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A Sibling Perspective: The Autism Doesn’t Care

Age of Autism Contest: Reading Really Rocks iPad App

204_PurpleKangaThe kind folks at Reading Really Rocks have three free downloads of their "Reading Really Rocks" iPad app. From the website: Announcing the Reading Rocks E-Edition only at the Apple Store! Your children will absolutely love to learn to read through more than 100 interactive pages and 50 short videos that reinforce comprehension.   We'll draw the winners in a few days. Leave a comment to enter.



My three-year old can work her iPad like a pro, so I'm always glad to provide her with quality apps! It keeps her busy - in a good way - and happy, during the hours we spend at the rink. Both if her older brothers okay competitive hockey ... ;).


I would love this program for my autistic son as he is a visual learner and would benefit greatly from this approach! We have been looking for this kind of program for years!


My son is an adult but I still feel confident he can learn to read more than a few sight words! Plus I've been pulling my hair out trying to find apps that will grab him. Would live to give it a whirl, for free.


Oh, a comprehension app, I'd love that for my son. He's a wiz with numbers but reading is such a struggle. Thanks for adding me to the drawing!

Patricia McBride

Looks like a great app... love that it's different from learning with phonics.

Recovering chloe

Enter us, please. Our daughter is learning her letters really well this year in homeschool. Thanks!

Karla Maldonado

My son with autism greatly benefit from this!!!!

Michelle Heath

It would be great to use. The nearby school's are using iPad's for all regular schoolchildren. To use them for teaching Autistic children would be awesome. Take it from a mother of an autistic who teaches her son at home.


I have twin sons with Autism and they both struggle with comprehension. This sounds like a great app. Thanks for sharing this opportunity!

Tricia Zarro

Please count us in. We'd like a shot at it too. Thanks!


My son is picking up on reading quickly at school and I'd love something like this to use with him at home. He's 6 and loves his iPad.

Deborah Kalume

I am disabled, unemployed after 10 years with the same company and have identical trip 5 year old boys all on the Autism spectrum that are non-verbal but starting to recognize letters on electronic devices, please enter Abe, Aza, and Remi. Thank you for all you do!

Michelle Harris

Having disabled surviving quads (2 autistic and 1 developmentally delayed) I am always looking for whatever help I can find to help them learn. You can visit my blog at


I'd love to win this for my daughter. She is non-verbal and loves her iPad!

Karen G

I would love to use this with my son!


My son loves his iPad and comprehension is one of the things we need to work on most (along with socialization). Please enter us. Thanks!

Barbara Bucknam

We would love this one for our son!


This looks AWESOME!!!


Our 12-years old daughter is reading at about the 1st grade level, yet according to her therapists she learns quickly when instructed properly. If these I-Pad apps would help her, we'll enter the drawing.

Becky H-A

We have an iPod 3rd gen, if the app will work on that, we would like to be entered. Thanks!


Would LOVE this for my sensory/dyslexic son!! He would really enjoy it! I think my typical 6 yr old would too!! Thanks for the opportunity!


Sounds like a great app! Thanks for the opportunity.


I would love to win this! Please count me in the drawing :)


This would be a great educational tool for my son.. He has been very responsive to the iPad and even started to print words written out on cards since handwriting is so difficult for him. I know this app will be something he would enjoy and help with reading skills.

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