Action Alert: Federal IACC Autism Committee is a Corrupt Waste of Time and Taxes
Please take a few moments today to tell your legislators in Washington, DC the ugly truth about the massive waste of taxpayer dollars by the federal Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) that’s more interested in covering up the causes of autism than in finding them.
We saw for ourselves, firsthand what a farce the IACC has become. But unless we get messages to legislators IN LARGE NUMBERS, nothing will change in Washington.
Please click on the Take Action Link to the letter below from our friends at the Canary Party to your two US Senators and your member of the House of Representatives.
Please share this message with friends and family and please post to
Facebook and other social networks. And if you support the work of the Autism
Action Network please consider making a donation at
On July 10, HHS Secretary Sebelius effectively turned the Combating Autism Act into the “Accepting Autism Act.” In her speech to the autism community, she made no mention of prevention, recovery, cure or in any way ending autism.
The Congressional Budget Office states the bill (S.1094) authorizes the spending of $693 million in taxpayer dollars on “programs that support activities to prevent, diagnose and treat autism.” One of the three stated purposes for S.1094 is entirely missing from Sebelius’ plan: prevention. In fact, she highlighted three newly appointed members of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) who actually oppose curing, preventing or aggressively treating autism. A fourth new member shares these views, making 20% of the new IACC public members opposed to combating autism.
With the annual cost of autism having tripled in six years to $126 billion (according to Goldman Sachs) we can’t afford this kind of incompetence and complacency. Beyond the financial costs, the emotional toll of autism is incalculable. The mortality rate among the autism population is twice that of the general population. Sebelius even went so far as to question the reality of the explosive increase in autism rates since 1990, claiming scientists “thought” autism was rare in the 1990’s, but now “know” autism affects 1 in 88. Our CDC and NIH directors also downplay the autism crisis, calling autism “common” and merely “a health challenge.” The administration refuses to declare autism a national health emergency or an epidemic.
In her selection of IACC members, Secretary Sebelius made a mockery of CARA (Combating Autism Reauthorization Act) and sent a strong rebuke to the mainstream autism community by rejecting the nomination of a renowned Harvard pediatric neurologist who specializes in autistic regression and treatment among other highly qulaified candiates. She also rejected the president of the National Autism Association that serves 20,000 families, funds treatment research, provides grants and hosts a national conference.
Instead, Sebelius chose public members who defend and protect vaccine industry interests – vaccines being strongly implicated in the autism epidemic. IACC chair Tom Insel, whose brother developed a vaccine on the current CDC schedule, has blocked all research into the vaccine-autism link. More than fifty studies show solid evidence of this link, but IACC helped waste $1 billion chasing a non-existent “autism gene.” We’ve seen decades of cover-up of the autism-vaccine connection – a cover-up exemplified by a leaked memo from the former IOM Immunization Safety Review chair Marie McCormick who said, “…we will never come down that it [autism] is a true side effect…”
No issue more profoundly affects our children’s and our nation’s health than the autism epidemic. I hereby join the Autism Action Network and the Canary Party and its supporters in calling for a long overdue congressional investigation. The current IACC must be dismantled and CARA overhauled to reflect its originally intended goals.
Here is a copy of what Representative Jeff Denham sends out as junk mail to people who write him.... Where does he get 3 to 6 out of every thousand have an ASD... that is a new one..
Thank you for contacting me regarding federal funding for autism research. I appreciate hearing how this medical condition affects your life.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Although ASD varies significantly in character and severity, it occurs in all ethnic and socioeconomic groups and affects every age group. Experts estimate that three to six children out of every 1,000 will have ASD.
On September 20, 2011, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2005, the Combating Autism Reauthorization Act, with my support. This bill reauthorizes the Developmental Disabilities Surveillance and Research Program through 2014 at $22 million annually. In addition, the bill authorizes $48 million annually for the Autism Education, Early Detection and Intervention Act through 2014. H.R. 2005 also authorizes the Interagency autism Coordinating Committee at $161 million for each fiscal year through 2014.
I am committed to providing for the health needs of all Americans. I understand the need for research to further our understanding of ASD and related diseases. Rest assured, I will keep your concerns in mind if I have the opportunity to vote on funding for autism in the House of Representatives.
Once again, thank you for contacting me. I encourage you to stay up to date with my activity in Washington and in the 19th District on my website, , and on my social media sites: @RepJeffDenham on Twitter and Representative Jeff Denham on Facebook.
Posted by: Billie | September 15, 2012 at 02:30 AM
Covering it up is an evil equivalent to the Holocaust...
Very well said Allie90.
Once they come out the "New DSM-5 ASD Criteria" they will be able to say the the "Autism Epidemic" never even happened...
Posted by: cmo | September 14, 2012 at 09:48 PM
This is an auto-immune disorder, that has genetic linkage but we feel is triggered by the environment, birth/development and then the final assult to these poor babies is the vacines. We have seen this first hand with both of our children! We have two on the spectrum, and our first is suffering tons as he was denied diagnosis as many others his age!! Oh, he will do it soon! He is just slower than other kids! He ran the high fevers with his shots and had the rashes! He even couldn't finish his shots to go to school because his blood count was so awful! His body was being attacked by those awful shots! I even had split up the kindergarten shots,so that he didn't get that newer 3 in one shot. I spread them all out and tried to make it better, because I thought he had to get them! His doctor called us in and said that he couldn't even get anymore since his blood tests!! To think that I had almost given him more that day!!! He is one of the children that just STOPPED EVERYTHING AND BECAME AUTISTIC!! I watched it happen!!! Both of our kids had reflux and our families have huge allergy issues. These kids should not be on the "regular shot schedule" ! Their little bodies can't take that onslot of the shots too! Almost all parents we meet say, yeah they have reflux, ear issues, motor issues, slow or no talking, and huge gastric issues and bowel issues, and feeding problems. Then they all start to see the learning issues. How can we expect these kids to be growing and learning while their poor bodies are just trying to live and fighting that each day. Then we give them more and more shots, often 1-5 or more at a time and often while they are already ill with colds or flu!!!! Then we take them to the doctor and they say, oh that is normal and are you sure that you are doing your job??? Don't worry, by the next visit they will be doing all that. DO WORRY, AND DO DEMAND THAT YOU BE HEARD, BECAUSE I REALLY, REALLY PUSHED AND I STILL TODAY HAVE MANY REGRETS ABOUT MY KIDS AND THEIR HEALTH AND THEIR EDUCATION AND I AM VERY MUCH A STRONG ADVOCATE FOR THEM. DAILY MY HUSBAND AND I ARE VERY SADDENED BY THE OTHER CHILDREN THAT DON'T HAVE THE PARENTS THAT ADVOCATE FOR THEM. THE KIDS THAT ARE BEING BORN AND ARE GETTING THE FLU SHOT AND NO ONE TELLS THAT THAT IT IS NOT !!!! OUR LOCAL WIC OFFICE WON'T EVEN GIVE MY KIDS THE FLU SHOT AND SAYS "OH, THEY CAN'T GET IT WITHOUT THE THIMERISAL!! WHAT THE HECK! THE GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO WHAT THEY PROMISED WITH THE MONEY AND THE POWER!!! OR THEY NEED TO LET THE PUBLIC BE IN CHARGE. THESE ARE OUR KIDS' LIVES WE ARE TALKING ABOUT AND NEXT TIME IT WILL BE THEIR FAMILY OR YOURS. I REFUSE TO TAKE THAT GAMBLE AGAIN!!! IT HAS BEEN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: CATEYES | September 14, 2012 at 07:47 PM
Looks like more of Autism $peaks lobbying for higher drug company profits.
Posted by: Marytormey | September 14, 2012 at 07:28 PM
I decided to send this to a retired attorney who does not even have children, much less know anything about autism.
His words exactly:
Covering it up is an evil equivalent to the Holocaust.
My words
America has turned into a crime scene, each time a child who is injuried by a vaccine and his/her health is harmed and with lasting effects. The DR's who are turning a blind eye to this is no different than turning a blind eye to a child who was abused and injured and not follow up with care for hospital treatment and reporting to the police.
Posted by: Allie90 | September 14, 2012 at 06:52 PM
The incidence of autism has long since reached the point of being an epidemic. Yet the public has somehow been convinced that a generation decimated at the hands of toxic vaccines.... isn't really a big deal.
I would argue that tax dollars have been incredibly well spent, by people who know EXACTLY what they are doing. Unfortunately, what they are doing is the opposite what they SAY they are doing. It has everything to do with covering up their crime, and NOTHING whatsoever do with helping our vaccine injured children.
May they all rot in hell.
Posted by: Barry | September 14, 2012 at 05:44 PM
What does Thomas Insel think his job is as head of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) created by Congress to deal with autism?
Does he even think autism is a problem? Well, sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn’t. It just depends on the audience.
He has said that 80 percent of Americans with autism are under the age of 18.
Insel spoke at NIH in 2010, saying that autism is “a huge wave that is moving through the system.” Insel said he wanted to make it clear that the claim of better diagnosing and expanded spectrum could only explain a small portion of the increase. He talked at length about environmental toxins being the cause of the soaring rate of autism. He also admitted he’s clueless as to what the exact triggers might be. “What’s probably more striking here is what we don’t know.”
Insel: “If you look at those numbers, the increase and recognize how many of those kids will become adults, we …also need to be thinking about how we prepare the nation for a million people who may need significant amounts of services as they are no longer cared for by their parents or as their parents are no longer around.”
Insel made it clear that something in the environment is behind the epidemic increase in autism.
And when Dr. Insel spoke at MIT in 2010 he again said, “I said before this isn’t just genetics… There have to be environmental factors.”
“We have barely been able to scratch the surface.”
“There are something like 80,000 potential toxicants.”
Nothing is being done to address the environmental cause.
Nothing is being done to prepare for the approaching tsunami of dependent adults that will descend on social services in the coming years—least of all by Insel and IACC.
We’ve been talking about it on AoA for ages….
Jul 5, 2012
AoA: Six Years. A Billion Tax Payer Dollars. Autism Has Doubled on Tom Insel's Watch. IACC Protest
Jul 11, 2012
AoA: The IACC (I Am Completely Clueless) Meets Again by Dan Olmsted
Jul 21, 2012
AoA: HHS Secretary Sebelius' Disconnect With Reality of Autism Clear at IACC by Anne Dachel
Jul 23, 2012
AoA: Alison Singer Hand Picked Matt Carey For IACC, Embellished His Credentials by Jake Crosby
Jul 24, 2012
AoA: Katie Wright on IACC 2012 by Katie Wright
Aug 1, 2012
AoA: My Conversation with IACC Chair Dr. Tom Insel by Jake Crosby
And so have others….
Aug 20, 2012
Autism Reality Check: Where Are The IACC Results?
I’m sure most lawmakers in Washington don’t even know about IACC. It’s a safe bet the only the politically active in the autism community have ever heard of IACC and they’re the ones most disgusted with the wasted time, money and effort.
Posted by: Anne McElroy Dachel | September 14, 2012 at 04:35 PM
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Action Alert: Federal IACC Autism Committee is a Corrupt Waste of Time and Taxes
Money down the drainPlease take a few moments today to tell your legislators in Washington, DC Action alertthe ugly truth about the massive waste of taxpayer dollars by the federal Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) that’s more interested in covering up the causes of autism than in finding them.
We saw for ourselves, firsthand what a farce the IACC has become. But unless we get messages to legislators IN LARGE NUMBERS, nothing will change in Washington.
Please click on the Take Action Link to the letter below from our friends at the Canary Party to your two US Senators and your member of the House of Representatives.
Please share this message with friends and family and please post to Facebook and other social networks. And if you support the work of the Autism Action Network please consider making a donation at
On July 10, HHS Secretary Sebelius effectively turned the Combating Autism Act into the “Accepting Autism Act.” In her speech to the autism community, she made no mention of prevention, recovery, cure or in any way ending autism.
The Congressional Budget Office states the bill (S.1094) authorizes the spending of $693 million in taxpayer dollars on “programs that support activities to prevent, diagnose and treat autism.” One of the three stated purposes for S.1094 is entirely missing from Sebelius’ plan: prevention. In fact, she highlighted three newly appointed members of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) who actually oppose curing, preventing or aggressively treating autism. A fourth new member shares these views, making 20% of the new IACC public members opposed to combating autism.
With the annual cost of autism having tripled in six years to $126 billion (according to Goldman Sachs) we can’t afford this kind of incompetence and complacency. Beyond the financial costs, the emotional toll of autism is incalculable. The mortality rate among the autism population is twice that of the general population. Sebelius even went so far as to question the reality of the explosive increase in autism rates since 1990, claiming scientists “thought” autism was rare in the 1990’s, but now “know” autism affects 1 in 88. Her CDC Director Dr. Francis Collins also downplays the autism crisis, calling autism “common” and merely “a health challenge.” The administration refuses to declare autism a national health emergency or an epidemic.
In her selection of IACC members, Secretary Sebelius made a mockery of CARA (Combating Autism Reauthorization Act) and sent a strong rebuke to the mainstream autism community by rejecting the nomination of a renowned Harvard pediatric neurologist who specializes in autistic regression and treatment among other highly qulaified candiates. She also rejected the president of the National Autism Association that serves 20,000 families, funds treatment research, provides grants and hosts a national conference.
Instead, Sebelius chose public members who defend and protect vaccine industry interests – vaccines being strongly implicated in the autism epidemic. IACC chair Tom Insel, whose brother developed a vaccine on the current CDC schedule, has blocked all research into the vaccine-autism link. More than fifty studies show solid evidence of this link, but IACC helped waste $1 billion chasing a non-existent “autism gene.” We’ve seen decades of cover-up of the autism-vaccine connection – a cover-up exemplified by a leaked memo from the former IOM Immunization Safety Review chair Marie McCormick who said, “…we will never come down that it [autism] is a true side effect…”
No issue more profoundly affects our children’s and our nation’s health than the autism epidemic. I hereby join the Autism Action Network and the Canary Party and its supporters in calling for a long overdue congressional investigation. The current IACC must be dismantled and CARA overhauled to reflect its originally intended goals.
Posted by Age of Autism at September 14, 2012 at 5:45 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0)
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david burd
On August 5, 2009, Senator Tom Harkin chaired the HHS Appropriations Committee, specifically on autism.
Dr. Tom Insel repeated his position that enough studies about possible vaccine causation of autism had exonerated said vaccines, and no more studies were needed.
What he did not reveal was said Studies were of vaccine doses that only had the antigens removed (for example, chickpox antigens), but all the other toxic ingredients (aka excipients such as alumninum adjuvant compounds, etc.) were in the Studies' shots.
Additionally such "safety" Studies only followed infants for several weeks, and did not include other vaccines that are usually given the same day - up to EIGHT other vaccines!
Insel also failed to reveal said Studies were basically done by the vaccine makers themselves - and were essentially biased. Bottom line there were no genuine, honest Studies; Insel and virtually all other biased IACC members have ZERO objectivity.
There are many thousands of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children, who home school or have other rational concerns, and who would gladly offer their children's medical records to compare to other vaccinated children in their local region.
The IACC is derelict in not doing this most elegant Study to compare vax'ed versus non-vax'ed, easily accomplished within months of such official authorization. It's so easy, but Insel won't even consider it.
Posted by: david burd | September 14, 2012 at 09:59 AM
Yesterday I watched on Netflix a fascinating documentary "Semper Fi", about a veteran marine, who for years lived with his family on severely contaminated with carcinogens Camp Lejeune, and who lost his young daughter to leukemia. It is inspiring to learn how he, together with other former marines, successfully fought with the government and corporate criminals for justice and monetary-medical reparations for thousands of poisoning victims, who got cancers or died due to criminal negligence of camp’s authorities. It is educational to learn about his meetings with the bunch of corrupted, dehumanized scientists and corporate lobbyists, who did everything to protect the billion $ profits of criminal chemical corporations, while totally neglecting human life.
The analogy to toxic vaccines’ scandal is obvious, except that vaccine victims are much more numerous – there are millions of them. May be we should find a former marine or other veteran, who has vaccine crippled child (children), to lead us in our fight for justice and proper care of our injured children, and for prevention of further poisoning of more children. They are strong, and they know how to battle and win. The toxic vaccination madness must stop and we are the generation, who must fight and win this war with medical-pharma Nazis – for the sake of our children of all humanity.
Posted by: no vac | September 14, 2012 at 09:30 AM
Sebelius and Insell are stooges of criminal pharma mafia. They want most American children (except their own grandchildren) to be autistic and crippled in order to produce millions of customers of pharma poisons. These people, supposedly “public servants”, are traitors and mass murderers by proxy; hence they should be treated as such together with other CDC and pharma criminals. We should demand from president Obama to get rid of them ASAP and we should take them to court demanding their imprisonment for life. They are in my opinion much worse than war criminals, because they persistently and knowingly commit genocidal crimes on their own nation, and for much longer time than any war criminal could.
Posted by: no vac | September 14, 2012 at 08:38 AM
Tom SoldOut , you are totally compromised and should be ashamed of yourself ! Your very own brother works in vaccines ..... dont you feel any guilt at all ?
You boyos at the IACC need to know the science is on our side and you will not be able to hold out too much longer .
Posted by: Kim No-Vac | September 14, 2012 at 08:15 AM