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CDC Workshop on Autism Prevalence Feb 1 - Webinar Closed?

Webinar Workshop to Evaluate Changes in the Prevalence of the Autism Spectrum Disorders (HERE on right sidebar area.) Mark Blaxill is schedule to present at this workshop.

February 1, 2011
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Atlanta, GA

Webinar appears to be closed - which seems unacceptable. Every stakeholder and taxpayer should be able to attend. (register here)


Lisa @ TACA

Hi all-

TACA Georgia registered and was there.
We got the notice a few weeks back from a public list serve.

I know Mark Blaxill was there too


Cynthia Cournoyer

"Changes" in the prevalence? Another attempt at re-defining the condition to make it look like the numbers are not going up?

sneaker city

Well, of course the "room" is full, it's a virtual meeting. cough, cough, **bullshit**.

L Land

of course it is closed...what in the world is more closed than the CDC's view on autism


I decided not to go...........

I'll let Mark and the others with far more patience than I attend instead. So Mark, if you don't hear anyone yelling "BULLSH*T!" when someone from the "I <3 Using Genetics as a Scapegoat for Vaccines" crowd begins to speak, that's cause I stayed home.

Anne McElroy Dachel

It's reached capacity? Really?
I'd love to know who's attending.
Anne Dachel

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