Even the Eritreans Know About Vaccine Safety
Calling All Vermonters: Speak Out to Protect Your Individual Vaccination Healthcare Rights

More Pediatricians Refusing Medical Care for Families Who Alter Vaccination Schedule

Perfect pediatricianWe're reading reports of pediatric practices who are shunning patients who do not follow the approved pediatric vaccine schedule.  When is it acceptable for a physician to turn away a child for medical care because of lack of preventive or routine compliance? If a parent keeps her child healthy through a good diet, proper hygiene and exercise - should she be precluded from care if the child breaks an arm or catches a routine cold?  Do these doctors refuse to acknowledge medical, religious and philosophical exemptions?  The peds I've worked with through several moves have been concerned with my kids' overall health - and not the amount of vaccination I request or turn down - but my kids aren't babies any longer. Would love to hear from parents of  youngsters.

Is pediatrics now simply a vaccination administration site - if so, kids could go to WalMart or CVS clinics for the same care, couldn't they?  Is that what AAP wants?

Read and comment at the Wall Street Journal HERE



Autism uncle and Donna L., the peds may or may not make much money off the shots but you cannot ignore the fact that the shots are why they want you to come in to visit. It's a bit of a lure. Sure, they do the weighing and measuring thing, look at reflexes and ask how the child is eating/sleeping and look at vitals. They get to bill for the visit with that stuff, irrespective of the vaccinations and peds earn between 150,00 and 200,00 per year. You need to bring baby in exactly on the schedule of the vaccinations. (2wks, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 months etc.)


ohhhh Please!!!!
I started from the bottom up with my children's peds.
When there was only the two of them, and I was getting vaccines from the health department.I mean that literally - they were in the basement of the medical offices with a little side door

By the time I had my second child they had purchased every last bit of the basement, and by the time my son was 10 they were building a great big nice building out in the parking lot and had 6 peds now in the office together

Let us go back to the days they were in the little side door basement. I brought my daughter in for an ear infection/ and my newborn.

One doc told me all about how they had just got approved to give vaccines, and he gave a wayward look in his eye, and a smile - the same expression I have seen in my husband's eyes when got a promotion and payraise (I know the look) then I get the --- you need to come to us for vaccines, it is quite a bit of money for us and is really going to help our bussiness.

A couple months later - I get the same look, and smile from the other ped. partner -- and an explaination that the federal government subsidized the vaccines and it amounted to a nice little sum. SO, Please come to us for now on and not that health department.

And now what are they saying????? Ohhhh Please!

Donna L.

Autism Uncle -
Well here is a link to just one of many such articles, basically crying that most pediatricians actually lose money on vaccines rather than make money on them.
Whether we choose to believe this or not is a whole other story. I guess it might explain the frequency of 'required' well-baby visits, given that for the 9-10 five-minute long well-baby visits during the child's first two years, the ped can charge over $100 bucks a pop just to weigh, measure and jab.

autism uncle

All, I've added up the industry pricing pediatricians pay for the Immunization Schedule shots through the 18 month mark; it comes to about $2,000,

However, how much individual pediatricians mark up the cost (and charge what they do on varied medical family insurance programs) is something I do not know.

Perhaps some readers of these comments can cite some monetary figures?

Nevertheless, there are several studies stating the majority of pediatricians' income is from all the shots on the horrific Schedule.



Our pediatrician hasn't "fired" us yet but she still asks at every single visit if I want my kids to get "caught up" on their s-h-o-t-s. She actually spells it out because maybe she thinks that my 11 and 13 year olds can't spell LOL even though THEY try to have conversations with her about the dangers of vaccines. She doesn't know what to say when I tell her that my children only see her once a year to basically get weighed, have their eyes, heart, and blood pressure checked. She tried to get us to switch to a different pediatrician in the practice because she doesn't have enough knowledge about Autism...maybe she should.

Margaret Burns

This is great. They fire us, or we fire them? How many clients will they have left, when they are all referred to specialists because they have a spectrum disorder? I take my children to a fabulous acupuncturist. Weird that he's been able to heal them of anything every time.


Barry. I have seen many pediatricians drive crappy cars. These peds listen to parents and treat our kids. I wish there was an army of them.

Last thoughts after 12 years here:
Until we all talk. No one listens.


You've seen many paediatricians driving crappy cars??

My sons paediatrician didn't drive a crappy car, nor does she now. And she also devastated my then then toddler, by giving him 31 vaccines before he was 21 months old. Shortly after which I fired her.

My sons sees a number of doctors now too, all of whom listen and work with us, and they've helped us make considerate improvements in my sons condition. But not one of his current doctors is a paediatrician, and our reasons for that should be crystal clear.

My experience since starting our journey, is that you can talk all you want. But no matter how much you say or how much sense you make, some people just don't want to hear what you have to say.

Lisa @ TACA

Barry. I have seen many pediatricians drive crappy cars. These peds listen to parents and treat our kids. I wish there was an army of them.

Last thoughts after 12 years here:
Until we all talk. No one listens.


My son's pediatrician acted as a gatekeeper- locking away all of the testing and evaluations my son needed countless times, making me go to great lengths to go around him to get any helpful treatments. He refused to refer to a 24 hour EEG for 8 years, because he beleived there was nothig there. Once I was able to go around him and get the EEG, indeed, there were abnormalities (that could and should have been dealt with years prior). He lied and said he put in referrals to immunologists twice- and said I was on the waiting list, then said the immunology dept would not see my son because there wasn't enough "evidence". I later found out he never put in a referral. I've got 100 pages of abnormal labs and that's not enough?

He's served to stand in the way, and perhaps for some sick reason he's done so, because he has a very affected son himself. You see, he just let his son "be". No fussing with those GFCF diets- because the AAP Redbook says it's all wishful thinking. No Mito eval- because that's RARE in autism. No chelation- because vaccines are so safe. It must be bad genes- yet he must have taken 7th grade science and learned it take a million years to change DNA?

The AAP is in shambles. They are no longer helpful, if they ever were. They are the televangelists of the medical world, sucking money from the insurance agencies, taking kickbacks from pharma, while robbing their congregation of their health, their lives, their retirements funds- under the direction of leaders reminescent of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. I've left the congregation long ago, they won't get a dime in the plate from me. I hope they all get the Jim Bakker treatment.

Donna L.

After seeing the damage that one pediatrician could do to my child in just two short years, I personally have no idea why anyone in their right mind would take their child to a pediatrician. We switched to a D.O. who has been cooperative (so far) with our refusal to vaccinate. But I have a question for those using naturopaths (we use one for biomed), in our state, only DO's and MD's are allowed to complete the health forms required for school. Do other states allow naturopaths, chiropractors, etc. to sign off on school health forms?


"..... One more thing

For parents who have been fired, I would recommend you complain to the AAP and ask about what happened to parents as partners? This concept cannot go away as parents are crucial in the relationship, health and well being of a child......"


I personally wouldn't waste my time doing that.

Most pediatricains are little more than brain washed trolls who see your child as a vaccine recipient, who's compliance will contribute to higher rates of vaccine administration in their practice... to which lucrative bonuses are directly tied. Paediatricians aren't really firing your children as patients, they are casting them aside for more cooperative patients, who's compliance will ensure that they always receive those lucartive bonuses. Ever seen a paediatrician driving a Corolla???

The best thing you can do for your child is to love them unconditionally, feed them the best food that you can possibly find, and let their immune system develop in isolation of vaccines.... the way nature intended it to be.

Maureen McDonnell, RN

As a pediatric RN for 35 years, I can honestly say: if vaccines were as safe and effective as this author and the vaccine industry would have us believe, I would be a complete and total advocate for their universal use in children. They are not. If children were all born with the same genetic makeup and had no variations predisposing them to health problems as a result of the array of chemicals contained in vaccines (including formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury), I would be shouting from the roof tops for all children to receive vaccines. But all children are not born equipped to deal with the assault of chemicals, and live and attenuated viruses and bacteria that are contained in vaccines, and no amount of pronouncing those who question their safety as wrong will change that fact. I posted this online in the Wall Street Journals comment section and got a response from someone who basically said formaldehyde is a natural substance....can you believe it?


10+ years with a naturopath (no shots) and couldn't be healthier. THAT is HEALTH CARING. If you really want the health industry to change, put your money where it will work NOW.

Human needs before corporate greed.


At a New Patient visit, my potential new doctor told me his objective was to have a 100% vaccination rate in his practice. I told him that I used to believe in vaccination for my children until I noted my older son's adverse reaction to the DPTP - which had long term physical and psychological impacts. My potential doctor invalidated my observations and stated that the research does not support the theory of vaccine injury. I told him that I was NOT willing to vaccinate my children. He told me I was not welcome to stay at his practice. I denounced the visit as a failure and left in tears.

He was SO concerned about his agenda, that he did not ask me what concerns had brought us to his office in the first place. Care for my family's immediate needs was COMPLETELY absent from this conversation.


It's time to kick out these pediatricians and move to general practitioners (best are naturopaths), who are not vaccine zealots.

Lisa @ TACA

One more thing

For parents who have been fired, I would recommend you complain to the AAP and ask about what happened to parents as partners? This concept cannot go away as parents are crucial in the relationship, health and well being of a child.

Lisa @ TACA

Doctors firing vaccine refusers? this headline boggles my mind.

This issue does not just affect families with autism but many others. What happens to a patient that has immune or other medical issues that should not receive vaccines based on their medical condition? (There are many medical conditions that recommend no vaccinations for these patients.) What happened to physicians as partners with families?

The Am Academy of Pediatrics has believe parents are partners in the health and well being of their child. So much so, they published a paper on this concept not too long ago to help pediatricians understand this important concept:

Parents as partners: a powerful tool in the care of children
Judith S. Palfrey
AAP News 2010
http://aapnews.aappublications.org/content/31/9/6.full (subscription required)

What can families do? Dr Bob Sears (author of the Vaccine book) has a list of hundreds of pediatricians across the US will look at parents as partners and the individual child’s needs. www.thevaccinebook.com.

At TACA we support parental choice, informed consent AND the support children’s individual and unique medical needs. There are solutions to be found and families to support - not firing (waiting rooms immediately available for unvaccinated children for one.)

Pediatricians should hold non vaccinated families closer not shove them away. This issue and nothing else in medical care should not be an all or nothing proposition. It should be based on the needs of an individual.

Media Scholar

Parents-to-be will are wise to consider pediatricians as little more than vaccine bullies. New parents have no idea and base the selection of a pediatrician on things as irrelevant as the style of their waiting room, the play toys festering with viruses and bacteria, and even a wrinkle-free lab coat.

Sadly, most all pediatricians are selected on their personalities and ridiculously outlandish reputations.

Funny how they all lose their cheeky smiles and claim that they'll lose their medical licenses if they allow a family to decline vaccinations.

That's not a free market at all. That's tyranny.


Who determines that every child needs the same amount of vaccinations to achieve immunity? One size does not fit all in any other area of medicine except vaccinations. Universal vaccination recommendations don't take into account that we are not all one and the same.

Some people are genetically more susceptible to cancer, colds, flues and infectious diseases than others (suppressed immunity). Some are more genetically susceptible to inflammatory conditions, allergies and autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus (over-active immune response).

One of a patient's greatest complaints with the medical system is that doctor's do not listen. They know better. But, we are not cookie-cut-outs of each other. We are individuals who all react differently to medications (including vaccinations) and we 'present' differently with different illnesses. Their blindness to these facts are very hard to understand.


We left our pedi out of principle, although she made it very clear to us about how "lucky" we were as only she and one other doc in the whole warehouse practice deigned to see grubby, disease-spreading delayed-vaxx or non-vaxxed kids.

The final straw was their outrageous and unethical disclaimer form where they try to make you sign to the fact that you're medically neglecting our kid (we never did and modified the statement) was on such a bad xeroxed copy you couldn't even read what was written!

That was it.

Unfortunately our GP has moved up in the medical world and is now working in administration at the hospital, and we have yet to see his replacement. Good news is she was supposedly handpicked by him. If we get any pressure or intimidation tactic, she'll be history as well.

If you're having trouble finding a practitioner, here are a few helpful tips.

1. Contact a local rescue angel in your area from generationrescue.com . We did this and got in touch with Kelly Langston, whose book has been featured here on aoa . She pointed us to a sympathetic doctor. Your child need not be vaccine damaged in order to contact a rescue angel! They would be delighted to help anyone concerned with the out of control and reckless vaccine schedule.

2. Visit your local health food store and ask around.

3. Contact a holistic vet. Generally they know firsthand the damage they see in pets due to overvaccination (vaccinosis it's called in animals, yet according to AAP it doesn't exist in we animals called humans) has woken them up to this manmade disaster.

Finally, remember, you never have to deal with a bully. My experience is most pediatricians do not care whatsoever about individual children and their oath is only to the concept of herd immunity, well baby visits, and shooting your kid up with as many rounds as possible. of course there are exceptions like Bob Sears, Jay Gordon, and Mayer Eisenstein.

Despite what they say, there are always options.

Anne McElroy Dachel

As of 9:00 this morning there are almost 500 comments on this WSJ piece.

Other places have it too.

FOX NEWS http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/02/15/us-doctors-firing-parents-who-refuse-to-vaccinate-children/

The Kalamazoo (MI) Gazette

The Dayton (OH) Business Jrnl: http://www.bizjournals.com/dayton/blog/morning_call/2012/02/pediatricians-often-ban-vaccine-refusers.html

The same inept doctors who haven't a clue about what's causing autism only continue their robotic mantra: "Vaccines are safe, vaccines save lives, vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate."

The worried parents reading these stories get to see the comments from our side. (I posted a bunch on each on of them.) This can't be good for business. It never used to be like this. Doctors who think their "get tough" attitude is going to make parents into believers are going to be looking at empty waiting rooms.
Anne Dachel, Media

Bob Moffitt

"We're reading reports of pediatric practices who are shunning patients who do not follow the approved pediatric vaccine schedule."

It has been widely reported that less than TEN PERCENT of adverse events following vaccinations are reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Which means .. approximately NINETY PERCENT of doctors and pediatricians routinely fail to comply as requested by VAERS.

The mere perception that 90% of adverse events are going unreported is bad enough .. but .. even worse .. if it is true .. VAERS seems indifferent to it.

Such perceived poor "voluntary" compliance in reporting adverse events is especially troubling since no one denies that vaccines contain "risks" .. as evidenced by the manufacturer's insert included with EACH vaccine .. as well as the recent Supreme Court declaration that vaccines are .. "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE" .. and .. most importantly .. VAERS is the ONLY agency tasked with monitoring and evaluating "safety" following vaccinations.

At the very least .. parents deserve a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System that maintains a data base of those doctors and pediatricians who have no record of complying as requested by VAERS .. which is:

"Please report all significant adverse events that occur after vaccination of adults and children, even if you are not sure whether the vaccine caused the adverse event"

Personally, I believe pediatricians that are refusing to care for parents hesitant to follow their aggressive vaccine schedule .. should first be required to post in their waiting rooms .. for all to see .. the number and type of adverse events THEY have reported to VAERS over their lengthy careers.

Such a posting should be issued by VAERS .. as verification that pediatrician has fulfilled HIS responsibities to report adverse events as requested by VAERS.

Indeed, if a pediatrican reported NO adverse events after administering thousands of vaccines .. the PARENT would have sufficient reason to FIRE him for non-compliance with VAERS.

Texas Mom

I'm not going to create an account just to log in to WSJ, but it's interesting that Dr. Ari Brown's Austin pediatric practice has a similar policy and she is a frequent speaker and writer for AAP. Every pediatrician should be required to take a course on vaccine efficacy and science. If they did, they would realize vaccines are 10-80% effective depending on patient's immune function, genetic factors, and strength of the attentuated or live material. It amazes me that the masses buy into the annual flu shot when it was made using the flu strains that existed last flu season, and is no guarantee that it will prevent new viral strains or mutations. My vaccinated kids have both had chicken pox and pertussis. It's too expensive for AAP to check immune titers to assess vaccine immunity or even check a simple cd4/cd8 immune status prior to vaccinating. If you include fever, lethargy, rashes, loss of sleep, and diarrhea as adverse vaccine reactions there would be better numbers showing that vaccines are not as 'safe' as physicians would have us believe. Funny I am meeting more and more pediatricians who are taking a harder look at giving their own kids 40+ vaccines before they are 3....


Pediatric practices
Are they serving their patients or they are serving big pHarma's interest?
I never saw this many autistic,auto-immune and chronic
disorders in Europe.It has to be the vaccine over-load and
the mercury/aluminum toxicity.Simply it is too early and too much toxins in the vaccines.The children belong to the family,not to the state.Parents are the primary decision makers.I forever regret that I believed the doctors and followed the schedule blindly as a young mother.


".. Is pediatrics now simply a vaccination administration site,,,,"


As if it was ever anything else

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