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Welcome Natalie Palumbo Newest Contributing Editor to Age of Autism

NP2We’re happy to announce a really terrific addition to the list of contributing editors on Age of Autism.  Joining us is Natalie Palumbo, 17, from Lexington SC, the sister of a 21 year old young man, Anthony, who has autism.  Natalie was recently interviewed about her life with Anthony for Age of Autism.  She is a tremendous advocate for her brother and acknowledged the responsibility she's chosen to embrace when she and her brother are adults.  This is an increasingly important perspective for us to highlight at Age of Autism.  Natalie is the face of the future when countless thousands of siblings will have to be there for family members who can’t speak for themselves. Please welcome Natalie! -- Dan Olmsted



Joy B.

I am tearing up because I am the part-time nanny to a dear friend with fraternal 2yr old twins, the boy ASD, the girl a very bright and vivacious NT. This could be an age projection of them, both physically and situationally. My heart swells but is also profoundly sad.


Congrats Natalie !!!

We have seen quite a collection of "Autism moms and dads" on the AoA site,

however it will someday be the "sisters and brothers" who carry the responsibility for these children who will no longer be children.

Jeannette Bishop

Welcome Natalie! I was impressed by your insight and the compassion in your interview responses. I'm sure you will bring a valuable perspective here.


Welcome Natalie! I wish your next project concerning the media and how they portray autism as compared to the reality, all the best of luck. A great idea. Wish you would just take a sneaky look at what the National Health Service in the UK - the NHS as we call it - has to say about the safety of MMR. I Googled it only today, found it quite scary. They have a long list of links to all the mainstream media in this country all with articles about just how safe it is!

Anne Dachel

The word is getting out. Here's more about Natalie.

The words "Not Born This Way" are riveting.

Anne Dachel, Media

Josh Day

Wonderful addition to the team. Welcome Natalie!

Monika Clark

Fantastic! I'm sure that Natalie will make a tremendous difference as a young editor with a lifetime of experience with autism. Congratulations!

maurine meleck

Welcome Natalie. I am in North Augusta, SC. SC lacks advocates for autism big time-especially when it comes to the legislature. Looking forward to speaking with you in the near future.
Maurine Meleck


"The counter campaigns against a cure for autism breaks my heart. They believe their high functioning status in the spectrum defines the condition. It would be like focusing on only the mildest forms of any illness, condition, or disease because they seem more media friendly, and ignore the fate of those more intensely affected. It would be shameful for its neglect. If you can argue against a cure, you obviously don't need one. For those who can't fight for themselves, they need us to never give up."

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

Welcome Natalie! :)

Terri Lewis

Welcome, Natalie!

You'll be a role model for many, I'm afraid, whether you like it or not.

Donna L.

Welcome, Natalie! Wish every single one of our kids had a sister like you!

John Stone





Welcome Natalie!


Great news. I felt like I learned a little more about autism, when Natalie described her brother. Even though I "know everything about autism" already.

I was just very impressed with her interview. Welcome Natalie!

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