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Hear The Silence: A Film About Autism


The recent article about the TV movie, Hear the Silence, on Age of Autism was stunning.

It is the story of a mother's search for answers when her son regresses into autism, all the while facing overwhelming opposition from those she's forced to deal with. The mom, Christine Shields, comes to Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British gastroenterologist, for help for her son---a story familiar to us in the autism community.

I was captivated by the passion Shields displays. She is the autism warrior mom. She has to be. People I've talked with about the film have told me that her role brought them to tears. Her story is also their story. Internationally known British actor, Hugh Bonneville, (The Gathering Storm with Albert Finney and the current PBS series, Downton Abbey) is ideal in the role of Wakefield.

I discussed the film with Dr. Wakefield. Here's what he had to say.

Question: How did this incredible film come to be made? How involved were you in the production?

Wakefield: I was interviewed for it. I believe that it was inspired by the fact that the writer, Tim Prager, has a son with CP. One day he was called to his son's school because another student had been bullying his son. The boy in question had autism.  Tim met the mother weeping in a corridor, at a loss to understand why her son had started behaving badly. After talking with her, he was moved to write the story.

Following this, Prager interviewed Wakefield, talked to parents and put the story together.

In the film, it seems that Dr. Wakefield is the only one concerned about the lack of research on the MMR vaccine. In response to the claim that the science doesn't support single vaccines, he says, "The safety studies don't support the MMR."

Later, Wakefield says, "How is it that this triple vaccine gets licensed? Why didn't the trials spot the Urabe meningitis consequence? Why didn't their trials show any of the results we found?

“They didn't do it. They've got a single license for mumps, a single one for rubella, a single one for measles. So they go to the licensing agency and they say, each of these is licensed, we'll just put them together. Give us a license."

My question for Dr. Wakefield: Is this really what happened? Did they really license a vaccine that was never tested in combination? Are they really giving three lives viruses together, something that would never happen in nature?

Wakefield: It is fair to say that the safety studies of the combined MMR were inadequate, certainly compared with the studies of the single measles vaccine. Two of the three MMR vaccines licensed in the UK were known to be dangerous when they were introduced and had to be withdrawn 4 years later. They were not destroyed but sold on to developing countries where they caused the same side-effects meningitis.

Question: Where has this film been for the last 10 years? How could such a critical story be ignored?

Wakefield: It seems the TV company withdrew all copies, possibly under pressure from the government. I have no idea how it ended up being published again.

Question: Juliet Stevenson is incredible in her role. In the film, she plays Christine Shields, a fictional mother who tries to discover what made her son autistic.

In one report I found , Stevenson talked about what the role meant to her. "The actress had already admitted that, though her daughter had had the three-in-one inoculation, she was sufficiently anxious to have her son given the vaccines for mumps, measles and rubella at different times. 'In some strange way, it is quite liberating and therapeutic to act out my fears,' she had commented."

Stevenson found herself under attack for her part in the movie and she was accused of trying "to influence parents against MMR and dressing up science as entertainment."

She said, 'It was devastating to find we live in a country where you can't ask questions, particularly in the crucial area of the wellbeing of tiny children. I was in bad shape for a while after that. I just wanted to hide away. I do get quite smashed by what's written - and then I come back up.'

My question for Dr. Wakefield: Should the cast have been surprised at the reaction against the movie? Is vaccine safety so sacrosanct that it can't be discussed or portrayed in film?

Wakefield: Not at all. This is the expected reaction. There is no tolerance whatsoever for discussion on vaccine safety, particularly when a government is liable. The simple fact is that regulators have failed to gain the hearts and minds of parents because they've not been honest through their acts of omission and commission. The Urabe MMR episode in the UK is just one such example.

At one part in the movie Dr. Wakefield is told, "We're talking about a small group of children." He replies, "How many do there have to be before we get worried?"

Question: Is this really the attitude of health officials and mainstream medicine? Do they privately recognize that vaccines are injuring children and do they just accept it as the price we have to pay?

Wakefield: Many do that have spoken to me. Some will go to their graves believing that vaccines are completely safe.

At the end of the movie, in a very emotional crowd scene, Shields thanks Andrew Wakefield for his work and remarks that it's "hard to be a prophet in your own land."

Question: Will your work be vindicated and will the government recognize what's happened?

Wakefield: For the sake of children, I sincerely hope so. The autism-related bowel disease has been vindicated, most recently by the work of Arthur Krigsman, Steve Walker, and colleagues. The vaccine-autism association is on record in the US vaccine court.

In that last scene, Christine Shields says, "I used to think that I was alone, but there are more and more of us every week. And that's the biggest tragedy of all."

"I know that at night, lying in the dark, we all have the same thought that binds us together and stops us from giving up: When I'm gone, who will look after my child?"

"We can't stop now. We can never stop."

Question: What do the overwhelming numbers mean? How long can the denials continue?

Wakefield: The sheer numbers mean that damage is impacting society in so many ways, both directly and indirectly, that the people in general are beginning to face up to the truth. The message is getting through, but for so many it's too little, too late.

Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism.


Birgit Calhoun

Dr. Campbell! Your comment shows the ignorance so common in academic circles. Would you dare to say anything other than what you just said if you had actually researched the details? Are you brave enough, or are just another person who does not research what he reads. I have known about DR. Wakefield since ~2000. I have never understood where the hatred comes from against people who tell nothing but the truth. It's surprising that you would expose yourself as you just did.

Garry Lumpkin

Well I have proof that the vaccinations had something to do with my son getting autism. I documented everything from the day he was born. Examples: pictures, videos, and diary notes. So I'am a supporter of Dr. Wakefield


Dr. Campbell, you are totally wrong about Dr. Wakefield. For some other sides to this story see:

Dan Olmsted's series here on AoA:
An Elaborate Fraud Series: Brian Deer, BMJ, Murdoch, Dr. Andrew Wakefield 


"Articles of Interest" here:

Parents read from the book "Silenced Witnesses"

The Cry Shame web site also has a lot of info such as detailed accounts of the GMC hearings.

EBCALA statement about the court's decision clearing John Walker-Smith:

Full text of the decision: 


Mary Holland's article in Chapter 25 of the book Vaccine Epidemic, available online here:
and footnotes here:



Dr. Campbell you are totally wrong about Dr. Wakefield.

For some other sides to this story see:

Dan Olmsted's series here on AoA:
An Elaborate Fraud Series: Brian Deer, BMJ, Murdoch, Dr. Andrew Wakefield 


"Articles of Interest" here:

Parents read from the book "Silenced Witnesses"

The Cry Shame web site also has a lot of info such as detailed accounts of the GMC hearings.

EBCALA statement about the court's decision clearing John Walker-Smith:

Full text of the decision: 


Mary Holland's article in Chapter 25 of the book Vaccine Epidemic, available online here:
and footnotes here:

Dr. Wakefield speaks eloquently for himself in various videos, including this one:

A brief video showing how a life can be changed with proper treatment of GI issues. This English boy with autism and bowel disease could not get treatment in England due to the suppression of this medical science. English pediatricians had continually declared that there was nothing wrong with this boy. He was flown to New York where he was treated by Dr. Arthur Krigsman.


See Brian Deer here, and hear what parents have to say:

Brian Deer and The GMC, Selective Hearing

Parents express support for Dr. Wakefield:

Lancet 12 Parents Respond to Brian Deer BMJ GMC Allegations

No Parent Ever Complained to GMC: Public Statement from Lancet Families Supports The MMR3

See the movie The Greater Good here:

And see their list of research here:


Evidence of Harm by David Kirby

Callous Disregard by Andrew Wakefield

Vaccine Epidemic edited by Louie Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland

Changing the Course of Autism: A Scientific Approach for Parents and Physicians

Silenced Witnesses volumes 1 & 2 edited by Martin J. Walker


Dr. Campbell, you are totally wrong about Dr. Wakefield.

For another side of this story see:

Dan Olmsted's series here on AoA:
An Elaborate Fraud Series: Brian Deer, BMJ, Murdoch, Dr. Andrew Wakefield 


"Articles of Interest" here:

Parents read from the book "Silenced Witnesses"

The Cry Shame web site also has a lot of info such as detailed accounts of the GMC hearings.

EBCALA statement about the court's decision clearing John Walker-Smith, renouned pediatric gastroenterologist and co-author of the Lancet paper:

Full text of the decision: 


Mary Holland's article in Chapter 25 of the book Vaccine Epidemic, available online here:
and footnotes here:

Dr. Wakefield speaks eloquently for himself in various videos, including this one:

A brief video showing how a life can be changed with proper treatment of GI issues. This English boy with autism and bowel disease could not get treatment in England due to the suppression of this medical science. English pediatricians had continually declared that there was nothing wrong with this boy. He was flown to New York where he was treated by Dr. Arthur Krigsman.


See Brian Deer here, and hear what parents have to say:

Brian Deer and The GMC, Selective Hearing

Parents express support for Dr. Wakefield:

Lancet 12 Parents Respond to Brian Deer BMJ GMC Allegations

No Parent Ever Complained to GMC: Public Statement from Lancet Families Supports The MMR3

See the movie The Greater Good here:

And see their list of research here:


Evidence of Harm by David Kirby

Callous Disregard by Andrew Wakefield

Vaccine Epidemic edited by Louie Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland

Changing the Course of Autism: A Scientific Approach for Parents and Physicians

Silenced Witnesses volumes 1 & 2 edited by Martin J. Walker


Doctor Campbell?
PhD post hole digger Campbell?
Did you know that when you wrongly accuse someone for being on the wrong side of a controversy --kangeroo court; were lots of people have been affected it just makes the public not dumb and indifferent for a change -- but very informed with every darn detail.

John Stone

Dr Campbell

The published epidemiology is largely defective and much disputed - nor can it tell you what has happened in individual cases. The HRSA admitted to Sharyl Attkisson:

"We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures."


About the Madsen MMR paper (co-author Poul Thorsen now on the run from the Federal agencies) the Cochrane review 2005 warned:

"The follow up of diagnostic records ends one year (31 Dec 1999) after the last day of admission to the cohort. Because of the length of time from birth to diagnosis, it becomes increasingly unlikely that those born later in the cohort could have a diagnosis."

Review of the data could lead to other conclusions:



This is just one example.

Former NIH director Bernardine Healy also warned that epidemiology could mask subgroups.


John Stone

Dr Campbell

No, we know who we are defending and why we are defending him.


Dr. Campbell

You guys do know that the former surgeon Wakefield (he has been barred from practicing medicine in the UK) has been listed as one of the worlds greatest frauds by numerous scientific and medical agencies. The co-authors of the research article in question have withdrawn all support, and the paper has been retracted, meaning it no longer exists. Whoever believes in the conspiracy theory of big pharma needs to look at the facts because the only one who would have gained from Wakefield fraud was Wakefield and his patent. Now that Wakefield has shown numerous times to have committed fraud, in addition to losing his ability to practice medicine, he is committed more fraud on families who just want answers. You should be suing him not defending him! Go talk to your family doctor (or any doctor) and they will tell you what you need to hear - it won't be want you want to hear. Don't be selfish and fight for a man who is lying to you!! If you have a child with an ASD fight like hell to find out how to help in treatment, early intervention, and write to you politicians and say more funding needs to be on ASD research - I know I have!!

Please do no take Wakefield serious as he is not taking your children serious. His career is dead as it should be, and is now praying on people will to do anything to help their ASD child(ren).


I have forwarded this movie to family members and friends to watch, to show the real side of Autism.

I like the actor Hugh Bonneville and I am pretty sure that Christine Shields (also excellent) appeared in the UK series-The Street.

Is this movie or the actors nominated for any awards?

Elizabeth Gillespie

Carolyn KylesMom

Andrew Wakefield is a hero who will surely be given the Nobel Prize for Medicine some day. I have been lucky enough to meet him briefly several times. He is humble, kind, and brushed off my thanks with questions about how my son is doing. He has literally given his life, his country, and precious time with his amazing family to help all of us heal our children. When I think of his sacrifice it helps to balance the anger I feel toward those who don't even have the courage to answer our questions. All we can hope is that like RFK"s ripples of hope, finally this movie, the Greater Good, all of the books, the AgeofAutism, all of us speaking out whenever we can, will eventually form that tidal wave and decimate the denial so that all will see that what is happening to our children is NOT for the greater good, is NOT worth the price, and is NOT NECESSARY to a healthy populace.

Mary Cavanaugh

The medical establishment will soon lose all credibility. They are controlled by big pharma. They want people to stay sick so they can make a living. The emotional pain of the autism families was very well portrayed. It is unspeakable that this is allowed to go on and everyday more children suffer encephalopathy.

Angus Files

Great film but so sad one that makes you shout YES !THATS WHAT WE LIVE WITH...

many thanks to all involved



Amazing how everyone of the moms have the same story in not only diff cities, states but countries. Yet docs are too self righteous to put 2 and thousands together....live you Andrew! Thank you CP dad.


I found Hear the Silence to be an excellent film. And I would echo Jenny's opinion about the cast; the acting is superb.

Maurine Meleck

It's an amazing film. I wish everyone who blasts Dr. Wakefield could see it.(but then the naysayers would no doubt still rant. Good interview, Anne. Thanks,
This week 2 special ed leaders in our county came to my house to discuss Joshua's recent behavior. They got an earful of the unexpected from me. I am amazed that after all these years school teachers and all educators in special ed have little or no understanding of what autism really is.
Maurine(grandmother to 1 in 31)

John Stone

Thanks once again to Vaccine Explorer for all his work. I think the tragedy is encapsulated Juliet Stevenson's comment about her treatment:

'It was devastating to find we live in a country where you can't ask questions, particularly in the crucial area of the wellbeing of tiny children.'

Today the silence is ever more deafening. The only reason you can't ask the questions is because the answers would damn the vaccine programme and the state ideology behind it.


Of course, it got worse with the political show trial of Andy and his colleagues John Walker-Smith and Simon Murch and it even got constitutionally worse in the UK with the surreptitious legislation (in force since 1 April 2009) putting the English Secretary of State for Health under an obligation to accept the advice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation:


This, if it could be tested is probably illegal, but it means the government is answerable to an undemocratic committee and not vica versa. The reasons for this are unclear but perhaps it is a further wall of protection from them ever having to answer the questions.


Jenny Allan

Some terrific acting from Juliet Stevenson as Christine Shields, and Hugh Bonneville as Andrew Wakefield. The child actor is wonderful as Christine's autistic son.


How the film surfaced again
Apparently, "Hear the Silence" was aired on Israeli educational TV channel (that's why you see the sub-titles in Hebrew).
Some anonymous viewer from Israel taped it and published it on YouTube.
One of my FB readers notified me about this film. After I watched it I notified John Stone who published the story here.

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