Live From DC: IACC Event
A Critical Review of the Performance of The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee Meeting

When Science and Health Policy Trumps Inconvenient Evidence

NowBelow are Mark Blaxill's public comments to the IACC.

My name is Mark Blaxill. I am the co-author of the book, The Age of Autism and recently helped to launch a movement called The Canary Party, which was created to stand up for the victims of medical injury, environmental toxins and industrial foods. Unfortunately, we need to stand up for these victims, the proverbial “canaries in the coal mine,” because so many of them cannot speak for themselves. I am also the father of a 16 year old daughter diagnosed with autism. Thanks to biomedical interventions and therapy, Michaela is more verbal, social and flexible than most affected children, but sadly, she will not live independently. She most certainly does not have a capacity for self-advocacy, so (like most affected individuals) her parents must speak for her.

Unfortunately, the climate for parent advocates, never favorable in autism, has grown progressively more hostile. We have gone from being bad parents whose contempt for their infant children caused them to withdraw into autism, to raving lunatics who are a danger to the public health and whose opinions must be suppressed.

Why? Because the autism parent community refuses to stand down in offering inconvenient evidence to the makers of science and health policy. This evidence is simple. Before 1930, the rate of autism was effectively zero. Before 1990, autism in the United States was exceedingly rare, as low as 1 in 10,000. Three months ago, we learned that 1 in 88 children born in the year 2000 were autistic, 1 in 54 boys. The conclusion is inescapable: autism is manmade.

The health policy implications of this evidence are obvious. The only rational policy for autism would

  • Declare a public health emergency as our country did with poliomyelitis (a much smaller epidemic) and AIDS.
  • Urgently gather good numbers on the nature and extent of the epidemic
  • Objectively and without financial conflict, consider the short list of candidates for such an unusual and massive scourge
  • Collaborate closely with affected families to develop answers: prevention, treatments and resources throughout the lifespan.

Sadly, the policy response of the health agencies of our government has been precisely the opposite.

  • The NIH has funded research to concoct arguments that the crisis is an artifact of better diagnosing. Instead of mobilizing for the epidemic, science policy has promoted denial.
  • The CDC has organized surveillance to measure autism rates that are at least a decade old and trend evidence that starts just a few short years after the epidemic started. Instead of urgently gaining insight, health policy has promoted ignorance and delay.
  • The agencies of HHS act in unison to promote vaccination, a candidate exposure of great concern to parents, while agency leaders rotate out of their government positions to take lucrative jobs at pharmaceutical companies. Instead of objectivity, the investigation of cause has become fraught with conflicts
  • The IACC, newly reconstituted after the explosive 1 in 88 report, appears to have been recruited to rubber stamp this policy of epidemic denial. Instead of collaboration with parent leaders, public servants have turned their backs on us.

Autism parents spend a lot of time debating how the science and health policies surrounding autism have gotten to this place. Is it because autism is merely fodder to help recover and extend the massive research investment in the human genome? Is it because psychiatry grabbed hold of autism with Leo Kanner and refuses to release its grip? Is it because pediatricians are afraid to confront the idea that they may be harming more children than they are helping? Is it because the massive resources of the pharmaceutical industry have so tilted science and medicine in the direction of their financial goals that policy is now driven by money rather than reason? Is it because government officials are too busy worrying about their retirement, too afraid to rock the boat and confront inconvenient truths? Is it because the idea that there are human costs to some aspects of technical progress is too difficult for intelligent people to accept?

Or, more hopefully, is it because some people have simply made bad decisions that we have the freedom to unmake?

I don’t propose to answer all of these questions today. Instead I want to offer you all a challenge. Unmake your bad decisions. Treat autism as an emergency and not as something to celebrate. Approach the problem of prevention with the intellectual and moral urgency that an epidemic requires. Treat the canaries in the coalmine as signals of a crisis of public health not as a public relations problem. Offer respect and standing to those who speak for the injured, don’t handpick more convenient representatives to speak against us.

Most of all, I challenge you to do the right thing. Until you do, we will keep making you feel uncomfortable.




Well I seriously appreciate the efforts you put in for making this article live. Thanks for this


I will vote for you.


Exactly Margaret and no what you said is not too sci fi. Our leaders just haven't the insight to figure out the connection. Because of autism, 10-20 years down the road the US will not have enough soldiers to defend our country. It is then the effects will be felt. Personally I think this is all tied to a covert agenda by China to dominate the US (actually the globe) without a single shot being fired. The must weaken the enemy. Thus far the plan seems to be working.

Margaret J Jaeger, grandma peg

Has another agenda not been considered here? In the press for PEACE amongst all nations, we may have to reduce the predicted mass of able bodied soldiering population to insure certain nations don't have the man/woman power to even think of fighting in an armed confliect. Or is that Too Sci-Fi?

And where are our soldier politicians who had been vocally standing up for us? Such as Dan coats, Rick Santorum...and Dr. What's his name who became an elected political 'representative? See..??... I can't even recall his, or all, of their names anymore...where are they?

Susan B

I also recommend that all of the above be mandated to be followed in your child's school. Request it for the classroom and all rooms the child is in under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For how to request an accommodation or file a discrimination complaint if denied, go to The same general idea applies, just tailor it for the school. WIFI is a major no-no for special needs children! Tell the teacher no cell phones "on" in the classroom either (turned off, not on vibrate).

Susan B

As a lifelong Special Educator, parent of a special needs adult child, and nonprofit director of Center for Electrosmog Prevention, I encourage parents to reduce exposure to RF radiation for your autistic (and all) children. This means no WIFI (get wired Internet); no cell phone use (turn them off and do not use except in emergencies); no DECT or other cordless phones in house (use corded landlines only); limited or no time spent in front of monitors playing electronic games; opt-out of smart utility meters, keep your distance from them, etc. Learn more at and (science related to RF radiation and neurological problems, see Research and Position Statements). Pregnant moms and cell phone use are especially a no-no, can lead to neurological problems in children, some scientists say autism, ADHD, ADD are on that list.

Terri Martino

The other day, at Target, i took my adult daughter with Autism to learn self-direction in a public setting, we saw 3 adolescents with Autism. Look around, they're everywhere! Two of them were out of control, hitting their Moms, and making groaning noises. One kid was biting his Mom's hand as she tried to hold on to him. Other kids were shying away. At what costs and at what ratios will it take to wake up the decision makers of our great country and yell 911 for the Autism crisis? Thank you, Mark, for your courage and perseverance. It's desperately needed. I stand with you and will pray for the effectiveness of your work. God Bless You!

Raymond Gallup


As Ed Yazbak says, it is Superb. Thank you.

Unfortunately you have too many politicians down in Washington DC outside the Federal agencies and inside the Federal agencies that are ignorant and lazy. They want to continue autism as a life-long WPA project that extends into future centuries to come. Sadly!!!!!

There was a movie quote in Lawrence of Arabia movie of 1962, where the word Arabs could be substituted by the word politicians as it applies above:

"Lawrence: Sherif Ali, so long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are."


Ed Yazbak


Thank you Mark

Janet Presson, R.N., M.Ed.

Mark, You represent our families and our beloved children so well! Thank you!!!!!! For years it has been enormously frustrating to me that this epidemic has continued to grow at a mind-boggling rate. If our legislators would look at it honestly just from a financial point of view, they would be horrified at what is to come. Many of our children receive government checks now and the rest (except the lucky few who recover) will as soon as they turn 18. We are lucky to be very well-off financially but you'd better believe we signed our son up the minute he turned 18 even though he doesn't need the money. I have personally met with federal and state legislators including President Obama and no one has the guts to do anything about the epidemic. I'm hoping when our kids finally break the government piggy bank something will happen. BTW- we are seeing some very promising improvements in Rob now at age 20 with stem cell therapy-so those of you with older children, don't lose hope!


Blaxill writes "Autism parents spend a lot of time debating how the science and health policies surrounding autism have gotten to this place. Is it because autism is merely fodder to help recover and extend the massive research investment in the human genome? Is it because psychiatry grabbed hold of autism with Leo Kanner and refuses to release its grip? Is it because pediatricians are afraid to confront the idea that they may be harming more children than they are helping? Is it because the massive resources of the pharmaceutical industry have so tilted science and medicine in the direction of their financial goals that policy is now driven by money rather than reason? Is it because government officials are too busy worrying about their retirement, too afraid to rock the boat and confront inconvenient truths? Is it because the idea that there are human costs to some aspects of technical progress is too difficult for intelligent people to accept?"

I like this paragraph a lot and I think these are all factors explain how policies and attitudes about autism have evolved to where it is today. I submit there is another agenda not mentioned. Eugenics.

If you recall the history of the Pharmaceutical industry, their relationship to Nazi Germany, the desire for genetic purity and how that continues to influence policy today. I would add there is also a eugenics agenda at play here. This goes to a deeper, darker truth that is being deliberately hidden b/c the public would ever accept it. The agenda is to rid mankind of disease that have plagued us for centuries by bringing those diseases to the surface. How? By provoking the immune system via vaccines. This involves sacrifice (our kids) for the greater good. Human Genome project tracks the DNA of our kids for future cleansing of the gene pool. Our kids are a means to an end.


Mark, as someone who works with children with special needs, I will echo what Barry said - I could only dream of expressing my thoughts so well. How can they not act?


Thank you Mark. Great speech. Intelligent and articulate. We're lucky to have you representing our families.

Shelly Sulkoske

In my opinion, the only question is how long will it take before the masses reach tilting point? Everyday, I hear more mothers, clients, neighbors, even acquaintances in the grocery store talking about vaccine dangers and I all too willingly let them know where they can get more information and advise them to watch The Greater Good. I hear the panic in their voice and see it in their eyes. Yes, they are awakening. A lie can only work as long as the people being lied to don't find out. That is changing VERY rapidly now. We need to push even harder for qualified science not the politically tainted (for whatever the reason)useless pseudo-science we keep getting out of the government! Can't we privately fund the study for vax vs unvax ourselves! Let's figure out a way...


Thank you Mark and Age of Autism for all you do; for your intelligence, eloquence, commitment to uncovering the truth and not letting it be suppressed, and for the boundless courage and sacrifices made to do so.

Jeannette Bishop

Thank you!


Thank you, Mark!! You are one of the most articulate people in the world.


Many thanks as always.

Nadine Booth

Love it!

Anne McElroy Dachel

Thank you, Mark. The comments made by you, Mary, Jake, and Katie make it clear: IACC has absolutely no relevance in the real world where we've lost two generations to the autism epidemic. This committee has done nothing for years but merely scratch their collective heads and congratulate themselves for professed ignorance.

There should be national outrage over the time lost as autism destroys the future for so many of our children.

Anne Dachel, Media


I can only ever dream off being able to express my thoughts so well. On behalf of my son, thank you Mark for such a powerful and eloquent expression of the truth.

I've personally reached the point where I no longer care if anyone is ever is forced to answer to this crime. I just want this vaccine madness to stop, so we can finally admit to what has been done, and get our vaccine injured children the medical attention they so desperately deserve.


Mark. Rocks.

Cynthia Cournoyer

"Treat autism as an emergency and not as something to celebrate."


Thank-you Mark!

I admire your fight, your strength and your energy.

Elizabeth Gillespie


Thank you, Mark. Well said.

Victoria Meyers

Wonderful thanks so much!

Jane Casey

Thank you Mark and Age of Autism'

Teresa Conrick

Thank you, Mark and everyone standing united for us all. What a perfectly eloquent and precise speech, Mark. All of you there represent great minds, hearts and souls. I am forever grateful for the passion.

Denise Ferraro

So well said! I would like to say THANK YOU from my non-verbal, still in diapers, 22 year old son, and from our entire family for having the courage to speak truth to power. With warriors like you to speak for us it is only a matter of time before we win this war and I think we all understand that losing is not an option.I know my family and I will be fighting right along with you. You are amazing!!


The first rise of the tsunami are starting to reach their twenties, the main rush are in their teens, so there won't be many more meetings like this.


Mark your speech today at IACC will be remembered for all time.
Jake your seepch today at IACC will be remembered for all time.

There were a few times that the "Truth" light was turned on , I could not bear up under it.


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

La Playa

Thank you for representing my family today, Mark, and friends. We have made the trip many times, at great cost to our family. We will be there again in the future. But it was too hard today.

kathy blanco

Awesome's clear the medical industrial insurance military and agricultural complexes are all part of this problem. All it takes is poisoning the masses with a universal trigger and whala...sickness, disability and death. Of course under their watch, that is A ok with them. What are they REALLY afraid of? Losing control of the message "we are here for you" or "trust us, we are the experts"...yeah right...that mantra is getting old REAL FAST, and even the ordinary sheople are waking up. Mass refusals of what they produce is in order.

Dan E. Burns



Thank you Mark. My daughter who is almost 19, also thanks you.


Powerful and concise. Thank you, Mark. I hope they heard you.


Hear, hear, Mark!

The gene researchers, psychiatrists, pediatricians, pharma employees, and government bureaucrats you mention have enmeshed themselves in cocoons of self-serving rhetoric.

Today's hooray-for-us semantical gyration of a meeting did nothing to help the many parents who are diapering teenagers, dodging kicks, dispensing an expensive array of supplements, working extra jobs to pay out-of-pocket costs, flying coast to coast for medical treatments, and struggling to hold their families together and keep a roof over their heads.

A Facebook commenter stated that the $1 billion spent on pretend autism management could be considered a bargain considering the true cost is in the trillions of dollars.


love it! thank you Mark for being a rational voice in a complete irrational system! candace mom of justin affected by autism.


So well said! Thank you for speaking for all of our children who can't speak for themselves. Now if only those with the power to make changes are listening...

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