Hey! New Jersey Has a Situation:The SafeMinds Funnyraiser.
Join Jenny McCarthy in San Francisco for Comedy for Kids with Autism!

How to Welcome a Student with Autism Back To School

Friends_0 Managing Editor's Note: I was invited by AofA contributor Dan Burns and Nancy Churnin to guest contribute to the Dallas Morning News MomsBlog. Here's an excerpt from my first post on how parents of regular ed students can help their kids welcome and get to know their classmates on the spectrum fro, elementary through high school.  Please comment at the MomsBlog and add your own suggestions, if you have a moment. Thanks. KS

Hi, I'm Kim Stagliano, I live in Connecticut, and am an author, blogger and proud mom of three beautiful girls with autism. I'll give you a second to stop choking on your sweet tea (see I can talk Texas!) Yes, my husband Mark and I have three daughters diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. That's pretty unusual, as the ratio is typically 4:1 boys to girls. But Mark and I know that unusual is pretty much our lot in life. Somehow it works for us!

It's back to school time. My girls started yesterday. Did you hear the champagne cork popping and a not so polite "guzzle-guzzle-glug" as I walked back into my house once the bus left?

Given the ever increasing rates of autism (now thought to be 1 in 70 boys!) chances are your child will have a student on the spectrum in his or her class. It's natural to feel uneasy around people who seem different. As a parent, it's my job to teach not only my kids, but the people around us, so that my girls become part of the fabric of daily life in our town. After all, there is no fountain of youth (Botox notwithstanding) and someday your children will be the taxpayers, voters and community leaders responsible for my children...  Read and comment on the full post HERE.



Kim, I don't know how you do what you do with three on the spectrum. God bless you all...

We got our little guy to school with a new teacher, first day drop off was a bit difficult but no problems from there.


great reminder of just how important the golden rule is, Kim. For one of our little guys in grade one we paired him up with a buddy for washroom trips and that helped to keep the little guy on track with proper washroom behaviour and nip some potential problems in the bud. We kind of forgot that the little guy had previously not had any experience with urinals,specifically. Peers helping peers is really so nice.

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