Lancet 12 Parents Respond to Brian Deer BMJ GMC Allegations
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To vaccinate or not has been presented as an all-out either-or decision (and considering what's in the vaccines nowadays, that's not unreasonable). But vaccination as it was originally conceived and practiced was exposing a person to a mild form of a disease to minimize the likelihood of their catching the more severe form (the classic example being cowpox vs. smallpox). That isn't what is happening any more--the concoctions coming out of pharmaceutical laboratories bear no relation to the simple vaccines originally in use. We need to get away from the "vaccination causes autism" argument, which too many people reject because they're afraid not to be vaccinated, and focus on what is currently in vaccines that's bad for everybody. Take out the adjuvants and the mercury and the laboratory-fabricated viral segments, and the autism reaction might go away too, without having to completely sacrifice vaccination.
Posted by: Rhonnie Wilson | January 26, 2011 at 06:56 PM
Northeastern's comment is misplaced.
She/He said that autism symptoms often appear
before vaccination. Hmm... in the U.S.
vaccination begins within 24 hours of birth.
Furthermore, Dr. Yazbek's (MD, FAACP, pediatric infectious disease expert) research on pregnant mothers given live virus vaccines shows an association with maternal health problems and a high incidence of early on-set autism.
As for his/her contention that measles, mumps and rubella are far more dangerous
than the vaccine, this is sheer propaganda and fearmongering that has been fed to the public. Measles can be an issue for those malnourished and highly immuno-compromised (the very people most susceptible to vaccination damage)but the incidence of serious problems is very low.
Studies of third world children given vitamin A supplementation showed significant
drops in mortality from measles.
What's more, vaccination only gives "temporal"immunity at best which means that one can be hit by measles when it actually poses a greater risk - that is in the teens or adulthood.
Posted by: Roxanne | January 12, 2011 at 01:59 AM
I was livid when I saw Anderson Cooper's
interview with Dr. Wakefield in which he not only showed his ignorance of the case, and
the politic$ imbued in it, but rudely cut
Dr. Wakefield repeatidly off.
***360 needs to be blasted with complaints.
This link easily takes you to the contact
page for viewer complaints. Please
send in your comments and share it widely!
Posted by: Roxanne | January 11, 2011 at 04:23 AM
Who is this Mr 11 in Deer's article? What does it mean when Deer state "backed his concerns with medical records, including a Royal Free discharge summary"? Are all parents backing the Lancet study or are there some who think Deer is right?
Posted by: Paul Bergstrom | January 10, 2011 at 07:18 PM
“The pharmaceutical industry gangsters made one of their periodic fraudulent declarations of "victory" today. They repeat that "science" (the best their money can buy) now proves that injecting mercury and other known neurotoxins into the bloodstreams of small children Is a fine and entirely safe practice - and thus no liability to them for thousands of serious vaccine injuries over the years. The morning TV network shows in the US were crowing this BS with maximum enthusiasm today. (Why not? The pharmaceutical gangsters pay them to.)
Here's real story...
Robert F Kennedy Jr speaking before an audience largely made up of the mothers of vaccine injured children...about the real vaccine scandal that the government and Big Pharma went to criminal lengths to cover up.”
“The Mercury-Autism Cover Up”
“Tobacco Science and the Thimerosal Scandal” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. On June 22, 2005.
Posted by: patrons99 | January 09, 2011 at 09:11 AM
My son stopped cooing/ singing loudly EVERY morning...he would do it all morning like a parrot. After the shots he abruptly stopped.
Now I'm close to being harassed by child protection services and other entities because I stopped the next scheduled round of shots. I need to bring them hard proof that he had that reaction and I cant imagine how to do that.
Posted by: Lisette | January 09, 2011 at 08:55 AM
Mumps and rubella are far more dangerous? And Measles, perhaps in a third world country, but here in the US? And the fact that millions of kids get the MMR and don't get autism is some sort of proof that there is no link? Put the bong down my friend and try some education. It's like arguing with a brick wall, although I think brick wall might actually have some use.
Posted by: Chance | January 09, 2011 at 12:33 AM
We need the Lancet 12 to speak out NOW.
Posted by: Taximom | January 08, 2011 at 10:10 PM
TV anchors like Anderson Cooper are not going to familiarize themselves with the details of all the Lancet children's cases nor are they going to tease out Brian Deer's mix of misinterpretations, insinuations and partial truths.
What they can do is look at one child's case and see that Brian Deer has reported in bad faith.
In the case of Child 1, Brian Deer reported in 2009 and just now in the BMJ that Child 1 had a hearing problem at 9 mos and that this is a "hallmark presentation of classical autism." What Deer fails to report is that in the GP records noting the mother's concern about Child 1's hearing, the mother also reports that there was a discharge from the boy's ear. Some might call this discharge a hallmark presentation of a childhood ear infection.
The only reason I can see for Deer concealing the pus coming out of the boy's ear is to further fix a case against Andrew Wakefield and his research. The timing of the onset of autistic symptoms is key and Brian Deer wants to put it before receipt of MMR.
I'd like to hear a journalist ask Deer about this and see what he says. The issue is a simple one, not requiring special knowledge or a lot of extra research.
Maybe Deer will even address the issue in a coming installment of his attack on Andrew Wakefield in the BMJ. Do I hear furious typing?
Posted by: Carol | January 08, 2011 at 10:00 PM
The vindictive attack on Andrew Wakefield by the media in the U.S. this past week, especially by reporters at CNN, is a national disgrace.
Before anyone has right to challenge Dr. Wakefield or condemn his work, they must watch this video about the children in Wakefield's study.
Sadly, the press has been content to ignore the claims of parents that vaccines have harmed their children. They've pretended that vaccines
couldn't be linked to autism. Parents must be wrong. All the health officials say so
They weakly and willingly accepted the claims of the people who run the vaccine program.
The only comparable situation would be the media sources that said smoking wasn't connected to lung cancer. The same people who also had endless
ads for cigarettes in their publications.
I am stunned at the assault on Andrew Wakefield this past week. Where are the reporters who question WHERE BRIAN DEER GOT ACCESS TO CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL RECORDS REGARDING THE CHILDREN IN WAKEFIELD'S STUDY?
For sources like CNN to promote Brian Deer's charges against Dr. Wakefield without ever asking why he was able to get confidential information, is unbelievable. Does the media check the credibility of sources? Are they willing to publicize illegally obtained claims? Is unethical and illegal actions on the part of reporters standard practice at CNN?
Posted by: Anne McElroy Dachel | January 08, 2011 at 09:07 PM
The vindictive attack on Andrew Wakefield by the media in the U.S. this past week, especially by reporters at CNN, is a national disgrace.
Before anyone has right to challenge Dr. Wakefield or condemn his work, they must watch this video about the children in Wakefield's study.
Sadly, the press has been content to ignore the claims of parents that vaccines have harmed their children. They've pretended that vaccines
couldn't be linked to autism. Parents must be wrong. All the health officials say so
They weakly and willingly accepted the claims of the people who run the vaccine program.
The only comparable situation would be the media sources that said smoking wasn't connected to lung cancer. The same people who also had endless
ads for cigarettes in their publications.
I am stunned at the assault on Andrew Wakefield this past week. Where are the reporters who question WHERE BRIAN DEER GOT ACCESS TO CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL RECORDS REGARDING THE CHILDREN IN WAKEFIELD'S STUDY?
For sources like CNN to promote Brian Deer's charges against Dr. Wakefield without ever asking why he was able to get confidential information, is unbelievable. Does the media check the credibility of sources? Are they willing to publicize illegally obtained claims? Are unethical and illegal actions on the part of reporters standard practice at CNN?
Anne Dachel
Posted by: Anne McElroy Dachel | January 08, 2011 at 09:06 PM
To A Friend,
Thanks for the link. Reminds me of this. prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.
2TIMOTHY 4:2-5
So many parallels. So prophetic.
Posted by: Adam M | January 08, 2011 at 12:34 PM
northeastern - look up the Bailey Banks case. who says there is no link? He is one of many officially compensated for the MMR gone wrong. think of how many unrecognized children this boy represents.
Posted by: sara | January 08, 2011 at 09:26 AM
As GH rightly point out, the Hep B vaccine is given routinely in the hospital after birth. Also, of course, some women receive flu shots during flu pregnancy, etc.
For the moment though, let's put that aside. Let's say that a baby was showing some signs of autism before any routine infant vaccines were given - maybe by some genetic susceptibilities or maternal toxic burden or whatever. Who are you to say that a child already showing signs would not get worse after more vaccines are given. Let's wrap that up. Baby showing "signs" of autism at 4 months (before any vaccines), baby given vaccines, baby's immune system becomes MORE compromised after those vaccines and any set of following vaccines. What is so freaking hard to understand here? I mean seriously.
I'm simply giving you a possible scenario. I'm not saying this is the case for ALL babies. This is a very real possibility and you are completely naive if you think that just because a baby showed some sort of signs of autism pre-vaccination that means that the burden vaccines on their system wouldn't (or couldn't) affect them more and make the situation worse. What is it that is so hard to understand here? That's an honest question.
Posted by: A Friend | January 08, 2011 at 09:06 AM
I am a father of boy diagnosed with ASD and also a Special Education teacher with over 20 years experience.
I currently have a neutral position on MMR but note that my son has severe immunological difficulties - Asthma, Eczema and faces life threatening anaphylaxis if he comes in contact with egg protein or peanuts.
Our journey is a difficult one at times although our son compared to many is doing very well is mainstreamed for his education.
Personally speaking I was appalled over the recent articles presented as 'science' by Brian Deer and subsequently republished in the BMJ.
Although I am not cognizant of all the facts around this situation I have quickly bought myself up to speed and I thank this online community for its presentation of material here.
I have directly questioned the information as presented by Deer in regards to whether children had 'regressive autism' and readers here should familiarise themselves with the new DSM Version 5 and what it outlines as to Autism
Using this new definition I looked at Deer's table presented in BMJ
It is presented as a web extra with footnotes (containing information that may have been sourced illegally certainly unethically)
This is my own analysis of course I am unable to see medical records so I used Deer's own footnotes.
I now believe there is further information about the female patient 8 that would lead to a diagnosis of Autism Disorder under DSM V
Deer proposes using a very narrow definition referred to as "Regress autism" that only 1 child of the 12 should be acknowledged.
Under the new DSM V proposed definition that number would be increased
Child 1 Autism - Evidence Royal Free Admission
Child 2 Autism - Deer acknowledges
Child 3 Autism - Consultants letter
Child 4 Autism - Multiple concerns of parents and doctors
Child 5 Autism - Royal Free records 2001 "Regressive Autism"
Child 6 Autism - Diagnosed Asperger's Syndrome specialist.
Child 7 Autism - Diagnosed "Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome" is a PDD Pervasive Developmental Disorder - (Brother of 6)
Child 8 Unclear - Female - possible encephalitis / PDD abnormally small vocabulary. Documented febrile convulsion after MMR
Child 9 Unclear - Little documentation/history presented.
Child 10 Autism - Severe language and speech disorder with some autistic features.
Child 11 - Autism - Hospital discharge summary refers to Autism.
Child 12 - Unclear Specialist Development Unit reported "an impairment of language".
In regard to Child 8 I believe that Deer quoted Michael Rutter incorrectly and there was further information that would perhaps elicit a closer diagnosis of PDD. I cannot find that article it might even be on this website.
With this new tabulation of Deer's assessment and chart as provided in web extras we can now clearly see that all children had clear concerns over their development.
Deer states in footnotes "The regressive developmental disorder is tabulated as "autism" in nine cases. In study protocols, explanatory material for parents and clinicians,and post-publication commentary, Wakefield sometimes uses references to regressive autism interchangeably with "disintegrative disorder", although this is, in fact, professionally recognised to be a different disorder.
This is clearly not the case using the proposed DSM V definition.
It is my belief that clearly the majority if not all the children would fit under the 'new criteria".
One should also note the very real difficulty that parents have of understanding what is going on and the confusion amongst the medical community. As well as the frustration in getting a diagnosis. Let alone allowing for such other conditions as FAS and Fragile X.
* This is a work in progress and I welcome any constructive criticism or help in formulating a better response.
Posted by: John | January 08, 2011 at 08:32 AM
northeastern - vaccinations start on the first day of life. Please provide evidence of autism symptoms routinely appearing prior to that.
If you have trouble finding such evidence, keep looking, and don't come back until you have found it.
Posted by: GH | January 08, 2011 at 07:48 AM
Perhaps Anderson Cooper would like to interview some of the parents, so as to verify the accuracy of Brian Deer.
Posted by: GH | January 08, 2011 at 06:48 AM
Does anyone have, or know where I can get my hands on, a transcript of this awesome video? We want to translate into Italian and subtitle, but the transcript would make things much easier given the problems that exist with the language. Understanding the written language is one thing, the spoken is much more difficult!!
Thanks for any help you can give!!
Posted by: fromitaly | January 08, 2011 at 04:48 AM
This was a letter dated December 22nd 2008; it doesn't address the current allegations about details of the children being changed in the study. I'd be interested to see a newer video about the parents' views on the current issues, if there is one..? From what I understand, the allegations are based on parent provided information and medical records, which didn't match Wakefield's study, is that incorrect?
Posted by: Linda | January 07, 2011 at 11:47 PM
This video addresses only a small part of the accusations against Dr. Wakefield. Brian Deer's analysis confirms what many of us already knew - that autism symptoms often appear before vaccinations begin and there is little or no link between autism and a vaccine that has been administered to millions who did not develop autism. Measles, mumps and rubella are far more dangerous.
Posted by: northeastern | January 07, 2011 at 10:22 PM
Awesome! Totally awesome! This video MUST be forwarded to the mainstream media ASAP, before the news cycle ends.
Posted by: patrons99 | January 07, 2011 at 07:08 PM
I'm just answering my own question here. I thought that I had seen the clip before. It was in this movie:
Great documentary about this topic. If link doesn't work google "Selective Hearing Brian Deer and the GMC...". Highly recommend.
Posted by: A Friend | January 07, 2011 at 06:46 PM
For the sake of clarification...When was this video made? It's been out for a while now, right? Not that it matters all that much... I'm just curious.
Posted by: A Friend | January 07, 2011 at 06:33 PM
did someone send this to AC ? This needs to be on CNN! FAT CHANCE. OMG!!
Posted by: Nancy T-B | January 07, 2011 at 06:19 PM