CBS Radio Covers Newtown Shooter: Kim Stagliano Questions Autism Diagnosis
American Academy of Pediatricians Wants to Keep Mercury In Global Vaccines

Fox News On Autism and Adam Lanza: Rebecca Estepp and John Gilmore Speak Out

Managing Editor's Note: Thank you to EBCALA's Rebecca Estepp and Autism Action Network's John Gilmore for appearing on Fox News yesterday to discuss the Newtown shooting and Asperger's.  I would suggest to Fox News that they change their caption - parents are experts.



Our children had suffered enough,our families had suffered enough.Please do not make criminals out of autistic kids.
There are lot of people out there like nurses and police men
who does not understand autism and they stigmatize and mistreat our children.Our kids are hurting so much already,please,please
do not hurt them anymore with your thoughtless comments- Fox News need to go after the SSRI-drug makers.


Aspie Mom I appreiciate the link to the spill in Tenn. but I already know all about it. I knew when it happened -- and I knew we were paying for it in Jan of the next year.

Everyone in the whole state pay an extra 100 dollars -- even if they had not more than a barn hook up for one light bulb.

That spill was acknowledged and paid for - by me.

I have yet to even hear the acknowlgement that the vaccine damaged my children, and if they could do it again - they would in a heart beat.


Aspie Mom;
Paper mills is a whole big subject of their own!!! I am so sorry --
I believe you!

I hope are having a very Merry Christmas


I think what is important to note is that the CT incident was not "planned" as original thought. At first authorities thought that two brothers were involved, due to the confusion of Adam having his brother's ID on his person, thus leading to the myth of a "plan". The authorities have now come to the conclusion with the following motive: Adam found out his mother was going to commit him to a psychiatric facility. This was a spontaneous rage by Adam against his mother that unfortunately escalated outside the home due to his access to legal guns, no "plan" . While the psychotropic drugs and SSRI's may have side effects that contributed to Adam's rage, there can be no denying that autistic disorder contributed to it as well. As a Mom caretaker of an adult autistic, I am no longer in denial and no longer afraid of where the truth of Adam may lead us. I have come to realize over the years that knowledge is power, and can only help our adult autistics to get much needed support systems like when they were children, and help caretakers to get respite


Benedetta I was pregnant downwind of a coal-fired paper mill, my son was born with Asperger's Disorder (autistic spectrum disorder). Coal fired paper mills emit mercury pollution Scientific studies have shown the connection to mercury pollutants and autism: Coal ash is waste that contains various neurotoxins and carcinogens And the holding ponds are capable of disasterous toxic spills It would be easier if coal fired plants did not exist. We put man on the moon, created a lot of industries and jobs from it. We can build infrastructures here on American soil for clean renewable sustainable energies, and create millions of jobs for building, maintenance, and operations of clean energy facilities.


Bill O'Reilly;
Does not even know how to pronouce aspergers.

as seen here;

I use to watch O'Reilly all the time. Then Jet Trovolta son's died - everybody wrote in and the next night - I could see on his face that he knew, vaccines are linked to autism, but did not go after the story.


aspie mom;
While you are thinking on that one-
think on this too.
Coal fire plants have put millions of dollars into their smoke stacks called scrubbers to clean everything except carbon dioxide.
They put the cinders in holding ponds to keep it from blowing away untill they make cement or bury it back into the ground from which it came.

There are some companies chomping on the bit wanting the government make coal fire plants pay them for not producing carbon dioxide - carbon trading.

Who will really be paying these companies for not producing anything???
We will; in higher electricity bills.

Carbon dioxide is what you and I breath out - Global warming - The EPA heads fudged the temperatures -- cheated, lied, end of story on the whole theory as far as I am concern, and they got caught.


Rich, Thanks for your comments on Bill O'Reilly Factor on FOX and his support of autism charities and our community, this proves once again it is important to have all views presented in the media at all times to act as watchdog to protect life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
I am ashamed to say that I have found in my own personal observations as a Democrat through the years that Republicans & Green Party are much more receptive to the science of autism-mercury connection than Democrats are. Even the environmental left is under attack by traditional Democrats for being against contaminants in vaccines. I have come up with a theory that Democrats are the last bastion of citizens to think of vaccinations as a sacred cow that transcends critical thinking about the actual contents and various contaminants that make-up vaccines, including Thimerosal preservative. It is uncanny, but Democrat positions still stand by this neurotoxic preservative that adds shelf life to vaccines to "save more lives" . I can only guess at a theory, that Democrats are more apt to believe government is looking out for us and would "never" harm our children, but incongruously overlook the Big Pharma lobbies, and yet at the same time rally against Big Coal lobbies that spew out tons of mercury pollutants and other toxins per year. I am censored on HuffingtonPost all the time when I present autism-mercury connections , even from scientific journals. It just goes to show that autism parents are only going to go where the facts and our empirical observations lead us about our children... to the truth, no matter what.


Perhaps this will finally push the government to dump ALL the lobbies and PACs once and for all when it comes to legislation and rulings, not just NRA but vaccine and coal lobbies and their conflicts of interests too, and pay attention to science and parents' empirical observations instead. One thing for sure, this has derailed the censorship against autism-mercury connection that blocked and banned this conversation for too long until it was too late


Four years after my son's diagnosis, a huge battle, independent evaluation, documenting every letter, and finally a lawsuit, before my son received education help. We were lucky to find a private school that had an extremely creative educational system which was open to any student. Yes, I had to educate myself to understand the Law which finally ended with Due Process. The school district used a high-powered law firm (using the deep pockets of our tax dollars to fight against educating our son). Not a new story to parents with a child with a disability. The school districts could help the autism community of kids with the right programs, but they hide behind funding. The blind child is not left alone in the street.

Media Scholar

Can't help, but think about the scam artists relating to our own children.

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) -- The family of Noah Pozner was mourning the 6-year-old, killed in the Newtown school massacre, when outrage compounded their sorrow.

Someone they didn't know was soliciting donations in Noah's memory, claiming that they'd send any cards, packages and money collected to his parents and siblings. An official-looking website had been set up, with Noah's name as the address, even including petitions on gun control.

Noah's uncle, Alexis Haller, called on law enforcement authorities to seek out "these despicable people."

"These scammers," he said, "are stealing from the families of victims of this horrible tragedy."

It's a problem as familiar as it is disturbing. Tragedy strikes — be it a natural disaster, a gunman's rampage or a terrorist attack — and scam artists move in.


"Mothers shouldn’t have to homeschool their disabled children because our schools can’t provide an adequate education."

Anne Dachel, Media

Yes, but they do, Anne. We live in an affluent area and we had to fight like hell to get this district to do what our son's assessor/advocate from Children's Oakland Hospital asked it to do. She found our son to be one of the most profoundly DYSGRAPHIC children she had ever diagnosed. The methodology she outlined to this district which she felt our son needed, was pretty straightforward and simple.

But our district would not budge; they wouldn't budge because they were being guided by a law firm which assured our school district that if they provided for, and met our son's needs re: his dysgraphia, they then would have to do the same for all the other students who had been diagnosed with dysgraphia as well. They were told by their law firm that they would never be able to provide for all these students, due to funding issues.

By LAW, these districts are required to test ANY student if there is even a suspicion that they have a disability, including that of dysgraphia. But this district didn't do that - until we forced the issue. Eventually, our son was provided for appropriately, but I wouldn't wish on any parent what we had to go through, to get him to that point.

And our son's barely on the spectrum! I cannot even imagine what these other parents go through. Schools claim they don't have enough funding to support ANY of these kids, so they lump them ALL into the same sort of programs, whether or not those same programs help ALL the kids. Additionally, our school district retaliated against us for advocating for our son. Thank God my husband's an attorney; I don't know what we would have done w/o the legal knowledge we both had when we advocated for our son.

Charlotte Iserbyt has written a book about our country's broken down education system. There are so many things wrong with this's hard to know where to begin, let alone what they've done to these special needs kids.

Anne McElroy Dachel

The CT tragedy has put autism on the national media stage.

Thank you, John and Becky, for speaking out about what’s happening to our children. Becky talked about the desperate need for services.

John pointed out how schools many times don’t provide for these kids and he talked about the cliff that kids fall off once they leave school.

“The day the bus stops showing up.”

Becky: “The message we need to take away from this, I feel horrible about the situation. The reason my son got the services he needed was because I was tenacious. My husband and I hired an attorney to make sure he got the services he needed. I know that most of the parents out there can’t do that, but they can look into free advocates and just do not stop. Get every single thing you can for your children to make sure things like this never happen in the future.”

We’re being told about the frightening reality that there are a lot of sick kids out there---neurologically disabled children. We aren’t doing nearly enough to help them. Something is terribly wrong. Why does a country that appears to be the most advanced medically and educationally neglect its disabled children so profoundly? Parents shouldn’t have to hire attorneys to get the services they need. Mothers shouldn’t have to homeschool their disabled children because our schools can’t provide an adequate education.

Anne Dachel, Media

Media Scholar

Almost every one of these school shootings and work place shootings is done by someone who has a prescription to one of the SSRI family of drugs; yet almost no one seems to want to blame these drugs; even though these shootings almost never happened until these drugs were approved for sale. We've had easy access to guns for 100s of years, we've had violent movies and tv shows for 80 years, we've had tough economies before, we had all the things we have today.

What changed is that in 1987 Prozac was approved and shortly thereafter all the other anti-depressant drugs were also approved.
If the mother of the shooter was concerned about some form of pill-popping drug abuse she became aware of then one might begin to see a less than Norman Rockwell-idea environment in the surrounding community. An examination of this girlfriend of the shooter's may shed light.

Around the late 1980s to early 1990s, handfuls of kids across the country began to explore new types of illegal drugs, those antidepressant drugs prescribed for other people. Had a prescription drug-abusing hang out near here called Einstein A Go-Go, an under 18 club with awful music made by bands that were forever slapping bumper stickers with their logos on it on traffic signs. No pot. No sixties kind of drugs at all.

Had the cops baffled.

They were pretty obvious. They wore the black trench coats, had pale faces, and black fingernails. Each saying they looked the way they did in order to express their individuality. Yet we snickered because it was funny how they all looked exactly a-like.

They even dubbed themselves the "trench coat mafia" for the black trail dusters they wore. Double income parents. Video arcades until supper time. They embraced things that others recognize as evil. Black tee shirts with blood silk-screened on them.

They wore black all the time on purpose because it intimidated the other decent kids.

Something like this:

They always seemed to be out in public walking somewhere. They walked kind of funny with their long coat swaying and taking goofy strides due to the over-sized black combat boots they wore.

They weren't fooling anybody though.

As the classes all sorted out the other kids noticed that these "trench coat" kids were all assigned to gifted classes, well above the average students. Not special classes. Gifted classes. Their minds were so well prepared for secular school work. Maybe their parents were more inclined to take an active role regardless of the fact that they were never around. You never saw them dressed like that with a mom or dad.

These kids were remarkable because they always seemed to have something extra upstairs. It was not so obvious that the parents were feeding them the latest drugs to give them the mental advantages. Druggies themselves we guessed.

I think the real train wreck for them was when the SSRIs came along. That's when the violence came along.


"As a pediatric registered nurse, I believe history will, and should judge us harshly for the way we recklessly treat mental illness in our children and teens. Prescribing anti-psychotic drugs for depression without first addressing the emotional and nutritional components (which can be quite effective in reducing symptoms), as well as closely monitoring their reactions to these relatively new and untested medications), is an appalling, profit driven, abuse of our responsibility to care for them."

Very well stated; couldn't agree with you more.


I have a question.
Bipolar I have read - for some reason occurs in people with high IQs.

Same for Schizoprhenia too.

So someone that has sure enough aspergers could they also be bipolar or schizophrenic too????

I know about the tendency to follow the rules - that is my son.
He has PDD-NOS but along with that is tourettes.

Maureen McDonnell, RN

As our society collectively examines the causes of the recent massacre of children in CT, as well as other mass shootings, in addition to discussing tighter gun control laws and our inadequate mental health services, we must also consider the role anti-psychotic drugs (which many of the shooters in these incidents were on) might play. These relatively new pharmaceuticals given to children and teens often induce hallucinations, anger, rage and violence. Be informed on all fronts, please watch these 2 short videos ( #2 and # 3 on the home page of this website: so that we do not ignore any potentially relevant piece of information.

After watching these videos, I submitted the following quote:

As a pediatric registered nurse, I believe history will, and should judge us harshly for the way we recklessly treat mental illness in our children and teens. Prescribing anti-psychotic drugs for depression without first addressing the emotional and nutritional components (which can be quite effective in reducing symptoms), as well as closely monitoring their reactions to these relatively new and untested medications), is an appalling, profit driven, abuse of our responsibility to care for them.


Could this be the smoking gun?


..."Flashman said Nancy Lanza was also good friends with the school’s principal and psychologist—both of whom were killed in the shooting rampage.

"Adam Lanza believed she cared more for the children than she did for him, and the reason he probably thought this [was the fact that] she was petitioning for conservatorship and wanted to have him committed," Flashman said. "I could understand how he might perceive that—that his mom loved him less than she loved the kids, loved the school. But she did love him. But he was a troubled kid and she probably just couldn’t take care of him by herself anymore."

The Washington Post reported that the distraught mother had considered moving with her son to Washington state, where she had found a school she thought could help him. Either way, according to Flashman, Nancy Lanza was at her wit's end.

A separate neighborhood source also told that Nancy Lanza had come to the realization she could no longer handle her son alone. She was caring for him full-time, but told friends she needed help. She was planning to have him involuntarily hospitalized, according to the source, who did not know if she had taken formal steps.

Multiple sources told Adam Lanza suffered from Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism, and unspecified mental and emotional problems.

Adam Lanza has also been described by those who knew him as highly intelligent, and a spokesman for Western Connecticut State University told The Associated Press he took college classes there when he was 16, earning a 3.26 grade point average and excelling at a computer course."

Read more:


Dr. Mellilo who cofounded the Brain Balance Centers stated in this interview that autism is NOT a "mental disorder" but a "Neurological" problem which can be treated. (In other words autism is a PHYSICAL disorder, not a psychological disorder) THANK YOU DOCTOR MELLILO FOR STATING THIS.

This doctor also stated that this tragedy "could have been prevented". Here is the root of this tragedy, in that although Adam Lanza's mother lived in a 1.6 million dollar home, and reportedly received $300,000 a year in alimony, she apparently had no clue that her son could have been treated by a Defeat Autism Now doctor, as he was given psychiatric drugs instead. The worst tragedy is that most autistic people do not gain the benefits of the therapies that actually work to improve their condition.

no vac

Lanza apparently was taking an antipsychotic Fanapt, suggesting that he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It is likely that his mother preferred to call it Asperger, because it has a lesser stigma. When a person is at withdrawal state from antipsychotics, he can become really crazy and violent.


RE:Post by Raymond Gallup Re Bill O'Reilly:

So Bill O'Reilly blames 1.) Anger, 2.) Alienation and 3.) the Internet for this young man's violent behavior. Thank you Mr. O'Reilly for NOT blaming the Autism, but when are you going to address the DRUGS?

Here is a copy of a letter sent to Bill O'Reilly by a friend:

"Almost every one of these school shootings and work place shootings is done by someone who has a prescription to one of the SSRI family of drugs; yet almost no one seems to want to blame these drugs; even though these shootings almost never happened until these drugs were approved for sale. We've had easy access to guns for 100s of years, we've had violent movies and tv shows for 80 years, we've had tough economies before, we had all the things we have today.

What changed is that in 1987 Prozac was approved and shortly thereafter all the other anti-depressant drugs were also approved. ALL of these drugs have horrible and dangerous side effects for some who take them. Since they've been marketed there's been a steady increase of these horrific crimes with more and more each year. 1 in 9 Americans over the age of 12 have a prescription to an anti-depressant and some of these people are walking time bombs because the drug is making them very ill. Some of the side effects of Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor and others include suicidal thoughts, mania, hallucinations, hostility, aggression, psychotic depression, insomnia, and very unusual dreams. Listed as a rare side effect for the anti depressant Effexor is homicidal ideation. All of these drugs list hostility/aggressiveness as side effects, so clearly these drugs put others at risk. These shootings will continue as long as these SSRI drugs are prescribed."

Brandt Hardin

The talking heads guarding the inhabitants of Bullsh*t Mountain from rejoining the world of the sane just won't budge an inch will they? Fox News is a propaganda machine which dumbs down America by the day through disinformation and their slanted agendas. See their anchors spewing forth feces from their mouths in my visual homage to the network on my artist’s blog at

Birgit Calhoun

The man said the drug was Fanapt if I heard correctly.

Bob Moffitt

@ Ann

I don't think John Gilmore's comment referred to the medication that Adam Lanza was on .. I think he was responding to the article "I am Adam Lanza's Mother" that was referred to by the interviewer.

That article was written by a mother .. who was NOT Adam's mother but who has a son she believes may become as violent as Adam if not helped .. the article can be found at:

Here is the quote regarding the medication that this woman's son .. not Adam .. was on:

"The mental hospital didn’t have any beds that day, and Michael calmed down nicely in the ER, so they sent us home with a prescription for Zyprexa and a follow-up visit with a local pediatric psychiatrist."

From what I understand .. Zyprexa is an anti-psychotic drug

In any event, here is an 11 minute video .. identifying the potential causal relationship between suicides and violence committed while on psychotrophic drugs. If the information in this video is even close to the truth .. it is positively frightening .. and .. MUST be investigated to ascertain if what it alleges is true or not.

Raymond Gallup

Correction, the full context about autism:

Bill O'Reilly: What do we do about violent evil?

So when I first heard that 20-year-old Adam Lanza had murdered 27 people, including 20 little children, I pretty much knew a few things about Lanza. Number one, that he was deeply angry. Number two, that he was alienated from most other human beings. Number three, that most likely he was deeply involved with the Internet.
• All of those things have now been established. Adam Lanza simply could not live his life in a normal way. There has been speculation that he had Asperger's Syndrome, but that has not been established and it is deeply unfair to Americans who do have that personality disorder, or autism, to diagnose Lanza without conclusive proof. I give money to autism charities.
Very few people who have that condition are violent. Those folks have enough to deal with. They don't need to be stigmatized.

Raymond Gallup

Interview Archive

Bill O'Reilly: What do we do about violent evil?

So when I first heard that 20-year-old Adam Lanza had murdered 27 people, including 20 little children, I pretty much knew a few things about Lanza. Number one, that he was deeply angry. Number two, that he was alienated from most other human beings. Number three, that most likely he was deeply involved with the Internet.

All of those things have now been established. Adam Lanza simply could not live his life in a normal way. There has been speculation that he had Asperger's Syndrome, but that has not been established and it is deeply unfair to Americans who do have that personality disorder, or autism, to diagnose Lanza without conclusive proof. I give money to autism charities.

Raymond Gallup


I saw that Bill O'Reilly show last night and you are right he basically said not to demonize/stigmatize people with autism.


first do no harm

"With the latest shooting in the US in the town of Newton which is incidentally the residence of “The Hunger Games” author Suzanne Collins in which 20 children die and captured the imagination with box office success. "

This is unbelievable. I wonder if there's a connection - if the shooter was inspired somehow by the movie. After all, the movie Batman inspired a massacre.

Regarding the Fox interviews, I thought it was excellent. Especially John Gilmore who brought up the meds Lanza was on. That's the most important issue here - even more important than whatever his diagnosis may be.

I know we'll hide Rudolph's nose

I've written before about the "uncounted" cases of autism and asperger's. Those kids who can almost pass for quirky and whose parents are working hard to keep them from being labeled on the spectrum. These parents and yes I speak from familial experience end up taking their high functioning, yet still affected kids to psychiatrists, and the only thing psychiatrists do is prescribe psychotropic meds. So sad as it may be, high functioning kids with autism probably do have a high percentage of them on high powered drugs that have the ability to cause hallucentations, dream like states and violence. Another commenter to AoA suggested an excellent documentary to learn about psychotropic drugs and the industry surrounding them and I have to agree, this is important information to be shared. Link is below. For the record, my high functioning, medicated middle school relative has begun to talk repeatedly, dreamily, in a disconnected from reality way about airplanes coming in and bombing people and there being mass casualties. His newfound fixation on mass casualties is disturbing. Is this kid violent? No way. Could his meds be making him hallucinate? Absolutely. Says so right in the drug makers package inserts. Educate yourselves and lobby for a better standard of care for mental health for aspergers and high functioning kids!

Sam Jablowski

With the latest shooting in the US in the town of Newton which is incidentally the residence of “The Hunger Games” author Suzanne Collins in which 20 children die and captured the imagination with box office success. What really caught the imagination was how children were portrayed as killing each other albeit in a post apocalyptic world. Strangely this has set the scene for what we are now lead to believe has unfolded in the US. Twenty children dead plus teachers and principle.

A child on the Autism spectrum has been demonized and blamed for this massacre of little defenceless children and brave teachers in addition to killing his own mother the only person in the world that offered protection and care that only a mother can despite the mental health issues of her son. And despite the impulsive attacks and tantrums this mother endured she so cared and wanted to protect her child in the fast becoming desolate economic wasteland of the US. So yes she was armed to the teeth. And can you blame her living in the same town as the author of the “Hunger Games” whom garnered so much publicity for the town and much wealth for herself for creating a brutalised world; one which the public craved.

The media is now coercing the public to accept that an underweight, withdrawn, shy, twenty year old with impulsive aggressive tendencies and presumably on mind numbing medication perpetuated this atrocity and it would be better for all of us if we hand in our weapons. The kid on the Autism spectrum did this didn't he.......didn't he?

Nope, not in my opinion. I am not just being obstinate because of twisted logic, or of cruel fate of parenting a medically damaged child. For fear of loosing you on this one I am going to offer you a firm grip on reality, one in which you can acknowledge or let go. Here are some key points that may push you to the same conclusion I have arrived at, Adam Lanza does not fit the crime.

Children on the Autism Spectrum are more inclined to display harm to themselves and others in an impulsive manner. One which does not show signs of meticulous planning.

The killings were very efficient with multiple bullit wounds leaving no eye witnesses. Surely the killer would leave at least one eye witness who could recount to the world of the horror.

There are no witnesses that are able to testify that Adam Lanza shot anyone.

A second suspect was arrested on the scene in woods in combat gear, handcuffed and taken away in a police car exclaiming he did not do it. He had no weapons. They were all found on the scene along with Adam Lanza except the rifle. Onlime information of this fact has and is being systematically deleted.

It is claimed that Adam Lanza had four guns yet the only rifle was found in his mother's car.
The chief medical officer said that all killings were carried out with the rifle. This is an extraordinary amount of gear to be carried by a very thin 20 year old.

Nancy Lanza did not teach at the school of the shootings.

On the 11th of December in Portland, Oregon a shooter was halted in his tracks after killing two people by a civilian with a concealed weapon permit who pulled out his gun and confronted him. He shot himself apparently. There is no mention of this in the media.

There are more inconsistencies with the Denver, batman movie killer


Nice interview.

What is the antipsychotic Lanza was reportedly on that John Gilmore mentioned?

To me that is the key. An attentive mom who was trying to bond with her son at the shooting range sounds bizarre- but could Adam's mind been swiftly overtaken by this drug (or drugs -saw earlier reports that he was on Ritalin as a young child)?

Where is his psychiatrist or family doctor?

My own son has had episodes of violent behavior. He is just about 17 years old. He isn't verbal except for a few words and not very high functioning. However, his nature is sweet and anytime agression becomes an issue it stems from a medical issue. He is not on medications to control his behavior. Although, we use an emergency med when these episodes occur. So, in his case behavioral intervention that Beciy Estepp spoke of wouldn't have helped much. Although, he did have many years of ABA and many years of speech therapy and various communication devices and sign language training and he still can't say or let us know exactly what is going on with him and he doesn't feel well. So he acts out. He breaks stuff. He gets upset easily and wants to hurt someone else by pinching or biting.

I hope someone gets an opportunity to speak to the media about the poisoning of our children via vaccines. The immune system damage that occurs that makes these kids miserable. No wonder they act out. And there is pharma again with the pills....first the vaccines, then the pills. No thank you. I don't trust your pills, I saw what's our vaccines did.

Will pharma and psychiatry be protected once again? If the medication comes up it is usually to say the person went off their meds and that was the problem. Never that being on the meds in the first place caused the person to go on a murderous rampage.


I watched the Oreilly Factor Talking Points last night and was surprised at how Bill stood up for the autism community and mentioned that he supports 2 autism charities. He pleaded to the audience not to demonize autistic people as a result of this tragedy because we have enough problems already.
It was refreshing to see,so many folks now know someone with autism simply because there is an ever increasing army of new autistic kids that are hard to ignore.
As our numbers increase,[we know that nothing will be done in the short term to stop dirty vaccines] there will be even more people that will know someone with autism and hopefully be sympathetic to our plight.

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