Temple Grandin's Logical Mind on Early Intervention, Vaccines and More
SafeMinds Introduces New Flu Vaccine Campaign "Get the Mercury Out!"

Alert your Lawmaker That Vaccine Safety Is an American Priority

Safety first sign Alert your candidates and legislators that a new study found that 89% of parents place vaccine safety at the top of the list of medical priorities today. TAKE ACTION HERE! (The link brings you to the easy to use, pre-written letter. All you have to do is fill in a few fields and the letter goes to the candidates and legislators in your district across the nation.

Thank you to our friends at the Autism Action Network for the alert.

A new study from the University of Michigan found vaccine and drug safety to be the #1 research priority among parents for children’s health research .  We think every member of the House and the Senate in Washington should hear about this poll. In an alert you will get later today you will be asked to send the poll to your state level representatives too.
Please click on the Take Action link to send a copy of this information to your Representative and Senators. And please forward this email to friends and family and post it to your Face Book wall or other social networks.

Kim Stagliano writes about the study in the Huffington Post HERE. The post had over 400 comments as of last evening.

Here’s some info from the University of Michigan on the study:

Vaccine and medication safety are parents’ top research priorities

Parents rate research on environmental effects, childhood diseases, and causes of childhood injuries less important

Vaccine and medication safety are parents’ top research priorities

ANN ARBOR, Mich.—Each year, hundreds of millions of public and private dollars are spent on medical research to improve the health of children – yet parents have little input regarding how those dollars should be spent.

A poll released by the C.S. Mott Children’s National Poll on Children’s Health shows that nearly 9 in 10 parents rank vaccine safety, and the effectiveness and safety of medicines, as the most important topics in children’s health research today.

The poll, which asked 1,621 parents age 18 and older in August 2010 to rate the importance of different types of medical research for children’s health, found that parents rated the topics as follows:

1.     Vaccine safety (89 percent)
2.     Medication safety and effectiveness (88 percent)

3.     Things in the environment that could lead to health issues (72 percent)
4.     Foods that might protect against cancer (67 percent )
5.     New treatment for rare childhood diseases (66 percent)
6.     Cancer-causing foods (64 percent )
7.     New treatments for common childhood illnesses (64 percent)
8.     Leading causes of injuries (46 percent)
“In this poll, parents overwhelmingly see the need for research on the safety of vaccines and medications given to children,” says Matthew Davis, M.D., director of the poll and associate professor of pediatrics and internal medicine in the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the U-M Medical School. “Parental concerns about the safety of vaccines have increased markedly over the last decade.”

“Assurances from health care providers and government officials that vaccines are safe have been insufficient. Rather, it’s clear from this poll that parents want more research about the safety of vaccines for their young children and adolescents.”

Similarly, views that medication safety and effectiveness are important areas of research may be prompted by high-profile recalls of medications, or by recent reports suggesting that some common over-the-counter medicines are ineffective for kids, according to Davis.
“Clearly, parents recognize the importance of continuing research about medications, and see the potential for research to help them be better informed about the potential benefits and risks of treatments for their children,” says Davis, who is also associate professor of public policy at the U-M Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.

Read the Study Here.

Clinical and health research volunteer opportunities: UMClinicalStudies.org.
Data Source:  This report presents findings from a nationally representative household survey conducted exclusively by Knowledge Networks, Inc, for C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital via a method used in many published studies. The survey was administered on August 13 - September 7, 2010 to a randomly selected, stratified group of parents aged 18 and older (n=1,621) from the Knowledge Networks standing panel that closely resembles the U.S. population. The sample was subsequently weighted to reflect population figures from the Census Bureau. The survey completion rate was 57 percent among panel members contacted to participate. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 2 to 3 percentage points, depending on the question.

To learn more about Knowledge Networks, visit www.knowledgenetworks.com.
Purpose/Funding: The C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health – based at the Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Unit at the University of Michigan and funded by the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases and the University of Michigan Health System – is designed to measure major health care issues and trends for U.S. children.

This Report includes research findings from the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health, which do not represent the opinions of the investigators or the opinions of the University of Michigan.



an almost 60% completion rate has to be about average for surveys. Of course Orac and the gang are citing some kind of bias due to the completion rate. I think that, however you look at it, there must be ALOT of people who are concerned about vaccine safety. Either these survey people (randomly selected) have been close witnesses to regressive autism or have heard about it from other people. Pharma is in big trouble and this must be a huge smack in the face. I wonder what Dr. Nancy thinks, knowing her little vaccine bullshit speeches are basically not being received too well. Wow, Kathy, "permanent immune surgery" -that's a really interesting way of describing vaccination.


kathy blanco - well said! You have seen the truth behind pharma's vaccine agenda. None of them are safe! I, too, will place faith in protecting and strengthening my God-given natural immunity, e.g. high dose D3, C, colloidal silver, and prayer. No more jabs! No more "biologics" from pharma's BIO pipeline! Mankind's survival rests in homeopathy, not allopathy. Pharma just needs to get a grip and accept that reality. Here's a few links to support this view, including one on EMT (electromagnetic therapy) in conjunction with colloidal silver. btw - I make no recommendations or claims as to safety or efficacy of any of these potential alternatives to pharma's mandated inoculations and "biologicals". The conventional "wisdom" of orthodox medicine needs to be challenged. Orthodox medicine is failing humanity. Worse than that, there is CONSIDERABLE evidence of harm.

“enzyme proteins are quantum molecular machines that transform energy coherently”


“Hence the conductance of DNA can be controlled by a magnetic field. This gives the potential for developing nanoscale ‘spintronic’ devices based on the DNA molecule, where the efficiency of spin interaction will be determined by the DNA sequence.”


Do you see how Dr Ho's work might relate to Electromagnetic Therapy and to Homeopathy, both now and in the future?


1. Govaert, M.E., et. al. "Adverse reactions to influenza vaccine in elderly people: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial." British Medical Journal 307:988-90, 1993.
2. Peck, P. "Bulletproof: Losing the antibiotic resistant war." Family Practice News 1,12, September 1, 1994.
3. Hemila, H., Ph.D. "Does vitamin C alleviate the symptoms of the common cold? A review of current evidence." Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 26:1-6, 1994.
4. Center for Science in the Public Interest. "Pumping immunity." Nutrition Action Health Letter, 5-7, April, 1993.
5. Foster, Steven. "Echinacea: The cold and flu remedy." Alternative & Complementary Therapies 1(4):254-257, June/July, 1995.
6. Flynn, R., M.S. and Roest, M. Your Guide to Standardized Herbal Products. Prescott, AZ: One World Press, 1995.
7. M. Paul Farber, N.D., Ph.D., D.C. Coll/Ag-30 (Mild Silver Protein): The Silver Micro-Bullet. Houston: Professional Physicians Publishing and Health Services, Inc., 1995.
8. Powell, J. "Our mightiest germ fighter." Scienct Digest, 59-60, March, 1978.
9. Canty, L.M. and Baranowski, Z. Colloidal Silver: The Antibiotic Alternative. Carmichael, CA: The Colloid Research Foundation, 1994.


Sent mine!

kathy blanco

Plueez, can we get this straight? There is no SAFE vaccine, inheritidely unsafe, especially for predisposed kids. The more we push the SAFE vaccine message, the more confusion takes place and the more vaccines they add to the schedule, just to piss us off more. Autism won't stop with the safe vaccine message, it will continue, it will be one more metabolic crisis a child can't take. I'd like to know if mercury free is really safe...probably not. But it's a step...and the next step is to suggest other ingredients in those vaccines have equal footing to the ability to destroy the development of the proper foundations of an infants brain, gut and immune system. No medicines are free from harm, none of them, especially medicines which are directly shot into the bloodstream, the most, or the worse place to put viruses which typically are worked out so to speak in our mucousal immune response, retroviruses, mycoplasma, contaminants, and toxins. Basically in a word, permanent immune surgery. So permanent, the circulation of persistent viruses are being found in the gut and CSF and brain. I vote for natural immunity, strenghtened by whole foods, cleanliness, sanitation, using VIT D3 more, and even bicarbonate of soda (known to kill viruses). So, as for me and my house, the pledge is this...., there is no safe vaccine.


Can we get a working link to the study please?
It demonstrates the disconnect between parents wants and our pal PrOffits characterizations.



Is it too much to ask for a medicine to be fine tuned before giving it to the masses. It is obvious that you can't ask those individuals in power to care about the publics well being, or care how much money the public will spend trying to reverse the effects of drugs that were designed to "help" people thereafter. I'd rather go back to the dark ages and die young than watch myself, my family and friends struggle to pay tons out of pocket to fix what somebody who is sitting back profiting and getting a damn nobel prize Did to them. If they aren't willing to pay the affected individuals medical bills for adverse reactions then they should step down.


Carol - Excellent suggestion! Pharma's ethics are a cesspool of moral turpitude. Pharma's corruption is government-endorsed. Pharma's arrogance now stems from their view that they are now "too big to fail". DOJ needs to prosecute pharma's CEOs to the fullest extent of the law. The public should demand that DOJ enforce the law! They are supposed to be working for us, NOT the pharma cartel.

“Pharmaceutical company ethics Protected by the White House, the FDA and Congress”



And just because it's interesting:

Docs on Pharma Payroll Have Blemished Records, Limited Credentials

" Drug companies say they hire the most-respected doctors in their fields for the critical task of teaching about the benefits and risks of their drugs.

But an investigation by ProPublica uncovered hundreds of doctors on company payrolls who had been accused of professional misconduct, were disciplined by state boards or lacked credentials as researchers or specialists."



Let's tell our lawmakers we want CEOs prosecuted and not with misdemeanors either.

From "When big pharma breaks the law, prosecute the CEO"

"Only pursuing executives through the courts will make CEOs think twice about unethical behaviour. The government has threatened to bring more criminal charges against executives for breaking the law, but most are never punished. Take Tachi Yamada, head of research at GSK when negative studies on Avandia were being downplayed to keep sales high. He left in 2006 to become president of the Global Health Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Using internal GSK documents, the Senate committee assembled a report, released in 2007, that cited Yamada as part of GSK's intimidation of a doctor who spoke up about Avandia's health risks soon after it came on the market. In 2008, Yamada was awarded an honorary doctorate from Warwick Medical School in the UK, a leader in medical education."


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