The Bad Business of Autism, Part II
Bill Gates on CNN: They Kill Children (Vaccine Safety Advocates)

Never Give Up

We have children to care for - some young, some already adults.  They need our love, attention, help with housing, jobs, college, high school, making friends, keeping friends, finding medical care, staying safe, dressing, toileting, or maybe some combination of those elements over time. Asperger's -  Autism - HFA -  we will shelter all under our umbrella of hope. No one can deconstruct what LOVE has and will continue to build until our very last breath. For love conquers all. Kim



WOw. Is this a national PSA?

Theodora Trudorn

To the last breath of my body I will never stop, quit, nor give up! I can't! There are to many that depend upon me! I am the only thing here that they have, I can't let them down! If I can save just one, just one from the Hell I had to endure, it will all be worth it!

For those like me are more subsceptable to being sexually assualted, FACT!! (Exhibit A *points at self* for a period strung out across a decade)

For being physically assaulted and taken advantage of. FACT!! (Once again, Exibit A *points at self*, decade again)

For being ignored by the medical and service profession, always over or under estimated. FACT!! (Exibit A, most of those with diagnoses of Aspergers or HFA)

Most likely to remain living with their parents after school, even as said parents grow elderly and caring for us becomes a burden. FACT!! (to many Exhibits to list!!)

I could go on for days!! For those with Aspergers who are now young adults, graduating, and dissapearing from the service system soon after, my groups and my ideas I'm building on is all they have!! For those who have lived through the horrors that cause PTSD being coupled with AS, I am also all they got. I can't lay down my sword!! It just blesses me to no end to know that I am not as alone as I once thought I was! That there are parents who understand, who fight the good fight, and back me 100%. God Bless all of you for all you do!!

Heather McLennand-LaMont

Thanks Wendy, and everyone at NAA that was perfect!

Anne McElroy Dachel

The National Autism Assoc. was the first autism group I ever heard about back seven years ago.
Before that, I was researching autism and learning about the link to vaccines with no real contact with anyone in the autism community. I looked at the ASA website and it didn't tell me anything about why autism happens. THEN I FOUND THE NAA. The first NAA person I talked with was Jo Pike. I can't thank them enough for all they've taught me. They do incredible things for our children.
Anne Dachel

Maurine meleck

Wow! Thanks NAA and Lori and Christian.


Shelly, you nailed it. Not until it hits their pockets, sending to my Congressman. Thank You Kim.

chantal Sicile-Kira

Great film!


Excellent PSA. I couldn't help but wonder what reaction this would provoke if shown in the movie theaters. All it needs is info on what the cost to the taxpayer will be to care for these individuals as they age out and their parents pass on. I think for many individuals who aren't personally affected, it won't be a concern until it hits their "pocketbook" financially in the form of taxes.


Lori and Christian McIlwain's Fourth Rule films for NAA are amazing, always hit home. Perfect moment for this, thank you.

Dan E. Burns -

Hang in there on those "cliffs of fall
Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed" (Hopkins).

We will fathom; we will prevail.

Laura Sauls

Thank you, Kim! Never giving up here!

Cat Jameson

Perfect, Kim.

I cry every time I see that video. The work I do, the fight I fight, the hope I cling to--it's not about me; it's not for's for my son. I needed that reminder tonight after a long, emotional day. Thanks for helping me to remember to believe, and to never give up!

Teresa Conrick

My God! Best PSA I have ever seen to describe this autism epidemic that we are living.

Thank you. Never give up!

Deb in IL

I thank God every day for people like you. If it weren't for the warriors before me, my son would be lost in a fog needing all sorts of expensive services that I'm sure I would have to rely on the government to assist me. Today - he's mainstream first grade with a teacher's aid in the class. He's improving every day-measurable improvement as the school tracks his behavior daily on a sheet. Today he his 97%.

I look forward to the day where he loses this little bit of extra monitoring. In the meantime, there are witnesses to his improvement. I know he's not "growing out of it" - he's responding to natural ways of healing.

Thank you! God Bless You!

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