The Thinking Moms Revolution. Because TMR Knows There's No Such Thing as TMI.
What began as a collective journey
Of stories across the globe
From Autism to recovery, and with whatever happens in between
A tight-knit group of parents were drawn to support each other
Traveling the Autism journey
While learning, identifying, laughing, crying, celebrating – experiencing a full spectrum of life and emotions
Creating a Revolution along the way
Not for the weak
Always with hope in sight
We walk together
And invite you to join us to do the same.
At almost 1,000 fans strong in less than two weeks of being on the web, a group of dedicated Moms (and token Dad) have joined the autism blogosphere.
The Thinking Moms’ Revolution is the voice of twenty-five contributors. They are feeding the cause with inspiring, interesting and entertaining blog posts and Facebook conversations.
TMR would like to extend the invitation to you to connect with them. You can see the blog at, tweet with the group @thinkingmomsrev
and stay up-to-date with conversations on their Facebook page.
The Thinkers of TMR are walking a well-worn path created by others who have been their guides. They, like many other parents are on a mission for their children. Join The Thinking Moms' Revolution as they work toward a future full of hope.