The Age of Autism Mercury Medicine and a Manmade Epidemic Interviews
Dr. Peter Bearman, Autism and the House of Nonsense

Meet Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted on The Age of Autism Book Tour

Dan Mark Wendy From Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted: We're heading to New York this weekend for stops including Mount Kisco on Friday and Yonkers on Saturday -- click on our book at left to see details, and if you can join us, please do. Last Friday, we had a good crowd at the Brown University Bookstore in Providence, sponsored by the National Autism Association (that's us with NAA President Wendy Fournier). We've already started making waves -- David Sheffield, a columnist for the Brown student paper, says HERE we should never have been allowed to speak! Banned at Brown -- has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Click on over and let the author know your feelings if you're so inclined. Next week we're back in New York to do the Leonard Lopate radio show, then to California at the end of the week for multiple events. Stay tuned and see you on the road.

Go to The Age of Autism for more details and info on where to order.

October 1st 
Mt. Kisco, NY
SafeMinds & Bedford Autism Spectrum Support (BASS)
7:00-9:00 pm
Mt. Kisco Public Library—Community Room
100 East Main St. Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
October 2nd
Yonkers, NY
Navigating the Spectrum/SafeMinds
35 E. Grassy Sprain Rd. (Hudson Valley Bank Building)
Yonkers, NY 10710

October 8-10
Long Beach, CA
ARI/Defeat Autism Now Conference
All day event Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Long Beach Westin
333 East Ocean Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90802

October 12th
San Diego, CA
Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) Chapter
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian Church
17010 Pomerado Road
San Diego, CA 92128

October 17th
Woodland Hills, CA (Los Angeles)
Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) Chapter
6:30 - 8:30 pm
6800 Owensmouth Avenue, Suite 180
Woodland Hills, CA
(Corner of Vanowen and Owensmouth)

October 18th
Visalia, CA (San Joaquin Valley)
Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) Chapter
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Fuggazzi's Italian Restaurant
127 W. Main Street
Visalia, CA 93291
October 20th
Sacramento, CA
Families for Early Autism Treatment (FEAT)
7-9:00 pm
MIND Institute Auditorium
2825 50th St.
Sacramento, CA 95822



Thank you, Carol, for the link!


The audio for Blaxill and Olmsted is there now at any rate.


Sorry about the typo in previous post. It's still early here.


We're they on the Leonard Lopate show? I didn't find them on the audio for Oct. 5.


Carol- you raise an interesting point. Is there a PR firm behind the scenes coaching the major and minor players? They certainly seem to have a common playbook.

Kelli Ann Davis to Carol

Hey Carol,

They probably got it from the same black hole that describes the 2004 IOM report as "prestigious", "esteemed", and "pure as the driven snow"....

Autism Grandma

So wonderful to see that Mark and Dan, two heros for the autism community, are traveling and speaking around this country to increase understanding and raise awareness regarding mercury, vaccines and the autism epidemic.


James Smith, DC, CCN, DACBN

Mark and Dan, I am reading your book, I can not believe the amount of research you put into it. Outstanding! I hope to meet you in Long Beach.
Jim Smith, DC, CCN, DACBN
DAN! Doctor in St. Joseph, MO, Author of just published "Autism: From Symptoms to Solutions, A Parent's Track to Run On."


If you Google "David Sheffield" and "Brown," you'll find he's written articles such as "Don't hesitate to vaccinate!".

Sheffield also is an aetheist. Ironically the selective secular's view on freedom of speech was quoted here: "In [Sheffield's] vision, a Brown Freethought group would bring speakers to campus to encourage discussion about atheism."

Without studying vaccine safety issues, he positions himself rhetorically in the Orac tradition of braying, belittling and bullying -- a tactic that may ingratiate himself with pharma reps, but not with discerning readers.

Achieve Beyond:Pediatric Therapy & Autism Services

We at the pediatric therapy and autism services company Achieve Beyond think this book tour that Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted for The Age of Autism is excellent. It allows more youth to be aware of the rise in autism cases being recorded across the United States. This will hopefully lead to earlier recognition of autistic symptoms by parents so no developmental delays occur in autistic children. The mercury issue will be debated for quite sometime, but to have the autistic issue in the forefront is very important as well.

L Land

I hope Dan and Mark will speak at many more college campuses. While "preaching to the choir" at TACA is great for us already in the know, it is the college age kids that soon will be parents that need to hear this information! If one student at Brown learned something that saves one child from autism, that's wonderful.


Leonard Lopate has been a terrific, knowledgeable radio interview for many folks in our community including David Kirby and I believe, Dr. Wakefield. Kim

Amy Becker

The Leonard Lopate show?!?!? National Public Radio?!?! The same organization that brought us the worse-than-crap Public Television program, Decoding Autism, on Monday night?!?!
Okay, so it was the New Jersey affiliate of Public Television (this is pharma-country, after all), but we all know how biased the public media outlets have been regarding the autism epidemic, right?
Good luck with that one, guys. I'll be sure to tune in.


Almost every one of these kinds of attacks contains the phrase "study after study." Why is that? Do they get it off of a crib sheet somewhere?


Brown U's Sheffield writes: "Essentially, they repackaged the last decade's worth of claims that mercury causes autism, disregarding the actual research that shows those claims to be utterly false."

This shows quite clearly that Sheffield has not read the book. The book is not a regurgitation of vaccines cause autism claims - it is an incredibly well researched history book. Yes, a history book - not something that should be banned at a university like Brown that prides itself on educating young people to be critical-thinkers whose great deductive reasoning minds are worthy of leadership roles in society. Having read about half of the book now, I am very impressed with the investigation into the history of mercury in medicine and the strong evidence put forth suggesting INJECTED MERCURY which was the standard of care in the late 1880s produced a devastating condition in syphilis patients called General Paralysis of the Insane - neurological problems, paralysis problems leading to death - not present in groups where mercury was not used in syphilis patients - THIS is NEW! It's groundbreaking new evidence that should raise eyebrows and give any critical mind at Brown University reason to pause and evaluate the claims made by health officials that the extremely high doses of mercury in vaccines have nothing to do with 1) the paralysis and neuro side effects listed on vaccine inserts, 2) the exploding rate of autism and 3) the slow, steady physical & mental paralysis and "insane" decline in our elderly otherwise known as alzheimers. This plus the authors put forth more NEW data by tracking down the original autism patients and finding clear evidence that the parents of these children had 1st hand contacts with ethylmercury, the specific mercury that kids in the 1990s were overdosed on in routine childhood vaccinations. So with that synopsis, how in the world can a smart thinking person suggest that banning this book from debate at a university is wise....maybe at the community college level but at Brown? Come on now…I think your student population can handle it - it's just history.

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