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Try U-Sync Video Scheduler! It's the new visual scheduling app for kids with autism that you control from the Internet! Very cool... And made by BGSU! Android and Apple.
Posted by: Robert | February 23, 2012 at 11:08 PM
I highly recommend checking out this list of apps -
Posted by: Susan | January 25, 2012 at 02:05 AM
A friend of mine has a little guy that the doctors all told her would never understand the concept of "yes and no." Because she refused to believe that, and knew that her son, however severe his symptoms may present, could understand much of what was being told to him, she began exploring Assistive Technology. She took a little bit of savings that she had, and a dream that I can only say is matched by her incredible heart and dedication to our community, and started learning all that she could about iPhone, itouch, and iPad app development. She tested every idea she came up with on her own son, and saw that it worked. I only share the story because I don't think many developers "get it" when it comes to our kiddos. I have all of the apps that she has designed, and have successfully used them with both of my affected kiddos. My youngest began using them when he was still nonverbal, and my oldest, who is a teenager and quite verbal, uses two of the apps for scheduling and routine maintenance. I personally love the universal appeal of the apps, and the fact that the prices are much more reasonable than some of the other apps I've seen, I always recommend them to families looking for quality apps to use with their children. Because they're developed by someone who knows how expensive Autism can be, I believe she intentionally keeps the prices affordable for families (another reason why I love her so much!)
The developer is Good Karma Applications, and the apps are currently only on iTunes, but I believe she's working on crossing over to make them accessible for Android users as well.
The apps are (in no particular order):
My Choice Board - an app designed for quick manding for those who have limited or no verbal ability.
First/Then Visual Schedule - pretty self explanatory, but expands to include the ability to add your own images, change viewing modes, go between the First/then feature to a full visual schedule strip, including text.
Scene Speak - SUPER cool app! It allows the user to import in their own pictures, take screen shots through Google Images and import those in, create can import a map of Disneyland, for example, and create touch points to label any point you choose on the map, which will speak the recorded words - ex. If you create a tap point for Space Mountain, you can record the words "I want to go to Space Mountain" or whatever you'd like. I've used it to create my own storybooks, using the screenshot feature, and my kiddo can now have me "read" his favorite books to him 500 times without me having to go hoarse! There is also a human body chart, where you can import a pic of your kiddo, create touch points, and allow them to "tell" you where they hurt. Same for rooms in the house, etc...and it is constantly being updated. One of my hands down favorite apps!
Visual Schedule Planner - this one is the newest app, recently released, but from what I've seen from using it thus far, it may be one of the best yet! It would take forever to list the tons of amazing things you can do with this app, but it comes with a manual that lists the features, and honestly, I can't wait until both of my kiddos can incorporate it into their daily lives!
Now that I've completely gushed on about my favorite developer and their amazing apps, ha! I agree with lots of the ones I see above as well.
I'd add the Speech With Milo apps (Milo is a little mouse that acts out words and ends with a "ta da!" there are currently 4 Milo apps I think...prepositions, verbs, sequencing, and an interactive storybook.) I also love the apps by Duck Duck Moose...they're interactive children's storybook type apps, but have popular kid songs like "Wheels on the Bus" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider" There's about a dozen DDM apps, and they're all super cheap (under $2 I think), and loads of fun!
The "Talking Tomcat" apps are fun, but there is a violence setting that I turn off (it's supposed to be funny I think, not so much when you have a kiddo who thinks its okay to scratch and bite!) there's other "Talking" apps in the series that are cute too...some are free, but others cost 99 cents.
Playing With Anya is another app that is kind of like the "talking tomcat" apps, but it is a little girl, and she shows emotion if you don't play with her, gets upset of you poke her or mess with her hair...songs ABCs, blows bubbles (which you pop). Fun and interactive.
Education wise, I like First Words Deluxe, Little Skywriters, AlphaTots, Tallytots, Meet the Vowels, Starfall ABCs, and all of the "Monkey Preschool" apps. Besides Monkey Preschool Lunchbox, there's also Monkey Preschool When I Grow Up (which lets the kiddo dress the monkey up in pretend outfits), and Monkey Math School Sunshine...a numbers app. For those whose kiddos like familiar characters, those are great continuations of a common theme.
There is also a series of apps called "Look Into My Eyes" (there are a few variations...we have the Dinosaur app), where the child is shown a picture of a real child, and a number flashes inside of the child's eyes. Then, the kiddo has to hit the correct number, which earns a star. After 4 stars, they get a "prize," which in "Dinosaur," is a new Dino that goes into a habitat...and can roar and make noises. You can also move it to a cave. You can collect dinosaurs and move them around wherever you want. It's supposed to encourage eye contact.
I could probably list a hundred more great apps, but those are the ones currently on "random rotation" in Casa de Facteau.
I know this is a horribly long post, but hopefully someone might find some of these apps helpful for their own little ones! :)
Posted by: Cindy Facteau | January 14, 2012 at 06:35 PM
I've been hearing great things about Proloquo2go! As far as I know, its an Apple app. I bought an iPad2 for my daughter just so she can use the app to aide in her communication at school and at home. I also made an appointment at my local
technology center so they can help me and my daughter be train in the app.
Here is a link if anyone is interested!
Posted by: Kimd | December 31, 2011 at 01:53 AM
Just thought I'd drop in and let you know that I've been working with and training teachers in ipad technology for the past year. Both for ASD children (my own included) , other kids with intellectual disabilities and mainstream kids.
The beauty of the this technology is not so much "which app" but the engagement it can bring to all ... the creative uses are virtually limitless. It is this aspect that I try to get across is that it is your insight in to your own child that will bring the maximum benefit. From exploring music , art , reading , augmentative communications , puppetry, special interests ....
One other simple thing ... the ipad is an expensive piece of technology so do not just purchase for a child to use exclusively. Share in the family ... I use it , both my children use it at differing times and now my wife uses it. (To play music and relax.)
Even at school ... if your child does bring it or it is part of their individual education plan ... share it. One way to open up cross talk amongst peers and open up new relationships ... whilst your child is not using iot why let such an elegant piece of technology rust away , so to speak.
Just for fun ... my top app for high functioning ASD ( which may be myself - undiagnosed) are the comics. They come up beautifully on the 10 inch screen. Accessing relevant literacy muy favourite for the older kids.
Posted by: Tech Teacher | December 31, 2011 at 01:45 AM
Cut the Rope (free)
Scrabble Free
BeJeweled (got mine free after playing online, then the promo showed up free for iPad)
Posted by: Enlightened | December 30, 2011 at 06:30 PM
AutismApps is an app that is helpful in finding (obviously) autism apps - it categorizes them in useful ways and you can click thru to buy apps thru the AutismApps. I also really like iSentence, iQuestion, iConversation, iLanguage and StoryBuilder. Pigeon! is cute and based on the Pigeon books by Mo Willems. Mad Libs are also fun - and challenging - and can be engaging. I also use DragonSpeak to help with annunciation.
Posted by: Kim Mack Rosenberg | December 30, 2011 at 05:32 PM
Spelling Magic
Sentence Magic
Alligator Apps - there are lots of them
Word Magic
Math Magic
Suess Band
Angry Birds (physics lessons!)
I'm notoriously frugal when it comes to apps. I always sort for the free ones first. The lite versions are great too because if you like the functionality of the free version, then you can be assured you'll like the full version that you have to pay for. I've deleted a lot of free and/or lite apps because they just weren't going to work for my kid.
Love the iPad!
Posted by: Amy in Idaho | December 30, 2011 at 05:15 PM
I have a preschooler who has a few words.
We like "pat the bunny" ($3.99) app for cause-and-effect and receptive language. apps are free or $0.99 each.
Toddler Teasers Quizzing ($1.99) for colors, shapes, animals, etc- building vocabulary. The sticker page is reinforcing.
Alligator Apps "my first words" was free and there are some good flashcards. You can make your own flash cards with your voice.
First Words Animals and Word Wagon for spelling practice (both $1.99 each).
Posted by: Paulette | December 30, 2011 at 02:29 PM
My son is 8 and is very verbal. He is also a big scriptor. That said these are some of our favorite apps. I found a lot myself but have found and Moms with apps very helpful. None of the apps we purchased we over 6 or 7 dollars.
Clicky Sticky
Trains (it is a memory puzzle)
All of the Language Builder, Question Builder, Story builder, sentance builder, conversation builder & prepposition builder series.
Autism express (shows feelings - I think free)
Model me going places
Talking Tom Cat
Animal Stickers
Vehicle matching
build a train (awesome)
Up with a fish (Dr. Seuss game)
I touch learn morning routines
Vehicle tracing & vehicle matching
ABA flash cards ( i think they are free)
Trains & Trams (video to music of trains for the train lovers)
Alphabet fun
iwrite words ( great for my son who has disgraphyia)
Roxie's doors & a-maze-ing
Don't let the Pigeon run this app
Posted by: Trish Rogers | December 30, 2011 at 01:29 PM
Android apps for people with autism:
Also, the NY Times recently ran an article on finding such apps: it includes specific resources for good apps, many of which are categorized and list prices as well as free/lite versions of apps.
Posted by: Shannon | December 30, 2011 at 12:41 PM
We've had our iPad for about 8 months now. By far, the most "used" apps are the Dr. Suess books. These apps spoiled me because I was thinking all books on the iPad would be as great but they're not. The Dr. Suess books are so interactive and great for literacy because the words literally come flying out of the page, delighting the visual and auditory learner.
Talking Tom (free version) is also great - it's an animated cat that has echolalia. I know, I know - why would you want ANOTHER person in your house with echolalia? - but it's actually really great at encouraging speech and it's pretty hilarious to boot. My kid never laughed that much at any speech therapy session.
Here are others that I've found great for my "moderately affected" child who is now homeschooled:
Fruit Memory
Going Places (model me kids)
Autism Apps
Mini Adventures Animals
Math Magic
TeachMe (kindergarten and First Grade)
The child has just removed the iPad from my possession so I'll have to finish this list later....
Posted by: Amy in Idaho | December 30, 2011 at 11:15 AM
Monkey PreSchool Lunchbox
Posted by: Sandra Lopriore | December 30, 2011 at 11:15 AM
Can anyone also recommendapps for Android users too?
Posted by: Kathy | December 30, 2011 at 10:04 AM
We use these literacy games: iWriteWords (allows child to write letters on the screen with their finger) [there is a free "lite" version, and the full version is a dollar or two], and FirstWords (which has the child drag letters to fill in blanks to make a word [also a couple of dollars, I believe].
There is also a large series of ABA-style flashcards from, which has foods, emotions, places, etc. There is a small charge for each collection, but I got them all free a couple of years ago during "Autism Awareness Month" one April.
All of these were on the iTunes store.
Posted by: vvv | December 30, 2011 at 07:06 AM