Dachel Media Update: 10/11
Today's headline(s) with my commentary.
An important study links autism (and more) to the environment. It’s on major news sites. Meanwhile the effects of autism are impacting everywhere.
San Francisco Chronicle: “Pesticides blamed by report for illnesses”
KGET TV Bakersfield (CA): "Study links pesticides to childhood illnesses [autism]"
Fresno Bee: Environmental groups call for tougher pesticide regulations
Investor's Business Daily: “Simple autism test in works”
KOAA (CO) "Dealing with Autism: treatment options and shocking new numbers for military families"
It’s a major step forward to see pesticides linked to autism. Let’s get the conversation beyond better diagnosing. Let’s look at ALL the toxic exposures
Oct 9, 2012, Pesticides blamed by report for illnesses This story from the San Francisco Chronicle had the chilling sentence, “The authors’ conclusions were based on dozens of recent scientific studies…” Dozens of studies? That’s pretty convincing. What if autism is a manmade epidemic? What if the environmental cause is more than just older dads?
Oct 9, 2012, "Study links pesticides to childhood illnesses (autism)"
“Can childhood illnesses be linked to pesticides? That's what a national study released Tuesday claims, and local advocates say it's happening in Kern County.
“Autism, cancer, and asthma are just some of the illnesses the study claims are on the rise nationwide because of pesticides.”
Oct 9, 2012, Simple autism test in works
Experts may not have any answers about autism but industry is looking into the marketing possibilities. This story is just out from Investor’s Business Daily. It’s about SynapDx, a company dedicated to developing a blood test for autism. What better proof could there be that autism is genetic? Imagine routine tests given to babies to spot autism early—and that’s the most important thing—early diagnosing, right?
“Lab services startup SynapDx has developed a blood test to ID most cases of autism in children at a faster rate than current tests. Autism is a neural disorder that impairs social ability and communication, and in '08 was estimated to affect one of every 88 children in the U.S. The company has created a molecular profile of 245 genes in patients with autism. Tests at Children's Hospital of Boston showed a blood test based on the profile to be 85% accurate. SynapDx will soon announce a 600-patient study to test its assay against current tests.”
Oct 9, 2012, Dealing with Autism: treatment options and shocking new numbers for military families
The rate for military families is even worse than that of the general population
“The Abercrombies aren't alone; right now one out of every 88 kids born in the United States is Autistic...some believe that number is closer to one in 50 in military families.
“‘There's a lot of research being done currently and people are looking into that, but as far as is there something happening to people that are being deployed, that type of thing, there's no evidence to show that at this point,"’ explains Carley Starling, clinical director at the Colorado Autism Center in Colorado Springs.”
NoVac, it's already happening ,we can see it in every arena, maybe we are outsourcing jobs for reasons other than economic, I know I can't call IRS ,SS, DMV once, it takes three calls and three answers , and sometimes not one right among them. Worse is the "low information guy, going on his gut" being manipulated like a puppet to believe in outrageous promises then there's the outstanding lack of empathy toward fellow citizens in our own country, making them a percentage that lack hopes and dreams. That sure takes away the need for humanity! Programmed people..may not be so sci fi anymore. It's not our autistic children that are voting, but be sure it's our nearing alzheimers parents (mostly dads) that will jump off after immersion in old cowboy movies to cast their votes. cause = flu shots? maybe..probably?
Posted by: barbara j | October 13, 2012 at 05:00 PM
pub med
In studies designed to determine the factors responsible for control of herpesvirus replicaton in an infected cell, we examined the interaction of varicella-zoster (VZ) virus-infected human embryonic lung cells with the pesticide carbaryl. The replication of the cell-associated VZ virus was enhanced 2- to 13-fold as compared to control cultures in Sevin 4 Oil-treated cultures and in cultures treated with the pesticide's active ingredient, carbaryl. The replication of VZ virus in cultures teated with the base oil plus inert ingredients found in the pesticide formulation was not enhanced. Possible differences in cytotoxicity induced by Seven 4 Oil, pure carbaryl, or the base oil preparation were ruled out since treated and control cultures were shown to have similar numbers of viable cells when measured by trypan blue exclusion tests or by the ability of treated cells to form foci. A dose response study showed a decrease in viral enhancement in cells treated with decreasing carbaryl concentrations.
Posted by: barbara j | October 13, 2012 at 03:48 PM
Sometimes when I come here , this morning was one, I think , if I didn't know better I'd think this was a conspiracy theory site. THIS IS how well the dollars spent by pharmaceuticals in their advertising, in their fraudulent studies, their lobbying, even their plant of "trolls" throughout the internet has served their purpose. The weak and damaged, are children, and worn out parents fighting for children, parents that know the truth, how much more helpless is a group than that? What could be more impotent than a family crushed by vaccine induced autism? When you fight every day to keep your family together and your damaged children alive it's only in the imagination that most of us could step up and fight this giant.
To the topic, of pesticide use and autism, pesticides are great potentiators of disease, I believe we can put them in the category of adjuvants, and in logic could and do affect both naturally occurring illness as well as vaccine derived illness. One only need glance at a study of varicella enhancement/pesticides to conclude this as FACT!
Posted by: barbara j | October 13, 2012 at 11:00 AM
Soon, most Americans will be autistic and the US will collapse. This way Al kaida and all US enemies will win. Can you imagine US army, police, firefighters composed from autistics, autistic professors, teachers, nurses, politicians, plumbers, builders with IQ < 70 etc. We must remembers that the US government and politicians are the ones responsible for this planned demise of their own country, but US public apparently accepts it , because too few people protest against this vaccine-induced holocaust and zombiefication of the nation. Every empire has destroyed itself by greed and idiocy of its elites. The US is doing exactly that.
Posted by: no vac | October 12, 2012 at 02:33 PM
The Royals have always favoured alternative medicine, particularly homeopathy. Sadly, Prince Charles's alternative medicine foundation went belly-up earlier this year after the financial director embezzled a quarter of a million pounds (and went to prison).
Posted by: John Stone | October 12, 2012 at 09:30 AM
NeSSuM, My wife and I alsways figured the royal family doesn't vaccinate - they probably know too much - the autorities don't have the balls to say anything to the queen - but they always seem to live very long lives with what appears from here to be little in the way of health issues, their kids never appear to display any kind of indicator of vaccine injury, neurologically, and grow up to fly helicopters in the RAF and all that... Just saying. And the ethos that makes them stay vaccine free, if they are vaccine free, seems to be passes down to all the generations. I'm only speculating of course.
Posted by: Carter's Daddy | October 12, 2012 at 08:23 AM
We already know the truth . The mission now , if you choose to accept it , is to force the truth on the people who have created the holocaust .
Back in Flu season again , roll-up , roll-up , get your sterlising agent here , Polysorbate 80 for everyone , its free .
Cant wait for the latest generation of the British Royal Family to start their own family , and those great photo opportunities for Will & Kate , their new born baby's first vaccination ......all say "ahhh" now . I bet that is one photo I never see (highest regards Prince Phillip)
Posted by: NeSSuM_200 | October 12, 2012 at 03:58 AM
"The Truth is out there" and you don't have to look so hard to see it..unless you work for a government department looking into it officially..
take me away ...area 51 seems so real
Posted by: Angus Files | October 11, 2012 at 06:47 PM