AAP: Trampolining Injuries Are An EPIDEMIC!
By Katie Wright
Recently, the “Today Show” broadcast a terrifying segment on what the American Academy of Pediatrics has labeled “the epidemic of trampolining related injuries.”
Trampoliners all over our nation are in jeopardy! Any random jump can result in an injury. No one can know in advance if they can trampoline without causing harm. The AAP referred to trampoline injuries as a “national crisis!” Indeed, a generation of children are at risk.
Yet probably 95% of the time kids have a pleasant and safe experience on a trampoline. Why then are a small % of kids get hurt on a trampoline while other kids, jumping on the very same trampoline, are fine? Something must be wrong the kids who get injured, right? It could not be the fault of the trampoline!
My friend Heidi Roger argues these injuries must be result if an underlying genetic predisposition. I say that Heidi makes a lot of sense. If 95% of kids who trampoline do so without incident, environmental factors can only play a minuscule role in this epidemic of trampoline related injuries.
Heidi recommends that we immediately research the genetic backgrounds of all injured children. Do these children have parents or siblings who have been trampoline injured? Has the child always been a poor trampoliner? Did the parent miss the signs? Even though a child has trampolined safely for years, a sudden and severe accident must be the result of an unknown, but certainly latent, genetic condition. Is there a secret history of bad bouncers in the family?
We must also study the DNA of unaffected siblings. Are uninjured siblings unaffected because they were no longer allowed to bounce or because they have less of a genetic vulnerability to bouncing related injuries?
Did the mothers of injured trampoliners take illegal drugs or prescription drugs while pregnant? Did mothers have infections during pregnancy that could have affected her yet unborn child’s sense of balance? Do multiples suffer the same rate of bouncing injuries as singleton trampoliners?
Obviously this is work for the genome researchers! The NIH must fund a study of all genes remotely related to coordinated bouncing. It is unlikely there will be just one gene for bouncing. This research will take dozens of years and hundreds of millions of dollars. Hopefully, in time, we will discover the genetic pathways into bouncing coordination and that will allow us to develop pharmaceuticals in order treat this condition.
Trampolining accidents are a mystery we need time to unravel.
Yes, Heidi and I are kidding. We know that trampoline accidents are real and can be very serious. I have been hurt on a trampoline and so has my younger son, but in this case at least, it was own dumb fault for buying a trampoline in the first place. Is there anyone in this country who is not aware trampolines are potentially dangerous? I knew the risk and chose, stupidly, to buy a trampoline anyway.
No one told me that my kids would not be allowed to attend school if I did not buy a trampoline. No camp refused to enroll my son unless he was allowed to be a trampoliner. Most importantly, no doctor or health authority promised me that trampolines were “100% safe.” Quite the opposite, the medical community has always been upfront about the dangers of trampolines and the importance of parents making informed decisions.
Sounds pretty reasonable right?
I agree 100% w/ AAP recommendations that small children should never be allowed on tramps and that older children be supervised at all times. If reasonable safety precautions are not taken serious injuries and tragedies can and do result. The AAP is right; parents need to take the responsibility or owning a trampoline very seriously. The AAP also recommends that manufactures make a safer product!
I really like how the AAP laid out their argument against children on trampolines.
1) Trampolines have never been rigorously studied for children’s’ safety.
2) Trampoline accidents can result in permanent injuries, sometimes even death.
3) Kids are not substitute adults!
4) Children’s’ brains are much more vulnerable to long term and severe injuries.
5) And my favorite: One Size Does Not Fit All When It Comes to Children and Safety!
However, the eagerness of the AAP to use the word “epidemic” in describing trampolining injuries is curious. Over and over and over again the AAP, the NIH and the CDC have refused to label autism “an epidemic” because, as their reasoning goes, only infectious diseases can be considered an epidemic. Hmmmmm…How does one “catch” trampolining? How does a person suddenly find themselves on a trampoline against their will? How can one be unaware they are in contact with or bouncing on a trampoline?
I’m not a doctor but trampolining doesn’t sound like an infectious disease to me. The AAP does not dispute the fact that autism is the fastest growing developmental disability in the USA. The AAP does not dispute the fact that an astonishing 1 in 100 children are on the autism spectrum. The AAP does not dispute the fact that autistic children often suffer from lifelong devastating medical disorders.
So…..How can this inconsistency be explained? I wonder?
Katie Wright is Contributing Editor to Age of Autism.
I agree with Katie Wright. Thanks belongs to Katie Wright for sharing this innovative thought with us. Ammy, my little girl like to jump on trampoline. I'm glad that I found this post.
Posted by: William Sutton | December 20, 2016 at 01:17 AM
If you keep writing like that, Miss Wright, I may need to re-think my opinion of you. I'm impressed.
After all, I guess we can't choose our parents. ;-)
Posted by: AL | July 28, 2011 at 03:15 PM
Oh, just let the kids hurt themselves on the trampolines...they'll grow out of it eventually...
Posted by: kim | July 28, 2011 at 01:52 PM
This is hysterical! Thanks for posting!
Posted by: Alexandra G. | July 27, 2011 at 08:58 PM
You missed one thing: The U.S. government hasn't indemnified trampoline manufacturers from all possible liability in the use of their products. The USG would then have to set up a Trampoline Court and hire "trampoline experts" (former employees of trampoline manufacturers and developers) to review any injuries for possible settlement.
Posted by: Frank | July 27, 2011 at 12:23 PM
We have a GE trampoline-model Signa 1.5. All the kids used it and they were fine. We upgraded to the Signa 3.0 model and immediately the kids were jumping higher and higher, until one bounced over the fence into the next yard.
It was determined that there was no evidence that this trampoline contributed to our child's injury, and as a result, insurance denied all of our claims. We have since joined Trampoline Speaks and were shocked that other families also had kids afflicted by the powerful trampolines. We believe the heavy metals in the trampoline contributed to the increased trajectory and thrust. The manufacturer said there is no connection, although the new model 3.0 "P" is now made with Lexan plastic rather than metal.
We now warn all parents: DO NOT TRAMPULATE YOUR KIDS!
Posted by: Texas Toast | July 27, 2011 at 09:02 AM
I'll need to print this out and share. GREAT Point and VERY FUNNY! Thanks Katie!
Posted by: Tracy M | July 27, 2011 at 08:10 AM
Trampoline injuries have always been with us. We are just diagnosing them better now. ;)
Posted by: Janet | July 27, 2011 at 06:39 AM
Insurance wont cover trampoline injuries-
Posted by: heather | July 27, 2011 at 04:56 AM
Trampoline Speaks-brilliant comment,you can explain it like big pharma would.
Posted by: oneVoice | July 26, 2011 at 11:59 PM
Thanks Katie and all who commented....I seriously needed a good laugh!
Posted by: Judith | July 26, 2011 at 11:42 PM
oh my, that is freakin hilarious. nice, katie! :)
Posted by: Sommer Slosson | July 26, 2011 at 10:34 PM
I am sure this is caused by old trampolines or perhaps excessively cold ones!
Posted by: givemeabreak! | July 26, 2011 at 09:57 PM
My Mother was a poor Trampeliner and broke her arm. But my Dad swears he was excellent at it and never fell. He subscribes to the harder and higher they bounce the harder they fall theory, but who knows if that is true? I sure am glad to know that someone will be starting to figure this out so for future generations we will have some answers. It would definitely help my family if we knew for certain how high we could bounce safely!
Posted by: Lisa B. | July 26, 2011 at 09:37 PM
Thanks so much. Sad as the situation really is, this gave me a great laugh today.
Posted by: 4Bobby | July 26, 2011 at 09:20 PM
I was really wondering if anyone was looking at whether or not those trampoliners’ parents were related. Regardless, if you are a parent who is concerned, you could take it to a special trampoline injury court and possibly find the trampoline at fault for causing a type of backyard acrobatic apparatus anatomical affliction. Everyone knows trampolines do not CAUSE “trampoline injuries”. Continued jumping on the trampoline (particularly during limb development in the first two years of life) should continue to be recommended. Not jumping on the trampoline is just plain selfish.
Posted by: Angie | July 26, 2011 at 09:18 PM
It's old moms. Too decrepit to break Junior's fall.
Posted by: Jettison Flinger | July 26, 2011 at 09:11 PM
That's funny right there. I don't care who you are...ya'll some funny people. clever, smart,,,
Posted by: Paulette | July 26, 2011 at 09:03 PM
I am really distrubed that the AAP is taking time away from true epidemics that have real generational lifelong consequences. A nation like ours can do better, but apparently, we like to wallow in stupidity and can't be bothered by real science and real tradgedy. This kind of apathy and non deference to our kids is very alarming...but hey, we murder kids in utero too, so, I guess talking to Nazi like associations like AAP about our medically systemically sick children is a little too hard for them to grasp (especially because they caused it). I guess trampoline accidents are all they can do without implicating themselves. That old strategy of diverting and off topic concern for really stupid agenda like topics is s sure fire way to make sure the public never knows about a generation of sick children. Ever notice when we have real earth breaking news about new research/critical findings in autism which illustrates our points, is on fridays or when a disaster, holocaust shooting or political wranglings suddenly come to fore and peoples attention spans are of gnats or can't be bothered?
Posted by: kathy blanco | July 26, 2011 at 08:50 PM
Not sure what Paul Offit has been saying lately, but according to the latest findings from the esteemed Dr Eric Fombonne, the incidence of trampoline injuries actually went up after children were removed from their trampolines.
Of course, it wasn't that parents had any reason to remove children from their trampolines. Trampolining risks are purely theoretical, and the removal of kids from their trampolines was done as a precaution, to you know... alleviate public concerns about the nations trampolining program
Posted by: Barry | July 26, 2011 at 08:10 PM
LOLOLOLOLOLOL!! Yall are so funny! Benedetta, that is priceless!!!!!!!! I may be laughing over that for weeks!!
Posted by: Chloesmom | July 26, 2011 at 07:34 PM
Poor trampoliners have always been with us. Einstein was a terrible trampoliner. Sir Isaac Newtown's difficult relationship with trampolines is legendary. The bouncing apples really slowed Newton's research.
Posted by: Einstein was a poor trampoliner | July 26, 2011 at 07:16 PM
Okay, I got to know who posted under
Trampoline Speaks - it's time to listen
Best one yet! and there has been some great ones!
Posted by: Benedetta | July 26, 2011 at 06:55 PM
We probably shouldn't be joking around about this - there really was a serious trampoline accident today in Philadelphia. While attempting to prove the safety of his new trampoline vaccine, Paul Offit jumped on 10,000 trampolines at once...and no one has seen him since.
Posted by: Donna L. | July 26, 2011 at 06:53 PM
Ah yes, I remember now that sudy on trampolines and freeways(thanks for reminding me, Alison) Done almost two years ago with 2,000 unsuspecting illigitmate children with the chicken pox. The groups was divided into thirds. 1586 children jumped near a freeway. Fifty jumped on a trampoline
away from the freeway. One hundred and forty eight children jumped on the freeway. 147 ambulances were summoned from Cedar Sinai Hospital.
Summary of the study: The traffic on the freeway was tied up for weeks and children with the chicken pox do better on tea and crackers.
Posted by: Maurine Meleck | July 26, 2011 at 06:25 PM
In case none of you have read the newest study on trampolines
from Denmark: 300 infants were allowed to bounce on a trampoline for one hour, 350 toddlers were given 15 minutes to jump on the trampoline and 200 adults, all were over the age of 55, were instructed to jump on each other for 40 minutes on the trampoline. In the end, 56 percent of the infants cried during the bounce, 5 percent threw up and the rest cooed All of the toddlers forgot their shoes when they were finished. 36 adults died.
Summary of study: Trampolines are definitely safer for those under the age of 55. Buying new shoes can be expensive.
Posted by: Maurine Meleck | July 26, 2011 at 06:02 PM
Correlation doesn't equal causation. Just because a child jumping on a trampoline landed on the ground and immediately began experiencing concussion-like symptoms doesn't mean the injury was caused by the trampoline. We must stop listening to desperate parents looking for something to blame. After all, childhood injuries naturally occur during childhood.
As Geraldline Dawson says "It's time to change the conversation."
Posted by: Trampoline Speaks - it's time to listen | July 26, 2011 at 02:41 PM
Many researches feel the injuries are a "genetic mid air event" rather being related to the sudden impact with the trampoline.
MORE funding is needed.
Posted by: cmo | July 26, 2011 at 02:34 PM
THANK YOU Katie and those of you that commented; reading this today has given me the first real smile I think I have had in weeks! I am so glad that the AAP is on top of this situation and there to protect us from this horrible, terrible "epidemic"...I am sure in another 25 or 30 years they will have done enough studies to figure out how to make trampolines safer.
Posted by: MelissaD | July 26, 2011 at 02:11 PM
The AAP has to sound like they do something besides push vaccines. Trampolines are a safe choice, especially since the AAP doesn't promote trampolines for kids.
However, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, asthma is at an epidemic level and so is underage drinking. Retinopathy of prematurity-induced blindness in infants weighing 750 to 999 g at birth is an epidemic, and so are over-crowded emergency rooms.
Sorry kids with autism, the strongest language the AAP reserves for autism is “serious health care concern.” I did have a thought about how this could work for us. Since so many autistic kids love bouncing on trampolines, if they have an accident, they actually get to be part of a national epidemic!
Posted by: Anne McElroy Dachel | July 26, 2011 at 01:27 PM
OMG, Anonymous. I am still laughing after reading your comment. Oh, sometimes, you've just gotta see the humor, or we'll all go stark raving mad.
Posted by: Bayareamom | July 26, 2011 at 01:05 PM
I agree with Dr. Offit, clearly defective genetics are at play here.
I am certain least 15% of those who experience trampoline like injuries have an underlying genetic abnormality, we now need a billion dollars in order to identify all the genes causing this epidemic of trampoline injuries.
Posted by: Katie Wright | July 26, 2011 at 12:31 PM
WHO determined that Autism is 1 in 110 or 100. In UTAH 1 in 70. Parts of Ca. 1 in 76, South Korea, 1 in 38. The CDC now says that 1 in 6 kids has a "Developmental Disability." We are being lied to, that's WHO! I believe that at least 1 in 10 children in the US has Autism. The only real change is that kids went from approximately 7 vaccines by age 6 to 70 vaccines by age 6.This coming spring they will add around 6 new Menningitis shots to innocent 2, 4 again at 6 and 12 MONTH old babies.Do you know of 2 month old babies dieing of Menningitis? Aluminum, ethylmercury, embombing fluid, polysorbate Protected by WHO???See, "Childhood Has Become A Diagnosis Game," on the cover of MARCI Magazine, put out by HolisticMentorshipNetwork (summer 2011) and my article appears right below an article authored by Gary Null. Shelley of, "Recovering Autism and Special Needs," on youtube. You can Google it. Thanks Katie. for preventing TRAMPOLINEITIS.Science without ConSCIENCE
Posted by: Shell | July 26, 2011 at 11:22 AM
Bella fell off her bed and broke her arm. However, the injuries were only broken-arm LIKE since we all know beds are safe, it's Trampolines that are dangerous.
Posted by: Bed Like Injuries from Kim | July 26, 2011 at 10:23 AM
Trampolines do not the cause the injuries, which only affect those that fall outside the safety net due to not making all their jumps properly according to recommendations. The AAP warns parents of the dangers posed to their children by jumping onto the natural earth, and strongly recommends that all children are protected by jumping only on trampolines. The AAP is working hard in collaboration with the government and industry to provide a larger and more comprehensive trampoline available to all children.
Posted by: GH | July 26, 2011 at 10:14 AM
The question has been asked and answered. Trampolines do not cause injuries. Bad parenting and/or bad genes are to blame.
Posted by: Don't Faul Offit | July 26, 2011 at 10:12 AM
Autism Speaks has responded to a question about the "trampoline epidemic" vs. the non-existent autism epidemic on its ning forum:
"A question for Autism Speaks... The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) has called trampoline injuries an epidemic. There are 100,000 such injuries per year, mostly minors. There are about 75 million minors in the U.S. That puts the trampoline injury rate at about one in 750. Why does Autism Speaks not call autism an epidemic, with an autism prevalence rate of one in 110?"
Reply by Autism Speaks on July 15, 2011:
"'Epidemic' is often used to describe autism, but the term becomes an issue because scientists and researchers are unsure how and if autism prevalence has really increased over time or if it has always been this high with many cases undetected in the past. Please refer to our Blog posts, 'Evaluating Change in Autism Prevalence: Change We Can Believe In?' (http://blog.autismspeaks.org/2011/02/03/s-evaluating-change/) and 'What is Causing the Increase in Autism Prevalence?' (http://blog.autismspeaks.org/2010/10/22/got-questions-answers-to-yo...) for more information."
The questioner replied:
"The two blog posts you linked to draw very similar conclusions, both agreeing that autism prevalence really has increased over time and has not always been this high.:
10/22/2010 blog:
"Based on the above mentioned research, approximately 53% percent of the increase in autism prevalence over time may be explained by changes in diagnosis (26%), greater awareness (16%), and an increase in parental age (11%). While this research is beginning to help us understand the increase in autism prevalence, half of the increase is still unexplained and not due to better diagnosis, greater awareness, and social factors alone. Environmental factors, and their interactions with genetic susceptibilities, are likely contributors to increase in prevalence"
02/03/2011 blog:
"Factors such as younger age of diagnosis, broadening of diagnostic criteria, improvements in the availability of services, and better awareness of the disorder have all been attributed to the change in autism prevalence. However, recent epidemiological studies indicated that, while these factors do account for a portion of the change, they cannot account for all of the increase alone"
The fact that the cause(s) of autism is/are unknown bears no relation to whether or not autism is epidemic (see definition below).
Given the conclusions from the blog posts above, the definition of epidemic below, and the AAP's recent announcement that trampoline injuries (affecting approx one in 750) are now considered epidemic, I hope Autism Speaks will give the current rate of autism the urgency it deserves with the appropriate term "epidemic."
According to Merriam-Webster:
Definition of EPIDEMIC
: affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time
a : excessively prevalent b : contagious 4 em>epidemic laughter>
: characterized by very widespread growth or extent : of, relating to, or constituting an epidemic
Posted by: An epidemic of denial | July 26, 2011 at 09:38 AM
Also, don't forget that there are some trampoliners who claim to enjoy their recognition as trampoliners. Their pride in owning these unique injuries makes conversations about level and intensity of harm difficult. They don't want you making waves and changing the laws on trampoline safety. They also claim that they never had a trampoline injury and are blessed to share with those who did.
Financially, the trampoline manufacturers do not want you messing with their product. The secret ingredients as well as the blatant injurious ones belong to them - their recipe. They also do not want you messing with their numbers, like how many trampolines one can jump on per day and even jumping on numerous ones simultaneously. Don't forget too that any government regulators may find your concern to be a hindrance. To test all of these different trampolines, individually and then in groups, PLUS have different ages, sexes and races be looked at for propensity to injury - forget about it!
Lastly, the amount of time, money and energy spent avoiding and refusing to examine those who jump on trampolines to those who do not is just extraordinary and should make anyone who is thinking of jumping very hesitant and to do so at their own risk! Remember - the Trampoline Court does not rely on evidence and a jury but the very government responsible for the safety of trampolines.
It's no secret that the Amish are not big on jumping and their rate of trampoline injuries is just about nonexistent.
Posted by: AAP- friends to vaccine companies, foe to the trampoline industry | July 26, 2011 at 09:37 AM
I'd like to know how many of these trampolines were near power plants, and whether the injured trampoliners might have been sick before they started trampolining.
I doubt these high rates have anything to do with the way the trampolines were put together, as I'm sure most of them were assembled correctly by the dads of these children who are mostly engineers.
Posted by: Claire Bothwell | July 26, 2011 at 09:16 AM
This report is rubbish! Everyone knows it's a coincidence that injuries just happen to occur around the same time as children play on their trampolines!
Dr. Nancy $nyd, whoever $he i$, $aid it be$t!
Posted by: "Mom with Trampoline" (Trampoline Exec ghostposter) | July 26, 2011 at 09:11 AM
As always,love your great articles. Your sharp wit gets straight to the point, and shows the ludicrous-ness.
I was going to comment that at least the doctors are not denying the kids are getting hurt from the trampoline, but Bob Moffitt already said it and so much better.
Posted by: Benedetta | July 26, 2011 at 09:07 AM
It looks as though the Trampoline Safety Association sets its own guidelines and safety criteria, possibly to ensure profits or maybe protect the trampoline makers from frivolous lawsuits...
Trampoline Safety Association and the ASTM
Founded in the United States by a group of scientists and engineers, the organization was first led by Charles Benjamin Dudley. With its primary goal of developing a set of safety standards that keep the public at large safe, the group's first mission was to address the rail breaks in the then booming railroad industry.
Today the ASTM supports thousands of international committees, while the organization itself maintains no less than 12,000 standards. Their annual book alone holds more than seventy-seven volumes.
The Standards
The standards that are complied have a direct bearing on the trampoline safety association. Thus, trampolines that bear its approval meet the following criteria:
Standard specification: This category defines the requirements that must be met in order to be satisfied by the subject.
Standard test method: Defining the way the test is performed, the result of the standard test method is then used to access the compliance of the subject in regards to the standard specification.
Standard practice defines a sequence of operations but does not produce a result.
Terminology standard: Here is found definitions of the terms used in the other standards. This process is a rigorous one and as such, the ASTM test is used around the world, even in places where ASTM specifications are not required.
Posted by: Tracy McDermott | July 26, 2011 at 09:05 AM
Wonderful observations and suggestions regarding the AAP's warning of a "trampoline epidemic". How about all trampoline accidents being merely "coincidental" to using a trampoline?
In all seriousness .. perhaps the AAP should adopt the method they used to monitor and compile accurate records of trampoline injuries .. and .. use that monitoring method to replace the failed method used to compile a record of vaccine injuries?
For instance .. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) relies upon the following request:
"Please report all significant adverse events that occur after vaccination of adults and children, even if you are not sure whether the vaccine caused the adverse event."
Since it is reported that less than 10% of doctors and pediatricians voluntarily comply as requested by VAERS .. how in God's name is the VAERS supposed to do their critical job .. which is to monitor vaccine adverse events?
In other words .. if only 10% of trampoline accidents were reported .. there wouldn't be any reason for the AAP to declare "trampoline accidents epidemic".
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | July 26, 2011 at 08:37 AM
"Just jump on the damn trampoline!"
Posted by: Dr. Nancy Snyd..... | July 26, 2011 at 08:32 AM
Did the AAP have any advice as to whether spreading out the jumping over time and decreasing the number of jumps on each occasion, lead to less chance of injury? Perhaps that was simply so obvious there was no need to examine.
Posted by: Anonymous | July 26, 2011 at 07:49 AM
This is priceless, Katie! :-)
Posted by: Wendy Fournier | July 26, 2011 at 07:45 AM
Jumping on a home trampoline while watching Elmo raised the risk of injury significantly. And if Mom was over 30? Fuggedaboudit!
Posted by: Kim Stagliano | July 26, 2011 at 07:11 AM
I'm curious if they have looked into whether the child is more likely to be injured on a trampoline if the trampoline is near a highway?
(that's for Maurine!!)
Posted by: Alison MacNeil | July 26, 2011 at 06:47 AM
Katie - With all due respect to Heidi Roger and the AAP (not sure what respect is due to the latter), I'm wondering if there REALLY is an increase in trampoline injuries, or if there is just a broader definition of trampoline injury. Maybe these trampoline injuries have been there all along, and there are millions of adults who are walking around with them, but we called them sprains or scrapes in the past. It wasn't fashionable to call them "trampoline injuries" or for parents to go after expensive special services and accommodations from schools and insurance companies. Hmmm...
Posted by: Andrea | July 26, 2011 at 06:15 AM