The Bad Business of Autism, Part I
Managing Editor's Note: Contains grown up language.
By Adriana Gamondes
At a barbeque a few years before the economic crash, my husband and I were sitting with a few other couples discussing business and ethics in the US and, of course, I eventually brought up the issue of pharmaceutical corruption. One set of newlyweds was thinking about having children for the first time and I felt compelled to throw a heads up into the conversation. Since I was thinking about an article on the subject (which I eventually wrote (HERE) ), I brushed on the issue of psychopharmaceutical drug profits from the autism epidemic, that industry was essentially double-dipping from a disaster they themselves had likely contributed to.
What was so memorable about the discussion is that the other people involved in it never questioned whether it was possible for the pharmaceutical industry to engage in this scale of disaster capitalism. What the two other couples questioned was whether it was wrong.
One guy, an accountant with a major insurance company, even took his assumptions of autism causation farther than I would, imagining that the epidemic could have been set off deliberately. I don’t agree. In a weird way, it would be tempting to think that someone/anyone was so much in control of our world and reality that they could consciously plan and pull off such a monstrous catastrophe and mesmerize others into conscious, organized cooperation. Sure a few industry attorneys and regulatory types know exactly what’s going on, but only after the fact and I truly believe the rest has been diabolical damage control and “oops kaching” type of profiteering, performed within a ton of desperate rationalizations by most involved.
There’s an element of comfort in the idea that evil masterminds in a bunker could be intelligent enough to be that dastardly because it would mean that if, say, a meteor the size of the moon veered unexpectedly towards earth, the self interest of these arch villains would kick in and they—being evil geniuses who can wield their powers for good or ill—would be able to stop it. But to paraphrase an Everyman critic of the Reagan-Bush administration’s South American policies, I suspect that many of the medical and scientific authorities and health bureaucrats aren’t any smarter than I am—and that scares the hell out of me.
Though I think disaster capitalism operates on the nearly predictable system of payoff that unleashing technological incompetence can produce—especially convenient when a particular industry’s internal culture produces so much incompetence— this is not the same thing as planning a disaster: it’s simply having the perspicacity and ethical flexibility to devise an endgame for if and when a disaster results from botching something really big. And it sure helps to have lots and lots of experience in mopping up after your screw ups because you commit them all the time.
At one point, when I talked about industry cover ups of disastrous drug trials, the insurance exec—apparently looking for the upside— smiled hopefully and said, “Well, on one level you’ve got to admire them”. I was staggered and retorted, “Yes, on the same level I admire Hitler”. That was pretty much a conversation stopper.
I wondered later why I had so much trouble keeping my cool in that moment. It wasn’t just that fraud and corruption are wrong. To say the least. To the tune of hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths and injuries a year in the US alone. But on a certain level, I was irked to the very degree that I know corruption isn’t the key to success.
Since it really does look like someone died and made pharma king, it probably sounds outlandish to suggest that the mainstream pharmaceutical complex is a failing venture. Pharma currently has the biggest, richest lobby in the world. Industry has so much power that they’ve come close to deciding whether our country goes to war (industry lobbied Congress to invade Indonesia over a broken AIDS drug patent several years ago). Success or failure of the pharmaceutical industry seems to fall more on the scale of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire is no more and I tend to think if you kill off your customer base (and I include global polluters on that score), you’re sort of bound to fail—even if we all have to wonder which of our future generations might get to see the GlaxoRocheSanoMerckLillyPhiForrest (etc.) fire sale or if the end of humanity will come first.
I’ve read a lot of books to try to understand how things can get so bad and why people throughout history let jerks and tyrants be jerks and tyrants and why they let destructive forces gain power. It was the first conversation my husband and I had when we met and what happened to our children has given us more to think, talk and read about since, unfortunately. You could probably measure how desperate I am to find answers by how dry some of these tomes sound, though the books are actually downright interesting.
Earnest Becker’s “Escape From Evil” goes a long way towards explaining humanity’s tendency to associate status with immortality. Richard Wrangham’s study on violence and evolution focuses on the similarities between negative ape and human hierarchies (HERE).
Composer and Stalinist purge survivor Dmitri Shostakovich’s “Testimony” has a chapter which begins with the words “I hate Toscanini” and goes on to deconstruct the human delusion that evil bastards are capable of producing or even recognizing great art. Books on posttraumatic stress and the bystander phenomenon can explain the human tendency to assume that “good things happen to the worthy and bad things happen to bad people”.
Another Stalin survivor and poet, Yevgeni Yevtushenko writes: “Be careful what you forgive. The young will not forgive in you what you forgave”. I reread Chekhov’s “The Three Sisters” after learning about his disdain for the medical profession (he was a doctor himself). In the play, the physician Chebutykin, whose incompetence kills a patient during a fire, drops a clock once belonging to the love of his life and says, “It may be that I didn't in fact break it, but it only seems as if I broke it. It may be that we only appear to ourselves to exist, but in reality we are not here. I don't know anything, nobody knows anything.” That was a head scratcher but later I thought it was apt: that those in the medical industry only begin to devalue life and develop nihilism after seeing the effects of their own incompetence; it’s too painful to value what you can’t stop destroying.
Then I recently read the book, “The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t” ( HERE ) by Robert I. Sutton, a PhD in organizational psychology who chairs in the same department as his friend and my uncle James March, a Professor Emeritus at Stanford University. Dr. Sutton is currently Professor of Management Science and Engineering in the Stanford Engineering School, and Co-Director of the Center for Work, Technology, and Organization.
This book really rang some bells. It reads as a deliberately accessible survival guide written by someone who does not generally write populist material (but is good at it). The author conferred with many experts in the field before deciding that “asshole” was in fact an accurate and academically acceptable term. And he thought long and hard about the risk that, upon publishing the book in 2007, he would forever after be known as the “asshole guy”, despite a lifetime of previous academic work. But, like hiding your kid’s spinach in a meatball, Sutton tucks a great deal of organizational science and statistics into the text to make the point that assholes aren’t necessary for organizations to succeed; they generate an environment of fear, toadying, and negative competition which do not generally promote innovation and productivity in group endeavors; they tend to chase away the most creative minds; invariably replicate themselves and, worse, evidence shows that assholery (as I call it) is contagious, via something Robert Sutton calls “asshole poisoning”.
On avoiding asshole poisoning at any cost, Sutton cites research on the benefits of fighting back or avoidance when one isn’t in a position to quit a job or get someone fired. He lists real life tales and strategies for dealing with, putting off or putting down assholes via deflection, humor, public shaming, even if this requires being a “temporary asshole” to manage an impossible situation in the moment.
I think what I appreciated most about Sutton’s ideas is the advocacy and activism implicit in his approach, the lack of ethical constipation: he doesn’t write as much, but choosing the identifier of “asshole” immediately implies that it’s okay to fight back and fight hard if necessary.
But throughout the book are reminders to avoid ending up “one of them”. Everyone is an asshole from time to time, even by admission the author himself, so we’re advised to be ever so careful about who we label with the “A” word. There are also people with “rough exteriors” but “hearts of gold” who don’t deserve the term and personally I hope some of my behavior during that four years of double-autism-sleep-deprivation isn’t held against me. For clarity, Sutton lays out a certification process for what constitutes a “certified asshole”: the mark of a true asshole is “Kiss up/slap down”. They shoot fish in a barrel. They humiliate, intimidate or unleash “status slaps” on those less powerful or systematically and gratuitously put others down to raise themselves up.
Sutton reluctantly devotes one chapter to the “virtues” of assholes on the advice of colleagues, who said the book would be too shallow without it. Yes they can create cults of personality, gain enormous status and wealth for themselves and motivate intense perfectionism in underlings through fear and intimidation, but it’s at the price of crushing innovation and creativity among other members of a group, people who may in the end have contributed more than the top dog.
After reading the book, since all roads lead to the epidemic in my mind, I had a revelation about the day-to-day culture of the pharmaceutical industry and other industry-embedded entities which could have led to the current catastrophe. Regarding some of the broader ugliness in the pharm arena, specific instances came to mind—bizarre events within medicine, industry, government, media and the justice system as it pertains to vaccine injuries and autism. There are the stories of witch hunts against whistle-blowers within US regulatory agencies (HERE). There are the modern horror stories of human research disasters, deadly drugs and cover ups of same. There’s always the foremost travesty of what happened to Drs. Wakefield, Murch and Walker Smith and their treatment in the press in both the US and UK.. Then there’s evidence and anecdote of how the AAP is asshole-training pediatricians to overcome parental resistance to excessive vaccination through the use of intimidation and arrogance.
There are stories of children with autism being snatched from their parents for refusal to use accepted but dangerous mainstream medical products and for suspicion of the use of alternative treatments for clinically established environmental injuries ( the Tseglins HERE; the Ben-Elkanas .HERE ; The Arizona Five HERE ; The Wendrows HERE ). There are stories of school abuse, deaths and injuries to children with autism on buses and on school grounds. All of this goes far beyond the dismissive label of “asshole” into the realm of real evil.
But Sutton’s book really made me wonder how much the on-the-ground behavior and actions of individuals within these contexts lends to the larger events. I can’t help imagining that the US and UK health regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical companies and other enmeshed organizations must be really lousy places to work these days.
Unless you’re one of them, no perk in the world seems worth being forever trapped in conference rooms and at staff dinners with a pack of flaming creeps, sociopaths and suck-ups, even ones who’ve cultivated a degree of professional charm. And I don’t know that everyone gets used to it. I can’t—and I’ve been around. I was once seated next to the advisor of the Holy See of Rome at a dinner event in the heyday of the church sex abuse cover up. I was 22 and knew nothing about it, but sure felt the chill.
We see the hints of gross individual conduct in the pharm realm: why did twenty members of the Department of Justice laughed uproariously in open court when the judge in the Hazelhurst appeal denied the claim of an injured child? You know, I want to go out drinking with those guys. Maybe we can watch re-runs of children shot in drive-bys for kicks. And what’s up with Offit’s sneering as he ambles past a vaccine safety demonstration? Why wouldn’t Thomas Insel of the National Institute of Mental Health get on an elevator with an injured boy and his mother? Why is Gardiner Harris of the New York Times so consistently rude to autism parents who write to him (long before I ever mocked him on Age of Autism HERE)? Even if you knew nothing about the destruction he’s wrought, Brian Deer could be listed in the dictionary under “A” (HERE ). Were these people born assholes or did they go to school for it? Is it genetic or environmental?
For the reverse side of the coin, there’s no end to the personal accounts that certain leading lights in the movement are truly decent human beings: Dr. Rimland was and Dr. Wakefield is. It’s also a little known fact that Bernadine Healy—one of the few public health officials to call for more, not fewer studies into the vaccine-autism link (HERE )—came down hard on rampant sexual harassment and abuse within the National Institute of Health during her tenure as director. If there is such a thing, Dr. Healy seems to be an all-purpose anti-asshole.
With these issues on my mind, I called my uncle—the colleague of Robert Sutton— to talk about my thoughts about the book, and to ask questions about the author. Uncle Jimmy described Sutton as “a good man and a good friend” and attested that they shared many ideas and a similar distaste for the current environment of corporate cheating. Basically these guys study organizations, the way people work together and the outcomes of collective environments in terms of quality of work and impact. And though my Uncle Jimmy would never put it so glibly, they both have issues with assholes and bullies.
The call to my uncle was also personal. He didn’t know what had happened to my kids because other family events had made this difficult to discuss, especially when visits and phone calls are so hard to make with two sick kids. Last month was the two year anniversary of the death of my father and my uncle Robert, who died within two weeks of each other, and close to the seven year anniversary of the death of my cousin and Jimmy’s nephew, who was murdered. Depending on how one looks at it, along with my children, the losses may have all had a common thread. Though I’m not at liberty to discuss all the details, I’m haunted by the question of how otherwise critically thinking people sometimes drop their guard when it comes to medicine and healthcare.
In any case, when I asked if my uncle Jimmy was a “bit” suspicious of pharmaceutical industry conduct, he said something to the effect of that being a huge understatement. We went on to talk about how the “microcosm of interpersonal aggression and negative hierarchies might lead to macro impact and destruction via a breakdown in the quality of output”. Or as Sutton might put it, why do assholes produce so much incompetence? My uncle didn’t think it was always an environment of fear but also the obvious irresistible financial and status rewards that drive individual capitulation in a corrupt system. Obviously the vicious treatment of whistleblowers acts as overarching intimidation, no matter how much glad-handing might occur on the surface. The question was, is this kind of dynamic what comes with success?
For some clarification on the family tree, my mother and her brother Robert became step-siblings with my uncle Jim as adults when, in her sixties, my grandmother remarried a family friend, fellow widower and rumored very distant cousin, James March Sr., a professor of accounting for whom it seemed the discipline was a form of numeric ethics. My step-grandfather had been a senior accountant for Arthur Anderson and was disturbed at the direction the firm went after his retirement. I don’t know that he would have mourned the fact that the investment house is now history.
My grandmother’s second marriage did more than bring two families together but also sparked a sort a revolutionary think tank on the psychology of organizational ethics, which was also one of my uncle Bob’s main fascinations. His theories of management developed when he worked his way from product engineer to vice president of development for Dynamic Controls in the sixties. Though the company’s profits exploded during his tenure, he was frustrated with the typical corporate culture’s tendency to stifle creative contribution from employees. This interest probably had even deeper roots, since his and my mother’s birth father, at one time an engineer for Warner and Swasey, had suffered the theft of industrial patents for turret lathes. Like the children of Robert Kearns and their battle against Ford over the patent for the intermittent windshield wiper, my family developed an interest in changing the game.
Adriana Gamondes is a contributor to Age of Autism, manager of the AofA FaceBook page and resides in Massachusetts with her family.
I love this comment, and vote for it for comment of the month!
"Were these people (Thomas Insel, Gardiner Harris, Brian Deer)born assholes or did they go to school for it? Is it genetic or environmental? "
Posted by: Taximom | February 04, 2011 at 06:50 PM
Speaking of whistleblowers and Monstanto, recall the case of Jane Akre, the investigative reporter who sued her former employer, and ultimately lost (on appeal) because "...the FCC's news distortion policy is not a "law, rule, or regulation" under section 448.102 of the Florida Statutes...".
Monsanto being one of the players in this instance. And as Dan Burns reminds us in his post, Monsanto is yet another bastion of corporate integrity.
Within the context of the media frenzy recently, those who should be the watchdogs in this matter, instead of lining up to latch on and dry-hump Wakefield's leg while they wow me with the latest Lindsay Lohan antics, are at least cognisant of the fact that it's perfectly legal to distort the truth in the news, and (their) refusal to do so is potentially a career-ender, with essentially no legal recourse. So now, especially after reading Dan's post, I wonder - do I have to be swimming in "mistrust of government and manufacturers, conspiratorial thinking, denialism, low cognitive complexity in thinking patterns, reasoning flaws, and a habit of substituting emotional anecdotes for data" to suspect that maybe there's a problem?
Posted by: Shiny Happy Person | January 27, 2011 at 06:08 PM
Dan Burns-- your comment had me up until midnight thinking. I hope for all our sakes that you write a book one day.
What defines a whistle blower is that they were all once on the inside of something they eventually felt was wrong. Without those accounts, there would be no understanding of the mechanisms of becoming negatively entrenched, which is key to understanding how to stop certain events. I'm thinking of people like Camilo Mejia, who was convicted for desertion in '04 when he refused to continue torturing detainees in Iraq. Mejia has been unflinchingly honest about how he was drawn in, an important factor in his impact on the issue.
As far as holding responsible the people who participate in perpetuating the epidemic, we're only discussing civil justice.The idea that anyone could think a child being stricken with autism is "poetic justice" of some sort is beyond me. Firstly children are not responsible for their parents' choices (unless they grow up to be Evan Harris or Paul Nuki or James Murdoch and continue dad's unrepentent pharmaceutical cover-up campaigns). Furthermore, too often industry insiders whose children become stricken simply use the parent identity as license to continue the offensive against consumer activists. I think that proves that anyone getting on the side of right in this case-- the more dangerous, more inconvenient side-- is still making a choice based on character, not expedience, regardless of whether they have an effected child or not.
Posted by: Adriana | January 27, 2011 at 03:09 PM
Shiny-- Lol, no need for apologies though the explanation is really appreciated-- battle fatigue strikes us all. Group hug.
Posted by: Adriana | January 27, 2011 at 02:20 PM
Adriana - I apologize on 2 counts:
1) misspelling your name (fat fingers and tired eyes) - regardless that is a bit rude in any context
2) my failed attempt at humor - my original post was intended to be a shot at the NEJM's "thought police" ideology (the 1st paragraph illustrating their "motive" behind it)
Safe to say I missed the mark - sarcasm is not my forte - so I won't try to elaborate any further using more of the same (already not liking the taste of foot).
I'm not that great with a BBQ either, to be honest.
Posted by: Shiny Happy Person | January 27, 2011 at 11:10 AM
Ms. Gamondes article is great. I too have witnessed the same debacles within a major taxation branch….where management and employees (at all levels) are rewarded with higher salaries and positions for closing investigations quickly… and different investigative groups were compared with each other in a type of competition - to close the most cases. The result was: cases that needed to be investigated and prosecuted got shoved under the rug or they got the hot potato treatment and were transferred over and over again – with the investigative work never getting done at all. Some managers even added “creative writing” on their (underlings) investigators work when they saw that the case was not closing quickly enough. What was the result: cases like Bernie Madoff and the financial disaster for thousands of people all around the world…and much of our current financial state in this country. Those falty “Stats” and bonuses will be the downfall of this gov. branch and changes must be made soon...just as the debacle of vaccinations causing thousands of children to become autistic must be exposed and stopped. --mom of a wonderful son, who has worked so hard to succeed (and has autism.)
Posted by: Lindy | January 27, 2011 at 10:55 AM
Sometimes I think that vaccine damage is just an "oops" and then I read things like this that make me doubt:
"Have women in the Philippines, and possibly elsewhere, surreptitiously been used as guinea pigs in an international anti-fertility campaign?
A new medical study in the Philippines suggests that may well be the case.
A recent study conducted by the Philippine Medical Association on behalf of the Philippine Department of Health revealed that almost 20 percent of the tetanus vaccine sampled positive for the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), according to Human Life International. Vaccines containing the hormone immunize women not only against tetanus but also against pregnancy by inducing the body's immune system to attack the hormone needed to bring an unborn child to term.
"This study lends credence to what Human Life International (HLI) and some other groups have suspected all along," said Father Matthew Habiger, president of the international pro-life/family organization. "We first began to hear reports last year about tetanus vaccination campaigns in the developing world that targeted only women of child-bearing or pre-child bearing years, and that they required multiple injections."
Posted by: Carol | January 27, 2011 at 06:56 AM
Regarding Question: "Were these people born assholes or did they go to school for it? Is it genetic or environmental?"
The short answer posted by Mike: "big shit piles of money are usually surrounded by a bunch of assholes."
"Asshole-ism" is not genetically inherited, but a moral disease developed over time by conscious decisions made by the persons who become afflicted by this disease of their own doing. Money Greed and Power fuel this disease like potent virus and bacteria. Assholeism enables otherwise intelligent people to reach the top of the power pyramid thereby enabling them to effectively dump their excrement on the society beneath them, producing disease, suffering and death. However, at some point when their shit hits the fan, these people end up covered in their own human waste, otherwise known as "Karma".
Posted by: AutismGrandma | January 27, 2011 at 01:49 AM
"And don’t be too quick to demonize the medical establishment. Anybody here ever tell a lie to protect yourself, your family, your dreams of the future? Of course not."
Wow. Chillingly instructive of the point, no?
Posted by: Garbo | January 26, 2011 at 09:01 PM
Shiny Happy Person-- just spell my name right, you crazy Skeptic movement kids.
Some of the financial conflicts of the authors of the New England Journal of Medicine hit piece, posted by Nancy Hokkanen in her response:
Robert Jacobson: vaccine makers Pfizer and Novartis
Gregory Poland: vaccine makers Novartis, Novavax, CSL Biotherapies, Wyeth, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Dynavax
Some more on NEMJ's shining history:
Posted by: Adriana | January 26, 2011 at 06:54 PM
When you give makers of a product immunity against normal product defect lawsuits and then dictate that every person born receive the product that has been given immunity, you end up with the potential for someone to make a shit pile of money. And big shit piles of money are usually surrounded by a bunch of assholes.
Posted by: Mike | January 26, 2011 at 06:47 PM
Clean it up or cover it up.
Remember Agent Orange? U.S. soldiers, while in Vietnam, were told not to worry, the defoliant was harmless to humans. But when they returned home, vets exposed to the chemical had increased rates of cancer, nerve, digestive, skin and respiratory disorders, miscarriages, and higher rates of throat cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, prostate cancer, lung cancer, soft tissue sarcoma and liver cancer. What happened? Turns out that Agent Orange was contaminated with 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin, aka DIOXIN, one of the most deadly and carcinogenic compounds ever studied.
I worked in the early 1980s as the CEO’s Executive Speechwriter for one of the petrochemical companies that produced Agent Orange. Let’s call it Shyman Damnrock. The Vietnam War was over, but US veterans had filed a class action class action lawsuit against manufacturers, including my company.
One Saturday morning I sat on the thirty-second floor around a table in the Situation Room while top execs, including the Vice President of Public Affairs, brainstormed how to deal with the developing fiasco. In front of us was a PowerPoint slide showing, from a safe distance, the faulty carbon tower that had produced the contaminated chemical. The tower looked evil, everything around it dead.
The VP explained that our company was safe from lawsuits because Damnrock had produced Agent Orange under government contract, and “you can’t sue the government.” But TV news reports and stories from chemically damaged vets were creating a public relations disaster and – worst of all from a business point of view – suppressing the Damnrock stock price. We in the Situation Room had to act to protect the shareholders. That was our job.
The CEO had suggested that the least we could do was to dismantle the defective carbon tower and clean up the adjacent soil and groundwater near the now-abandoned wing of the refinery. It would be the right thing to do, and maybe that would ameliorate the PR disaster.
The Vice President of Legal Affairs objected. A cleanup would be interpreted as an admission of wrongdoing, even of liability. It would be a risky strategy at best. Better just bring in the bulldozers and cover it up.
Did anyone around that conference table doubt that the contaminant, dioxin, caused cancer, miscarriages, and birth defects? I certainly didn’t. We were staring at the culpable carbon tower – though not, it is important to note, at the injured vets.
No one at that conference table was a sociopath. The executives on my right and left were decent folks, some newbies from Lemony-Snicket-like childhoods, minorities just starting their careers, others in their 40s and 50s recovering from bankruptcy, divorce, and other middle-age misfortunes. My boss played blues guitar, was an amateur songwriter, haunted the New York City blues clubs, performed in church basements, politically left leaning, champion of the underdog. Except when the underdog was threatening to bite.
We decent, frail, frightened human beings had to decide. Clean it up, or cover it up? In the end, the decision was about the numbers. Not the numbers of miscarried infants and cancer-scarred lives, but our price-per-share numbers on the New York Stock Exchange.
We had, we were told, a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders. What’s done was done. Cleaning up the mess would just spread the pain. It would lower the stock price and threaten the income of shareholders, many of whom were lifelong Damnrock employees who, now retired, lived on the dividend. It would expose the company to a corporate raider who might buy undervalued shares at a bargain price, break up the company, and sell the assets for obscene profits. Cleaning up the mess wouldn't cure anybody's cancer. It would be irresponsible to our loyal shareholders, employees, and retirees. Better just to bury it.
Did I raise my hand to object? No. I had two kids approaching college, a new car, a teetering bank account and a mortgage. I was really, really lucky to have this great job. And when it came right down to it, my job was to make the CEO look good, build investor confidence in the management team, and try to raise the faltering share price. If I didn’t do my job, somebody else would.
So in the end our company went along with the position articulated by a spokesperson for Monsanto, another Agent Orange manufacturer implicated in the farrago, who said, "We are sympathetic with people who believe they have been injured and understand their concern to find the cause, but reliable scientific evidence indicates that Agent Orange is not the cause of serious long-term health effects.” The question has been asked and answered. Move along.
There are no doubt similar meetings going on in the Situation Rooms at GlaxoSmithKline. And I’ll tell you this, folks, if my experience is any indication, it’s not about the injured children. It’s about the numbers.
That was 25 years ago. Now I have a developmentally disabled child. Poetic justice? No, there is no justice of any kind in the suffering of my son. And don’t be too quick to demonize the medical establishment. Anybody here ever tell a lie to protect yourself, your family, your dreams of the future? Of course not.
God forgive us.
Posted by: Dan E. Burns | January 26, 2011 at 06:46 PM
Dennis Kearns-- my mother was the news courtroom illustrator for the Michigan trial against you-know-who; she was kindly invited to the celebration lunch by your family. I talked to her about writing this piece and was very moved when she told me the story of the trial and how family stories and ethos were swapped at the lunch. These drives are generational. I will definitely check out masking. Blessings to you. I will be thinking of Don Quixote tonight.
Posted by: Adriana | January 26, 2011 at 05:59 PM
Adriana, this is so well-put and eloquent, that I'm afraid to post a comment. " why do assholes produce so much incompetence?" Because (in the world of pharma) if one was truly competent and ethical, there may be no product.
And in the corporate world of Monsanto when they conceived and executed their GMO marketing scheme, "wide spread and irreversible gmo contamination" of the majority of food products, was essential to the success of the plan, and the public would never recover and have no alternative but to capitulate to gmo's forever. Monsanto still ranks as the most evil.
Posted by: michael framson | January 26, 2011 at 05:52 PM
"Today, the spectrum of antivaccinationists ranges from people who are simply ignorant about science (or “innumerate” — unable to understand and incorporate concepts of risk and probability into science-grounded decision making) to a radical fringe element who use deliberate mistruths, intimidation, falsified data, and threats of violence in efforts to prevent the use of vaccines and to silence critics. Antivaccinationists tend toward complete mistrust of government and manufacturers, conspiratorial thinking, denialism, low cognitive complexity in thinking patterns, reasoning flaws, and a habit of substituting emotional anecdotes for data."
"We must counter misinformation where it is transmitted and consider using legal remedies when appropriate."
Guess that means no more BBQ's at Adrianna's.
Posted by: Shiny Happy Person | January 26, 2011 at 05:13 PM
As always, Adriana's columns provide plenty of grist for the psychological mill. Big business cliques are truly a study in hubris, alienation and perversity. Some of the reporters and bureaucrats have displayed almost a rapist's mentality toward victims of vaccine injury, toward families dealing with autism, and toward those who try to help them.
Posted by: nhokkanen | January 26, 2011 at 05:00 PM
I'm no expert on Autism, but studied with Win Wenger in the 70's. I believe he had developed this technique. I just came across this article on Masking.
Perhaps because of my Dad I learned It's all about changing the game.
Posted by: Dennis Kearns | January 26, 2011 at 04:58 PM
Another good one, Adriana, thanks.
Posted by: Amber | January 26, 2011 at 02:18 PM
Just following-up on my last post...
If anyone is interested in reading how bad the problem is importation of counterfeit drugs and contaminated food is read more here (warning- this will turn your stomach):
New Chinese Take-Out: Tainted, Poisoned Exports
Counterfeit Drugs: Coming to a Pharmacy Near You by the American Council on Science and Health
Growing problem of fake drugs hurting patients, companies - USA Today article
The Poisoning of America: China's Food and Drugs are Unsafe at Any Price
Bad Medicine in the Market
Posted by: Sarah | January 26, 2011 at 01:48 PM
49 years after the execution of Adolf Eichmann "banal evil" still stalks the earth, people are still just doing their jobs, and children are maimed in industrial quantities for profit.
Posted by: Ex Pedience | January 26, 2011 at 11:20 AM
Thanks for your post. It's very thought provoking.
I've looked at this crisis from many different angles. I've wondered:
Is it a tragic mistake driven by greed that's evolved into massive corruption and coverup? Is industry simply trying to protect itself at all costs?
Is there a political motive? Are our children being systematically poisoned by those who are in competition with us? Is this a deliberate effort by some adverserial faction to hurt/ destabilize American families in an effort to eliminate competition for global resources?
Is this part of a eugenics agenda planned by some scientific extremists who, in an effort to rid the human gene pool of disease, are provoking the manifestation of disease in this genetically vulnerable population? this way they can further their agenda. Collect our kids DNA, sell the idea of designer babies of the future, create a supreme race in a misguided effort to "better" mankind.
Is the food and drug supply chain being infiltrated by criminals? Are counterfeit products making their way into our
legitimate food and drug markets? (this is quite possible because of the limited resources the FDA has to inspect overseas shipments. 80% of the active ingredients in US drugs come from China and India). 5% of FDA resources go to inspection. There have been many reports of toxic products and drugs making it into our marketplace.
I go back and forth trying to figure it out and I try not go crazy in the process. I feel the truth lies somewhere in bits and pieces of the above.
One thing I've come to realize is that rabbit hole is very deep with lots of twists and turns.
There seem to be many different agendas afoot that do not serve the interest of our helping children. Our agenda is to expose the truth and help our kids which puts us in direct conflict with these agendas so we are engaged in constant battle.
I do believe greed is a big driver and that there are those exploiting this crisis and our children for profit.
I believe we parents are doing a good job of exposing this corruption. Starting those individual conversations with friends is hugely important. If anything it makes them think and question and perhaps open their eyes.
Let's keep those conversations going...the more people talk, the more they'll question.
Posted by: Sarah | January 26, 2011 at 10:35 AM
I have thought on this for the last 30 years. I think I have always had it basically figured out.
It is not big pharma bussiness at fault in our free market county.
It is the fact that big government NIH, CDC, FDA, HHS stepped in and exclaimed that vaccines were above the law.
Wen that happens this is what you get.
How long would these drug companies stayed in bussiness if they had to pay our for a horrible product like the whooping cough vaccine?
Not long.
And now we have them lying to us. We go into the emergency room for a simple injury fairly healthy (if we are lucky enough to survive childhool from the DPT shot) and end up with them given us a half truth. A tetanus shot - but really is a DPT shot.
Some of us it is fast enough reaction to figure out what caused it, for the majority of us it is a so slow progressive disease that results in dibeties, or thyroid that we never linked to that fact.
Now who is evil?
Is that not just evil?
Posted by: Benedetta | January 26, 2011 at 10:19 AM
Interesting and appreciated. Thank you.
Posted by: Dawn R | January 26, 2011 at 10:02 AM
The Rockefellers and other uncontrolled large corporations
Self interest
American rugged individualism beliefs
The dummying down of Americans-especially children-no thinking outside the box in school.
Nation of followers
Religious beliefs-the idea God will take care of everything if only one believes.
Posted by: Maurine meleck | January 26, 2011 at 09:20 AM