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Letter in Portland Tribune: Only trusted research will quell vaccine fears

Only trusted research will quell vaccine fears

Point of viewMY VIEW. Parents, others worry that the next bad drug is being used now

By Michael Framson Mar 8, 2012

Problems that plague medicine, medical science and research have created an enter-at-your-own-risk system to health and well being. Dysfunctional peer-review, dangerous and unnecessary interventions, ghost writing, conflicts of interest, the revolving door between industry and regulation, clinical trials designed by marketing departments, medical journals that serve their pharmaceutical industry advertisers and statistical manipulations all contribute to dangerous problems for the consumer.  

Yet parents are asked, in spite of all the above, to believe that the mass vaccination program is immune from medicine's plague. The grab 'em and stab 'em, as one physician puts it, the one-size-fits-all approach to vaccinating every child in this country with 49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of 6 is not pristine or pure as fallen snow.

When a parent questions the methodology of a vaccination study published in a peer-reviewed medical journal, touted in the media as safe and effective, the pejoratives of "anti-vaccine" or "anti-science" darts fly.

Why should anyone accept these studies after they compare adverse reactions for a new vaccine vs. placebo and buried in the study is the fact that the "placebo," usually a biologically inert substance, is another experimental vaccine? . . . .  Read the full letter in The Portland Tribune HERE.



Interesting. This past Sunday's TV Show, "The Good Wife", protrays Mrs. Florick on a "Blue Ribbon Panel" to review a police shooting. The panel setup as a farce to review but not actually ask questions. When Mrs. Florick does she nearly gets forced to recouse herself because the panel wants the 'status quo'.

I put forth the differnce between a "Blue Ribbon Panel" and any "Peer Reviewed" journal. There is no difference.

WE need people on panels and making decisions that get to the root problem and ask the hard questions. Until that happens, we are doomed to never find the answers.

Paul Shapiro

please add to the list:

long term study to determine if there is a damaging synergism between various vaccines over time.


"...Unfortunately .. I suspect our "enter-at-your-own-risk" medical system is the direct result of the ongoing failure of federal regulatory oversight committees(FDA, CDC, HHS, etc) to "recognize the problems" .. and then .. "work tirelessly to eliminate them"....."


I agree, but I think it's even worse than that. When you look at the unbelievable failures of these organizations, and the fact that that those failures ALWAYS end up favouring big drug company intere$t$, it would appear to defy anything that even resembles logic.

Until you stop long enough to realize, that these "oversight committees" have never really existed for the protection of the public. It's a pretty ingenious ( ..albeit diabolical) plan when you think about it. Because while we all sit back thinking these guys are protecting us, all they've really been doing is enabling big pharmas' sociopathic agendas.

These oversight committees ARE big pharma.


Loved this opinion piece and Benedetta, loved your poem!


A Vaccine Rhyme

Oh come all sinners, and worship Jenner’s
Extinct went the pox, with good rationalization
Rejoice, human race, for that no longer to face
Humans dared to believe in complete eradication

Dead is the pox, frozen in a box
Polio was well pinned down
Wrong pertussis strain, becoming too plain
Rubella might yet come around

Mark that silly germ; it is too weak of a worm
With adjuvants of aluminum
A mercury paper parasol, very safe thermosol
All just metals like potassium

Germ warfare, we must prepare
Olive oil added to the anthrax flask
They threw that potion, into the ocean
Inflaming squalene was too well up to the task

Overwhelming autoimmunity without impunity
Contamination with DNA fragments
Its inflammation, for your information
Inflammation with booster tridents

No faults to proclaim, no doctrines to blame
While the public suffers hypochondria
A cure for the flu, limited time and place to sue
Hannah has damaged mitochondria

Run the immune system hot, on the tiny tot
Health institutes suffer from allodoxphobia
Wakefield you did dare, they will make you rare
Prescription: A strong dose of authority phobia

Judge Mitting did quash with a squash
Injustice done to John Walker Smith
A small win, for so many years of sin
For bellyaches children suffer with

One in a hundred, is ominously thundered
Revolving doors, back and forth, from industry to regulation
A Deer shining the light, Off-of-it is not right
Statistics poor, but a big easy choice, for manipulation

Kawasaki’s is a strange name, encephalopathy the same
Lot’s of psychiatric jargon about brain damage nomenclature
Heart aneurism; brain autism
Epilepsy,narcolepsy,schizophrenic,bipolar quite an adventure

Bad thyroids, replaces typhoid
Some reactions take a slow time
World full of diabetics, it is not genetics
SIDs replaced blue baby, does that chime?

As our children gyrates, we stop carbohydrates
Still we get lots of vaccines
Even old timers, are getting Alzheimer’s
As this out of control wreck careens

Run that immune system hot, on that tot
The public all have hypochondria
Some reactions are fast, and they last
My child has damaged mitochondria

Bob Moffitt

Thanks Mike .. insightfully great comments.

Unfortunately .. I suspect our "enter-at-your-own-risk" medical system is the direct result of the ongoing failure of federal regulatory oversight committees(FDA, CDC, HHS, etc) to "recognize the problems" .. and then .. "work tirelessly to eliminate them".

Indeed, Mike has already identified the problems for them:

"Dysfunctional peer-review, dangerous and unnecessary interventions, ghost writing, conflicts of interest, the revolving door between industry and regulation, clinical trials designed by marketing departments, medical journals that serve their pharmaceutical industry advertisers and statistical manipulations all contribute to dangerous problems for the consumer."

Now all they have to do is WORK TIRELESSLY TO ELIMINATE THEM.

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