Managing Editor's Note: From SafeMinds: Awareness Isn't Enough - We Need Action
Today the Centers for Disease Control issued the long-awaited autism prevalence numbers for children born in 2000 - 1 in 88 children.
When I first heard the news, I was a little numb to it. Just what we expected. Then I thought about it for a few minutes and it felt like a punch in the gut. So many children affected, needlessly. Some of them are friends of my three boys. These are real kids, not numbers. They deserve better.
I am asking you personally today to commit to taking action - no matter how small. Nobody understands better than I do the day to day craziness that our lives involve and how little energy is left for advocacy - but unless we make some time as a community, more kids will be lost and treatment for our kids will not be developed.
This is an election year, and despite the promises, nothing has really changed since 2008. Please read this document:
AUTISM CRISIS APRIL 2012. It will remind you of all the many problems that could be fixed if they were taken seriously. Whichever part of it rings true for you, please share it:
- Send this article to some friends and ask them to pass it on.
- Use this document for talking points and call or e-mail any legislator you can think of.
- Send this document to anyone you know who cares about autism - relatives, teachers, therapists, doctors.
- Forward it to anyone you know who works in media - reporters, editors, production, publishing.
- Make sure the world knows we are here to fight for our kids.
This will not be our only action, but it is an important first step. Please make time to help.
Katie Weisman
Mom to Don, Nick and Alex
Director of Communications
Yes tetanus is.
But tetanus vaccine is a pretty bad thing too. BUt tetanus is not catching. It is caused by a deep, dirty wound.
At first tetanus shots were given every 10 years, then they said booster very 6 years, now I believe it is down to every three years.
My husband passed out from a tetanus shot in his late 20s after having a lot in his teens. He seizured all night long.
At 34 he had another inspite of this because he stepped on a nail.
He had that wound totally cleaned out, and opened up. He had IV antibiotics and still got the tetanus shot. THree weeks later he has severe muscle pain and was finally dignosed with mitochondril myopathy.
Two years ago I was holding a horse's bridle when it jerked it head up- impaling my hand on the chin chain hook.
It took 5 or 6 stitches to seal it back up. The ER doc was nice - I told him about all the vaccine reactions and that I was going to refuse it. HE did good medicine. He let it bleed a lot, he pulled back the skin and cleaned it, he gave me an injection of antibiotic. He also was nice enough to tell me that even though they call it a tetanus shot it really is a DPT shot or should I call it DTaP. But if I would agree to take it - he would assure me that it would be the tetanus shot. I still refused because the tetanus shot is only a toxiod antigen and has lots of alumiunium.
Yes I know scary stuff for a mere stepping on a nail!
Posted by: Benedetta | April 01, 2012 at 04:53 PM
We need a 20 year moratorium study, no vaccines for 20 years for infants until age 3 years, then just a select few before starting school if parents want them. Tetanus can be pretty bad disease.
Posted by: Enlightened | March 31, 2012 at 02:56 AM
Come on people. It's just better diagnosing. Nothing to see here move along.
Posted by: Sid | March 30, 2012 at 06:30 PM
my son is not even counted
Posted by: Tara McMillan | March 30, 2012 at 02:35 PM
The usual suspects are still peddling the usual excuses (more awareness, looser criteria).
Posted by: Theodore M. Van Oosbree | March 30, 2012 at 11:27 AM
It is a bit obvious now that there is an incidence of 114 in 10,000 that awareness is better than when it was only 1. Is that a success?
Posted by: John Stone | March 30, 2012 at 07:01 AM