while pregnant linked to autism risk

"Dr. Alycia Halladay, senior director of clinical and environmental sciences at the advocacy and research organization Autism Speaks, told CBS News' Adriana Diaz that while we need to be concerned about air pollution levels, it's just one of many different risk factors for autism, which is associated with both genetic and environmental risks.

"'What we really need to better understand is how these many risk factors -- how they interact together,' she said."

June 18, 2013, New York Daily News: High levels of air pollution during pregnancy linked to increased autism risk

June 18, 2013, Fox News: Autism linked with air-pollution exposure during pregnancy

June 18, 2013, WebMD: Polluted Air Linked to Autism Risk

"'The study does not prove that pollution increases risk for autism. It found an association,' cautioned lead author Andrea Roberts, a research associate at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. 'It adds to the weight of the evidence that there may be something in air pollution that increases risk for autism.'"

June 17, 2013, UPI: High air pollution areas linked to double the risk of autism

"Lead author Andrea Roberts, research associate in the Harvard School of Public Health Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, said exposure to diesel particulates, lead, manganese, mercury, methylene chloride and other pollutants are known to affect brain function and to affect the developing baby."



"A recent study from 2008 compared children and dogs raised in Mexico City (an area known for high pollution levels) with children and dogs raised in Polotitlán (a city whose pollution levels meet the current US National Ambient Air Quality Standards).[3] According to this study, children raised in areas of higher pollution scored lower in intelligence (i.e. on IQ tests), and showed signs of lesions upon MRI scanning of the brain. In contrast, children from the low pollution area scored as expected on IQ tests, and did not show any significant sign of brain lesions risk. This correlation was found to be statistically significant, and shows that pollution levels may be related to brain lesion formation and IQ scores. The implication of these findings is that high pollution levels contribute to brain lesion formation, which in turn, manifests itself as impaired intellectual capacity and/or performance." from Wikipedia--"Neuroplastic Effects of Pollution"


This apparent cautiousness of the scientists in expressing their true views on autism origin derive from corporate censorship, which blocks the information that toxic vaccines are the primary cause of autism. Such censorship is now operational in all corporate publications. Science is dead now.

Dan E. Burns

Autism is caused by better diagnosis. Heart attacks are caused by hearts. Cavities are caused by dentists. ;) D. Nile.

Bob Moffitt

"If breathing mercury in the air is harmful, something that has long been established and is connected to autism, how could anyone justify injecting it into pregnant women, children, or anyone else for that matter?"

Unfortunately, Anne's observations raises two problems.

#1 .. "breathing mercury in the air is harmful
#2 .. "how could anyone justify injecting it into pregnant women, children, or anyone else for that matter?"

The first problem is pure science. The second problem is not "science" .. but .. "ethics" .. and .. therein lies our biggest challenge.

Webster's defines ethics: "a system of moral standards".

When professions .. such as .. the medical and public health professions .. break loose from their "ethical boundaries" .. it becomes easy to "justify injecting a harmful substance into unsuspecting individuals"

So .. it is not JUST the mercury .. it is also the more subtle .. but .. far more dangerous .. morally bankrupt ETHICS .. of those most responsible for approving, recommending and administering vaccines containing that mercury.

In my humble opinion .. morally bankrupt "ethics" is the bigger problem.

White Rose

Lets ask Helmet over at "Hate Slate" for her opinion ?

Is it the good mercury or the bad mercury ?

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