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Age of Autism Science Summary: Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?

Science post imageJ Inorg Biochem. 2011 Nov;105(11):1489-99. Epub 2011 Aug 23.

Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?


Neural Dynamics Research Group, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of British Columbia, 828 W. 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5Z 1L8.


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are serious multisystem developmental disorders and an urgent global public health concern. Dysfunctional immunity and impaired brain function are core deficits in ASD. Aluminum (Al), the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant, is a demonstrated neurotoxin and a strong immune stimulator. Hence, adjuvant Al has the potential to induce neuroimmune disorders. When assessing adjuvant toxicity in children, two key points ought to be considered: (i) children should not be viewed as "small adults" as their unique physiology makes them much more vulnerable to toxic insults; and (ii) if exposure to Al from only few vaccines can lead to cognitive impairment and autoimmunity in adults, is it unreasonable to question whether the current pediatric schedules, often containing 18 Al adjuvanted vaccines, are safe for children? By applying Hill's criteria for establishing causality between exposure and outcome we investigated whether exposure to Al from vaccines could be contributing to the rise in ASD prevalence in the Western world. Our results show that: (i) children from countries with the highest ASD prevalence appear to have the highest exposure to Al from vaccines; (ii) the increase in exposure to Al adjuvants significantly correlates with the increase in ASD prevalence in the United States observed over the last two decades (Pearson r=0.92, p<0.0001); and (iii) a significant correlation exists between the amounts of Al administered to preschool children and the current prevalence of ASD in seven Western countries, particularly at 3-4months of age (Pearson r=0.89-0.94, p=0.0018-0.0248). The application of the Hill's criteria to these data indicates that the correlation between Al in vaccines and ASD may be causal. Because children represent a fraction of the population most at risk for complications following exposure to Al, a more rigorous evaluation of Al adjuvant safety seems warranted.

Crown Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



@ Bob Moffitt -

"...anyone administering a newborn infant the HEP B vaccine within hours of that infant's birth .. acts with DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE to that infants future well being."

Brilliantly stated! Hep B is a toxic cocktail, given on the first day of life. Hep B has both aluminum and mercury. Hep B was used as an active control arm in one of the pivotal studies used by Merck and FDA to gain expedited market approval for Gardasil, under the non-inferiority margin method of new vaccine approvals. Today, all that is really required for new vaccine approvals by FDA is a showing of political expediency. Pharma has no liability whatsoever.

We need more canaries to join us in The Canary Party - now, more than ever. Without our voices, this nightmare - vaccine madness - will only keep getting worse.

Angus Files

Mix Mercury and Aluminium together you have a different,substance a diffrent perspective as one agitates the other beyond belief as we all know .


Jeannette Bishop

Thank you to these researchers in their efforts to increase scrutiny of injected aluminum!

The following quote has been nagging me for years:

"Aluminum is not perceived, I believe, by the public as a dangerous metal. Therefore, we are in a much more comfortable wicket in terms of defending its presence in vaccines."—Dr. John Clements

This quote seems to me to exemplify the official position, then and now, on vaccine safety in our "health" agencies.

At the time, children in the 90s were getting several hundreds of times safety guidelines of Al, along with hundreds of times Hg through the vaccine schedule. Now our children get even more Al in the U.S. schedule, and what may only be a cosmetic reduction in Hg.

Adam M



Look, if you will at the crime and just 'mentally ill' statistics from kids born from 1988 onward. especially the bumps at 1992 and 2001. when they took the hg out of kids vaccines, they supposedly TRIPLED the al. why'd they do that if they were just concerned about 'too much hg'? to cover their tracks, epidemiologically?

i'm NOT talking ASD kids here. just watch the local news sometimes. you see kids in the less than 22/23ish age group doing the darnedest things now. certainly not *all* of them. but they have more issues with mental illness than previous generations. and crimes that defy the imagination of even a horror writer.

but it's all genetic. it's been here all along, we just didn't notice it. moms didn't take their prenatal vitamins or did drugs while pregnant.

that's it. that's the ticket. yeah.


I cannot believe this got published. I must be dreaming... In the real world, studies linking vaccines with autism don't get published, right?

Is mainstream media picking up these news? I haven't heard anything yet...

Anne McElroy Dachel

This study is on the NIH website.

What's it telling us?

Autism is a "global health concern."

Aluminum is a "demonstrated neurotoxin and a strong immune stimulator."

"Al from only few vaccines can lead to cognitive impairment and autoimmunity in adults."

There is no safety data behind the use of over a dozen AL containing vaccines in the childhood schedule.

These findings remind me of the information from officials at the Simpsonwood Conference in GA in 2000. There they were worried about mercury exposure and neurological problems in children.

Now this....

"Our results show that: (i) children from countries with the highest ASD prevalence appear to have the highest exposure to Al from vaccines; (ii) the increase in exposure to Al adjuvants significantly correlates with the increase in ASD prevalence in the United States observed over the last two decades (Pearson r=0.92, p<0.0001); and (iii) a significant correlation exists between the amounts of Al administered to preschool children and the current prevalence of ASD in seven Western countries, particularly at 3-4months of age (Pearson r=0.89-0.94, p=0.0018-0.0248). The application of the Hill's criteria to these data indicates that the correlation between Al in vaccines and ASD may be causal."

I wonder if they'll find (another) Thomas Verstraeten to run the numbers more three times and make any association disappear at the same time they lose all their original data while the lead author of the study goes to work for a leading vaccine maker and is no longer available for comment.

Anne Dachel, Media


Aleizheimer patients were said to have aluminium in their brains 30 years ago and now that is never mentioned - only plaque.

Buddy Ebsen-- famous actor almost died from his costume of aluminium spray as he was playing the tin man in the "Wizard of Oz". He may have lived longer than anyone else on the cast of "Wizard of Oz" but he had health complaints all his life. Long life is good -- a healthy long life is even better.

Bob Moffitt

"When assessing adjuvant toxicity in children .. children should not be viewed as "small adults" as their unique physiology makes them much more vulnerable to toxic insults;"

Just about 100 years ago .. Dr. Charles Richet won a Nobel Prize for discovering this EXACT same phenomena .. that every child is not the same .. that each child inherits a "unique physiology" that makes that child's inherited immunity unlike any other .. just like their fingerprints or DNA.

Apparently, Richet's warning on the "unique physiology" of infants continues to be ignored by public health officials .. considering .. the CDC waited until 2005 before issuing a warning regarding an estimated 1,519 children aged 2 years that were treated in US emergency rooms for adverse events, including overdoses and death .. of cold and cough medications that contain nasal decongestants, antihistamines, cough suppressants and expectorants.

Finally, after decades of allowing these dangerous medications to be sold "over the counter" at major pharmaceutical outlets .. the CDC admitted "the dosages at which cough and cold medications can cause illness or death in children aged 2 are NOT KNOWN. Indeed .. FDA approved dosing recommendations for clinicians prescribing cough and cold medications DO NOT EXIST FOR THIS AGE GROUP.

That each child's tolerance for aluminum is unique to that individual child .. should surprise no one .. after all .. it is not only SCIENCE .. it is also COMMON SENSE.

In any event .. knowing what we already know about the "unique physiology" of each child .. in my humble opinion .. anyone administering a newborn infant the HEP B vaccine within hours of that infant's birth .. acts with DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE to that infants future well being.

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