Documents Show Dr Andrew Wakefield Innocent; BMJ & Brian Deer Caught Misrepresenting Facts
Gary Null Features Statement from Julia Ahier Wakefield Lancet 12 Parent

Listen to Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Clifford Miller and Isabella Thomas on The Gary Null Show

GaryNull_AlbumArt Click HERE to download The Gary Null Show which aired yesterday, featuring Dr. Andrew Wakefield,  attorney Clifford Miller and Isabella Thomas, one of the "Lancet parents" in the controversial case study from 1998 that set off the firestorm of autism - MMR controversy. From The Gary Null Show:

Dr. Andrew Wakefield is a renowned gastroenterologist specializing in inflammatory bowel disease and the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine or MMR. He is a former Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and has published over 130 original scientific papers and medical studies. In the course of his work, Wakefield found himself the subject to published claims of deliberate fraud by investigative journalist Brian Deer, resulting in a complex, multi-faceted scandal which, to date, has endured without a definitive resolution.

Clifford Miller is a lawyer in Kent in the UK and a solicitor of the supreme court of England civil proceedings, who has specialized in intellectual property, anti-trust and legal issues in the electronics and communication fields. Over the years he has been active in investigating vaccine issues and science.

Isabella Thomas is the most vocal of all parents involved in the initial study conducted by Dr. Wakefield. She has two autistic children that were both patients in the Royal Free study documented in the Lancet report. Out of her four children, only the 2 who received the MMR vaccines have serious bowel disorders and autism. She is also the main parent that Brian Deer has been attacking, even though she is not a member of any anti-vaccination group in the UK.



In his interview with Gary Null, Brian Deer said, "Wakefield isn't who you think he is. He's a very conservative doctor."

Huh? I thought it was going to be something about horns and cloven hooves.

"Wakefield is a very conservative doctor." That's one thing Deer has said that I agree with.


it was a remarkable show. i listened to it in its entirety, unable to stop, just like when i first got my hands on Callous Disregard. It is amazing to me the lengths the british government will stoop to, to protect its policies, and to hell with our children. Gary, thank you for giving them a chance to talk without being interrupted. Thank you for giving us a chance to listen to Brian Deer's lies in their entirety - so we can pick the holes in them and show the world what he is. Dr Wakefield, Jim Moody, Clifford Miller, Dr Yazbak and Isabella Thomas were fabulous to listen to, and the facts were presented very well.

Diane W Farr

Okay Age of Autism......I'm on to you all....It's obvious Brian Deer is on our side and working for AoA......Very crafty!!! Who's brilliant idea was it to feed the media what they wanted to hear and then make news agencies look ridiculous by "feeding the hungry lie". This just makes people very suspicious. Your timing was great with coinciding with Offitt's and Mnookin's books coming out. I guess you had to pull in "our go to girl" you know the playboy bunny one and some of her peers to encourage Matt and George to be really nasty boys. This is my concern; was it necessary to start a whooping cough epidemic to prove that vaccines don't work!


It struck me when Brian Deer described Dr. Wakefield to Null as a "freelance charlatan." Deer is a free lance so it's interesting that he uses that term in talking about Wakefield. Maybe Deer's subconscious opinion of himself is leaking through.

Deer seems to do this a lot. "The festering nastiness, the creepy repetitiveness, the weasly, deceitful, obsessiveness": that's the way Deer has talked about the parents of autistic children. Unbelievable coming from anybody, particularly a journalist. You don't have to be a shrink to figure out what's going on.

Glax Britannicus

The show is rivetting. Three days ago Null allowed Brian Deer to speak on his show without the shameful hectoring indulged in by Anderson and Stephanopoulos against Andrew Wakefield. Here Deer's claim are subject to rigorous analysis and shown to be flawed and erroneous, quite apart from the key issue that he witheld evidence to the GMC when making his successive complaints which would have exonerated the doctors on the principle charges, or that despite his denials he published confidential information about children on the web. Perhaps, there were too many digressions in the show elongating it to a monumental 4 hours but it puts the snap judgements of Null's mainstream colleagues in their lazy, unprofessional context. Pehaps they will be rewarded in pharmaceutical heaven.

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