The Age of Polio: How an Old Virus and New Toxins Triggered a Man-Made Epidemic -- Part 1, The Wrong Narrative
The Age of Polio: How an Old Virus and New Toxins Triggered a Man-made Epidemic -- Part 2, A Gypsy Moth Flaps Its Wings

CNN Raising Concerns about Rick Perry and Merck

Cash-pills-300x223 By Anne Dachel

Thank you Michelle Bachmann.  You’re making vaccine side effects a major issue once again.

I’ve spent a decade reading Internet news stories on autism.  In my own limited way, I guess I’m an expert on how the press covers autism.  And seriously, it’s nothing short of pathetic, especially when it comes to VACCINES AND AUTISM.

I used to write directly to reporters, hoping to get them, not to take my word for it, but to investigate this most critical issue of vaccines safety.  The attitude of most media people is absolute disinterest.  They seem to think their job is to go to the website of the Centers for Disease Control or talk to some local doctor about  vaccines and autism.  Of course the folks who run the vaccine program or who make their living immunizing children see no problem with the ever-expanding shot schedule and that’s the constant message from reporters.

Enter Michelle Bachmann. 

She brought up Rick Perry’s move, as governor of Texas, to mandate the HPV vaccine for little girls and his ties to Merck.  She questioned the safety of this vaccine.  This drew immediate criticism because any suspicion raised about vaccines is unacceptable, irresponsible and downright dangerous.  There can be nothing but good stuff said about the ever-expanding vax schedule or parents might not, repeat, might not vaccinate.

Every vaccine that comes along must be accepted without question.  It’s like indoctrination into some weird cult.  

When Bachmann brought up Perry’s Gardasil order and his money ties to the company that makes it, Perry said, ‘The company was Merck, and it was a $5,000 contribution that I had received from them. I raise about $30 million. And if you're saying that I can be bought for $5,000, I'm offended.’

But CNN is now reporting that Perry’s statement about only receiving $5,000 from Merck might not be the whole truth. In HPV vaccine, Merck and Rick Perry's money,  they looked into drug industry ties not not only to Perry but to Republicans in general.

 “Merck has given $28,500 to Perry's gubernatorial campaigns since January 2001, according to a new report by Texans for Public Justice, a political watchdog group, which uses data from the Center for Responsive Politics.

“And since January 2006, Merck has given an additional $377,500 to the Republican Governors Association, which, in turn, was one of the largest backers of Perry's own campaigns. Notably, Perry also served as the chairman of the governors association from 2007 until last month, when Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell succeeded him, so that Perry could pursue his presidential run."


I am seriously stunned by the cutting edge reporting from CNN (a network that has relentlessly denied that any science connects vaccines and autism and has no interest in the idea that pharma has overwhelming control over our health officials). 

CNN continued, 

“The absence of attention-grabbing headlines does not signify that these companies expect nothing in exchange for their investments. To the contrary, it is their fiduciary obligation to return a profit to their shareholders. Bankrolling politicians -- Republican and Democrat -- is just another tool to help them meet their goals and, in so doing, bolster their profits. If anything, money spent on political donations and lobbying holds more sway when it is unexamined. . . .

“Is this an example of crony capitalism?That's not for the Center for Responsive Politics to decide. It's the public's job to decide if the money outweighed the merits in this policy decision, but it needs to have all of the facts in hand to do so.

“Furthermore, Perry's actions benefiting donors from the pharmaceutical industry don't appear to stop with Merck.

For instance, drug-maker Novartis Pharmaceuticals has also contributed handsomely to the Republican Governors Association and it has also benefited from Perry's support.

I’m impressed with CNN.  They’re not taking someone’s word for things.  THEY’RE INVESTIGATING CLAIMS MADE BY PERRY AND HIS DRUG INDUSTRY TIES.

What’s incredible is the absolute, blanket refusal by CNN to honestly and thoroughly investigate the most heated controversy in medicine:


Seriously CNN, why do you take the word of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention when it comes to vaccine safety?  These are the folks who run the vaccine program.   The same goes for the American Academy of Pediatrics and just about every other medical group out there.  The pharmaceutical industry spends billions making friends in the medical community.  They advertise in medical journals and they love giving gifts to doctors.  Hundreds of employees at the CDC have conflict waivers because they’re also getting money from the drug industry.  The last head of the CDC Julie Gerberding, a long time denier of any link between vaccines and autism, is now head of the vaccine division at Merck. 

CNN loves to give us Paul Offit denying any link between vaccines and autism, but they forget to mention that he’s personally made millions of dollars because of the rota virus vaccine which is part of the mandated schedule.

CNN was notable for attacking Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his paper on MMR vaccine damage.  CNN never bothered to mention that the British government indemnified the manufacturer of the MMR. The government will be liable for the damages if it's recognized that this vaccine triggers autism.

No one at CNN ever publicly said they had read Wakefield’s book defending his actions despite the fact that Anderson Cooper called Wakefield as a fraud and refused to allow him to explain his side.

So CNN, it seems that when the moment is right and you’re scrutinizing Republican candidates, you’re willing to give us real investigative journalism.  Otherwise, when the issue involves honest reporting about what vaccines may be doing to our children, you pretend that everyone is on the up and up and pretty much give us all the official, pharma-backed talking points.

That’s a double standard that seems governed by politics not legitimate journalism.

Anne Dachel is Media Editor of Age of Autism.



Cancel out Rick Perry and don't support him, Texans!

kathy blanco

we only have one option left people, a voting block of people concerned about the health of our children, and not vaccinating all by mandation, and that person is Dr Ron Paul. A Doctor mind you....he was an OB GYN...he probably for many years never thought how vaccines could be damaging children...but I think liberty of our bodies is foremost in his mind...and that my friend, is the only person I can vote for, even if it's by my conscience. He is up there in the IOWA polls...I hope America proves the Media wrong, we are SOOO on to you people! Smoke and mirrors, propoganda...we get it? Occupy the national conventions, yes, indeed, canary party, hellooo, plans in motion?


"Perry lies again about Texas Gardasil scandal, claims woman he met after signing executive order lobbied him to pass it" by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer on September 24, 2011. (NaturalNews)

“The more Texas Gov. Rick Perry tries to defend his decision to sign an executive order in 2007 mandating that all young girls in Texas receive vaccinations against the human papillomavirus (HPV) before being admitted to school, the more he exposes himself as a lying scoundrel that is unfit to govern his own state, let alone lead a nation.”

Denise Anderstrom Douglass

Anne, please don't give up. You said exactly the truth, and I thank you. They keep denying, but slowly it will sift down. The jaws of justice grind very slowly; it won't help my grandson, but maybe if people don't stop investigating, if people don't give up, it will help somebody else's child. Thank you.

Ray Gallup


Ann, it is not stunning at all. If Rick Perry were not currently in the lead for the Republican nomination, CNN would not be interested in this at all. CNN will do anything it can to carry the water for the Democrat party and in particular for Obama. If they can bring Perry down with this, they will and they won't be interested in any follow-up regarding vaccines. It will be back to business as usual for them.

Posted by: Patti | September 20, 2011 at 07:33 PM


You are so right about this. The media could care less about the vaccine/autism issue but if they can make political hay against Republicans they will do it. Just imagine if this involved a Democrat. It wouldn't make the news with the media since ordinarily it doesn't anyway since they trot out the likes of a Paul Offit to discount any message or news linking vaccines to autism. The cold, hard facts.

Roxane Lance

I am a lifelong Republican that WILL NOT VOTE FOR Gov. Perry. I have two vaccine injured children (one autistic). I think that the RNC, Fox News and conservative radio should GET OFF the Perry band wagon. With 1 in 113 kid's now diagnosed with autism and each having two parents, Perry is the man that could give Obama 4 more years.
I think that the Republican party needs to listen to what people are saying. NO more corruption, no more gov't regulations and Perry stands for that. I don't believe the polls and I think this election holds many surprises.


Gardasil was approved in June 2006.Plenty of money had
been spread out as "educational grants" and donations
to the Republicans to promote this aluminum vaccine.
He sold his soul to big pharma and he showed us his true colours.He sold out our daughters and he will sell out the country to big pharma.Please,please elect anybody but not
a pharma whore like Perry.


Ann, it is not stunning at all. If Rick Perry were not currently in the lead for the Republican nomination, CNN would not be interested in this at all. CNN will do anything it can to carry the water for the Democrat party and in particular for Obama. If they can bring Perry down with this, they will and they won't be interested in any follow-up regarding vaccines. It will be back to business as usual for them.

Linda Higgins

Michelle Bachmann was on Leno last week and she really didn't do a very good job at responding to Leno's questions about her comments about vaccines. She could have said something that really proved her points and was helpful about vaccines and the fact that they are a money making business. But I believe that there must have been some people in Leno's camp who looked into Perry and Merck since last night there was a bit about Perry and Merck last night in which Perry was in a "money closet" where money is blowing around in a see through "closet" and "Perry" was grabbing all the dollar bills he could get his hands on!

Robert Hutchins

I hate to say it, but even before we found out my son is on the spectrum, I saw all of this biased reporting and B.S. medical interpretations and connections in a different, yet very similar stage that involved medicine and science as well as lots and lots of conflicts of interests, on a daily basis in the insurance industry. Any time that a diagnostic study can be read with two different opinions at the other end of the spectrum, somebody has money in mind.

I don't buy into very much when it comes to the medical field anymore. For all the education and training people in the fields of science and medicine receive, they are extremely closed minded. Paul Offit holds so many different positions that it is hard to keep up with.

The main stream media is the same way. Most of them could not write an honest story. Then they try to hide behind their right to keep their sources confidential. What a bunch of B.S. They should know by now that when they do that, people know that they are making stuff up, just because they are too lazy to go out and do their own fact finding and investigation. And Anderson Cooper!!! LOL What a loser of a journalist.

Seriously, if you listen to people's stories and do some checking, many of them are exposed to and witness things that prove the bias of the media and all of the conflicts of interests that are out there. I prefer to believe the thousands of parents out there who witnessed very similar events occur after their child received a vaccine and reacted negatively to it. These same parents have nothing to gain. No way anyone could be fairly compensated for what many have had to and still endure. Look at who has everything to lose...... Connect the dots and you will see a big poster of Paul Offit, his cronies and in the end, BIG PHARMA!


"CNN's reporting is upsetting enough, but when one reads comments from the average "Joe" on these websites of biased reporting, I want to tear my hair out. Word for word media statements come pouring out of their mouths..."

@ Maurine

Many of those average Joe's are almost certainly paid pharma shills. Joe Merck, Joe Wyeth, Joe Sanofi...

Why would pharma would leave the internet out of its massive PR campaign when the internet is where most of its PR problems originate?

Kathy Blanco

Our day is coming...bit by bit, pieces by pieces. If we have any salt on this wound, we should put pressure on the national conventions and pickett outside.

Ray Gallup


Excellent article!!!


"That’s a double standard that seems governed by politics not legitimate journalism."

I have seen that for decades with the media. They do that every day, 365 days a year.

The media never looked into this and never will per my dealings with Congressman Henry Waxman (CA) below(an example of just one more double standard among many by the lame-stream media).........

An example of why Congressman Henry Waxman supports vaccines.

You can
see from some of the contributions he gets. Check out the website:

Check out In the News on our website in regard to Congressman Waxman as well.

Contributions (Not all-inclusive. Just picked out a few to give a flavor to who finances him and what influence they have).

Year 2000 Political Action Committee (PAC) Individual Contributions

American Medical Association PAC No Records Found

Year 1998 Political Action Committee (PAC) Individual Contributions

American Medical Association PAC No Records Found

Year 1996 Political Action Committee (PAC) Individual Contributions

American Medical Association PAC Teel Oliver, Merck & Co.
$7,000.00 $500.00
American Pharmaceutical Association (PAC)
Connaught Laboratories Inc A Pasteur
Merieux Connaught Co. (PAC)

Year 1994 Political Action Committee (PAC) Individual Contributions

American Medical Association (PAC)

Year 1992 Political Action Committee (PAC) Individual Contributions

American Medical Association (PAC) David W. Anstice
$2,500.00 Merck Sharpe & Dohme
American Pharmaceutical Association (PAC) $1,000.00
National Pharmaceutical Alliance (PAC)
SmithKline Beecham (PAC)

Year 1990 Political Action Committee (PAC) Individual Contributions

American Medical Association (PAC) John. E. Lyons
$10,000.00 Merck Sharpe & Dohme
American Pharmaceutical Association (PAC) $500.00
Medco Containment Services Inc.,
Medco RX (PAC)
SmithKline Beecham (PAC)

Year 1988 Political Action Committee (PAC) Individual Contributions

American Medical Association (PAC) John E. Lyons
$10,000.00 Merck & Co.
American Pharmaceutical Association (PAC) $500.00
National Association of Pharmacists (PAC)
SmithKline Beecham (PAC)


During the Congressional hearings, Waxman also suggested that Congressman Burton, because of his membership on the Honorary Board of the Autism Autoimmunity Project, a nonprofit organization, had engaged in a conflict of interest. Project President Ray Gallup responded to Waxman as follows:

April 14, 2000

Congressman Henry Waxman
2204 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Waxman:

I'm writing you in reference to your mentioning our organization, the Autism Autoimmunity Project and Congressman Dan Burton, Dr. Vijendra Singh and Dr. Andrew Wakefield during the Congressional Autism hearings on April 6th that my wife, my autistic son, my daughter and I attended. I understand this was initiated after Congressman Burton asked Dr. Paul Offit what his connection to Merck was. I wanted to enlighten you that Merck makes hundreds of millions a year on selling products like the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and hepatitis B vaccines. They are in the business of making a profit. Also, Merck has not done any independent, long-term safety studies on their vaccines.

Our organization, the Autism Autoimmunity Project is a non-profit organization involved in research for autism and my wife, Helen, two other parents, Denise and Doug Totter and I are trustees. All members-at-large are non-salaried and are parents/grandparents of children with acquired autism, including Congressman Dan Burton. We are interested in autoimmune research that will help our children and feel strongly that Dr. Wakefield and Dr. Singh will provide important answers.

We started this charity in October 1998 when we saw that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would not fund Dr. Singh's research and that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) criticized Dr. Wakefield's important findings. As Dr. Singh mentioned, he applied three times to the NIH for funding and did not receive one dime. This is a perfect example of the NIH not caring about our children and not caring about doing something constructive to stem the epidemic of autism. The funding we provided for Dr. Wakefield, I'm sorry to say was a paltry $9,000.00 and I understand that the total support for Dr. Wakefield was $560,000.00.

So you see our support for Dr. Wakefield was not nearly enough nor was the support for Dr. Singh, that accounted for another $28,000.00. I wonder what proportion of Dr. Offit's research and educational turnover was Merck derived? Only then can the likely substance of bias or undue influence can be determined. To date, the work that Dr. Singh and Dr. Wakefield has done has not been funded by our organization but the funding we have provided will go to future research by them.

Your comparison of our organization to Merck is way out of line and unwarranted. I would hope that you will correct your viewpoint about our organization, our members and the research we are funding. If you don't feel that your viewpoint should be corrected, then you show that you don't care enough about our children and the autism community at large. I hope that you will support NIH funding for the type of work Dr. Singh and Dr. Wakefield are doing and motivate our government health officials to become more supportive rather than adversarial. The epidemic of autism in the U.S. and overseas is directly the result of an immune insult. We need to cut the ties between the NIH, CDC, and FDA and the pharmaceutical companies. They should represent the people of our country and not the pharmaceutical lobbyists.

I hope you will not play politics as usual and instead support Congressman Burton in his efforts on behalf of our children.


Raymond Gallup, President
Autism Autoimmunity Project


Bob Moffitt

"When Bachmann brought up Perry’s Gardasil order and his money ties to the company that makes it, Perry said, ‘The company was Merck, and it was a $5,000 contribution that I had received from them. I raise about $30 million. And if you're saying that I can be bought for $5,000, I'm offended."

Notice .. Perry was not offended that he was accused of selling his office for money .. he was only offended by the small amount of money he was alleged to have taken.

Which calls to mind Winston Churchill's dinner conversation with a prominent socialite:

Churchill: Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?
Socialite: My goodness, Mr. Churchill… Well, I suppose… we would have to discuss terms, of course…
Churchill: Would you sleep with me for five pounds?
Socialite: Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!
Churchill: Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.

I think Perry's "haggling" over the price of selling his office clearly establishes what kind of politician he is.


I would suppose there would be an opportunity for Michelle Bachmann to meet some "Gardasil girls" and the "boys of Autism" at the next Republican presidential primary debate in Orlando on September 22.

Ms. Bachmann might need to know there is more than one child involved.

Maurine Meleck

CNN's reporting is upsetting enough, but when one reads comments from the average "Joe" on these websites of biased reporting, I want to tear my hair out. Word for word media statements come pouring out of their mouths like like hot lava, destroying any connection to reality. I'm not going to repeat any of their repetitive comments---cause I won't have any hair left and because the choir knows them all. Thanks, Anne. Maurine


"... I’ve spent a decade reading Internet news stories on autism. In my own limited way, I guess I’m an expert on how the press covers autism. And seriously, it’s nothing short of pathetic, especially when it comes to VACCINES AND AUTISM..."


It goes well beyond pathetic, and is actually criminal. Autism IS vaccine damage, and were it not for mainstream media, that truth would have been exposed a long time ago.

The direct result this media complicity is that countless more children have been damaged by vaccines, while the media has been busy protecting big pharma.

They are equal accomplices in this crime, and just like big pharma... their day is coming too.

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