This Will Only Hurt For...Ever: Compulsory Vaccine Laws, Injured Children and No Redress
Ugly Experiments: A New Generation

Continued Collaboration Between CDC and Danish Poul Thorsen

Poul Thorsen By Ulla Danielsen

The American health agency, CDC, seemingly continues its collaboration with Danish autism researcher Poul Thorsen, who 13 months ago was renounced publicly in a highly exceptional statement by his former employer, Aarhus University. The reason was a considerable shortfall in funding at Aarhus University associated with a CDC grant.

According to data available at the homepage of The Danish Data Protection Agency, Poul Thorsen is data-responsible  in a project, which takes place in collaboration with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center on Birth Defects and Deveopmental Disabilities, Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities in Atlanta USA.

The title of the project is “Biomarkers associated with the development of autism.”

The purpose of the study is to find possible biomarkers associated with cases of autism diagnosed in children born after January 1.1990 and living in Denmark. Validation of the autism diagnosis is also an integrated part of the study.

The data is going to be treated and stored by NANEA, Institute for Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Århus University.

The data is also going to be treated and stored at the Clinical Biochemical department, belonging to the danish producer of vaccines, Statens Serum Institute (SSI).

The outline from the Danish Data Protection Agency also has space to write the name of the person who treats the data and the address of this person, but those blanks are left empty.

The data treated in the study is general health information and particularly from birth to diagnosis of children with autism. Information from social authorities which are to be found in patients journals. Furthermore measures of biomarkers at blood samples in existing biobanks.

The research is private and Poul Thorsen in this context states his educational level as assistant professor, Bachelor of Medicine, Ph.D.

The permission from The Danish Data Protection Agency giving access to the relevant register runs until 01-07-2013.

Poul Thorsen is also data-responsible in another autism study, where the data is going to be kept respectively at NANEA, Århus University and at Children and Youth Psychiatric Hospital in Risskov, which is a suburb to Århus.

This study has the title “National Register for Autism Specter Disturbances”. The purpose of this study is the establishment of a validated register for all cases of Autism Specter Disturbances diagnosed in children born after January 1. 1990 and living in Denmark.

The project also includes clinical or paraclinical examinations. This register is going to be used as background for future projects about Autism Specter Disturbances based on validated diagnostic cases. This project also takes place in collaboration with Child and Youth Psychiatric Hospital in Risskov in Denmark.

 However, when it comes to recording, who actually is going to treat the data and where this person lives, the space again is left blank. The second autism project also runs until 01-07-2013. 


John Fryer Chemist

Has anyone got Dr Paol Thorsen's Atlanta address?

And can someone interview him?

Verstraeten's paper does implicate mercury and thimerosal but noone is taking notice of the damning link.

And the same in France - no one much gets more than one vaccine at a time and rarely are vaccines repeated.

The work of Charles Richet French Nobel winner and the link of repeat vaccines to anaphylaxis as NORMAL perhaps?


Such a charming picture of Dr. Thorsen.

Does he have a book coming out soon ?? I would suppose he would have something to say that Dr. Offit would approve of...

Never have seen a photo of Dr. Verstraten of GSK, I do not know how he sleeps at night with his "world class Autism epidemeiolgy."

The Autism Epidemic should have ended at Simpsonwood,GA in June of 2000.

Heidi N

Why is American taxpayer money being sent overseas to do research in a country that has less autism than we do? Do our Congressmen know about this? We need to make a lot of changes!!


CDC Vaccine Data Leads Scientists to Vaccine/Mercury/Autism Link
Monday February 9, 2004


WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the Institute of Medicine will hold a one-day meeting to review important new research on the link between thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative in vaccines, and neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. One of the larger studies under review comes from the CDC's own Vaccine Safety Datalink. Under independent investigation, CDC's data concludes children are 27-times more likely to develop autism after exposure to three thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs), than those who receive thimerosal-free versions.

The findings are not only disturbing to government officials like U.S. Rep. Dave Weldon, M.D. (R-FL), who is also scheduled to speak before the IOM panel, they suggest autism via TCVs has a higher relative risk than that between lung cancer and smoking, which according to the American Cancer Society is only 22 for men and 11 for women. "This absolutely confirms what parents have been saying for years," says Jo Pike, President, National Autism Association. Like Pike, thousands of parents have reported sharp regressions in their children following a TCV and many of those children have gone on to receive a label of autism. An easy mistake to make since the symptoms of autism and mercury poisoning are almost identical.

Dr. Mark Geier is the lead investigator in the discovery. A medical doctor with a Ph.D. in genetics, he, along with fellow researcher, David Geier, will discuss their findings of the CDC data in front of an IOM panel. Among a host of other physicians and researchers presenting will be Dr. Jeff Bradstreet. He will discuss the results from his peer-reviewed study which concluded that urinary mercury concentrations were six times higher in children with autism vs. normal-age/vaccine-matched controls.

Related Articles [Dr. Mercola]:

Childhood Vaccines Exceed Federal Guidelines for Mercury

Mercury in Childhood Vaccines: What Did the Government Know?

Autism 'Linked to Mercury Vaccine'

Death By Lethal Vaccine Injection

Vaccines May Fuel Autism Epidemic

National Vaccine Information Center

Basic Vaccine Information and Awareness

The Flu Vaccine Myth

Vaccines fueling autism epidemic?

WND,Report: U.S. infants exposed to mercury beyond EPA, FDA limits

Thorsen, Autism Speaks, and CDC - Wasting a Decade Together

(2008) ASD Surveillance System

"Dr. Poul Thorsen, NANEA, Aarhus University, Denmark and Dr. Manuel Posada de la Paz, Health Institute Carlos III, Spain are actively engaged in an international network regarding issues of the epidemiology of autism organized by the Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) and Autism Speaks (AS)."

(2008) Total: $1,014,900 for 3 years

Paul Thorson (2001 and 2002): Risk Factors for Neurodevelopmental Disorders: MMR Vaccine and Childhood Autism ($105,300).

Used medical records in a group of children in Denmark to determine the change in rates of autism as a function of MMR vaccination."


Opps I got mixed up between Offit and Thorsen on top of that there use to be James Cherry - oh and well let me stop listing because there really are too many villians at the CDC to keep up with.


It is important to remember that in Denmark all vaccinations are voluntary and the actual intake of vaccines is by about 30% of the population. Almost nobody is vaccinated according to the recommended schedule. Thorsen cannot make much money in Denmark from selling his vaccines, hence he makes them by pushing toxic vaccines on American children, because he knows that the US has the most corrupted and sickening medical care system in the world. He is just using it and possibly is blackmailing the CDC corrupted, ignorant, heartless and in many instances criminal bureaucrats that he will reveal their crimes against Americans, if he is pushed by them to hard.

Glax Brittanicus

In defence of the vaccine programme anything goes. It doesn't matter what lies are told, it doesn't matter what rules are disregarded, it doesn't matter even if laws are blatantly broken: whatever it is it is absolved, justified and passed over in advance. Anything that comes to light is just a momentary embarrassment.


This again begs the question, "What the hell does Thorsen know?" He’s to be coddled cause he knows too much?

Or maybe it just is that simple--- the CDC and academic bastions like Arhus just don't give a shit about fraud and corruption.



What surprises me about this article is ---- I am still surprised.

After all the articles that Age of Autism has written about this man!
After all the trouble that has come out from his vaccine: pig - viruses, Kawasakis, and telescoping infant's intestines!
After being on the board of CDC that recommends vaccine and he voted his vaccine as one of them!
After all the "Supposed" Death threats this man claims that were made on his life!

And still the CDC embraces him, licks his butt, so openingly!

Autism and Anti-Vaccine Advocate

"Guess this means they aren't going to arrest him for fraud anytime soon."

Posted by: sneaker city

YES. It also means that the CDC allows fraud with the US taxpayer money and nothing is done. The CDC still gets funding by our politicians despite this fraud.

Unbelievable but not surprising. Ho Hum.


Look for the CDC to issue a statement that...

"Dr. Thorsen is honest, he said he took the money."
"We have no reason to doubt his findings in the wonderful, magical world of Autism epidemiology."

"American parents should continue to vaccinate their children based on studies from foreign countries, of foreign data by foreigners...

" we have lost all the American vaccine data here at the CDC..."


sneaker city

Guess this means they aren't going to arrest him for fraud anytime soon.

Autism and Anti-Vaccine Advocate

In this time when politicians in Washington DC are looking to cut spending in Washington, DC, all the more reason to cut the funding for the CDC to the bare bone.

The CDC shows besides being corrupt that they are useless.

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