UK Court Awarded Family for MMR Vaccine Injury
Lest you think there's no question about the MMR vaccine's safety... From last summer:
Family win 18 year fight over MMR damage to son: £90,000 payout is first since concerns over vaccine surfaced.
Read more: Daily Mail
Among the many staggeringly ignorant comments made by author Seth Mnookin on CNN this week was his observation that if something was "really wrong" with the MMR, the medical community would fix the problem.
Conversely Mnookin is not only witnessing the denial and character assassination of people reporting MMR adverse events, he's taking part in it and piling misery upon misery.
His "Panic Virus" book tour schedule can be found at this Gpogle link.
Posted by: nhokkanen | January 06, 2011 at 10:49 PM