Best of AofA: Back to Christmas 1962
Autism Abortion Test Now Available: Should Taxpayer Dollars Be Used To Develop Such Tests?



Note that measles vaccine is being heavily recommended for travelers going outside of the US. The logic is bizarre. The measles vaccine will not protect you within the US if "herd immunity" drops below 95%. The same vaccine WILL protect you if you happen to be wandering around a country going through an outbreak of measles. France, for example. Magical thinking is alive and well at the CDC and among the medicos.

MMR NewsBeat


I think you can assume it doesn't work very well.


Can this be true? They're recommending that infants who get MMR before the age of one should have another dose before the age of 15 months and yet another a month later?

"Infants who receive a dose of the MMR vaccine before their first birthday should receive two more doses of the vaccine during their young lives. The first of those should be administered when the child is between 12 and 15 months of age, with the second 28 days after the first."


Measles are highly infectious and nearly all children would contract the disease on exposure.In 1961 Measles were part of childhood.Transmission of this paramyxovirus happened through inhalation of respiratory droplets.In uncomplicated cases (eg.malnourishment)kids had a normal course of disease,recovery is rapid and they develop normal natural immunity.Lot of children died in thirld world countries,by
result of this infection but the major contributing factors were malnutrition,depressed immune system,poor medical care,
bacterial contamination of drinking water,Vit.A deficiency.


My daughter came down with the measles 10 days after her vaccination. The doctor told me that is a side effect of live vaccines. Go figure.


It was a common television or movie plot when I was growing up - if they wanted to get a character out of the way, but not permanently.

Julie Leonardo

I think I just caught this too on Boomerang. Didn't Marsha Brady get the measles in one episode too?

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