Winner Age of Autism Contest for The Day They Sold The Moon!
Congrats to winner Maria Milik!
A proud Mom sent me an email telling me her son had published a children's book, he's 9 with autism. Was I interested in reading it? Indeed! Leave a comment to win Jack Paschall's The Day They Sold the Moon. About the book:
It is certainly news when a 9 year old boy writes a book and gets it published. However, when a 9 year old boy who suffers from autism writes and publishes a book then the world sits up and takes notice. This is very much the case with Jack Paschall. Jack was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2 but now, only seven years later he has published a book called The Day They Sold The Moon.
The book is a delightful tale that has it main character, also called Jack, intrigued if not a little obsessed with travelling to the moon to see if it really is made of cheese, as he has read it is. With the help of an alien being called Musher Jack does indeed make it to the moon and also discovers that it actually is made of cheese. In fact, he sets up a cheese business using the moon cheese with the help of Musher the alien. However as his cheese empire grows the moon gets smaller as it is literally consumed.
Without revealing what happens in the story, Jack Paschall’s wonderful story tells the tale of how the boy discovers that natural resources should not be wasted and certainly not for money nor what money can buy.
The story is clever and although written by a young boy it asks the very adult question of what are we doing with the earth’s resources.
For information on the book as well as the ability to buy it straight off the page please visit today.
Superb title all to be admired.
Posted by: Angus Files | August 18, 2011 at 07:11 AM
What a wonderful concept and wonderful that one of our kids has written such a great book!
Posted by: Alice Petersen | August 16, 2011 at 06:10 PM