From The Editor
Jenny McCarthy At the Autism One Generation Rescue Conference

A New Political Movement Takes Flight: The Canary Party

Canary party
Managing Editor's Note: the Canary Party took flight today.  The name is derived from the use of small, fragile canaries, sent into coal mines to determine if the air was deadly or not.  Americans, especially children, are the new canaries in the coalmine. It's time to demand answers from both sides of the aisle.  Visit to learn more. From the webiste:

You have probably never heard of any of us.

We are a group of citizens who are disturbed by the increasingly failing health of those in our society.  Among us are those who have been injured by the medical industry, those who have children or loved ones who have been harmed and killed by the medical industry, medical professionals upset with what is happening in their chosen fields and those who endeavor to preserve human health in spite of increasingly corrupt and failing medical establishment.

In 2010, a group of parents of children who were chronically ill with neurological disorders and autoimmune disease who had been active for years in trying to get the medical establishment to address the causes and treatment of their children's poor health, faced the realization that while they had been earnest in their engagement of both the private medical industry and government public health officials, the medical establishment was not working in good faith with them.  They came to the realization that if anything was to be done about the epidemic levels of childhood chronic illness in the US, it would have to be a result of real political pressure to clean up the corruption in the medical establishment that was allowing bad pharmaceuticals, bad medical policy and bad public health policy to assault human health on such a wide scale.

They began talking with other medical injury groups, groups that were concerned with the lack of choices in health care, and those concerned with parental rights, with environmental pollution, with nutrition, and with the encroachment of the medical industrial complex on the basic rights of the individual to practice informed consent in medical care.

In the spring of 2011, it became clear that waiting to do something was no longer an option.  It was time to launch The Canary Party, because the medical establishment is not paying attention to the sick canaries in our society that are telling us that there are serious problems that need to be addressed, and that if they are not, we must expect that society will begin to suffer greater and greater collapse as more and more people succumb to the diseases and disorders rampant today.

It was time to stop asking the medical establishment to pay attention to the epidemic of illness, and demand that they do, or replace them with better men who would.

And so The Canary Party was born.

In the coming days we will be hearing from many of those individuals on why they have signed on to the Canary Party, and why it was time.  We hope you will subscribe and begin the discussion on how to change the course of human health history, and make medicine a safer place for the following generations.Managing



I think it sounds like a great idea, whose time has come (actually came a long time ago).

I do have some concerns. I went to the website, and I do see names I recognize in charge. But I am very concerned about privacy and safety issues. To sign up, we have to give name, physical address, email address, phone number, etc., and how do we know whether or not some pharm shill might be able to hack into this information?

We all know the pharmaceutical industry is not only willing to destroy careers and reputations in exchange for their profits, they are willing to destroy the lives of our children. We also know that all kinds of companies with pretty sophisticated security--including FaceBook--have been hacked.

That concern is enough to stop me from signing up, which is a shame, because the idea is a fabulous one. But I am truly afraid of what the pharma companies are capable of doing when they feel threatened (which I'm sure they do).

Answer to Media Scholar

Anyone who reads Age of Autism will be very surprised at allegations that it is cozying up to Paul Offit, Alison Singer and Autism Speaks - at the very least it has a funny way of doing it.

Media Scholar

Answer to Media Scholar,

Wrong. The bill to extend (CAA II) is very active and those organizations could not possibly careless that Paul Offit and Alison Singer are fully supporting, too.

They all been drinking from the same well all along. What is it to them the well is replenished from the veins of our babies?

While most were "partying" at Autism One, the CAA II bill was dropped last Thursday.|/home/LegislativeData.php|

Regardless of their so called wish list most of "autism" organizations that got hush money from Autism Speaks through the original CAA want more.

So don't be surprised to see Paul Offit as the keynote speaker at next year's Autism One convention, I guess.

BTW, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

John Stone

The party was launched at the Autism One conference, on live stream. Mark Blaxill gave a speech. The website is incomplete and needs to be updated.


Hopefully we will learn in the not to distant future who is responsible for this promising and on the face of it, admirable concept. However, please forgive my scepticism right now. Could it be a RED Herring ? or yet another Big Pharma Trojan Horse ?

If truly genuine or maybe a Whistle Blower, you have already cast doubt in the minds of some very creditable people by hiding your identity at the crucial point of your launch.

Come Clean, NOW!

Answer to Media Scholar

Media Scholar

Not sure what your point is. This is a list of organisations and people (CAARC) who got together in December 2010 to collectively propose constructive amendments to the Combatting Autism Act.

They were saying that the Act was not doing its job.

Media Scholar

The Canary party idea is foolish.

There are more important things to think about like how long before Paul Offit is warmly welcomed in as the keynote speaker at an Autism One convention.

The Autism Science Foundation (ASF) strongly supports the Combating Autism Reauthorization Act of 2011 (CARA) introduced today by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) in the United States Senate and by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA) in the United States House of Representatives.

The new bill reauthorizes the Combating Autism Act of 2006 (CAA), which has played a critical role in advancing autism research and treatment.

Then take a look at who else is supporting more CDC anti-litigation bloc autism research:

We are autism groups who represent tens of thousands of families. We will use our collective voice and power to pass legislation that will serve the interests of those with autism.

We are:

Age of Autism

Autism Action Network

Autism File Global

Autism One

The Autism Research Institute

The Autism Society, District of Columbia

The Autism Society of the Bluegrass

The Autism Society of Connecticut

The Autism Society of Greater Phoenix

The Autism Society of Illinois

Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy

Elizabeth Mumper, MD


Foothill Autism Alliance

Generation Rescue

Gottschall Autism Center

Greater Brunswick Special Families

Howard County Autism Society

Katy Autism Support Group


National Autism Association

NAA of North Texas
NAA of Kansas
NAA of Massachusetts
NAA of Central Texas
NAA of Northwest Indiana
NAA of Pennsylvania
NAA of Western Utah
NAA of Mississippi
NAA of Arkansas
NAA of New York
NAA of New York Metro
NAA of Southeast Ohio
NAA of Central California

New Mexico Autism Society

Maggie's Hope

Mason Allen Medlam Foundation for Autism Safety

The Northeast Louisiana Autism Society


Somali American Autism Foundation

SPECIAL Families of Pierce County

Talk About Curing Autism

CA-Inland Empire
CA-Long Beach
CA-Orange County
CA-San Diego
CA-West Hills
IL-Crystal Lake
IL-Naperville/Oak Park
New Jersey
North Dakota

The Pilot House

Carolyn M

Rileysmom -

If someone on our side says that he/she is "anti-vaccine" when dealing with the media, then the people who we want to reach and persuade over to our side - the portion of the public who is still undecided or ignorant regarding vaccines - will immediately mentally label the "anti-vaccine" individual as a lunatic and they will stop listening and turn off all critical thinking that they may have been doing up to that point. The indoctrination by vaccine proponents has been that thorough. If our side states that we are advocating for safer vaccines, then the audience we want to reach is likely to consider that a much more reasonable position and therefore, will be likely to at least listen further. It will also be more difficult for vaccine proponents to argue against safety without making statements that could damage their position. There is evidence that a significant portion of the public is already concerned with vaccine safety; we need to build on that, not provide ammunition for the other side to use to try to sway these people back over to their side.

I definitely understand and respect your position. My daughter was given the Hep B vaccine within 24 hours of her birth without my knowledge or consent. People who would approve that action have no ethics and are not to be trusted. That is why we have to be so careful how we present our position - there is too much at stake to make avoidable mistakes, or to underestimate our opponents.


Riley go ahead and rant, Twyla go ahead a explain because you both are "dears" I love you both and sure we will all work together, because we are all going to go - yellow. Yellow may be the old color for cowards but we will change that too!

There will always be death, nobody makes it out of here alive. There will always be disease, old diseases, and new diseases. What we need is an interest - a true interest by the medical profession on the immune system. So far I don't see any interest. If there was interest then you would see them beating down vaccine injuried children's doors to test them every which way, instead of a journalist Brian Deer able to get the GMC to revoke Dr. Wakefield's medical liscense. President Obama said that instead of going to the moon we would understand cancer - well to understand cancer we have to understand the immune system. This has not happening, so thus we need a Carnary Party and we don't need no green the vaccine stuff, untill they really know enough to green the vaccine. As far a green goes - it can't be trusted anyway. You can't throw the word Green around because Green has come to mean some silly tree hugger that loves trees but never really set back and looked at everything else around them. Green means mercury in light bulbs? Green now means the same stuff we breath out can not be given off by power plants and thus they are taxed. Electricity pricies goes sky high and certian connected people makes billions off of crooked ways to trade carbon. I am sure every one has heard Green is the new red referring to the government using it as an excuse to rule all of our lives. So let us all go "YELLOW" hmmm with maybe a little orange on top- maybe in the shape of a puzzle piece!


rileysmom, I think that the Canary Party needs to be big enough to encompass the views both of people who are truly anti-vaccine and people who are not against all vaccines but see the same faults in our current program as you have mentioned and with which I agree, such as:

- Too little accountability due to: no tort liability, and pharma-funded influence on "captured" govt agencies, universities, media, scientific studies, mainstream medicine.

- Conflict of interest in that those who promote/develop/produce/give vaccines (CDC, pharma, doctors) are also the ones who must find and address problems. CYA prevents admitting to problems. The safety monitoring is not independent.

- Summary dismissal/denial of vaccine injuries as "coincidence" or "unfortuate but extremely rare" instead of studying and understanding them. We need to understand susceptibility, mechanism of injury, how to prevent, and how to treat these injuries.

- Giving too many vaccines too soon, with no studies on the cumulative long-term effect of so many vaccines, no comparison of vaxed and unvaxed populations (retrospecive study of humans or prospective study of animals), and no studies to justify how many vaccines can safely be given simultaneously.

The Canary Party is for informed choice. This means that people should have the right to choose for themselves and their children. And it means that we have to have good information on the risks and benefits of diseases and vaccines. Currently, the risks of vaccines are ignored while the risks of diseases are exagerated.

Personally I believe that when I was a child vaccines generally did more good than harm (although more should have been done to address some vaccine problems). We were vaccinated against smallpox and polio, two serious and prevalent diseases. Vaccine reactions were much more rare than today. Autism, ADHD, bipolar, severe allergies, asthma, and childhood MS and IBD and diabetes were all much more rare than today.

I know that some people argue that it is just a coincidence that certain diseases went away after vaccines were developed. I can't say for sure whether that is true. I haven't thoroughly researched that. But my impression from my reading and experience over the course of my lifetime is that vaccines have had an impact on diseases. I have seen diseases that were commonplace in my childhood become rare after vaccines were introduced.

My first two children came down with full blown cases of chicken pox before the vaccine was developed. My youngest received the vaccine, and when she was exposed to chicken pox at school she came down with the mildest case imaginable -- I would not even have noticed it if they hadn't been checking at school -- about three small bumps that didn't even scab over. But, after recieving that vaccine at the same time as the MMR she had a febrile seizure followed by a month of high fevers. Thank goodness she did not receive a flu shot with thimerosal or a DTaP shot at the same time. IMO she would have been better off just coming down with chicken pox, even though it would have caused her a week of discomfort, and even though there are extremely rare cases of chicken pox complications. We will never give her a chicken pox booster shot. I'm glad she had a natural exposure at school to strengthen her immunity.

In Dan and Mark's book Age of Autism, they describe how widespread diptheria was in the early part of the 20th century. Until the diptheria vaccine was invented, many children were dying of diptheria. They also describe how one of the earliest cases of autism was the daughter of a physician who was an advocate for vaccines. She was quoted in a newspapaer as saying how important smallpox and diptheria booster shots are, and how you can't give too many boosters. One wonders, how many booster shots did her daughter receive? It seems to me that it is a matter of balance.

I myself do think that vaccines are an important tool in our arsenal for fighting serious diseases, but I also think that our vax program has gone way overboard. We have to take into account the very real risk of adverse effects, and realistically weigh the risks and benefits. Hep B is a prime example of a vaccine that is unnecessary to the vast majority of babies.

Vaccine defenders constantly brand all of us as "anti-vaccine". This is a propaganda technique, and it is used for a reason. If painted as solely a choice between all vaccines and no vaccines, fear of communicable disease often wins. Fear of communicable diseases is deeply ingrained in the human race.

But, I am not trying to convince you. Those are my views, based on my experiences, but you have different views. The main thing I want to say is that the Canary Party is big enough for both of us. Fundamentally, I think we mostly have exactly the same concerns. We need to respect that people come to different conclusions. Fundamental to the Canary Party platform is freedom of medical choice, and that we must have good, sound information to make those choices.

Just two tenets of the CP platform:

4. Choice - Informed consent. Human rights. Right to exemptions. Parental sovereignty. Consumer sovereignty. No mandates. Freedom from coercive influences.

7. Scientific integrity -- Unholy alliance of government and industry aka “public-private partnerships.” Separate industry influence from government. Economy of influence. Oppose medical industrial complex corruption of science. Reduce economics of medical industry, e.g. eliminate direct-to-consumer advertising. Censorship. Intimidation. Regulatory capture. Revolving door. Obligation of science to affirmatively defend consumer well-being.

I hope we can work together!


V.K. Singh has studied autism as an autoimmune disorder for over fifteen years. He believes that up to eighty percent (and possibly all) cases of autism are caused by an abnormal immune reaction, commonly known as autoimmunity.


I signed up however, I am also worried that this will be another "green our vaccines" mission. I've stated before and I'll state again...I AM ANTI VACCINE and I make NO apologies for it, period. I will never stand behind a product that destroyed my child.
I've always wondered why people state they are not "anti vaccine" they are for "safer" vaccines. Why would anyone say that about a product that robbed them of their child? I just don't understand it besides the explanation I got from a friend who said..."these parents don't want to come across as confrontational or crazy". They say they are Pro vaccine they just want accountability. I want accountability also, after all, my child was one of the children destroyed by the very thing that I was told would save him from a life long disability from a vaccine preventable disease like the all to dangerous chicken pox. I was lied too, deceived, and made to look like a fool when our Pediatrician shot my child with 11 vaccines at a time. All in the name of finding out what vaccines worked in what combination, an UN-informed consent study. With vaccine makers having no liability from lawsuit, the doctors enjoy the same protection. If it had been any other drug in the world, besides vaccines, I would have lawyers beating down my door.
I will stand behind the canary party 100% as long as I don't have to watch people go on tv and state that they are for "safer" vaccines and they are not "anti vaccine". The time for saying that placating statement has passed. That statement is ONE of the reasons why they have kept pushing MORE vaccines, more experimentation on the people...they assume that if we're NOT anti vaccine then they can still make money. They can still push more vaccines because we will keep using them for our children.
I completely understand if I've upset people but we're not going to get ANY WHERE if we keep telling them that it's OK to keep making vaccines that are unsafe by their very nature. There is no "green" vaccine and there is no way on God's "green" earth that they can make them safer. Some will ALWAYS die, some will always be maimed because it's not about the total vaccine schedule being given to a child, it's about ONE vaccine given to a child that kills or maims that child. One is all it takes.
By saying that we are not anti vaccine, we are pro vaccine we just want "safer" vaccines, we are giving them a free ticket and license to continue the charade. How many vaccines have been rubber stamped by the USSC? Over 200? Still in the making? Still in the clinical trial phase? They are NOT paying attention. They act like they do but they don't. All the while, they know that MORE vaccines are going to be hitting the market while we stand around saying, "Well, gee, it's ok as long as they are safer".
Sorry, that's my vent for the day. These are the thoughts of a REAL vaccine injury mom. If any of you know me, you know I don't mince words. I pull no punches. I've always been a "scrapper" and I don't back down. Please, give me your thoughts on this. I want to understand the "pro vaccine/safer vaccine" movement. I really, honestly do.


Of course we haven't heard of you, because no names are listed on your website.
I support the ideas & I'd love to sign up, if I know WHO is organizing this & where you are planning to take the organization.
Please give us more information on your website.


I welcome "The Canary Party". As a sufferer of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I came to believe a long time ago, that I and others like me are "canaries in the coal mine", our bodies are the early warning systems signaling the dangers of too many vaccinations; too many chemicals. It's time to start treating people as individuals. We are not all immune-compromised carbon copies of one another. Stop harming those of us who have sensitive immune systems.




I have a feeling this is going to become the 'move on' in medicine, the voice that shifts the story, the movement that tips the balance toward the people and away from the media filters.

Just joined!


I think this is more or less appropriate here:

"The United Nations Children’s Fund on Friday publicly listed for the first time the price it pays for vaccines....Unicef paid $747 million for vaccines last year, buying over two billion doses for 58 percent of the world’s children....Newer procurement agencies like the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria routinely reveal what they pay for drugs. But vaccines — shots or drops that prevent disease — have been largely exempt because Unicef has avoided confrontation with its suppliers, posting only the average prices it pays; and donors had not demanded more details.... 'This is going to make a huge difference,' said Daniel Berman, deputy director of the charity’s global access campaign. 'As soon as the donors see the differentials, they’re going to insist that Unicef and GAVI get better prices.' GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, collects billions of dollars from donors to help Unicef pay for vaccines.

Mr. Berman recently quit a GAVI committee to protest its resistance to revealing prices. Officials of several pharmaceutical companies sit on GAVI boards.

GAVI dragged its feet until Unicef forced the issue, he said...."



Hopefully this party will expose many of the corrupt individuals damaging our children.

I hope their brave and courageous words ripple all the way "downunder" and expose all our corrupt individuals as well!

I am definitely supporting this party.



Great to hear!!

Can one sign up if not a US citizen?

Julie Penny

Way to go! I signed up!


I signed up yesterday! YES!


I have just signed up.

Potentially members could include up to 54% of the population once they reach voting age.

Martin Hewitt

hope the canary party sings loudly and gets a lot of people to join in their chorus. They will need a lot of energy to fight the establishment.

John Stone

This is terrific news!

Kent Heckenlively

Sign me up!!!!!!!

All the best,
Kent Heckenlively

Sandra Kolankiewicz

If the people lead, the leaders will follow!

Media Scholar

They began talking with other medical injury groups, groups that were concerned with the lack of choices in health care, and those concerned with parental rights, with environmental pollution, with nutrition, and with the encroachment of the medical industrial complex on the basic rights of the individual to practice informed consent in medical care.
Is this another one of those stupid green vaccine ploys?

Imagine that. No one is concerned with the Supreme Court erasing America's vaccine-injured children off the Bill of Rights; Roberts, Alito, and Scalia putting the USSC rubber stamp "APPROVED" on more than 200 experimental vaccines that have been waiting in the wings for liability protection.


This is a pretty amazing moment for me.

My autistic son has been seeing a DAN! Doctor for 4 years now. And although I’ve never been accused of being the most spiritual person in a room, I have come to regard this man as my sons guardian angel.

In our first ever meeting, he eventually asked how I came to seek out HIS services for my son. I told him that I had never accepted my son's sudden regression as a natural event, and that my research had led me to the DAN! Protocol, and then eventually to him.

I then countered with the question “What led YOU to reject contemporary allopathic wisdom, in favor of trying to help children like mine?”

His response, basically, is that “kids like mine” are the coal mine canaries of today's society. He felt that these children were screaming a message to our society, but he also felt that they’re suffering was essentially being ignored by conventional medicine. His conscience would not allow him to participate in that travesty, so he re-jigged his entire practice to reach out and help them.

When I met him in 2007, his wait list was on the order of 2 months. Right now, that same wait list is closer to 9 months.

I continue to struggle with the “WHY” part of what happened to my son. But when I read about movements like this one, I sleep just a little better at night, comforted by the thought that there’s still an awful lot of good in this world.

Heidi N

I so agree that we need to flock to the professionals who are helping. We need change, and it's already started. Mainstream medical is looking pretty bad right now. While they are saying nothing can be done, much is being done by the Naturopaths, herbalists, homeopaths, and the MD's who dare to think for themselves. I can only hope this trend continues. Frankly, I wish the insurance industry was completely abolished.



Katie Wright

I love this


First four posts, first words, say it all:)

Awesome! Amen! Applause! brilliant:)


Brilliant. Wishing the movement every success! It's high time the people took matters into their own hands where vaccine damage to children is concerned. We have been ignored and mocked for far too long.

Heather White


samantha hink

Amen...time to take a stand for children harmed...and to prevent this from continuing to happen!

Angus Files

Awesome!! they way to go ...All the political corrupt Parties in the UK have sold all our vaccine damaged kids down the river for personal and political gain every single one of them that have ever got into power..time for change.

Very best
Angus Files

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