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Barbara Loe Fisher: Desperate Times for Vaccine Risk Denialism

Barb loeNote: This post is from the NVIC site, please add them to your favorites and check frequently for up to date vaccination facts, data and news.  Their vaccine exemption chart by state has helped countless families learn their personal healthcare rights for themselves, and their children.

By Barbara Loe Fisher

These are desperate times for those denying vaccine risks. We know it because we are witnessing so many acts of desperation being committed by doctors determined to shut down the public conversation about vaccination and health. Vaccine risk deniers are working overtime to restrict public access to information, cover up vaccine injuries and deaths and violate the human right to informed consent to medical risk-taking.
No Flu Shots? No Employment.
2013 was only a few days old when public health agencies and medical trade groups called for veteran nurses and other health care workers to be fired for refusing to obey orders to get annual flu shots – no exceptions and no questions asked. 1 It did not matter that the risky and notoriously ineffective influenza vaccine turned out to be almost useless in preventing infection with the most prevalent influenza strains circulating in the U.S. this year. 2
Proposed State Legislation to Force Vaccine Use
This was followed by the introduction of legislation backed by public health officials and Pharma-funded medical trade groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics in states like Texas, Oregon, Arizona and Vermont. 3 Their goal is to remove or restrict non-medical vaccine exemptions in state laws so doctors have more power to force vaccine use by children and adults - no questions asked and no exceptions....    Read the full article at NVIC.org.



"Tyranny comes in many forms."

Of one thing there should be ABSOLUTELY no question, our beloved country is being RULED by tyranny. We the people do not control our "government".

Only we can change it.

Just say NO and rearrange your life to ENFORCE the NO. Easy to say but hard to do? Perhaps but the alternative is, for but one example, EVERY SINGLE child being "vaccination" damaged; some with autism; some with an ASD; some with debilitating allergies; most with shortened lives. This "vaccine" madness is not going to stop on its own; more and more completely silly "vaccines" are going to be added to the "schedule"; a wonderful "autism vaccine" is in the works. And I kid you not soon a "vaccine"/drug for "anti-government" people like me.

Ruthless tyranny usually ends one way. The "government" imprisons and murders its citizens who have become SUBJECTS, because they are not OBEYING silly, injurious, capricious "laws" passed in the dead of the night without the consent of the people.


thank gawd we have federal guidelines for the safety of cantaloupe production.

However, mercury levels for infant vaccines in 43 states are still determined by each state legislature....

Farmer Geddon

state censorship to execute a state poisoning !


Bob Moffitt

"Proposed State Legislation to Force Vaccine Use

This was followed by the introduction of legislation backed by public health officials and Pharma-funded medical trade groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics in states like Texas, Oregon, Arizona and Vermont. 3 Their goal is to remove or restrict non-medical vaccine exemptions in state laws so doctors have more power to force vaccine use by children and adults - no questions asked and no exceptions"

When powerful vested interests .. both .. public agencies and private corporations .. in the court of public opinion .. cannot "persuade" parents to voluntarily submit their child to the recommended and approved vaccine schedule .. they will resort to "coercion" instead.

To succeed .. they will not be the first .. nor probably the last country .. to realize they have no choice but to unleash a vicious attack demanding that "informed consent" protections are dangerous to the public health .. and therefore .. must be denied the people.

Tyranny comes in many forms.

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