By Teresa Conrick
On June 18th, 1994, my daughter received an MMR vaccine and a HIB vaccine during a well-baby visit at our pediatrician. Megan was fifteen months old. Ten days later, her pediatrician report shows, - "Fever- rash on body - ear infection." That would be from me calling more than once as she had been sick since those vaccines. She was to be put on antibiotics numerous times to try and recapture the health she once had. Illness had become her chronic companion. What was even more troubling was that my little girl had disappeared into an array of behaviors soon to be called "autism."
Years later I find myself, like so many others, still in disbelief that science is so polarized about autism. There are puzzle pieces showing hints to a picture yet they need to be pointed out to be seen. I want to point out some of those puzzle pieces here. To do that, I need to present two studies that when solo, are intriguing, but as a pair, paint a picture of concern:
"Recent work has indicated that the immunotoxic effects of mercury compounds may be significant contributors to human disease as well as mechanistically relevant to other target organ toxicities.....These results indicate that both organic and inorganic species of Hg can affect the human immune system, but that they may exert different effects on immune function." Since Megan has had immmune dysfunction for years and now has an autoimmune diagnosis, I have been very interested in research on exactly that.
This abstract summarizes in vitro findings that ethylmercury decreases IFN-gamma release. Further reading showed that IFN-gamma has antiviral activity and also important immunoregulatory functions. It is a potent activator of macrophages, has antiproliferative effects on transformed cells and it can potentiate the antiviral and antitumor effects of the type I interferons. Those seemed like good nuggets of information that I tucked away. I was to later remember it when I came upon this other abstract:
Lots of information there but what stood out to me was this:
"IFN-ã applied to infected slices in the absence of primed leukocytes reduces the viral load by more than 80%; therefore, in brain tissue, IFN-ã [ IFN-gamma] is both necessary and sufficient to clear MV."
Could this be a concern for the measles virus from the MMR? Could it be a concern for prior Thimerosal-containing vaccines weeks before the MMR and then what about on the same day? At the same well-baby visit? What about single measles vaccines?
So then it is possible that ethylmercury (Thimerosal) can decrease IFN-gamma release in a human recipient thus making viral clearance, especially measle virus, impaired? In other words, could a vaccine containing Thimerosal, like HIB back in 1994, impair and dysfunction the clearance of measles after an MMR vaccine?
Can it also explain why so many children with an autism diagnosis also have high measles titers YEARS after vaccination?
Range Megan
Rubeola (Measles) 2009 0.91 - 1.09 2.88
Rubeola (Measles) 2011 0.91 - 1.09 3.34
Can this be a possible scenario for Megan on June 18th, 1994? Maybe. And to thousands more? Possibly
Will we get to the truth soon? I pray every day.
Teresa Conrick is Contributing Editor for Age of Autism. there's this new data:
Posted by: Rachel R. | July 14, 2016 at 10:06 AM
I think the implications of this are staggering. Couldn't this also explain non-regressive autism, in addition to regressive autism following vaccinations? Think about all the mothers with mercury fillings in their teeth w/high heavy metal body burdens, who then also breast feed, babies born w/mercury already in their bodies, then given vaccines - live virus vaccines! And you can't tell me vaccines aren't contaminated w/all sorts of other virus particles not accounted for.
Think about all the mercury in the water and air from mining and dirty coal. Yes, dirty coal may not be a prime cause, but it certainly is no innocent bystander. Back in the day of no air conditioning, of no pollution control efforts, air was so heavy w/particulates that architects covered their drawings every night to keep the black soot off and while they worked during the day had to take care not to let the undersides of their arms rest on the paper, lest the sweat mix w/the black dust. I give due respect to Mr. Kucinich's presence at the table in November.
Now what about the young teenagers getting booster dip/pert/tet shots. Is that a shot that has trace thim. in it? And then they get contaminated HPV shots and/or meningitis shots? That on top of a body burden from mercury in air & water that may have been accumulating for a decade or so and maybe one or 2 mercury fillings if they happen to have them.
Would this explain why it was shown in Canadian research that there was actually in increase in your risk of getting the flu, if you had gotten vaccinated for flu in the previous years, ie, can no longer clear the virus well?
Would this also explain why SOME mothers who get the flu while pregnant have increased risk of having a child w/autism? And hence, why giving a live virus flu vaccine to pregnant mothers could actually INCREASE autism cases, even if it was a vaccine w/no thimer in it.
So should all soon to be mothers & pregnant women have heavy metal body burden tests to scientifically guide the application of vaccinations for both her and the baby. Should every baby get one? And then maybe every baby should be getting titers tests to assess what he does or doesn't need PRIOR to vaccination.
How about gov't giving every parent the option for pre or postnatal care: do you want a free vaccine program or free titer tests (though I know we can greatly improve how we determine immunity rather than just titers, but I mean at this point in time.)
Posted by: Jenny | May 24, 2013 at 07:16 AM
Reading this review paper yesterday,I became aware that mercury is frequently reported to work synergistically with other metals, toxins and pathogens. Meaning the interaction of these discrete elements or agents behaves such that the total effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects. Mercury has been found to have synergistic effects with: acetaminophen, testoterone, endotoxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, dithiothreitol, flame retardant PBDE 99, cadmium, lead, manganese and ethanol. What other synergisms have not been investigated?
Posted by: Ann | May 23, 2013 at 02:25 PM
Please check out the New York Times editorial page today to see how bad everyone is and was to question the MMR. Children are getting measles who never should have and these anti vaccine people just caused the whole thing. Interesting but where is the other side of the story? The one that I am reading about here. Perhaps some of you parents and grandparents should reply to this one sided editorial. I heard that in England they talk about two types of education: Education by training and education by experience. It is nice to know that scientists have found no link between vaccines and autism but what about education by experience? The really large numbers of parents who report distinct, indeed immediate reactions that never healed. I do think that knowledge is at least as valuable but rarely reported.
Posted by: Lisa | May 23, 2013 at 02:19 PM
Theresa, thankyou for your excellent research. I have concluded that the one sure thing about mercury is damage to the immune system. Other mercury symptoms may or may not appear after an exposure to mercury- but immune dysregulation will always happen. This is why the years of high mercury in U.S. vaccines were the years of infections, particularly ear infections. And this is why the powers that be rushed to crank out a study (with doctors in mind) showing that AMAZINGLY , the prevnar vaccine is preventing ear infections. They knew that pediatricians would be sure to notice that no one was coming back to them month after month, even year after year, with kids with chronic ear infections.(After the mercury in U.S. vaccines was reduced) I have not been able to study that research, but I met a very senior doctor in New Delhi who did and his (understated) comment: "I didnt think much of it"
The work done by Isaac Pessah at U Cal. Davis, was one of the early wake up calls for me. He showed that mercury in a few parts per billion parts would begin to affect the immune systems of mice. I imagined that the medical world would be much changed by that information. Sorry- No one paid his research any attention.As a matter of fact, it had long been known that mercury would negatively affect immune function, but Dr Pessah added some new information. Isnt it ironic that the people who supposedly care about children not getting sick, are the first ones to damage every child's immune system? Giving a measles vaccine at the same time as a Hib vaccine with mercury, is probably more harmful than blood letting (If one were to rate them)
Probably the puzzle piece symbol could be replaced by a Mad Hatter- sort of a Cat in the Hat kind of character.
With our new knowledge of mercury damaging the immune system, in reality, we OUGHT to throw out millions of pages of research papers. Why? - If someone did, for example , a study of which illnesses affected children of less than a year of age, the researcher ASSUMED that he was studying normal children. Now we know he was not- He was , in fact, studying mercury damaged children, because nearly every child had been given the DPT vaccines, even in the days before Hep B and Hib.. So, pretty much everything we thought we knew about children and infectious disease, needs to be thrown out the window and redone (In an ideal world)
Posted by: Cherry Sperlin Misra | May 23, 2013 at 07:18 AM
My Asd kiddo has titers in the 4.56 range for her measles, mumps rubella. I know in my heart that her "autism" is brain inflammation due to viruses that cannot clear, brought on by the mercury of her previous shots-circa 2000.
There is something to this.
Posted by: 2asdmom | May 22, 2013 at 10:51 PM
"Could this be a concern for the measles virus from the MMR? Could it be a concern for prior Thimerosal-containing vaccines weeks before the MMR and then what about on the same day? At the same well-baby visit? What about single measles vaccines?"
Good questions all.
IMO one of the chief problems with the MMR is all three of these "vaccines" are "inactivated viral vaccines". The theory as best I understand it is that a HEALTHY immune system will clear all virus, viral mutations, viral particles and traces of the three viruses in some reasonable time; days? We KNOW many children getting the MMR do NOT have healthy immune systems. We know this because they receive on average one "vaccination" a month and all "vaccination" is immunosupressive.
All hell broke lose when the amount of "inactivated mumps virus" in the "Mumps vaccine" was quadrupled and they were forced to revert to the original dose of virus. This is an important clue that the total viral load these tiny children are receiving may be very important.
Doctor Wakefield has shown us the "inactivated measles vaccine" is present in autistic children YEARS after receiving a MMR "vaccination".
The MMR does not work. The MMR was never sufficiently, even for adverse effects, clinically tested. The MMR received a fraudulent approval. Please stop using the MMR.
Posted by: Lou | May 22, 2013 at 08:46 PM
Teresa, keep reading and continue to question authority!!! Shouldn’t these toxicology investigations have been done long ago?
My son Conrad was born around the time prenatal rubella infection was linked to cases of autism. Is the rubella component of MMR an “attenuated” live virus? Why would exposure (via vaccination) be considered any safer for a 15-month old baby than during gestation?
You must already know that a mutated form of measles virus is associated with a pattern of neuropathology known as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE). This pattern of neuropathology bears similarity to that caused by toxic substances. For example, I just found which I am anxious to read.
Posted by: Eileen Nicole Simon | May 22, 2013 at 07:23 PM
Same here Teresa ,just wish I could turn the clock back..god bless them all..
Posted by: IAngus Files | May 22, 2013 at 06:10 PM
That makes perfect sense to me. There are probably more connections which have not yet been explored. Might Dr. Dan Laks be interested in following through with a study? He has done a bunch of stuff regarding mercury and autism.
Posted by: Birgit Calhoun | May 22, 2013 at 02:29 PM
Thank you. Can health officials consider the possibility that they were setting up some infants to be disabled by MMR, probably other infections as well, through so much vaccine "protection" in the first year of life? I wonder if some of the adverse outcomes of the natural form of these diseases can also be attributed to a body burden of some of the same or similar pollutants used to "enhance" vaccine effectiveness.
I've also wondered if something like this combination could explain the greater risk of autism found in younger siblings closely spaced in birth with an older sibling, assuming that study found an actual association? I know of a case of mumps transmitted from an MMR vaccinated child to a playmate a few years back.
A little off this track possibly, but I've also read there is evidence of increased vaccine reaction risk if the mother already has immunity and the vaccinated infant is breastfeeding (I can't remember which antigens in particular or if that effect was seen in other species?).
So what happens if family members, mothers & newborns particularly, are in a sense also "vaccinated" with these attenuated forms of measles, mump, rubella, when toddlers or other family members are given the MMR? Most particularly for infants receiving TCVs around the same time?
Posted by: Jeannette Bishop | May 22, 2013 at 02:28 PM
Brilliant work as usual, Teresa! 5 years after a single dose of MMR, my 2001 kid had >5x reference range IgG titers for rubella (42!) and >2x range for mumps and measles. We were doing our vaxxes one at a time, on a spread out schedule of about once a month. In the months leading up to the MMR we'd had a couple of Hib, a DTaP and a couple of IPV. Not sure whether our doses would have had Hg in them or not, but definitely a lot of aluminum and Tylenol. Glutathione depletion/methylation/detox problems keeping toxins in the system longer, INF-gamma depletion/immune problems, viruses, vax excipient alteration of BBB permeability, etc. -- sure seems like a recipe for how to ruin a kid.
Posted by: Garbo | May 22, 2013 at 02:08 PM
Teresa, Thank you for all your efforts. Autism "remains a puzzle" because Pharma & the CDC just likes to shake the pieces in the box, dump them out on the table each year, and wonder why the picture will not come together...
What exactly is your background ? You seem to certainly know more about "real science" than dr. nancy
Posted by: cmo | May 22, 2013 at 01:52 PM
My 1996 son had higher than normal titers to measles, no titers to rubella or mumps. My ASD son, started to regress after his brother's MMR, he experienced rash and fever , he had been vaccinated on the same day, yet with other antigens, dtap,hib, prevnar. Yet, twenty days after they both had vaccines, it was "him" who looked to be having a measle vaccine reaction, droopy watery eyes, cough, rash, while his brother who had the mmr, was doubled over in stomach pain for four months, hence the reason I had him titered, so as to avoid another four month reaction. Are these titers so high as to make them contagious? Wakefield has described the horizontal transfer and I have "seen it". I try very hard to keep my kids away from newly vaccinated children, especially my little never vaccinated worries concern mmr varicella, rotovirus. and nasal flu vaccines.I probably should fear others..but I don't have the information (yet)
Posted by: barbara j | May 22, 2013 at 12:53 PM
Very interesting tie in - as usual brilliant work spotting it.
Posted by: John Stone | May 22, 2013 at 12:38 PM
Theresa .. like you .. my grandson .. eleven years ago .. following his "well visit vaccinations" .. slipped into that same array of behaviors called autism. Our little guy is now thirteen .. and .. though no longer physically little .. we continue to pray everyday we will finally get the "truth" about what happened to him.
I wish all public health officials had YOUR determination, dedication and perserverance in seeking the "cause" of your daugher's disappearence .. "into an array of behaviors soon to be called "autism." Were that the case .. the "truth" may have been found at least a decade ago.
Unfortunately, using history as my guide .. the continuing failure of the CDC/IOM/HHS/IACC etc .. to provide ANY reason for the autism epidemic is a clear indication they don't want the truth .. because .. as Jack Nicholson once stated: "They can't handle the truth".
Shame on the entire lot of them.
God bless you for all you do ..
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | May 22, 2013 at 06:59 AM