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Dachel Media Update: Autism Awareness Assault

Online newsBy Anne Dachel

Mar 27, 2013, Independent Collegian: Toledo [OH] sorority to don blue for autism awareness

Mar 26, 2013, State with one of highest rates of autism turns out to be in normal range

Mar 26, 2013, KMVT-TV Twin Falls ID: Learning How To Cope With Autism

Mar 26, 2013, Staten Island Advance: 'Light it Up Blue' for autism awareness on Staten Island and around the world

Mar 26, 2013, Gaithersburg, MD Patch: Gaithersburg To Mark Autism Awareness Month

Mar 26, 2013, Chattanooga To Celebrate World Autism Awareness Day On April 2

Independent Collegian 

"'The main thing that we want to do is raise awareness,' said Taylor Nelson, Alpha Xi's vice president for public relations and a junior psychology major. 'There's only so much money you can raise, but getting people aware is what we want to do.'.

"Nelson said that every member of the sorority knows at least one person who has autism.

"'It's so prevalent, that everyone, whether or not they really know it, they have a connection with it,' she said."

 "The main thing that we want to do is raise awareness"

AWARENESS OF WHAT?...that autism is destroying multiple generations of children right before our eyes and we're doing nothing to stop it?  ....that if you're the next mother of a child with autism that's your tough luck?...that health officials don't give a damn about autism?  I posted three comments. 

"'The good news is that the increase in autism isn't special to New Jersey,' said Walter Zahorodny, an autism researcher at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. 'The bad news is that it's a significant increase and it's registering everywhere.'

"'The feeling all along wasn't that New Jersey has more cases of autism - New Jersey was just more rigorous in ascertaining the incidence,' said Dr. Joseph Holahan, medical director of the child development center at St. Joseph's Children's Hospital in Paterson. 'It's still one of the most common serious developmental disorders we see.'

"The varying counts can be attributed to many factors - whether information is obtained from a telephone survey or a more rigorous accounting that relies on education and medical records. Some surveys counted children as old as teenagers with milder symptoms that may have been missed in their younger years. Other federal research only counts the number of 8-year-olds diagnosed - the age by which most children are seeking specialized care.

"'We still think one in 50 is an underestimate,' said Michael Rosanoff, associate director for public health research and scientific review for the advocacy group Autism Speaks."

I don't know how much worse things can get. Experts agree, the numbers are stunning, yet still we hear no demand for answers. And the most ludicrous of all is the promise that things are probably MUCH WORSE!

I wonder if Zahorodny worries that someday, when autism completely bankrupts us, he'll have to answer for years of inaction in the face of a disaster. It's hard to move on from this kind of coverage................but it only gets worse.


"Clayton Conner is four and a half years old. He and his parents are still learning how to effectively deal with his autism. Clayton's mom points out that children who can't communicate scream, but everyone with autism copes with it differently....
"Conner says, 'So they understand what we're going through. So the next time you hear a child screaming, please be understanding and know that they might have autism.'"

Will we just get used to autistic behavior? Will meltdowns, hand flapping, and spinning be acceptable behavior with the caveat, "It's just how autistic people act"? We are the United States of Autism---we'd better be because it's here to stay! I didn't post a comment because everyone here is so accepting.

Staten Island Advance 

"As part of its fifth annual Autism Awareness Campaign, the North Shore Rotary is partnering with Autism Speaks to 'Light Up' Staten Island blue through the month of April.

"To commemorate World Autism Awareness Day on April 2 and Autism Awareness Month, Autism Speaks asks buildings and landmarks around the world to turn their lights blue on April 2.

"The North Shore Rotary is kicking off this year's campaign by asking Staten Islanders to show their commitment to autism awareness by joining in the show of light."

To what end? When will we move beyond AWARENESS and actually do something?!?

Gaithersburg, MD Patch 

"Blue lights will shine on City Hall in April to recognize Autism Awareness Month in Gaithersburg, the city announced.

"A proclamation will be presented to Melissa Porter, a local ambassador for the Autism Speaks "Light It Up Blue" awareness campaign during the April 2, 2013, Gaithersburg mayor and City Council meeting.

"In December, 2007, the United Nations declared April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day. In the United States, the month of April is dedicated to spreading awareness, recognizing that early diagnosis is key to providing the necessary resources and supports to children and families...."

I'm trying to prepare myself for the start of April next week when the nation pretends to care about autism. I'm sure lots of well-intentioned people will 'Light It Up Blue.' I'm sure there'll be lots of money raising events. I'm sure civic leaders will promote awareness, but in the end, it's more complacency, more acceptance of the devastating damage inflicted on a generation of children that has yet to be viewed with alarm or even real concern.

When will we see people demanding answers and challenging the science fiction that this is all better diagnosing and a broader definition? I wish I knew. 

"Whether the autism prevalence rate is one in 88 U.S. children or one in 50 as a Center for Disease Control and Prevention study indicates, the most important issues on the minds of five Chattanooga organizations are raising awareness of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and how best to support individuals living with ASD and their families in the region.

"In recognition of World Autism Awareness Day, Chattanooga Mayor Ron Littlefield, Chattanooga Mayor-elect Andy Berke, as well as staff, faculty, children, adults and families from Autism & Behavior Services, Chattanooga Autism Center, Orange Grove Center, Signal Centers and Siskin Children's Institute will gather for a community-wide commemoration at Miller Plaza's Waterhouse Pavilion at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 2. Members of the autism community and the general public are invited...."

"Celebrate" autism awareness? I wish people understood that there's nothing to celebrate about a disorder that this destroying our children. There was no place for comments.



Excellent work Anne,

Your tireless effort in highlighting the tragedy of autism is much appreciated. I will visit some of the articles and leave comments.


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