Rise From the Ashes
Tics and Toxins: Pesticide Ban, Rainfall Could Point to Poisonous Fungus as Factor in Student Outbreaks

Conversion Disorder in Leroy NY?

LeroyBy Teresa Conrick

I have been following all of the news and reports on the teens and now two adults who have developed sudden onset tics and Tourette-like symptoms in upper NY.  It is an unanswered medical phenomenon still and one that is devastating.  One thing that seems certain -- the issue of Conversion Disorder vs Immune Disorder needs a further analysis.  A report titled, "Investigation of Neurologic Symptoms among Le Roy Jr/Sr High School Students, October 2011 – January 2012"  has been made available for viewing and some interesting pieces of information seem worthy of our attention:

All cases were female. Three of the 12 cases were identified as having pre-existing medical conditions associated with tic disorders. Two of the three cases, who were tic free for a period of time, experienced an exacerbation of tic symptoms during this time period. The third case was identified as having a previous diagnosis of Tourette’s disorder and did not have a new onset of tic symptoms, but rather an acceleration of on-going tics during this time period. Onsets of tic symptoms ranged from May 2011 to December 2011 for the nine new onsets.

My good and learned friends here at Age of Autism, Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted, have been writing about LeRoy and some of the intriguing (AofA Tics and Toxins A History of Building Woes) and significant environmental factors that may be at play. (AofA Tics and Toxins Playing Fields on FEMA Flood Hazard)  Kevin Barry, an avid Age of Autism reader and researcher,  also included some historical, pertinent pieces as to what could be making some of the teens so ill.  Having my own daughter with similar issues of sudden onset motor and vocal tics, seizures and a history of repeated Strep infections, parasites, and lengthy viral illnesses has made the search for the source of this mystery all the more important to me.

Since Dan, Mark and Kevin all mentioned WATER as an important variable as to what was different in the LeRoy area this past Spring, I agree and also wondered if that played into another source of illness -- STREP.  PANDAS/PANS -  Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome has been denied and dismissed quickly by many of the NY investigators and medical personnel.  Doctor Rosario Trifiletti, who specializes in PANS, visited Le Roy to take blood and tissue samples from some of the affected teen girls, so he could test for PANS. The results are pending.  A very thorough article from Scientific Scientific American - "Could an Infection Cause Tourette's-Like Symptoms in Teenage Girls?"   echoes that possibility:

"PANS is a new name for an old idea: that infections by bacteria, viruses or parasites can cause the sudden onset of neuropsychiatric ailments such as Tourette's and obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD.  (Tic disorders like Tourette's are closely related to OCD, sharing many symptoms and often coexisting in patients.  PANS is more commonly known by its former name, PANDAS—pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infection—because the first known cases were in kids who had strep throat and then suddenly developed OCD. But researchers have realized in recent years that a variety of infectious agents—not just strep—can cause mental illness..... OCD expert, Michael Jenike, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, explains what PANS is and why it might account for the mysterious illness in Le Roy......It's the sudden onset of a neuropsychiatric disorder: OCD, anorexia or psychosis, cognitive problems. Initially, PANDAS was associated with strep. It turns out that other infections like mycoplasma, certain viruses, Lyme disease—these also produce the same thing. So it's not necessarily associated with strep, and they changed the name to reflect that. Now it's any sudden-onset neuropsychiatric disease.

I've even seen it in old people after they have mono, they suddenly have OCD. I've seen a lot of it after Lyme disease now, too....It's an autoimmune issue.....Mady Hornig at Columbia University has a mouse model that shows how it works. They give strep to mice, then give them another agent that breaks down the blood–brain barrier, and that induces a neuropsychiatric syndrome: the mice have trouble running mazes, and so on. Then they purify the antibodies from those mice, inject them in another mouse that never had strep, and that mouse gets the neuropsychiatric symptoms, too. That shows it's the antibodies doing the damage.....I used to think it was very rare, too. I've work on OCD my whole career, and I couldn't figure out why no one could pin down what was going on with these kids who had had strep. Then the parents got me involved, and I learned a lot more. I now think PANS is extremely common—way, way more common than we thought. I get e-mails from parents every day whose kids have it. I don't think it is rare, is the bottom line. The problem is, some doctors don't know about it, and some don't even think it exists, so it isn't diagnosed."

That seems like a scientific and current understanding of PANS as well as giving us a sense of how Conversion Disorder seems like a generic, old, Freudian school excuse for an unusual autoimmune response.  So why in LeRoy, NY is there a cluster of girls with possible PANS?  Let's look at some evidence to see if it fits:

WATER:  The fact that heavy rain fell from late Spring and into the Fall adds the possibility of bacteria. Remember too, this - Onsets of tic symptoms ranged from May 2011 to December 2011 - which fits that rainy time period  This comment from an AoA reader also illustrates this point -"Thanks for the reporting. I live north of the area and have got to say that it was unusually rainy all of last year. So much so that the water table rose and stayed that way for at least 3-4 months last spring/ summer and our basement was flooded repeatedly each time it rained a little more than usual."

STREP:  Did any of the girls show signs of Strep?  Yes. (ASO) titers were ordered on six of the cases. Four were elevated above the normal range and two were normal.  From Dr. Jenike: "Unless you have a really good medical history, it's easy to miss signs of many of these infections. Parents say no, the kid hasn't been sick, but maybe there was a fever one day that nobody could explain and they forgot about it. Often these infections are very subtle. If strep is in the sinuses, for instance, a throat culture might come back negative. But if you do the blood test and get the patient's antibodies, you can often figure out if there was some sort of infection without symptoms. That's what Trifiletti will be able to do."

Could Strep be a possible culprit with the rain and flooding issues? Yes, it seems there is science to show that-

"Explosive food - and waterborne infections are are well documented."

Pharyngitis Due to Non–Group A (HERE) Streptococci  - Streptococci of serogroups C and G have been responsible for foodborne and waterborne outbreaks of pharyngitis and for cases that led to acute glomerulonephritis. These organisms may also cause sporadic cases of pharyngitis that mimic group A streptococcal pharyngitis" That seems significant as Group A had been the known culprit in the history of PANDAS - "Allen, Leonard, and Swedo (1995) published the earliest description of a newly recognized clinical phenomenon in which tics and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) seemed to be provoked by a preceding streptococcal infection."

And here was more evidence that Group C and G Streptococci could behave like Group A Streptococci:

"An increase in ASO or anti-DNase-B antibody titres in a patient with a sore throat followed by arthritis does not automatically mean that GAS [ Group-A beta hemolytic streptococcus ] is the causative microbe. Group C and G b-haemolytic streptococci also are capable of evoking reactive arthritis [11–14], and may also cause a significant rise in ASO and anti-DNase-B antibody titres [9, 14]."

"Non–group A streptococci and the ASO and ADB antibody responses. Group A, group C, and group G streptococci all produce antigenically identical streptolysin O [7], and all 3 can stimulate ASO response." (HERE)

Report of a WHO Expert Consultation Geneva, 29 October–1 November 2001
  "Other streptococcal groups (e.g. B, C, G and F) have been isolated from human subjects and are sometimes associated with infection; and streptococci in groups C and G can produce extracellular antigens (including streptolysin-O) with similar characteristics to that produced by group A streptococci (7–9). Nevertheless, the available evidence does not link streptococci in non-group A types with the pathogenesis of RF and RHD, although further studies are warranted into the role of groups C and G in the pathogenesis of RF (1, 2, 7–9)."   RF is the abbreviation of Rheumatic Fever, a connection to Sydenham's Chorea, and then to PANS [formerly called PANDAS in this study] (HERE)

Back to the water issue.  Horrible flooding happened in Queensland, Australia  in 2010.  An article, "Mystery infection linked to floods"  caught my attention -- The news comes as concern mounts for thousands of people cleaning up after the floods and exposing themselves to bacteria and viruses....People become infected through a break in the skin or inhaling the bacterium presenting initially with a fever, cough and chest pain that can develop into pneumonia....."I am worried about people getting staphylococcal infections," she said. "Staph is in the water. If people can avoid going into it, they should. "People will get cuts from debris and they will have staph and strep infections because of the bacteria in the water."...."The public health message at this point has been inadequate. If it turns out we have significant bacterial infections then this needs to be managed better," he said....Meanwhile, a warning has been issued to GPs by their peak body that up to 70 per cent of people associated with Queensland floods are expected to become ill either physically or mentally.

Could LeRoy and the surrounding flooding have exposed some people to bacteria capable of causing them to develop PANS?  It's a good question but an even better one would be why just these people now?  The mention by Dr. Jenike that " other infections like mycoplasma, certain viruses, Lyme disease" can cause PANS opens up more doors to culprits.  It is very possible that some or all of these people were very vulnerable by individual medical past history and then to a perfect storm of factors - flooding and bacterial or viral exposure. 

In an interesting parallel, the high school in Virginia, William Byrd , had a similar cluster in 2007:

School officials say they have heard from roughly 10 people at William Byrd complaining of the twitching symptoms, including one female teacher. Students and parents have said that all the students affected are also female.  Young women who are living with a great deal of pent-up stress are more susceptible to psychogenic illnesses, according to Bartholomew, a sociologist in Australia who has been following the case at William Byrd via the Internet. "The symptoms aren't just 'all in their heads.' They're real, though the cause is psychological," he wrote....."If I'm wrong I'll be the first one to eat a bowl of crow," he said.....It's been a busy few months for the Roanoke County Public Schools. School officials had to deal with loose asbestos at Northside High School, confirmed staph infections around the region and repeated warnings about Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, also known as MRSA, after a Bedford County mother said her son died of the disease last month.

Could there be any connection to these "confirmed staph infections" and what happened at William Byrd?  Again though, why a cluster at another high school and again - females? Many have questioned if Gardasil, a vaccine historically given to pre-teen and young adult females, as being THE reason.  In that, "Investigation of Neurologic Symptoms among Le Roy Jr/Sr High School Students," we are told -

According to the New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS), seven of the [EIGHT] cases received Gardisil, human
papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Five cases received the recommended three doses while two cases received two of three doses. Six of seven cases who received Gardisil had onset of tic symptoms greater than one year after their last dose of vaccine. One case received her third dose after her tic symptom onset (Table 1). No temporal relationship between vaccine administration and symptom onset was identified. A post-licensure safety study of HPV vaccine among 189,629 females completed by an independent safety team of experts, identified no association between vaccination with Gardisil and neurologic disorders (1). 

And here is that part of the perfect storm where I can say deception and deep conflict of interest come into play.  That number (1) takes you to a CDC slideshow that cheerfully tells you, the consumer, that HPV vaccines are so safe.  No worries. No concerns.  Now if you read the study on the internet, "Surveillance of autoimmune conditions following routine use of quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine,"     you will read this, not in the CDC version presented by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), New York State Office of Mental Health (NYSOMH), Genesee County Health Department (GCHD), Le Roy Central School District (LRCSD), and its medical contractor, Work Fit Medical (WFM) concerning these teens:

This study was funded by Merck & Co. C. Chao, S. J. Jacobsen and J. M. Slezak received research funding from Merck & Co for another study related to the quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine. C. Chao also receives research funding from Merck & Co, Pfizer and Amgen for other unrelated studies. S. J. Jacobsen served as an unpaid consultant to Merck & Co. N. P. Klein receives research funding from Merck & Co., GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Wyeth (Pfizer) and Sanofi Pasteur. C. M. Velicer and K. L. Liaw are employees at Merck Research Laboratories. The sponsor had significant input into the study design and analytic plan, all pre-specified in a protocol that was approved by the FDA, and took part in the review of analyses and drafting and revising the manuscript. All data were collected and analyzed at Kaiser Permanente and Kaiser Permanente authors held final decision power about all editorial suggestions.

That seems very deceptive and not too reassuring about not only safety issues with Gardasil but the possible lengths undertaken to not reveal inconvenient truths. More inconvenient truths exposed -- this school has an extensive history of being waterlogged.  From Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill's investigations:  "The school where 12 girls developed tics attributed to "conversion disorder" has a history of water and structural problems, and an outbreak of rashes and sores occurred among students playing sports on land where the school is now sitting, according to a student who went there."  "The tics broke out after an unusual pattern of heavy rain, followed by a mild winter that has kept the ground from freezing and left lots of standing water at Leroy Junior/Senior High School.  That should be no surprise. Part of the school grounds -- including athletic fields -- are right on top of of a federally designated FEMA Flood Hazard Area. While a county official told us that the school itself sits on a slope just above the hazard area, the zone cuts right across the girls’ softball diamond, as well as the football/track field and another, larger baseball field.

We are also not told about any other vaccines that may have been given. Could it be that Gardasil and any other vaccinations could have set these vulnerable teens and adults into a position with a compromised immune system?

Many children who have had regression or exacerbation due to vaccines may not show signs immediately.  Like regression in autism, there can be subtle signs and worsening of both medical and behavioral symptoms with both future vaccination and illness.  Both of these are connected to the immune system so it is not a giant leap into the unknown. 

I do believe there is enough evidence to make the Conversion Disorder eat crow. Here is one more bite for it: "Dyskinesias and associated psychiatric disorders following streptococcal infections"

All of the tic patients fulfilled a diagnosis of PANDAS.5 Although there was evidence of streptococcal infections during the majority of exacerbations, two patients had relapses after apparent viral infections, and one patient had an exacerbation after a routine vaccination. Nine of the 16 patients with motor tics (56%) fulfill a diagnosis of Tourette syndrome ICD-10.




I don't know the cause at Le Roy, but I have a son at William Byrd who had similar symptoms in 2013-- twitch-like seizures, as well as worsened asthma, pneumonia, and involuntary cessation of breathing. The school has refused to acknowledge there's a problem, and the Virginia health department has been absolutely USELESS. It took us months, but we found out the cause -- TOXIC MOLD. Black mold (Stachybotrys), Aspergillus and who knows what else, since they didn't bother testing for all the poisons (mycotoxins) produced for mold, nor the bacteria and endotoxins which commonly exist in water-damaged buildings. The school has a flat, leaking roofs. It never was psychogenic and these schools try to hide mold problems. The environmental tests done in 2007 were sloppy and incomplete, to say the least. Certain people are genetically more susceptible to toxins -- it's that simple. And toxic mold does kill. If you live in Virginia, know that you CAN'T count on the health department to protect your children from toxic mold in schools. They're just as bad as the school trying NOT to deal with the problem.


Those girls who are "cured" were able to slowly detoxify and eliminate the toxins/the root causes from their body.
Sorry Case,there is no such a thing as conversion disorder.
The girls had absorbed or inhaled something from that dump nearby and that toxin moved through their circulation got in the blood brain barrier to the area of the brain that effects muscle movement and they became symptomatic.Take this from a health professional in primary care.I never liked psychology or psychiatrists.False science.

Donna K

Does anyone know if the high school held a H1N1 vaccine clinic during the summer/fall? Public health departments have been partnering with school districts in New York state over the past couple of years to implement H1N1 vaccine clinics at the schools, especially western New York. If they used the H1N1 vaccine brand that contained the adjuvant AS04, this could predispose recipients to having immune systems that could even theoretically be upregulated to react to not only viruses, but also to strep(s) that may be circulating.

Somewhere in the collection of info that has been written about these "outbreaks" of psychogenic illnesses (conversion disorder, mass hysteria, etc) I remember reading that amongst the mostly females that exhibit this illness, there seems to be a higher representation of cheerleaders. I know that public health departments in the past have recruited professional football team cheerleaders to act as vaccine clinic "ambassadors" to rally health care professionals to get vaccinated. In these high school vaccine clinics, could they have used the school cheerleaders in the same way to "rally" the students to get immunized? The adult woman in LeRoy who is also symptomatic is a nurse practitioner and most likely a recipient of the H1N1 flu vaccine.

At VaxTruth.org they posted the citation
that specifically outlines, "In the future, countries should incorporate surveillance and communication strategies for MPIV in their pandemic preparedness plans." MPIV being mass psychogenic illness after vaccination. I imagine since this citation was co-authored by the CDC, any H1N1 pandemic preparedness communication strategy incorporated into H1N1 vaccine clinics would include plans to identify and control the message concerning any adverse reactions as mass psychogenic illnesses.


All of the doctors, including neurologists who have actually treated the girls (and 1 boy) agree that it is a case of conversion disorder, also commonly known as mass hysteria. Conversion disorder is much more common in young girls/women. 3 of the girls had a previous history of actual diagnosed tic disorders. Stress is one of the main causes of conversion disorder and if you read about some of the home lives of the girls (abusive parents, boyfriend of one of the mothers shooting himself in the head after being caught video taping the daughter undressing) you can get a sense of what some of the girls had been trying to cope with.

It is an unconscious disorder, with very real symptoms, but is completely treatable if both the patient and patients family acknowledge the diagnosis. Several of the girls have been 'cured' of the tics with anxiety medication and therapy in addition to cutting out T.V. and social media which have increased the hysteria and caused it to spread. Most of the girls whose symptoms still remain are the ones whose mothers refuse to believe the widely accepted diagnosis and refuse psychological/psychiatric treatment.

So this has nothing to do with vaccines or a chemical spill that happened 30 years ago (all tests have come back negative for contaminates and the symptoms have only appeared in adolescent females+1 young male which would not be the case if it was environmentally caused). There are many great articles/write-ups about this fascinating case and why it predominately seems to effect only young women. Conversion disorder is very rare so there haven't been too many opportunities to study this interesting psychological disorder. In the past it has only been documented a handful of times, mostly in all female environments like women only factories, or in nun's cloisters, so it will be interesting to see how it developed in the high school setting. I'm also curious to see what happens to the girls whose mothers won't accept the diagnosis, because they think it will lead people to think the girls were 'faking it' which is very far from the truth as it was nothing they were actually conscious of.

Bobby Fontaine

Le Roy Jr/Sr High School: 1985 aerial photo shows dump next to girls softball field

The article I wrote at the link below (pdf download) contains an aerial photo from 1985 showing a large dump next to the girls softball field at Le Roy Middle/High School in upstate New York. The school has a growing number of girl students who have recently developed chronic tics and Tourette’s type symptoms. The softball field is where the first girl, Alycia Nicholson, came down with these symptoms had her first attack when she passed out and had a seizure. There are also reports of girls in other towns in upstate New York with the same symptoms, some who are reported to play softball on teams that travel to other schools to compete. Details are provided in the article. Feel free to use the information provided any way that you see fit to help resolve this matter for those poor girls.



Teresa,Re: "they give strep to mice" If the blood brain barrier or the the peripheal cellular membranes of the skin,lung,nasal mucosa, gastrointestinal or genitourinary systems become damaged or
opened up by lesion/s(from gardasil-polysorbate/boric acid);
then toxic substances can easily penetrate and cause harm.
So it is a possibility that their (post-gardasil girls) chemical sensitivity is increased.

Teresa Conrick


We do not know about other vaccines but it is interesting that you said "multiple". We do know about Gardasil. We do know some had elevated ASO titers. We do know there was flooding, where bacteria, viruses, fungus - (see re ergot fungi - http://www.ageofautism.com/2012/02/tics-and-toxins-pesticide-ban-rainfall-could-point-to-poisonous-fungus-as-factor-in-student-outbreak.html#more ) and possible TCE/DCA could be culprits - http://www.ageofautism.com/2012/01/open-letter-to-the-town-of-leroy-ny-learn-lessons-from-the-autism-epidemic.html

The environmental plausibility is factual and research- based.


So if it wasn't one high-profile vaccine, it was multiple vaccines, given at different times, in different combinations that caused relatively simultaneous symptoms in a group of students in one place? Good grief. With the bar for plausibility set that low, pretty much any theory could get over.



Teens today are supposed to be getting a yearly flu vaccine, a meningitis vaccine, the HPV, and a TDaP booster. And of course any other booster to almost most ofl the shots given today to young children. Do you think anyone (except maybe Dan and Mark) would analyze all the vaccines the affected teens got in the recent past? Maybe some teens got a different combination of vaccines? Have all the teens be vaccinated with any vaccine in the recent past? What combinations? What are the ingredients in those vaccines?

People try and simplify "vaccines" and find one vaccine to be the culprit. ..."look...they all didn't get HPV"..... yeah...so.....There is nothing simple about the vaccine policies in this country. There is nothing simple about an individuals abilities to handle all those vaccines. Everyone brings something different to the table with their own genetics.

You take those "preventative life-saving" interventions, along with whatever environmental factors that maybe involved and "susceptible" individuals and you might find something.


Jaycee, the only thing is, there are many vaccines that are given to teens-dpt booster, flu shots, meningitis. So really I'm still not satisfied. Not only that but there are contaminants in vaccines.


Cat, I totally think you could be right about all the teen shots kids get now. But it seems like the docs that have overseen the case initially, do not, will not go there. Maybe Dr. Trifiletti's results will show something but you have to wonder how long many of these people can stand up to all the scrutiny since Mechtler is saying that the parents that are shutting up and just accepting the conversion diagnosis are getting better than the other kids whose parents are still wondering about the diagnosis. I have heard absolutely nothing about vaccines except for Gardasil and they ruled that out very quickly. I really worry like most of us that these kids are feeling the brunt of alot of different environmental assaults. One good thing is that now people seem to know what PANDAS is and maybe to look for it instead of just accepting the conversion stuff automatically.


The inconvenient truth (for some) is that almost half of the kids with symptoms in Leroy didn't have the Gardasil vaccine: http://www.health.ny.gov/press/releases/2012/leroy/docs/investigation_summary.pdf

Cat Jameson

Bernadetta--I was just wondering about the teen "booster" shots today. I know in several states a booster was added for in-coming sixth graders. I thought I had read that some high school students were also being targeted with additional vaccines. If so, that would certainly add to the list of things to be investigated.

mike osterhout

I have followed with intense interest the case of the LeRoy teens. The variety of environmental issues so easily dismissed by public officials, who instead put forth Conversion Disorder as the likely cause of this mysterious illness suffered by these individuals, reeks of ineptitude. The combination of high water table (mold), questionable vaccines, agricultural pesticides, fracking fluid and TEC spills, bringing on a "perfect storm" and possibly PANS, seem much more likely. Thanks for this article. These citizens deserve better from public officials.

Shell Tzorfas

It does not matter if a reaction is a year after Gardisil. The notion that a vaccine reaction must occur right away or within a few weeks or months is a man made up scenario to protect vaccine makers. A reaction can accumulate and then disrupt. Many so-called scientific studies, sponsored by the vaccine makers select a short time frame to make it falsely appear the vaccine is safe. Take for example a reaction from a tick bite. Most do NOT get the bull's eye rash. Many go on to get MS, arthritis, depression, Guillian-barre type illnesses and neurological malfunctions. If only people knew it was Lyme disease long after the bite. The majority in Leroy had HPV shots and associated infections..Let the truth come out. Science without Conscience.


Does anyone have any knowledge if any of those stricken have been tested for LYME and Co-Infections (babesia, bartonella, etc) through a SPECIALTY lab such as Igenex or Advanced Laboratories? My own experience with Lyme and related infections has me very curious and concerned. Trusting the standard CDC two tier testing for lyme and using the standardized local 'test kits' is a grave mistake as these are proven to produce many false negatives. These tests, by the CDCs own admission, are not meant for diagnostic purposes but for screening purposes only. Still, doctors and health departments rely on them. I'd love to know if lyme has been legitimately ruled out as a result of blood work AND a clinical exam performed by LLMDs (LYME LITERATE MDs). If you watch the movie Under Our Skin you will see many MANY similarities, and you will also understand more about why I am so concerned. Under Our Skin is now free on Netflix, Hulu, and OnDemand.


I have been wondering about the Hep B given in highschool.
The Hep B came later for my kids.
When we moved to Michigan they tried to get me to give this vaccine to my son before he entered highschool something that was not even mentioned in Kentucky???

I refused, with not too much problem from them and they made if fairly easy - all I had to do was sign a refusal right during the meeting with the special ed department before school started.

Then there is the tetanus shot that is suppose to take place sometime during the Freshman year too --- it was never mentioned in Michigan at all -- but whem we moved back to Kentucky prior to my son's junior year -- I had to jump through hoops of fire to keep my son from being vaccinated with tetanus -- which I learned is also the DPT shot!!!

My daughter took a Hep B shot at an age of 26 and immediately after she became stiff and high sed rates. She had never had a Hep B before. Although she did have reactions from the DPT shots- high fevers, swollen huge at the injection site, Kawasakis as a child.

So, how are the highschool kids handleing additional vaccines???? Are my kids just that weak? And if so, I sure would like some answers of why they are so different from everybody else.

This winter; has had one flu/cold/something that everyone seems to been bitten by. My daughter works at a hospital for children and teens with psych problems, and all the kids have come in with it.

She herself had a bout with this cold, she had a fever that was significiant but she was the only one in the family that had the fever although we all had it. She was also the only one that had a three week bout of OCD -- picking at her hand.

She is also the only one that has had the most recent vaccine series of Hep B in the last five years. The rest of us have not had a vaccine in the last twenty years.

Bob Moffitt

"A post-licensure safety study of HPV vaccine among 189,629 females completed by an independent safety team of experts, identified no association between vaccination with Gardisil and neurologic disorders (1)."

It is outrageous to learn the "independent safety team of experts" that conducted this study was FUNDED BY MERCK.

Adding to the outrage is the statement that "All data were collected and analyzed at Kaiser Permanente and Kaiser Permanente authors held final decision power about all editorial suggestions."

Apparently, we have reached the point within the scientific community .. where words no longer have any meaning .. a "placebo" is not really a "placebo" .. and .. an "independent safety team" is not really "independent".

How in God's name do these people sleep at night?

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