Boston Teacher Placed on (Paid) Leave Following Abuse of Autistic Child
Doctors Still Don't Know How to Diagnose Autism

TODAY: IOM Assessment of Studies of Health Outcomes Related to the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule May Meeting

Vaccine-injury-shotsThe third meeting of the Committee on the Assessment of Studies of Health Outcomes Related to the Childhood Immunization Schedule will be held on May 29, 2012 in Washington, DC at The Pew Charitable Trusts. If you would like to attend or listen to the open sessions of the committee meeting, please register.

The meeting will be available via a toll-free, listen-only phone line. Please register for the meeting as participating via phone. Please dial 1-866-528-2256. The access code is 3342192#. Please note that the phone lines will be closed during the lunch break. All listeners will need to redial 1-866-528-2256, access code 3342192# to rejoin the meeting after lunch. For more information, please visit the project website at

If you are unable to attend the meeting and have information you would like to share with the committee or would like to supplement your talk with a longer written statement or other documentation, you can do so by submitting your comment to the project e-mail at [email protected] . Please include your name and affiliation. In the subject line of the email please write, "Public Comment." We will read as many comments as time allows. All comments that are not read during the open session will be shared with the committee.

Please Note: Any comments you submit to the committee, including your name and identifying information will not be kept confidential and will be included in the Public Access File as the National Academy of Sciences complies with Section 15 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The National Academies shall be authorized to use any such comments or submissions in accordance with the National Academies' Terms of Use Statement (


jackie murphy

Maybe you all have heard of the diagnosis of CVID? If not you need to look at it! It is something I have been begging our immunologists and research facilities we have participated with for the last year now to look at. I have asked the immunologists to look at my kid's multiple medical problems and treat THOSE...not automatically put him under a mental diagnosis umbrella and leave his medical conditions untreated. This kind of audacity in a parent will automatically ensure a social worker at your appointment. (I digress.)

The list of symptoms is like reading about many of our kids on the spectrum. I am putting the link, but will share a few of the problems found. This is a primary immunodeficiency problem. We know that so many of our families have history of immune system problems in ourselves or relatives. Here are just some of the presenting problems.

Some of the presenting problems may be acute or insidious. Some present with seizures, signs of encephalitis, head ache, sensory problems, motor disturbances and personality changes.

Low IG classes
Severe recurrent infection
Autoimmune disease
Lymphoid hyperplasia
Persistent Diarrhea
Severe meningioencephalitis
......sound familiar?

Guess what is advised againsed giving in this patient population? LIVE ATTENUATED (weakened) VIRUS VACCINES. So if we have had a subgroup of kids who may have had some immune system problems we are throwing them over the with this vaccine schedule. Three live vaccines are given ....the perfect cocktail for disaster at an age when the sutures of the skull are fusing. The pressure on he brain resulting in Something called dysautonomia. I am putting a link here. Read it. Again, you won't believe the overlap of symptoms with our kids. So many of the sensory problems could be due to this. Our poor kids are genuinely miserable, and the best our docs are doing are sending them for hearing tests and putting them on a wait list for the regional centers.

I tell these people this is child abuse. If these kids are genuinely suffering so badly like is cruel to make them sit through hours of therapy under these conditions. No wonder they lash out and scratch and bite. I ask researchers and docs if they would like to be forced to work all day with these symptoms, stomach pain and severe diarrhea? (oops...I digress again...I am a bitter mom who is furious about child abuse being dished out by our docs and then we are labeled as crazy.).

Anyway....that is my latest crazy crackpot theory. I thought I would share because you may see your child in these disorders as well. It is time for these docs to treat the medical issues underlying the behavior. Unfortunately, I think most of these docs are incapable of thinking for themselves and practicing medicine. They are essentially following recipe protocols... And lack the ability to think outside the box. I am amazed by the fact that pediatric specialists are so woefully ignorant about the lastet findings surrounding autism and their lack of autonomy in educating themselves on the published research that is out their regarding some of the health issues going on with these kids.

I believe that the scientific community has failed us as well. They know that we have found very serious concerns with these kids. I believe they have a moral and ethical obligation to educate the CDC, NIH, and AAP about health issues we do know about. They do have information that could prevent injury in some of these children and educate about illnesses that pediatricians need to be treating. Current autism ideas in the medical community have left the pediatricians with no accountability or responsability. Quite frankly, I think they lack the integrity as well. I am becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the science communities lack of feeling towards their responsability in bridging the gap. Like my mom told me the other day autism parents deal from different stuff and motivation than the researcher. The difference here is GUTS and GRANTS!

Jackie Murphy
Sout San Francisco, California

Hi....this is a post I put on one of Katie Wright's stories. I thought I would share it in a few more places. I hope parents will look at the symptoms of the two diagnoses I posted. They overlap autism findings.

Eileen Nicole Simon

I was not able to listen-in yesterday, but completed their survey this morning with the following comment on areas missing:

Vaccines and the Brain

Autism will only be understood when the brain systems essential for language development are identified. Then, what factors can disrupt maturation of brain connections required for language learning?

Epidemiology cannot uncover problems affecting maturation of the brain. Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) only put groups of human children at risk.

Experiments with laboratory animals will be required to fully explore the effects of vaccines on the brain. Evidence has been available in the medical literature for decades on how the brain is affected by toxic substances and other factors that can disrupt blood flow and aerobic metabolism in the brain.

Seymour Kety and William Windle are two researchers who were ahead of their times, but it should be time now to look at their findings:

Kety (1962) used an autoradiographic technique to investigate blood flow in the brain [1]. This seminal paper is free online, and the link is given in the references below. Note that the highest blood flow in the brain is in nuclei of the auditory pathway. Malformations of the superior olivary nucleus in the brains of people with autism have been reported [2]. Similar malformations were then produced by prenatal exposure of laboratory rats to valproic acid, a substance known to be one of autism’s many causes [3].

Windle (1969) subjected monkeys to asphyxia at birth, which caused damage of nuclei in the auditory system and the basal ganglia [4]. The injury caused by asphyxia was similar to that seen in cases of kernicterus, but without bilirubin staining [5].

Experiments with bilirubin have revealed that staining of subcortical nuclei only occurs in combination with other factors that disrupt the blood-brain barrier [6-8]. Synthetic vitamin K and the antibiotic sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin) were long ago identified as toxic to the brain, and associated with neonatal kernicterus [9, 10].

Hepatitis B vaccination at birth must be stopped, as was synthetic vitamin K in 1961. Vaccine effects on the neonatal brain must be looked for in experiments with animals, especially the effects of vaccines plus other factors such as asphyxia, antibiotics, or drugs given to infants suffering respiratory depression. No treatments used in the newborn period should be assumed to be completely safe.

[1] Kety SS. Regional neurochemistry and its application to brain function. Bull N Y Acad Med. 1962 Dec;38:799-812.
[2] Kulesza RJ Jr, Lukose R, Stevens LV. Malformation of the human superior olive in autistic spectrum disorders. Brain Res. 2011 Jan 7;1367:360-71.
[3] Lukose R, Schmidt E, Wolski TP Jr, Murawski NJ, Kulesza RJ Jr. Malformation of the superior olivary complex in an animal model of autism. Brain Res. 2011 Jun 29;1398:102-12.
[4] Windle WF. Brain damage by asphyxia at birth. Sci Am. 1969 Oct;221(4):76-84.
[5] Ranck JB, Windle WF. Brain damage in the monkey, Macaca mulatta, by asphyxia neonatorum. Exp Neurol. 1959 Jun;1(2):130-54.
[6] Lucey JF, Hibbard E, Behrman RE, Esquival FO, Windle WF. Kernicterus in asphyxiated newborn monkeys. Exp Neurol 1964 Jan; 9(1):43-58.
[7] Lou HC, Tweed WA, Johnson G, Jones M, Lassen NA. Breakdown of blood/brain barrier in kernicterus. Lancet. 1977 May 14;1(8020):1062-3.
[8] Levine RL, Fredericks WR, Rapoport SI. Entry of bilirubin into the brain due to opening of the blood-brain barrier. Pediatrics. 1982 Mar;69(3):255-9.
[9] Robertson AF. Reflections on errors in neonatology: I. The "Hands-Off" years, 1920 to 1950. J Perinatol. 2003 Jan;23(1):48-55.


Is there a way to get a transcript or recording of this meeting?

Son in Recovery

Listening in - blah, blah, blah.... more bureaucratic you know what!

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