Invitation to Participate in Biomedical Autism Treatment Study
Managing Editor's Note: Jill has contacted me about this study and we are sharing it with you.
I am a doctoral student under the direction of Professor Linda Reed in the Department of Psychology at Capella University. I am conducting a research study, titled Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Relationship Between Biomedical Treatment and Healthy Family Functioning, to determine whether or not biomedical treatment used in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder can create a higher rate of healthy family living. (See IRB here.) I invite you to participate in this study by placing a flyer advertising my study in your office. You will in no way be endorsing my study or supporting my study. I am inviting mothers with a child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder to participate in this study, which will involve answering 8 background questions and 62 questions regarding the FACES IV survey about their family. FACES IV is an assessment scale that measures family adaptability, cohesion, communication and satisfaction. These questions are available through the website Answering these questions should take no more than 20 minutes.
Parent participation in this study is voluntary, they can choose not to participate. The results of this research study will be published, but the mother and child’s name will not be known in the survey and will not be used for any part of the research. By agreeing to place a flyer in your school you are not in any way endorsing my study, but simply advertising a link to the study. If you chose to hang this flyer in your school I will need a permission letter to give to my school showing that I have your permission.
This survey does not provide a direct benefit for you or the participants, but your participation will hopefully result in increased education of whether or not biomedical treatment affects the rate of healthy family functioning.
If you have any questions concerning this research study or your participation in this study, please call me at 843-377-6837 or email me at [email protected] or Dr. Linda Reed at 937-550-4269, [email protected].
Jill Tschikof
If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant or any concerns about the research process, or if you’d like to discuss an unanticipated problem related to the research, please contact the Capella Human Research Protections Office at: 1-888-227-3552, extension 4716. Your identity, questions, and concerns will be kept confidential.
We would love to participate! Heading there now!
Posted by: Tammy McNair | September 26, 2011 at 06:59 PM
Thank you so much for posting this story. I am thankful to everyone who takes a few moments to participate. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me, and feel free to pass the web address along to any mothers of children diagnosed with Autism, Aspergers, or PDD-NOS.
Jill Tschikof
Posted by: Jill tschikof | September 26, 2011 at 10:00 AM