The Pharmaceutical Industry's 12 Vaccine Days of Christmas
On the first day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
On the second day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
Two compulsory jabs
On the third day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
Three HPV’s,
Two compulsory jabs
On the fourth day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
Four DPT’s,
Three HPV’s,
Two compulsory jabs
On the fifth day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
Five MMR’s.
Four DPT’s,
Three HPV’s,
Two compulsory jabs,
On the sixth day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
Six fraudulent doctors,
Five MMR’s.
Four DPT’s,
Three HPV’s,
Two compulsory jabs,
On the seventh day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
Seven untrained nurses,
Six fraudulent doctors
Five MMR’s.
Four DPT’s,
Three HPV’s,
Two compulsory jabs,
On the eighth day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
Eight corrupt officials,
Seven untrained nurses,
Six fraudulent doctors,
Five MMR’s.
Four DPT’s,
Three HPV’s,
Two compulsory jabs,
On the ninth day of Christmas big pharma gave to me,
Nine pharma giants,
Eight corrupt officials,
Seven untrained nurses,
Six fraudulent doctors,
Five MMR’s.
Four DPT’s,
Three HPV’s,
Two compulsory jabs,
On the tenth day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
Ten polluted vaccines,
Nine pharma giants,
Eight corrupt officials,
Seven untrained nurses,
Six fraudulent doctors,
Five MMR’s.
Four DPT’s,
Three HPV’s,
Two compulsory jabs,
On the eleventh day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
Eleven frightened children,
Ten polluted vaccines,
Nine pharma giants,
Eight corrupt officials,
Seven untrained nurses,
Six fraudulent doctors,
Five MMR’s.
Four DPT’s,
Three HPV’s,
Two compulsory jabs,
On the twelfth day of Christmas big pharma gave to me
Twelve anxious mothers,
Eleven frightened children,
Ten polluted vaccines,
Nine pharma giants,
Eight corrupts officials,
Seven untrained nurses,
Six fraudulent doctors,
Five MMR’s.
Four DPT’s,
Three HPV’s,
Two compulsory jabs,
Christina was born and educated in London, U.K. She left school to work in a children's library, specializing in story telling and book buying. In 1978 Christina changed her career path to dedicate her time to caring for the elderly and was awarded the title of Care Giver of the Year for her work with the elderly in 1980.
After dedicating much of her spare time helping disabled children in a special school, she then worked in a respite unit in a leading teaching hospital.
In 1990 Christina adopted the first of two disabled boys, both with challenging behavior, complex disabilities, and medical needs. In 1999 she was accused of Munchausen by Proxy after many failed attempts to get the boys’ complex needs met. Finally, she was cleared of all accusations after the independent psychologist Lisa Blakemore-Brown gave both boys the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD as part of a complex tapestry of disorders. Blakemore-Brown discovered through the foster care diaries that the eldest boy had reacted adversely to the MMR vaccine.
After taking A Level in Psychology and a BTEC in Learning Disabilities Ms. England then spent many years researching vaccines and adverse reactions. She went on to gain an HND in journalism and media and is currently writing for the American Chronicle, the Weekly Blitz, Vaccination Truth and Namaste UK publishing on immunization safety and efficacy.
England’s main area of expertise is in researching the areas surrounding false allegations of child abuse. Her work is now read internationally and has been translated into many languages. England has been a guest on Holy Hormones Honey – The Greatest Story Never Told! on KRFC FM 88.9 in, Colorado and has spoken at seminars worldwide. She recently co authored a book with Dr Harold Buttram ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis – Are Parents Being Falsely Accused?’ where she wrote exclusively on pentavalent vaccines.
"GlaxoSmithKline Argentina Laboratories company was fined 400,000 pesos by Judge Marcelo Aguinsky following a report issued by the National Administration of Medicine, Food and Technology (ANMAT in Spanish) for the killing of 14 babies during illegal lab vaccine trials conducted between 2007 and 2008.
Likewise, two doctors -Héctor Abate, and Miguel Tregnaghi- were fined with 300,000 pesos each for irregularities during the studies.
The charges included experimenting with human beings, falsifying parental authorizations so babies could participate in vaccine-trials conducted by the laboratory from 2007 to 2008."$1m-over-tests-that-killed-14--babies
Posted by: Carol | January 04, 2012 at 09:30 AM
Antibiotics and antiviral drugs given in hospitals as accepted protocols to babies, kids, and adults are clearly the direct cause of a huge number of deaths, yet these deaths are ascribed as caused by such as influenza, measles, pertussis (mumps), etc.
I have documented several times here on AoA the specific drug with the trade name Ribavirin (aka Rebetol in Mexico where it is over-the-counter just like Tylenol), with intravenous injection of antibiotics liberally injected to helpless infants and kids, along with such as Ribavirin and other extremely dangerous drugs. Yet, despite these drugs being the most probable cause of death or permanent injury, the hospital always says the cause of death is anything but their toxic treatments.
Just look it up, Ribavirin, a nucleoside analogue drug, ALWAYS causes hemolytic anemia, and other serious cellular destruction, including mitochodria destruction. Yet it is approved by the US FDA for respiratory syncytial infection that commonly accompanies flu. And, once a drug like Ribavirin is OK'ed for one use, it then can be used for anything else at a prescriber's discretion. And, this happens all the time.
My point is clear: When such as measles (or other disease) is cited as cause of death, odds are that medical treatments were the true cause.
Posted by: david burd | January 02, 2012 at 04:55 PM
Oddly, when I queried the 2008 measles death with the HPA they just said they had nothing more to say - so evidently no one there knew the answer. Unfortunately, I can't now recover the text of their reply owing to an email hacking incident last year but that was the substance.
As to their formula for calculating flu deaths, it really is precious.
Posted by: John Stone | January 02, 2012 at 02:36 PM
Eindeker, Thanks for replying; I would like to make a few things more clear. I do not dispute that 9 people may have died from measles- but I am simply skeptical about the 26,000 figure. If that many people are actually contracting measles in Europe in a nine month period- dont we have to question whether the measles vaccine is not effective? Im skeptical about all such data after I learned, first hand , from one of the people involved, about the WHO introducing Hep B vaccine into India after saying that one in 20 Indians are infected with Hep B virus. It turned out that they had extrapolated that figure from adult males in Taiwan onto the entire population of India. So, what we need, first of all is some honesty about vaccines.
My point is not that people died from flu vaccines or cortisone rather than measles; Honesty requires that we should be told if the individual was not a healthy individual.In my experience, public health people never do this. I personally know of two doctors who lost their babies at about 10 months of age (one in the US and one in India) to infectious disease. Now you can blame the infectious organism if you like, but I think the blame should go to the three doses of mercury given to those babies in their DPT vaccines, which would have left them at 10 months of age with severely deficient immune systems.
Regarding SSPE, I refuse to believe any statistics at this time. There is too little clarity. I notice that my Indian textbook of immunology states that SSPE can be a result of the measles vaccine, but in the US they apparently want us to believe that it only occurs from wild measles. I watched a documentary from the US in which the child in question obviously had SSPE, but the diagnosis was never stated , although they made it clear that the doctors knew what the child's ailment was . Could it be that they dont want you and I to Google on SSPE and learn that it is an adverse reaction to measles vaccine?
Yes, we just want the truth and sadly, we discover, when we study about vaccines, that there is much that we do not know, and much information that cannot be relied on. And, by the way, lets pause to give some credit to those battling for vaccine safety, for the fact that your grandkids and mine can get safer DTP vaccines, and many vaccines without mercury .
Posted by: Cherry Misra | January 02, 2012 at 02:15 PM
“always bring on Wakefield or parents "who don't understand science", remind me where I mentioned either, my original point was to counterbalance Christina England’s liturgical chorus of “children dying needlessly” with the fact that European children and adults had died totally needlessly in 2011 of a vaccine preventable disease: measles, had they made “informed choices??”.
After all John you proclaim the objective of the Age of Autism is to provide information to allow parents to make an informed judgement, is only one point of view allowed.
Ad hominem, trashing, no merely pointing out were factual errors were made, eg the SSPE, the statistics, is that not allowed in the Age of Autism?
“As to actually faking deaths to support the vaccine programme it happens all the time:”
Your final point re the immuno-deficient child who died of measles arguing that it was impossible for him to have died of measles is almost unbelievably crass, from the JABS link that you provided as evidence: “A positive serum test would only be significant if there was a 4-fold increase in titer [2], but if this was the case you might expect that the HPA would mention it, whereas they only record the presence of the virus”
He was immune-deficient John, how on earth are you going to demonstrate a rising Ab titre, that’s why the poor child died with wild type measles isolated from nasopharyngeal washings and blood samples, what do you think that virus was doing in his blood weeks after the contact?? I suppose you and Dr Yazbak are experts in the pharmacokinetics of immunoglobulin production in such cases to make such comments?
Posted by: Eindeker | January 02, 2012 at 12:42 PM
Playing dumb is the best defense of those like Eindeker. Here's the gist of his message:
"You're against the MMR and that's why people are dying of measles."
He plays dumb about the capability of drug companies to go back to making the MMR as three separate shots. If he actually cared about preventing measles, he'd be campaigning for separate shots instead of telling autism parents they're causing measles outbreaks. But breaking up the MMR would lower the autism rate which would lead to a conclusion he abhors. He's an ND who wants to believe his autism is genetic and therefore not brain damage caused by vaccines or any other toxic exposure.
He plays dumb about what is being debated. He knows very well the question is not as black or white as being "for" or "against" vaccines. A big part of the issue is how each vaccine is administered - at what age? In conjunction with other vaccines? Is child screened first for risk factors for an adverse reaction? Is the child ill? Etc. But he wants to frame the debate his way so he doesn't have to deal with issues which could lead to the conclusion that autism is not entirely genetic and may well be brain damage caused by man - his worst fear.
He plays dumb about the fact that no one in the U.S. has died of measles lately. So he talks about "measles deaths" in other countries where data is all but impossible to verify.
He plays dumb about vaccine risks and adverse reactions because the end-point of many of those reactions is regressive autism which could mean his brand of autism is related to a toxic exposure too, God forbid.
He plays dumb about the need for a vaxed vs. unvaxed study being the only sure method for determining if vaccines cause autism because he knows his "autism is genetic" claim doesn't have a prayer if that study ever happens.
He plays dumb about peer-reviewed studies that point to a vaccine/autism link.
Everyone else's autism is very personal to people like Eindeker, and that's why he has to work hard to protect his identity as genetically-caused autistic and not a victim of brain damage of man-made cause - which he considers not at all cool.
Eindeker, playing dumb to protect your sense of identity is no better than a pharma exec covering up vaccine damage to protect a mortgage and a Mercedes.
Posted by: Desperate parents? No, desperate NDs. | January 02, 2012 at 12:04 PM
You are just playing the game of whenever there is a measles outbreak or death always bring on Wakefield or parents "who don't understand science": but this has nothing to do with science, and much more to do with a political strategy.
If you really want science then you have to stop the ad hominem of trashing anyone who raises the issue of iatrogenic damage, and say we better investigate, because presently if anyone does investigate they have the fate of Andy Wakefield hanging over them as an example. As to actually faking deaths to support the vaccine programme it happens all the time:
I should add that while I wrote up the 2008 UK "measles death" the analysis was purely Ed Yazbak's.
Of course, if you make up bogus data for the state you are more likely to be rewarded with a knighthood than be dragged through the GMC.
Posted by: John Stone | January 02, 2012 at 04:47 AM
Cherry having seen your reply how can you say you want the truth when you totally refuse to believe anything that contradicts your preconceptions.
The full reports are there in French, epidemiological data following the outbreak developing over the past 2-3 years, what do you think that they're making up the data?
These are real deaths, there's no extrapolation as you would like to believe, you've never heard of it, well I suggest you google on "Measles France 2011" it's all over the net and has been in the European papers during 2011
The people who died from measles will almost certainly have had the virus isolated from them pre or post mortem, the measles virus killed them: the clinical symptoms with measles couldn't be clearer, its not flu vaccine (??) or cortisone or any other wild speculation.
SSPE yes a horrible disease, it has been reported that it affects up to 1 in 10000 cases of measles, but the incidence of SSPE has declined rapidly (>90%) in countries where adequate measles vaccination is in place, so where's your evidence of under reporting?
Posted by: Eindeker | January 01, 2012 at 06:21 PM
Eindekker- Please understand- People here just want the truth. I, for example, would like to know about those 9 people who died from measles- Did they really die from the measles, or did they die because some doctor had given them cortisone and that tanked their immune system , or someone gave them flu vaccines with mercury and thus injured their immune system.? Interestingly, whenever people die or fall sick with infectious disease, we are never given these details. We are supposed to blame the measles alone. Why?Why cant we know the truth?
I would also like to see mainstream medicine be honest about the horrible rare side effect of measles vaccine- Subacute, sclerosing, panencephalitis. Is it really so rare? Why dont we have better reporting of vaccine adverse events, instead of a totally unreliable VAERS system?
26,000 people had measles in 9 months and we never heard about the epidemic? Where did the figure of 26,000 come from ? Was it one of those extrapolations that we are supposed to fall for- as in - a tiny town in Spain had 20 measles cases, so we extrapolate that data onto the whole population of Europe ? The WHO excells in this type of data. And the cleanliness hypothesis for autoimmune disease? Lets just say- It IS a hypothesis. I suggest that you wait a while before believing that one. Sounds to me like a clever way of deflecting interest from the aluminum in vaccines , which stimulates the immune system and does not leave the body easily.
Posted by: Cherry Misra | January 01, 2012 at 02:56 PM
So be it if you believe that lack of dust bunnies is the cause of autoimmune disease - but you are avoiding real science and cause effect. This from you -"Studies have shown that various immunological and autoimmune diseases are much less common in the developing world than the industrialized world and that immigrants to the industrialized world from the developing world increasingly develop immunological disorders" Do you not see that vaccination is a huge piece in that statement, especially in immigrants. One only has to look at the large Somalia population in Minnesota with an acute autism epidemic while there is NO autism in the homeland children. - from the Hygiene study- "The incidence
of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as Crohn’s
disease or ulcerative colitis [2] and primary biliary cirrhosis[9] is also rising. Part of the increased incidence of these diseases may be attributed to better diagnosis or improved access to medical facilities in economically developed countries. However, this cannot explain the marked increase in immunological disorder prevalence that has occurred over such a short period of time in those countries,:
Autoimmune diseases and vaccinations.
Vial T, Descotes J.
Centre Antipoison et Centre Régional de Pharmacovigilance, 162, avenue Lacassagne, 69424 Lyon, France. [email protected]
The potential association between vaccination and autoimmune diseases has been largely questioned in the past few years, but this assumption has mostly been based on case reports. The available evidence derived from several negative epidemiological studies is reassuring and at least indicates that vaccines are not a major cause of autoimmune diseases. However, there are still uncertainties as to whether a susceptible subpopulation may be at a higher risk of developing an autoimmune disease without causing an overall increase in the disease incidence. Based on selected examples, this review highlights the difficulties in assessing this issue. We suggest that a potential link between vaccines and autoimmune diseases cannot be definitely ruled out and should be carefully explored during the development of new candidate vaccines.
Posted by: Teresa Conrick | January 01, 2012 at 01:37 PM
Well, if you want to believe that, it is entirely up to you.
Posted by: John Stone | January 01, 2012 at 01:30 PM
HoHo indeed John, unfortunately there is evidence showing this may be the cause:
"The hygiene hypothesis is supported by epidemiological data. Studies have shown that various immunological and autoimmune diseases are much less common in the developing world than the industrialized world and that immigrants to the industrialized world from the developing world increasingly develop immunological disorders in relation to the length of time since arrival in the industrialized world"
I know it's Wiki but actally summarises the situation quite well, however if you want the full Monty try:
"However, these data and others showing a correlation
between high disease incidence and high socio-economic level do not prove a causal link between infections and immune disorders. Proof of principle of the hygiene hypothesis is brought by animal models and to a lesser degree by intervention trials in humans. Underlying mechanisms are multiple and complex."
Posted by: Eindeker | January 01, 2012 at 12:31 PM
"Benedetta the most compelling explanation I've read for the increase of autoimmune diseases is a lack of antigenic stimulation, not an excess of it, society is becoming too hygiene aware..."
So wealthy people in the developed world should be sicker than those living in impoverished conditions in Asia and Africa?
Posted by: John Stone | January 01, 2012 at 12:18 PM
Thank you Christina for your creative Christmas message telling many truths!
For interest, ”Vaccines Verse and Worse!” Each little verse has a message. Ref links are for digging deeper.
Posted by: Sandy | January 01, 2012 at 12:08 PM
TR quote from French publication: "La quasi-totalité (96%) des cas rapportés n’est pas vaccinée ou n’a reçu qu’une dose de vaccin (12%)" ie only 4% had received 2 courses of MMR,
Re your Canadian outbreak actually what it says is: "
Measles cases have surged in parts of Canada and the United States this year, with cases among unvaccinated children and teens driving the high numbers"
It's been observed before that measles outbreaks in schools and other closed institutions with high loading of shed infectious measles virus can overcome vaccination, but it's still having a high % of unvaccinated children that's the driver to outbreaks, in the Canadian case about 50% of the children were unvaccinated.
Benedetta the most compelling explanation I've read for the increase of autoimmune diseases is a lack of antigenic stimulation, not an excess of it, society is becoming too hygiene aware (and MMR doesn't contain adjuvants, which only stimulate the antibody response to those antigens complexed in the adjuvant).
Posted by: Eindeker | January 01, 2012 at 12:00 PM
What's false?
1) That the only policy against infectious diseases is necessarily the present one.
2) That all the products are necessarily as good and safe as they might be.
3) That parents should be bullied into silence in the face of often very obvious evidence of vaccine damage - or that the human and financial cost of it is sustainable.
4) That you have made any attempt to address anything that anyone else has been saying, while trying to load blame for measles outbreaks on families begging for the issue of vaccine damage to be attended to in a fair and open and decent way.
Posted by: John Stone | January 01, 2012 at 11:09 AM
3%? Think again. "An investigation into an outbreak in a high school in a town that was heavily hit by the virus found that about half of the cases were in teens who had received the recommended two doses of vaccine in childhood — in other words, teens whom authorities would have expected to have been protected from the measles virus.
It's generally assumed that the measles vaccine, when given in a two-dose schedule in early childhood, should protect against measles infection about 99 per cent of the time. So the discovery that 52 of the 98 teens who caught measles were fully vaccinated came as a shock to the researchers who conducted the investigation."
Posted by: Trivalia Refusal | January 01, 2012 at 10:36 AM
Since you know the numbers on measles???
Do you know the numbers for all the autoimmune diseases too?
Untill they solve the problem of the immmune system becoming too over stimulated from vaccines - there is a problem -- a problem by the way they will not admit too. If you do not admit there is a problem then you can not begin to put the resources into it it to solve it.
What is your problem that you can only see half of the problem -- the number of cases of measles, but not the other half the number of cases of autoimmune diseases?
Posted by: Benedetta | January 01, 2012 at 10:29 AM
Sorry John what's false? the 9 deaths from a vaccine preventable disease? the 1000s of hospitalisations? the fact that only 3% of those infected had the 2 courses of MMR, (so I guess that's pretty good evidence that this vaccine does work in preventing disease), what's with " with unpleasant insinuations from the likes of you, which is all part of the grand scheme."....I'm not insinuating anything, perhaps just trying to balance the picture beyond the constant conspiracy theories. As for me being part of some grand scheme to deceive I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not part of any scheme.
Posted by: Eindeker | January 01, 2012 at 10:18 AM
But it's a false alternative Eindekker isn't it? Publishing lots of junk epidemiology and taking socially repressive measures against anyone who speaks out of turn does not undo iatrogenic damage.
I just saw the payments for the last 3 years under the UK's vaccine damage payment scheme.
2008-9 0
2009-10 3
2010-11 1 (presumably the Fletcher case which only took 16 years of prevarication)
I have also seen some of the sarcastic and lazy answers people get from the unit. Is this credible?
And we also have to put up with unpleasant insinuations from the likes of you, which is all part of the grand scheme.
Posted by: John Stone | January 01, 2012 at 09:11 AM
No one wants death or illness - no brainer. Lobby Merck to bring back the individual M/M/R if you're that concerned about measles.
Posted by: Trivalia Refusal | January 01, 2012 at 08:01 AM
Here's a New Year's day riddle for you Christina to go with your contribution:
What's the connection between 2011, 26000, 9, several hundred, several thousand, 3%? Give up?
26000 cases of measles in Europe Jan - Oct 2011, mainly in Western Europe, 9 deaths, almost certainly several hundred people left with a permanent neurological deficit, (judging by previous outbreaks, several 1000's hospitalised and, in an analysis of several 1000 French measles sufferers, only 3% of those infected had received 2 courses of the MMR vaccine.
I guess big bad Pharma didn't persuade those guys, what a shame for them.
Posted by: Eindeker | January 01, 2012 at 06:59 AM
The dripping tap can still fill a bucket ...lets hope Pharmas dripping tap of lies over spills this year when Murdoch shall no longer control the Pharma World Wide Press...
Have a good one folks..
From me in Scotland
Slàinte Mhòr
Posted by: Angus Files | December 31, 2011 at 01:34 PM
Fantastic lyrics Christina! Very inspiring. How about another chorus for the media whores....
12 Pharmas bribing
11 Writers writing
10 Producers shilling
9 Websites fronting
8 Trolls a-trolling
7 Journalists lying (to save their newspapers from dying)
6 Awards for buying
Five (Good docs besmirched for) gold and bling.
Offit profiteering, Oransky puppeteering to make Anderson Coo-per spinnnnnn.
Fiona (oops!) forgetting, A frightened Deer a-leaping,
Tsouderos' cupcakes baking, Snyderman a-damning,
...And Seth Mnookin and his Un-cle Bob!
Posted by: And a shilly New Year! | December 31, 2011 at 11:15 AM
Just to add that Crispin Davis - whose knighthood followed shortly afterwards in June 2004 - when he gave evidence as CEO of Reed Elsevier, publishers of the Lancet, against AW on 1 March 2004 to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, seems unaccountably to have forgotten that he was a director of GSK, and failed also to note that it was his brother Sir Nigel who had just upheld the Legal Services Commission's decision to pull the plug on funding of the MMR litigation 3 days before.
Such vagueness is surprising in the CEO of a major international company, or perhaps he would just agree with another knight, Sir John Falstaff, that "discretion is the better part of valour".
Posted by: John Stone | December 31, 2011 at 09:46 AM
After being heavily fined this year, Witty, now Sir Andrew, GSK supremo said,
"This is a significant step toward resolving difficult, long-standing matters which do not reflect the company that we are today."
And yet GSK still has media-mobster James Murdoch on its board today,
... as well as Sir Crispin Davis.
Until March 2009, Sir Crispin was Chief Executive of Reed Elsevier plc, publishers of the Lancet. Sir Crispin is brother to Nigel, Sir Nigel, a High Court judge.
Rumour has it that Sir Nigel wasn't aware that his brother Sir Crispin had become a director of GSK, the largest pharmaceutical company in the world.
"Profit margins, not global health needs, are what determine the next new drug. GlaxoSmithKline’s corporate motto is ‘committed to improving the quality of human life’. GSK has shown its commitment by suing the South African Government for trying to supply AIDS victims with medicine they can afford, knowingly producing toxic drugs, and by emitting more carcinogens than almost any other chemical producer in the UK."
Arise Sir Andrew ...
Better to laugh at the sheer brass neckery ... than weep for the miserable reality of this company today.
Posted by: Mark Struthers | December 31, 2011 at 08:10 AM
Not to mention New Year with knighthoods for GSK CEO Andrew Witty and GSK superstar Prof Mark Pepys who badmouthed Andrew Wakefield in the BBC 'Science Betrayed' programme, erroneously claiming that AW had failed to follow up on the Lancet paper with his research at the Royal Free up to the end of 2001.
Only last month GSK had to settle a $3b fine with the US government over the misprescription of products including Seroxat, Wellbutrin and Avandia (although Witty insists that the company has now changed its marketing policy).
Posted by: John Stone | December 31, 2011 at 07:01 AM