Dr. Lisa Morris on Interviewing for NBC "Skipping Vaccines"
By Dr. Lisa Morris, DC
On the afternoon of Monday, November 28, 2011, I was interviewed for the "Skipping Vaccines" segment for NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. Dr. Nancy Snyderman and Kevin, a producer for the show, asked me a series of questions for at least 20-30 minutes. The topic was vaccination and the trend of parents “opting out.” Below is the segment that aired on the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams:
Before we started the interview, Dr. Snyderman and Kevin informed me that they were determined to be unbiased and fair in addressing the issues of vaccination in America today. In hindsight, it is quite obvious the real intention was to suppress criticisms of the current vaccination policy by dismissing the concerns of an increasing number of parents throughout this country. The report begins by stating there is a growing trend of parents “opting out” of vaccinating their children, yet it never addresses the issues of why.
We did discuss why during our interview. In fact, our whole interview revolved around the reasons why parents are hesitant and concerned when it comes to vaccination. We discussed the fact that when making the decision of whether or not to vaccinate, we had a lot of de-programming to do. I told them my husband and I spend enormous amounts of time and effort educating ourselves about vaccination. We discussed our concerns over the current schedule, too many-too soon, one-size-fits-all, the lack of safety studies and unknown long-term effects of giving children multiple vaccinations at once. We discussed our family’s medical history and any adverse reactions to vaccination, our religious faith and vaccine ingredients.
We discussed the increase in current trends of chronic and autoimmune disease plaguing our children today including allergies, asthma, autism, diabetes, obesity, etc. I stated specific statistics by the CDC regarding the state of health of children in America today: 1 in 10 children have asthma, 1 in 17 have allergies, 1 in 10 have ADHD, 1 in 110 or 1 in 60 boys have autism, 1 in 5 are obese, and 1 in 4 are currently on a prescription drug, etc. We spoke about the fact that the US ranks 34th in the world for 5 and under mortality, yet we have by far the most rigorous vaccine schedule in comparison to every other country in the world.
During the interview, I explained how long and hard the process was when making my decision. I stated, the idea that we are all “programmed to think vaccines are so great,” but I also continued to suggest that essentially they (vaccines) may be; however, we tend to over-generalize that they are ALWAYS great; we tend not to look at vaccines as something that can cause harm because of their success (the above quotes were aired in the segment, but as you can see they cut off my explanation). I also went on to say the idea or “concept of the more vaccines the better, the more the better, or the more vaccines the healthier. I just don't believe that to be true”…when it comes to defining and supporting the health of our children and our communities (again, the quoted statement was aired, omitting the rest of my explanation). Moreover, the interviewers dismissed my question of the relevancy of inoculation effectiveness with respect to fully acquired immunity through titer testing. I relayed to them my dissatisfaction with the limited substance (ONE ingredient) in studies being used to definitively disprove a link between autism and vaccines.
I then went on to explain how we supported and continue to support the health of our children through breast-feeding beyond infancy, consuming organic whole foods, providing a clean and safe environment, clean water, good hygiene, avoidance of highly processed foods, exercise, etc.
I want to be clear that I was never asked my sources for information, but on the Nightly News with Brian Williams and on the Today Show with Matt Lauer the following morning, Dr. Snyderman said I was among a growing number of parents who are educated and get much of our medical information from the Internet. To set the record, my sources for vaccine and other health-related information is from the CDC, FDA, AAP, various medical journals, vaccine literature, pharmaceutical company product inserts, books written by leading medical doctors, etc. Here is the link to the Today Show segment.
Dr. Snyderman described me (as well as all parents who do not vaccinate) as tech savvy people who can “one-up or out-think their doctors.” This is quite unfair, since on Monday I was asked how my pediatrician felt about my views and I told her that our doctor understands the issues, is respectful, concerned about the topic, and open-minded. Dr. Snyderman described my children and all unvaccinated children as “disease carriers” or a “Typhoid Mary” which is completely false and contradictory since the night before (on air) she said they were “happy and healthy.” She also described me as “selfish, not thinking about my kids, uncaring of others, irresponsible” and “misinformed” which is simply untrue. Anyone who knows me knows I have the utmost concern for the health of our kids and the health of our community. My discussion on Monday with Dr. Snyderman and Kevin was wonderful. They acted legitimately concerned about the issues parents are facing regarding vaccination. I gave them intelligent and just answers regarding my stance on the issue. They informed me that while we do have opposing views, a senior producer at the Today Show agrees with my concerns and also has not yet vaccinated his children.
I have to add that I have received the most amazing support from parents around the country and the world for putting my family out there and trying to bring attention to this serious topic. On the downside, I have also received extremely threatening, vile, and hateful calls to my place of business from ignorant people who think it is okay to threaten my 5-year-old daughter and “quarantine her if necessary.” Disgusting. Does anyone in journalism take any responsibility for using my family as a scapegoat and saying we are disease spreading? Yet manipulating me into thinking we are doing a fair interview? Perhaps if NBC had aired the real discussion where I presented the actual reasons for my decision, I would not have had such misguided responses.
Still, even in light of my naiveté, I am happy to have done the interview because it brings attention to an issue that will continue to be a priority in the lives of parents everywhere. I believe the current mandated vaccination schedule in America today is a one-size-fits-all, over-simplification of a complex issue. Our children are individuals diverse in their medical histories, genetic make-up, religious and philosophical beliefs, physical needs, and lifestyle choices. In the end, whether or not you choose to vaccinate, we are all on the same side: the side that wants desperately what is best for our children and their health. The vaccination debate will not go away just because Dr. Snyderman flippantly waves her finger on television and tells everyone to “just get the damn vaccine!” It is quite sad that she chooses to blatantly dismiss the real reasons parents everywhere are delaying certain vaccines or “opting out,” especially because it is the liberty and freedom in this country that allows us the inalienable right to make these decisions.
~Yours in health~
Lisa Morris received her doctorate from New York Chiropractic College in 2005 and went on to open her own practice, New Health. While not at work, Lisa uses her time to educate moms in the community about the importance of healthy living. She also enjoys updating her health blog, Mommy Om (newhealthom.com), and loves spending quality time with her husband and two young children. She is currently at work on her first book, Above Down Inside Out, which focuses on the challenges of raising healthy children in America today. Lisa lives with her husband and two children in Buffalo, NY. You can contact her by emailing [email protected].
If all they have to offer is intimidation, ridicule and flat-out bullying, then they don't have much of an argument for the merits of vaccination do they?!
Posted by: Kathleen | January 07, 2012 at 01:20 AM
I'm glad to be friends with Dr Nick and Lisa Morris! They truly are individuals who are only out to improve overall awareness and health through education of everyone they come in contact with! They always have peoples' best interest at heart so when I heard this "quack" say they didn't, anger was evoked in me because that could't possibly be true if you knew them for what they stand for! 1st OATH: "DO NO HARM" Its great to have people that take a stance against something that needs to be addressed because its necessary to get people to "WAKE UP"!!!
Posted by: Shawn Halas | December 12, 2011 at 01:32 PM
Thank you for your thorough and logical approach to this emotional and frustrating topic. Even though we are a small minority, I believe more and more parents will wake up to the dangers of vaccines. I sincerely share this information with my small circle of friends and I pray too that only one of them will see the dangers and open their eyes and yearts as well. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Jennifer Sanford | December 10, 2011 at 11:38 AM
Dr Nancy has a nephew with autism. Maybe she would be different if it was her own child.
Posted by: Patricia S | December 10, 2011 at 10:50 AM
@Barry: "And to know that I led him by the hand to this fate, for "the possibility of" protection against benign diseases like chicken pox, measles and mumps??? I'm not sure that I'll be able to come to terms with having done that."
wow - that sure hits home... :-(
Posted by: Shiny Happy Person | December 09, 2011 at 04:11 PM
Paul (Shapiro)
I really would not count on it with Dr Nancy. First of all celebs and polticians have a very bad record of acknowledging vaccine damage if it is going to jeopardise their status (this is why Jenny is such a hero). But also with doctors in this position a new and even more fanatical mindset of denial can click into operation.
Posted by: John Stone | December 09, 2011 at 03:35 PM
Dr Nancy's position would radically change if one of her children or grandchildren were struck mildly AUTISTIC after receiving a vaccination. I guess the only way some people learn is by personal experience. Hey nancy baby, are you one?
Posted by: paul shapiro | December 09, 2011 at 02:23 PM
what a wrote a parent today who's adult child is in an institution sometimes on restrains because of his aggressions...and he has autism...sigh...
The fact that he has to go through this without any appropriate and timely biomedical help is making me furious. I had a son who was very aggressive with me last year, but I found out why...he had RAGING pandas. He is thirty, a pediatric disease.....hmpf....so we got test results back and get a call from the illustrious doctor who tested him, he had one of the highest CAM Kinase II scores she has seen....this would explain his periodic sydehams choreaic movements. I also tested for cardiolipin antibodies (her other expertise area) and he has those,....in other words, my son is a walking autoimmunity time bomb. And what started that time bomb? I have autoimmune things, hit number one, predisposition...then vaccinate, insert screaming...convulsions, high pitch screaming, ala, brain inflammation via encephalitis or SSPE, and we have a heck of an autoimmune process on board. Any infection now, is silent, stealthy, and even deadly. Insert frustration, because the top people in autism say, it's our genes....insert countless monies being paid for specialist, and being spurned for any new out of the box thinking...insert more frustration, because the treatments are not covered by insurance and parents are on the way out of having incomes in fifteen years...insert the future....Ray's son, who at the get go, should have been recognized for what it is....a child with a severe oxidative stress with ongoing infectious pathology which causes brain inflammation....see future cut and paste...a child in an institution, because he can't live at home because he is dangerous to family members and self....insert the entire picture...where you have a host of children now becoming adults...and imagine for yourself the scenes at the highest levels of pharma, covering their behinds by false flag studies and thwarted desgined ones, as to quiet the every growing burgoening levels of autistics getting SSI or having parents leave this planet...insert panic at all levels of the government...where people actually KNOW they can't handle this group of people, therefore, don't treat them....let them die of seizures, agressions, wandering, cancers, dementia...insert now how a parent feels in the middle of this..powerless, unable to find a way, getting even more defeated with each passing day....this is the true autism of america...this is the truest form of acceptible losses...and on this battlefield, the "front" is our innocent children, being led to the slaughter.
If I had billions, I would start a Shrieners Hospital for Autism, specifically for Autism...when upon learning a child has it, everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING is done to save that child from a lifetime care scenario. I mean everything, things like stem cell, Hbot, nutrition, scans, homeopathies and homotoxocoligies, chinese medicine, bone marrow transplants (not kidding) actual detection of lymphoid hyperplasia, or an infectious process, lyme treatment, stealthy virus treatments, GcMAF, VIT D, you name it, environmental changes at home, IV therapies, everything, I mean everything. Instead of wasting prescious time and money wasted on a child where parents get discouraged and overwhelmed, take the helm and actually reverse the damage...and everything with preconceptual care would prevent it as well...so parents would have to be on the same and like regimes as their children...for years prior to having a child....wouldn't this save MORE money than the millions of lifetime care in a child? Or should we just go with day one stuff...no vaccines...at all, ever (ask my grandson why they don't have autism)? But I digress...you can get autism in utero...by an infection, or the use of tylenol...another hmpf.... But if it weren't a vaccine, what else is making our kids sick....can we talk food stuffs, can we talk air and water pollution, and even the illustriative how we birth our babies? Can we talk generational vaccines, or retroviruses or mycoplasma or the juicy Sv40 virus in parents now in children, and their children? How about the fact that chemotherapy drugs in our water is mutating our genes at the fastest rate ever seen? Talk about point mutations~
Seriously, this is an all encompassing and even GENERATIONAL NOW epidemic. It's not cesium, or radiation...it is more...it's the whole industry, the whole kitten kaboodle of damage we are doing to ourselves as humans. So sick to death of this damage..and the denials...the denials are even more prescious...and the way in which they do them, are as sickening as a NAZI scientist working in a Jewish Death Camp. I think they actually enjoy what they are doing~
Posted by: kathy blanco | December 09, 2011 at 02:11 PM
Thank you Paul! Beautifully written. All my best to your family. Have a Happy, Healthy Holiday! Warm regards.
~Dr Morris
Posted by: Lisa | December 09, 2011 at 01:03 PM
This is a copy of a comment I submitted to NBC News.
I am writing this as a concerned grandfather of a wonderful boy that was injured by vaccines. I hope this letter reaches the desk of Brian Williams, since he is the editor of the NBC Nightly News.
After reading an article by Dr. Lisa Morris, regarding the interview about vaccinations she gave that was recently aired on the NBC Nightly News, I can't stress how disappointed I am that the producer of the segment and executives at NBC obviously had a predetermined agenda for the story line, not vaccinating is bad. References such as following rules, being properly vaccinated and a potential death sentence for the elderly heavily weight the theme. They decided to eliminate the essential reasons Dr. Morris gave in her interview for her decisions as well as fabricate the method of how she acquired her information. In fact, the most important issue of "why" more parents are deciding not to vaccinate is not discussed - concerns about the incredible rise in a multitude of serious childhood disorders, many with lifelong implications, with the belief that vaccines are one common thread linking these problems.
The primary obligation of journalism is to the truth and to our country's citizens, not to the agenda of a corporation or government. In this age of instant information, communication, mistrust of virtually all major institutions and heightened awareness of and reaction to all things unjust, people are becoming more educated, involved and willing to dig deeper to get to the facts and truth about important topics that concern them.
I hope that NBC can become the standard bearer for the "unvarnished, fact-checked, both sides of a story truth" and a news organization that will not bow to any government, political, financial or corporate influences.
With regard to the recent piece by NBC on vaccines, some fact checks and general vaccine information, here are a few links you may want to look at. The first is a link to the article Dr. Morris wrote for the Internet publication, Age of Autism. http://www.ageofautism.com/2011/12/dr-lisa-morris-on-interviewing-for-nbc-skipping-vaccines.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ageofautism+%28AGE+OF+AUTISM%29
This next link refers to some fact checking by the same publication on the whooping cough outbreak in California.
This is a link to the National Vaccine Information Center. It strives for research into vaccine safety and informed consent on vaccines.
Paul Campadonico
Posted by: Paul Campadonico | December 09, 2011 at 12:10 PM
I liked Jane Fonda's comments on Piers Morgan tonight. Re. the media she said, "stop being 'objective' and start telling the truth." Amen.
Posted by: Jen | December 09, 2011 at 12:25 AM
Great job Dr.Morris! Dr.Snyderman seems to be lacking in her vaccine education, maybe she needs to follow the parents in this case and get educated on the problems with today's vaccines. Maybe then she will begin to understand why everyday, more people are avoiding them, after all thousands of well educated parents can't be wrong.
Posted by: victor pavlovic | December 09, 2011 at 12:07 AM
If skipping vaccines is bad, then prove it. Look at the health of the unvaccinated kids vs. the vaccinated kids. I have one of each in my house -- you can probably guess which one is autistic with severe bowel problems, OCD, allergies, sleep problems, etc. Oh, and my other kid -- the picture of health.
Posted by: Marie | December 08, 2011 at 11:24 PM
Thank you for putting yourself out there. It is such an uphill battle taking on the establishment. I find it very frustrating when I send in an informed, researched "Letter to the Editor" to various newspapers. Then when its ripped to shreds by the "establishment" they dont ever print my reply! So often I feel like giving up, but then hope that my letters will encourage just one parent to do their own research and to come to an informed decision, whatever that decision might be.
Posted by: Vega22 | December 08, 2011 at 09:10 PM
DR Morris, thanks for giving the media a chance. It just has to sink in that they"media" that their big donor's need a boost. Most people realize the media is getting to be such a negative outlet to watch. Numbers don't lie, all the children damaged by vaccines. And the numbers didn't lie on their recent live poll, how many parents opt out of vacccinating their children.
Every chance I get, I point out in public how my son was harmed, this is one side effect of the vaccines. People always start asking questions, they have heard and wondered if they should vaccinate their future children. Thats my media reporting.
CT Teacher/ Grandmother, thank you for seeing the light, you rock!
Posted by: Allie90 | December 08, 2011 at 08:56 PM
Biostitute, presstitute, academic prostitute.... whatever we choose to call people like Nancy Snyderman, the old bag is wasting her breath on me.
I am anti vax....NOW! Now that my child's life has been ruined forever. And to know that I led him by the hand to this fate, for "the possibility of" protection against benign diseases like chicken pox, measles and mumps??? I'm not sure that I'll be able to come to terms with having done that. But what I do know, is that I would never have done it were it not for the advice of some stranger in a stethoscope draped lab coat.
There's an old saying that says " Do me once, shame on you.... do me twice, shame on me".
My children will never receive another vaccine while they are under my care. And there is no amount of condescending nonsense from windbags like Snyderman that will ever change my mind.
Posted by: Barry | December 08, 2011 at 06:47 PM
HFAmomto3HFAgirls, I always like your comments :-)
Just judging by Dr. Nancy's age, she's (likely) majorly unvaccinated by today's standards!
It's interesting how it's considered "skipping vaccines" to (for instance) adhere to the 1983 schedule, or the 1960 schedule, or the 1930 schedule. Today's "full-vaccinated" kids are, no doubt, skipping many vaccines (and doses) that will be on the schedule by 2020. Are they "Typhoid Marys," too?
Thank you, Dr. Morris, for trying.
(And autism uncle, if we're talking about descriptions of these people, we have to remember the great speech at the health freedom rally in Chicago this past summer, in which a former prosecutor called them what they are: drug dealers. Anybody have a link to that one on YouTube?)
Posted by: Theresa O | December 08, 2011 at 06:31 PM
@Stop Big Harma -- thanks for the urls, and my old eyes didn't quite make our "Harma" instead of "Pharma"
@Lisa Morris, First thanks for your contribution. However, it is far past time to equivocate politely as you did in your interview that was twisted to completely obscure your clear concerns.
I realize, at this point in time, nobody who clearly speaks the extreme (proven) perils of vaccinations to newborns through their first 12 months, will ever be put on mainstream media/TV. So be it.
I hope, from now on, you'll 'take off the gloves' and give no quarter to Nancy Snyderman's clones, if the chance arises.
Posted by: autism uncle | December 08, 2011 at 06:09 PM
Quoted from Article
"We discussed our concerns over the current schedule, too many-too soon, one-size-fits-all, the lack of safety studies and unknown long-term effects of giving children multiple vaccinations at once. We discussed our family’s medical history and any adverse reactions to vaccination, our religious faith and vaccine ingredients."
One more Concern: Failure to test for a negative synergistic reaction between vaccines in the recommended FDA vaccination vaccines and/or schedule. Have a nice day!
Posted by: paul shapiro | December 08, 2011 at 05:45 PM
I suspect 'Dr.' Nancy is very nearly unvaccinated. Ditto any children/neices/nephews she has. See, the reason the elites wail and moan when WE don't fully vaccinate our kids is because THEIR kids are largely unvaccinated.
They rely on OUR (damaged, allergic, asthmatic, autistic, diabetic, etc...) kids to be the 95% herd that protects THEIR 5% unvaccinated *healthy* herd. See the Simpsonwood files.
They are clearly using the media to ensure that remains so.
Oh yeah, they make lots of money too!
Posted by: HFAmomto3HFAgirls | December 08, 2011 at 03:33 PM
Thank you everyone! I truly appreciate your support and feel passionate about improving the health of our children through education! No fear mongering! No ulterior motive! Just the well being of our children and our communities!
Posted by: Lisa | December 08, 2011 at 03:33 PM
@Autism Uncle,
I wish I could take credit for "biostitute" (which is what Nancy Snyderman is), but credit has to go to RFK Jr. for coining that great term.
Please view his great speech on Youtube. We need to plaster this all over facebook. It's been four years! And they're still poisoning us.
Part 1: Background on the cover-up
Part 2: He introduces the term "biostitute"
Part 3: He describes the poster child for the term biostitute - try to guess who that is!
Posted by: Stop Big Harma | December 08, 2011 at 02:46 PM
Her final statement should have read "and getting those vaccines might be a death sentence for them" OMG I am just so frustrated with this tired message and thinking that they have some right to vilify anyone for their health choices in a land of "liberty". Way to go Lisa! And thanks for writing this piece for the rest of the story.
Posted by: Mama Mavis | December 08, 2011 at 01:32 PM
Dr. Morris - Thank you so much for putting yourself out there to try and educate people on how to make their child's life better or safer. Too bad our media no longer tries to. I can't even stand to look at Snyderman anymore...as soon as she appears on an NBC segment I turn the channel. I find no delight in watching someone prostitute themselves like she does...she just makes me ill. Wait maybe I can get a vaccine for that!
Posted by: MelissaD | December 08, 2011 at 01:03 PM
I'm a grandma and believe me I'm not scared of non vaccinated kids making me sick. I'm scared of all the vaccinated adults who are getting the flu shots. They could make me sick by spreading the viruses that they just injected into their bodies. I'm also scared of all of the vaccinated kids making my mostly unvaccinated grandson sick, now that he's in school. These kids are spreading their germs around, what with the live virus vaccines and the flu shorts and flumist which makes them contagious. My grandson is in Kindergarten and I have never seen so many sick kids in my life. I taught school for many years and it was not like this years ago. I began noticing in the late 90's that many kids had chronic runny noses and coughs. It's never ending today with all of them. Stomach viruses, fevers etc. are in all of the schools. Doesn't anyone wonder where it is all coming from? It makes me shudder to think of what he is exposed to, as well as older adults like myself. The flu shots do not work, yet many of my senior citizen friends get them annually. Last year, my neighbor got her 1st pneumonia shot. Guess what? She came down with her first ever case of pneumonia. Same thing happened to another friend who got the shingles shot. Shingles, within a week. Another friend got meningitis from the H1N1/flu shot. Guess what they are all told by their doctors? It definitely wasn't the vaccine. It was just a coincidence, and because you got the shot you got a much milder case than a completely non protected person would have. What amazes me is that people accept this explanation. Two years in a row, my niece has had 1 of her 3 children have a seizure after a vaccine. Her physician husband still hasn't made a connection. What is the matter with people? Why can't we use our power of observation and use logic to see that there is a connection? More important, why can't doctors see the connection? They are supposed to be the best and the brightest. Where is their common sense? It's the non-thinking people that make me afraid.
Posted by: ct teacher | December 08, 2011 at 12:26 PM
You will never get anywhere with the major media shows (a few individual journalists are the exception); they are the servants of power, not truth.
Posted by: Theodore Van Oosbree | December 08, 2011 at 11:27 AM
Stop Big Pharma, I love your description of Nancy Snyderman, a "biostitute." Makes me think of other appropo terms such as 'vacstitute'.
Of course, pejorative descriptions (though appropriate and amusing) are not quite as accurate as 'liar' or 'drug/vaccine hit lady'. Keep fighting.
Posted by: autism uncle | December 08, 2011 at 11:17 AM
Dr. Morris;
Thank you for your interview efforts with the Dr. Nancy show.
Dr. Nancy will ...never ever.... "get it.."
Dr. Nancy always forgets to state that an AAP doctor will take no liability for giving 8 or 9 vaccines on the same day. She forgets that vaccines and the "well baby visit" are about 80-90% of the revenues of a typical AAP office. She forgets to state that all vaccine injury cases require a trip to Washington DC. She forgets to state the United States is still using mercury in vaccines, banned is some countries in 1992...
Dr. Nancy forgets that she has "no idea in hell" of what causes Autism.... which is 20-30 times more common than polio. THAT is what the damn question is...
Dr. Nancy's final "death sentence for grandma" statement in the clip is a bit harsh... how many children have to give up their ability to speak, learn, work, fall in love.... and live in a group home for their entire lives to save a few grandma's.... if that is the case ???
As is always typical, .....ONLY Dr. Nancy.... gets to "appear in person" with Brain Williams to cover the story. All other comments are omitted or edited to support their point of view. They would never allow someone from the "other side" 60 seconds of live airtime, as it could destroy the entire American vaccine mafia and pharma revenues to the Dr. Nancy network...
Is Dr. Nancy up to date on her 130 vaccines from birth to death ? Does she allow herself to be a test subject for the vaccine industry ? There is some great work being done with anthrax and cocaine vaccines....
Posted by: cmo | December 08, 2011 at 10:25 AM
Thank you for putting your family out there. Dr. Nancy is on the pharma payroll and thus will never give anyone who is cautious about vaccines a fair and balanced interview.
She and her producers are SLEEZE incarnate for continuing to use this bait and switch approach that cons interviewees to come on the show. They are pleasant and supportive during the interview and then what's shown on TV is appalling and is a willfully negligent representation of the interview.
This technique is very old for those who speak out about vaccine safety concerns. I remember well when Dan Rather and his producer conned Barbara Loe Fisher and a handful of non-vax'ing parents to do an interview. What made it to TV was the opposite of what was promised - it was another chance to demean and discredit.
With the internet and social media, I sure hope the days are numbered for this unethical style of reporting.
Posted by: Beth | December 08, 2011 at 10:25 AM
Gee whiz;
Brian Williams has never gotten over Humphrey and Brinkley being so trusted. Brian Williams continues to withdraw from that long ago once full of trust bank acoount -- even though he has long overdrawn and most people has turned him off. -----That he can just sit in that chair and report this story right after "right after" a MERCK advertisment!
Merck advertisment - with lean, pretty, healthy people picking cabbages and putting them on a wagon. Not so many pills it says as it shows people smiling and holding hands, but more healthy living, and exercise --- it says. Then fade off and fade in to the talking head sitting so much like Humphrey waiting to give us unbiased news.
I stopped watching them 20 years.
And Dr. Schaffner is the new James Cherry - they look just alike-- the very face and soul that has caused the white man to be hated world wide.
And my rheumatoid mother "grandmother" "aunt" would not have been endangered from any childhood illness - since she was at an age to have them all!
Posted by: Benedetta | December 08, 2011 at 10:16 AM
This article is extremely enlightening. It reveals how Nancy Snyderman operates. She, like Seth Mnookin (as reported by parents who were interviewed for his book), seduces parents to open up and talk by pretending to be unbiased, and then edits their words to serve pharma's interests. It's obvious from the way your words were edited that she is fully aware of the facts, but seeks to cover them up. Her job depends on it.
Snyderman is just another highly paid biostitute. I wonder if there's any act she won't perform for pharma.
Posted by: Stop Big Harma | December 08, 2011 at 10:14 AM
I would expect no less from Snyderman. I sometimes wonder of that's why Meredith Viera left. Her husband has MS and there are lots of people who really seem to gave CCSVI and improve with the surgery (albeit the surgery is in it's infancy- sometimes the veins recollapse and stents are potentially dangerous). The drug companies make tons of money off drug treatments for MS and they are fighting tooth and nail the idea that a surgery will help "MS" patients. Yes, Meredith strikes me as having a conscience and real concern, something Matt, Snyderman and Cooper do not.
Posted by: Jen | December 08, 2011 at 10:14 AM
Thank you so much for having the courage and the patience to deal with people like Snyderman, Williams, and Lauer. They have their own very clear agenda. Under the guise of being fair and balanced, they're out to use people like yourself to make non-vaccinating parents appear selfish and misinformed.
I'm sick to death of Snyderman oh so subtlety pretending that whooping cough outbreaks (and the deaths associated with them) are the result of non-vaccinating parents. Whooping cough is striking VACCINATED CHILDREN BECAUSE THE VACCINE DOESN'T PROVIDE ANY SIGNIFICANT PROTECTION.
See this AP story on how immunity is lost after just three years. http://news.yahoo.com/study-whooping-cough-vaccination-fades-3-years-150528753.html
Are we to keep running back to the doctor for the rest of our lives for boosters? How many other vaccines are like this?
I'm waiting for NBC to stop their cover-up of the real issue here: VACCINES ARE MAKING KIDS SICK AND PARENTS ARE SCARED. When are these people going to have on Hannah Poling's parents so they can describe what happened to their daughter after receiving nine vaccinations in a single doctor's visit and tell us that medical experts at HHS acknowledged that she is vaccine-injured? When are they going to have Leslie Manookian on the news to talk about the new movie, The Greater Good, which gives us a detailed and honest look at the safety issue? http://www.greatergoodmovie.org/experts-in-the-field
They clearly are intent on ignoring all the damaged children out there and demonizing non-vaccinating parents. You'll notice that there's no place for comments on these sites where these videos are found.
In the real world, only the phony studies show no link and the big secret is doctors have no liability. The public is increasingly aware of the huge health risk vaccines represent.
Keep talking Lisa!
Anne Dachel, Media
Posted by: Anne McElroy Dachel | December 08, 2011 at 10:12 AM
Apparently, Dr. Snyderman is like Janus as she is two-faced. That she treated you with respect off-air, and then treated you with contempt, condescension, and disrespect on-air with the cameras rolling, shows the kind of person she really and truly is. Her on-air actions reflect her deceptive character and nature.
I cannot and will not watch Dr. Snyderman on TV. Why should anyone believe the words of a doctor, or any other alleged professional, when they are not fair or balanced, and even talk out of both sides of their mouth?
I am sorry for what this interview has cost you. That you have ignorant and angry people calling you is troubling. I am proud of you, however, for trying to speak the truth that no one in public health, or the media wants to hear. Thank you.
Posted by: Not an MD | December 08, 2011 at 09:42 AM
I wish they had shown more of your interview, it sounds like it was very well-done.
Posted by: AnneS | December 08, 2011 at 09:00 AM
It must be extremely frustrating for highly paid .. high-profile "televison personalities" (Nancy, Matt, Anderson, etc) .. to have to publicly admit .. again and again .. the "trend" of parents who have become hesitant to vaccinate their child according to the overly-aggressive vaccine schedule continues to RISE.
In any event, her easily recognized frustrations aside .. Dr. Nancy (just get the damn vaccine) Snyderman .. does not have the right to abuse her access to a national television audience .. by demonizing parents .. accusing them of being selfish for not vaccinating their children .. or .. even worse .. demonizing unvaccinated children for being carriers of disease.
The time has come for someone to finally ask:
"Doctor, have you no shame?"
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | December 08, 2011 at 08:37 AM
Thank You-Well Done. We have four with special needs through adoption (unbeknown to us), the most severe will be a baby his entire life--we watched it happen, one vaccine after another and had no idea that was the key. Thank You again for your eloquence.
Posted by: Nancy Grubbs | December 08, 2011 at 07:09 AM