David Kirby on HuffPo: CDC to Study Vaccines and Autism
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants to study autism as a possible clinical outcome of immunization, as part of its newly adopted 5-year research agenda for vaccine safety, the agency said on its website.
The CDC will also study mitochondrial dysfunction and the potential risk for post-vaccine "neurological deterioration," and convene an expert panel on the feasibility of studying health outcomes such as autism among vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
The CDC move comes one month after the federal government's leading autism body, the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) announced a shift in research priorities toward environmental triggers for autism, which the IACC said could include toxins, biological agents and "adverse events following immunization."
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Immunization Safety Office Scientific Agenda indentified the need to research "Neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD)" as a possible clinical outcome of vaccination.
The plan also seeks to deternine if the mercury-based preservative thimerosal is associated with increased risk for "clinically important tics or Tourette syndrome." The CDC cited one study (Thompson, NEJM, 2007), which "found that increasing exposure to mercury from birth to age 7 months was associated with motor and phonic tics in boys," and added that "an association between exposure to thimerosal and tics was found in two earlier studies (Andrews, Pediatrics, 2004; Verstraeten, Pediatrics, 2003)."
And, noting that the IACC federal autism panel "suggested several studies including vaccinated versus unvaccinated children to determine if there are differences in health outcomes," the CDC said it will convene an "external expert committee to offer guidance on the feasibility of conducting such studies and additional studies related to the immunization schedule, including studies that may indicate if multiple vaccinations increase risk for immune system disorders."
Meanwhile, the IACC has signaled a major shift in research priorities into the causes of autism, moving away from purely genetic studies in favor of investigating the interaction between genes and environmental factors, which it said could include toxins, biological agents and vaccines.
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"Mercury: How can I hurt thee? Let me count the ways..."
Well said, JenB! We can say the same about aluminum, polysorbate 80, and triton 100.
Aluminum: How can I hurt thee? Let me count the ways...
From the article titled “Vaccination Toxicity, Infection and Science” by Professor Frank Hartman.
“In summation: infection whether by vaccine or other disease agents lowers zeta potential causing clots. In a person with high zeta potential of the blood, it may cause only local reduction and aggravation. In other cases, it can result in micro capillary clotting destroying or impairing organ function or death. This accounts for the wide range of mental and emotional disorders as well as physical reactions since the site of the clot is unpredictable. The effect of the injection may start out as only an adhesion and through further reduction of zeta potential may change to a clot or hemorrhage. A simple change to a single vaccine at a time later in life not at birth, eliminating aluminum salts and monitoring of the blood vessels of the white of the eyes for intravascular coagulation would greatly reduce risks of vaccinations. However due to environment and aluminum accumulations, zeta potential tends to reduce with age. Thus vaccinations of the elderly or those with severe intravascular coagulation may reduce zeta potential close to the phase change point so that even an emotional upset can trigger a clot. Skin reactions can occur immediately and continue for seven or eight years or may not appear until one to six years later. The reason for the delayed effect is beyond the scope of this paper but also is a function of zeta potential.”
Posted by: patrons99 | March 27, 2011 at 03:51 PM
A google search on "comorbid" and "tics" or "comorbid" and "tourette's" brings up ADHD, developmental disorders, OCD, bi-polar disorder, autism...
Mercury: How can I hurt thee? Let me count the ways...
Posted by: JenB | March 21, 2011 at 04:59 AM
cmo, Since the genes for autism code for glutamate synapses, and glutamate was added to the MMR vaccine after 1982, you can't say that a gene for autism eliminates vaccines. The genes for autism actually make a vaccine ingredient link to autism MORE likely.
Now that the drug for Alzheimer's - called Memantine is showing promise - you practically have a smoking gun - Memantine acts as a GLUTAMATE blocker. Couple that with the fact that GFCF diets help some children with autism and these two food ingredients are processed and contain elevated amounts of - you guessed it - GLUTAMATE, I'd say we have VERY strong evidence that we need to investigate vaccines with glutamate added. Which means ALL of the live virus vaccines - especially the MMR which caused the fuss in the first place.
And if you think a single amino acid can't cause brain damage - just ask the parent of a child with PKU - who will get brain damage unless they limit the amino acid phenylalanine before the age of 7. The only treatment is diet. And they wouldn't be able to put THAT amino acid into a vaccine without a major warning label like they do on foods containing it.
Posted by: Carol Hoernlein | March 20, 2011 at 11:13 PM
I don't think we can expect anything good to come of this. After all, the CDC funded a thimerosal DTaP vs. non-thimerosal DTaP study in Italy [Pediatrics. 2009 Feb;123(2):475-82. Neuropsychological performance 10 years after immunization in infancy with thimerosal-containing vaccines. Tozzi AE et al], mentions it in this "scientific agenda" document, and then *doesn't bother to tell us how it turned out.* It turns out (thank you, PubMed) that the study found that girls who got the thimerosal DTaP were more likely to have lower scores on two neuropsychological tests:
"Girls with higher thimerosal intake had lower mean scores in the finger-tapping test with the dominant hand and in the Boston Naming Test."
It's (almost) funny to see how this result is downplayed: first in the write-up of the research itself: "Given the large number of statistical comparisons performed, the few associations found between thimerosal exposure and neuropsychological development might be attributable to chance. The associations found, although statistically significant, were based on small differences in mean test scores, and their clinical relevance remains to be determined." (from PubMed here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=tozzi%20thimerosal)
...and then in the CDC's reference to it, which *doesn't even mention the results*: "CDC funded a study in Italy comparing children who previously received thimerosal-containing or non-thimerosal-containing DTaP vaccines (Tozzi AE, 2009)."
I mean, why fund the study, if they didn't act on the findings? Oh, wait, to bulls*** the public and pretend the government is looking into this pesky thimerosal controversy. We can expect more of the same...
Posted by: Theresa O | March 20, 2011 at 10:13 PM
I'm not sure I really see any shift here, except perhaps the use of the word "emergency." This will mainly allow the CDC to claim for the next five years that they are working on said "emergency," and continue to not find anything with study designs that can't really be used to answer such questions, while compiling a list of reasons why vaccinated vs. never-vaccinated studies are not feasible nor RELIABLE.
"The plan also seeks to deternine if the mercury-based preservative thimerosal is associated with increased risk for 'clinically important tics or Tourette syndrome.' (My note--I wonder how injured you have to be to reach the level of 'clinically important?') The CDC cited one study (Thompson, NEJM, 2007), which 'found that increasing exposure to mercury from birth to age 7 months was associated with motor and phonic tics in boys,' and added that 'an association between exposure to thimerosal and tics was found in two earlier studies (Andrews, Pediatrics, 2004; Verstraeten, Pediatrics, 2003).'"
Do they need more studies to warrant eliminating exposure to vaccine mercury? This indicates to me, approaching a decade later, that they probably now think they have a study design model that will succeed in not finding any link these conditions as well.
Posted by: JenB | March 20, 2011 at 01:51 PM
“Professor John W. Oller, Jr., PhD presents on autism and whether the CDC claim that no correlation between vaccines and autism exists is true.”
Sign up for the FREE webinar on March 21st.
Posted by: patrons99 | March 20, 2011 at 10:25 AM
The problem here is that the CDC is the recruiting grounds for scientists who end up taking lucrative positions at vaccine manufacturers such as Merck, Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline, among others. Most notably of those who took positions with vaccine manufacturers are Dr. Julie Gerberding, who was the CDC Director during the GW Bush administration and Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, who was the lead author in the 2004 Pediatrics study designed to obfuscate the link between thimerosal containing vaccines and autism.
This represents a gross, personal conflict of interest. The public needs to understand, scientists at the CDC National Immunization Program are inundated with employment advertisements from vaccine manufacturers. I'm sorry; this agency will never, ever admit any causal relationship between autism and vaccines. These studies will constitute another layer of indemnification, at the expense of wonderful, special, vaccine-injured children.
Posted by: mercury dad | March 20, 2011 at 10:22 AM
Sadly I think the governments motivation, once again, comes down to money. The government finally realizes the cost of 1 in 110 children with autism on already cash strapped school systems and state governments. The only reason the CDC is moving to do the studies that could stop the autism crisis is because, if the trend continues, it is simply financially unsustainable. It's basically a business decision. Our country is being run more and more like Walmart and the American public is being treated like the minimum wage workers who stock the store shelves.
Posted by: Sarah White | March 20, 2011 at 10:03 AM
Another attempt to kick the can down the road a few more years and give the illusion they are being objective when in reality they have no intention of admitting the vaccine/autism connection. The Hannah Poling case already settled this issue.
Posted by: Richard | March 20, 2011 at 12:26 AM
Re: Dr. Smith comment,
Unfortunately voting does nothing to deeply rooted corruption of pharma-government establishment. People working for CDC or FDA (and secretly for big pharma) are not elected. They run their own corruption schemes and make millions in this business. They must be prosecuted and punished for their crimes. The problem is that politicians from both parties (with a few exceptions) support this system of corruption.
Posted by: Zofie | March 19, 2011 at 11:33 PM
Heard it before...will believe it if I actually see it being done honestly, fairly and impartially.......
Posted by: DannysVoice | March 19, 2011 at 09:48 PM
There is a picture of Sheldon with Brian Deer on his Sheldon profile,
I guess that makes him one-up on about everybody...
Posted by: cmo | March 19, 2011 at 09:25 PM
A comment from Sheldon over at H-Post
he has his own blog for bozos .... www.sheldon101blog.blogspot.com
Autism is a strongly genetic condition. It does have some environmental factor, but those occur before birth. The view amongst experts, with some dissension, is that events after a child is born do not cause autism. This, of course, pretty much eliminates vaccines.
Mercury poisoning does not resemble autism. Measles virus in the brain does not cause anything similar to autism. So the two great ideas of how vaccines could cause autism were non-starters.
Despite all this, a lot of work was done to study the relationship between vaccines and autism.The results, as expected, were that vaccines do not cause autism.
But vaccination opponents who blame autism simply ignore the above. They call for more studies, but of course, they pre-emptively reject any with results that they disagree with this.
My personal, non-commercial blog has moved to www.sheldon101blog.blogspot.com.
But then a lot of work was still done and proved what what was already known --- that vaccines doe
Posted by: cmo | March 19, 2011 at 09:12 PM
One very powerful tool we have is the voting booth. It is imcumbent upon us to elect legislators who will keep the CDC honest, and not bow down to the lobbyists. In his book "War on the Middle Class," Lou Dobbs states that 50% of all lobbyists in Washington represent the pharma industry.
Posted by: Dr. James Smith | March 19, 2011 at 08:49 PM
I can't quite decide if this is legit or not.
It MIGHT be legit--after all, the Supreme Court has now made it clear that nobody can sue the pharmaceutical industry or the doctors for vaccine-induced damage, NO MATTER WHAT.And if Big Pharm just raised the price of anti-labor drugs by a gazillion percent, they can raise the price of vaccines by just as much to cover the upcoming costs in vaccine court.
But I'm afraid it's much more likely to be yet another smoke-and-mirrors game.
Posted by: Taximom | March 19, 2011 at 08:16 PM
There is no doubt that CDC already has the data linking autism, other devastating diseases, and infant deaths to vaccines. After all CDC controls VAERS and has sealed original Vestraeten’s data from the public view. I have zero trust in CDC/government/pharma- sponsored studies on toxicity of vaccines. All we can expect from them is that they will be fraudulent, as all CDC-sponsored studies on vaccines published so far. Any parent who wants to have a healthy child should be extremely wary of vaccines. We can only protect our children by not vaccinating them , or vaccinating just with a few single vaccines.
Posted by: Zofie | March 19, 2011 at 08:11 PM
Myopia has to do with an abnormally shaped eyeball. I would not blame vaccines for that problem.
Posted by: Marie-Anne Denayer, M.D. | March 19, 2011 at 06:22 PM
I'll believe it when I see it. The words sound so reassuring... what we want to hear. But fixing product failure and compensating dissatisfied customers are basic Marketing 101. Taking decades to address consumer safety concerns is one more reason to question the intelligence and motives of the CDC and their industry partners.
Posted by: nhokkanen | March 19, 2011 at 05:37 PM
Regardless of the trustworthiness of the CDC, all 46 pages of the CDC agenda discuss trying to reduce adverse reactions to one cause and one reaction; biology is not that simple, and medicine will never treat complex illnesses as long as it clings to that paradigm. The only glimmer of hope was this, near the end:
'NVAC endorsed the Writing Group’s recommendation for an external expert committee to offer guidance on the feasibility of conducting such studies and additional studies related to the immunization schedule, including studies that may indicate if multiple vaccinations increase risk for immune system disorders. Although this was not part of its initial draft research agenda, ISO will work with NVPO to convene such an expert external committee.'
Posted by: GH | March 19, 2011 at 03:34 PM
the CDC said it will convene an "external expert committee" to offer guidance on the "feasibility of conducting such studies" and additional studies related to the immunization schedule, including studies that may indicate if multiple vaccinations increase risk for immune system disorders."
19 YEARS after the banning of Thimerosal in many countries.
16 YEARS after the term "AUTISM EPIDEMIC" became common in school systems.
12 YEARS after Congress told the CDC to conduct a VAX / UNVAXED study to see if the Autism rates between the two groups were the same...
11 years after the vaccine nazi meeting at Simpsonwood.
1 YEAR after the 9 vaccines in one day, 20 million dollar Hannah Poling Vaccine Court decision.
Let's have a committee (the IACC) form a committee, to discuss feasibility issues... who could then create a committee to "study" the possible structure of any vaccine Autism/ vaccine studies.
The study of the studies could then be reported by the committee to the IACC committee.
Posted by: cmo | March 19, 2011 at 02:25 PM
Jeff C., I couldn't agree more.
Posted by: Donna L. | March 19, 2011 at 02:02 PM
David wrote:
"The CDC move comes one month after the federal government's leading autism body, the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) announced a shift in research priorities toward environmental triggers for autism, which the IACC said could include toxins, biological agents and "adverse events following immunization."
The timing of this "major shift in research priorities" also .. suspiciously .. comes about a month after a majority of US Supreme Court Justices decided the vaccine industry .. not the people .. deserves protection for their "unvoidably unsafe" product.
It wouldn't surprise me to learn our public health agencies have been .. for years .. deliberately waiting until the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the vaccine industry.
One thing is certain .. the sudden shift in research priorities is a clear indication that public health agencies know they are losing the confidence and trust of the American people .. in the only court that matters .. the court of public opinion .. where common sense and truth ultimately will prevail.
Posted by: Bob Moffitt | March 19, 2011 at 01:59 PM
"with the addition of yearly-mercury filled flu shots - if they do carry out a study of fully vaccinated vs. never-vaccinated - damage will be more than evident."
As long as the research is honest I agree.
In addition to more autism, adhd, immune disorders, allergies and asthma in the vax'ed population of kids, I think there will also be more migraines and more myopia than exists in unvaxed kids.
My friend's son began getting severe migraines after his kindergarten boosters. And using my own experience with a bad tetanus shot in jr. high that hurt for months at the injection site, I soon began having migraine headaches with severe visual disturbances too. And that also coincides with the time I got glasses for nearsightedness.
Speaking of glasses, in my daughter's 3rd grade class of 21 students, 7 wear glasses!
When I was a kid there were about 2 kids per grade with about 6 classes per grade that wore glasses.
The anecdotal rate of 1-in-3 kids needing glasses is insanely epidemic. And I bet the annual flu shots with the mega dose of mercury are contributing in a huge way to this problem.
Posted by: Beth | March 19, 2011 at 01:31 PM
Ok, sure. This will plod along for five years, in the mean time, a few more vaccines and additional doses to existing vaccines will be added to the schedule. Somewhere around 2016, a report will be issued that shows there is no evidence of a link between vaccines and autism. We will all be shocked because we heard rumors of significant findings. In 2018, we will finally get responses to our Freedom of Information Act requests that have been pending for two years. Upon reviewing the data, we will find countless examples of cherry-picking data, statistical manipulation, and exclusionary criteria that guarantee a preordained conclusion.
Why do we fall for this? Any government-run or funded study will always find the same thing. Protecting the schedule is paramount; it is government and medical establishment policy. Our kids are considered unfortunate collateral damage in the their noble pursuit. Perhaps some brave individual on the inside will be conscience-stricken and come forward, but don't count on it.
This will only be solved by parents of ASD children; they are the only ones motivated to do so. It will take researchers being personally affected to overcome the institutional echo chamber and potential career suicide of speaking out. No one wants to be the next Andrew Wakefield; their persecution of him has been very effective in silencing those following this angle.
Posted by: Jeff C. | March 19, 2011 at 12:48 PM
Like everybody else, I've been watching commentary about the nuclear disaster in Japan. And though I know they've been sent by a corporate crisis management entity, my fears are eased by this procession of middle-aged men telling me that Chernobyl wasn't that bad, radiation isn't that bad, because I want to believe that. But as with vaccines, the hand is overplayed; Ann Coulter is brought in and she says that only thirty-odd people died from the Chernobyl disaster and furthermore, a few good whacks of radiation actually prevent cancer. Now where have we heard that kind of thing before? The study purporting to show that thimerosal has a protective effect on the brain comes to mind (and now I'm really worried because I no longer believe *any* of the bromides I'm hearing about radiation).
Anyway, I found an interview with John Gofman. He has cautionary words about DOE and the corruption of research. That's my tie-in with Kirby's post. I fear that the new vaccine studies will be manipulated by corporate and government interests. How can we prevent that?
I like my posts short and sweet. This one isn't. Here's John Gofman on the subject of the corruption of one particular database.
Q: Could you describe your work regarding the retroactive tampering with databases?
Gofman: For years I've tried to believe that what was going on in Hiroshima-Nagasaki in what was called the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission --subsequently renamed the Radiation Effects Research Foundation-- was the only place where we had a huge body of data that addressed the question of what happens to people who have been exposed to varying doses. If there is an event like Chernobyl, or Hiroshima, we have to insist on the sacred meaning of collecting an honest database concerning what happens to people -- A. doing the very best job of determining what dose they got, and B. doing a follow-up study that is beyond reproach. That is an obligation to humanity that is virtually sacred. If you do anything less than the best in that kind of endeavor, you're a scoundrel. So all this time I wanted to believe in the work that was being done in the Hiroshima Nagasaki stuidies. In 1986, because of some questions about what the neutron dose was relative to the other forms of radiation --gamma rays, primarily-- they did a revision of the doses. Now I don't have any objection to the revision of doses, provided that you obey the cardinal rules of medical research. The first cardinal rule of medical research is: never, but never change the input data once you know what the follow-up shows. So because they had this idea of changing the doses, they didn't just change the doses, they shuffled all the people from one dose category to another, with a new dose. So there was no continuity with everything that had been done up to 1986.
Q: Who's 'they?'
Gofman: The Radiation Effects Research Foundation in Japan. The director is Itsuzo Shigematsu. The associate director is a guy by the name of Jupe Thiessen who's from the DOE. It's a DOE-sponsored endeavor --DOE and the Japanese Ministry of Health. There couldn't be a worse set of sponsors.
Q: The Japanese have the same kind of commitment to nuclear energy?
Gofman: Absolutely. So I said, "You can't do this. You want a new dosage, keep the new groupings and just assign the new dose and study [the results]." I call that "constant cohort, dual dosimetry." So I wrote a letter to Shigematsu and said "This is a violation of the cardinal rules of research. There is a way to do this correctly, and you can keep changing doses all your life, provided you just stick them alongside what you've done originally." Shigematsu's reply is on my book. [Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose Exposure, 1990] It's simple. He said, "Trust us." Well, the reason for the cardinal rule of research is, nobody ever has to say "Trust me." Because you set things up with blinding, with appropriate procedures, so that your data base is immaculate. You don't go changing things and say, "Well we did it objectively." I said, "Report in the old way --the old dosage-- and the new way." They said, "We won't do that. But we'll consider it. And we will give you the data in the old way for three more years." What's the shape of the cancer curve with the latest data from Hiroshima-Nagasaki? If I use the old data, it's like this (diagonal line). What's the shape of the curve with their new dosimetry? It's like this (slowly rising line that then goes up abruptly).
Q: Making it look as if the low-level of radiation is acceptable?
Gofman: Exactly. Their ultimate goal is fulfilled.
Posted by: Carol | March 19, 2011 at 12:45 PM
So the CDC fox is going to study the chicken coop raid? Gimme a break!
Posted by: Ted Van Oosbree | March 19, 2011 at 12:37 PM
don't worry. with the addition of yearly-mercury filled flu shots - if they do carry out a study of fully vaccinated vs. never-vaccinated - damage will be more than evident.
if anything it would show that there is a whole lot more going on than just mercury.....its aluminum, so-called safe purified peanut oils, animal retroviruses....kids today are being damaged at the same or worse rate than those born in the 1990s. You can see it in the elementary schools... kids are still going under in record numbers.
Posted by: sara | March 19, 2011 at 12:15 PM
“Although the National Vaccine Advisory Committee stressed that the temporal occurrence of this regression and the immunization schedule is not evidence of a causal relationship, regressive autism warrants further research in rigorously defined subsets of ASD.”
Rather than further research in rigorously defined subsets of ASD, the IACC might consider looking prospectively at all vaccine-induced health outcomes, including all-cause mortality, morbidity, and disease-free survival, in fully vaccinated and completely unvaccinated populations. While ASD is the prototype, quintessential, vaccine-induced brain injury, brain injuries are by no means the only vaccine-induced diseases. The time for parsing and nuancing vaccine epidemics has already passed. ASD is just a subset of a much larger population of vaccine-induced injuries.
Posted by: patrons99 | March 19, 2011 at 12:04 PM
“And, noting that the IACC federal autism panel "suggested several studies including vaccinated versus unvaccinated children to determine if there are differences in health outcomes," the CDC said it will convene an "external expert committee to offer guidance on the feasibility of conducting such studies and additional studies related to the immunization schedule, including studies that may indicate if multiple vaccinations increase risk for immune system disorders." ”
The IACC had best not take any guidance from the CDC. The CDC position on the vaccine schedules is completely conflicted. The CDC has become nothing more than a surrogate or proxy for pharma in this nightmare of vaccine epidemics.
“Autism has become a "national health emergency," the federal panel added.”
Amen to that! Time is of the essence.
Posted by: patrons99 | March 19, 2011 at 12:01 PM
CDC (like FDA) is sponsored to a large degree by big pharma. They cannot be trusted with honestly conducting such studies. It is to be expected that they will manipulate and possibly falsify the results to "prove" that vaccines are completely safe and children should receive even more of them. If I could reverse time, I would not vaccinate my child with any vaccine until the age of 6 years. The existing evidence is enough to convince me that vaccines are Russian roulette and absolutely not worthy of taking a risk.
Posted by: Zofie | March 19, 2011 at 11:58 AM
Is it safe now? I just wonder if that question is associated with these efforts. While ,of course, it's wonderful to consider all of this and begin the studies, where will the children of that most dangerous decade + 2, those children born between 1990-2002, fit into this? Will the most heavily poisoned of all be ignored? I can only wonder if the removal of most thimerosal brings us to a time when the studies will fail to show the huge impact vaccines had on the developing brains of those born during those years.
Impact on health? That should be not so difficult as that continues with current vaccines. I hope beyond hope that this study takes at least one birth year, smack in the middle, like 1996, and compares those vaccinated children to like unvaccinated children. No tricks, PLEASE, like adding in 1999's that were spared the birth hep, oh ..it's so hard to trust.
Posted by: barbaraj | March 19, 2011 at 11:31 AM