Dr. Andrew Wakefield on The Len and Joe Radio Program Today
Dr. Nancy Snyderman: Using Fear & Prejudice to Attack Vaccine Exemptions?

Bugzy and the Rabies Shot

Puppy-Shots By Kent Heckenlively, Esq.

(Author's note - Since we're in the dog days of summer and I need to let several brewing stories develop on their own timetable I submit the following shaggy dog story.)

As a science teacher my summers are spent at home while my wife goes back to her job as a speech therapist.  I'm the man of the house, responsible for all appointments for my twelve-year-old daughter Jacqueline who has autism, my normally developing and very active, ten-year-old son Ben, and our five-year-old dog, Bugzy.  For the dog lovers among you Bugzy is a mix of terrier and pomeranian, has white fur, and weighs about twenty pounds.

My lovely wife informed me I needed to take Bugzy to the veterinarian for his annual check-up, something I always dread doing.  We adopted Bugzy from a rescue shelter as a three-year-old and I had worried when we got him it appeared he had received a double dose of his vaccines before we adopted him.

Now as a parent with a vaccine-injured daughter, a son who went mute for twelve days after his eighteen month series of shots, thus pushing me into a life of activism, concern for my dog should probably rank quite low on my list.

But as I've researched human vaccines I've also become aware of problems with animal vaccines.  Yes, I know that they removed thimerosal from animal vaccines long before anything similar was attempted with pediatric vaccines, but still my worry remains.

I'd also recalled an article from the Atlanta Journal Constitution from March 29, 2009 entitled "Cancer Shots Can Be Fatal to Your Cat." HERE The article recounted the story of Tardy, an eleven-year-old cat who had a tumor at the site of her cat's vaccine injection sites.

The article noted, "An estimated three of 10,000 vaccinated cats will develop cancerous tumors in the spots where they've received routine shots, such as those that protect against rabies and feline leukemia.  Veterinary experts aren't sure why this happens.  But since 1996, they have recommended limiting the number and frequency of shots that cats receive because of the tumor risk.  They have also recommended that cats get injections as low as possible on their legs to increase their odds of survival and allow for amputation of the limb if needed to remove a tumor."

Now, call me crazy, but I think veterinary experts should probably be trying to determine why vaccines are causing injection site cancers in cats rather than being satisfied with the possibility of chopping off a leg.

It was with all of these concerns I took Bugzy to my local vet for his yearly check-up.  I dutifully had a poop sample ready for them to check for parasites, I let them do a blood draw to check for heartworm, I let them do a tartar cleaning of his teeth, and they even clipped his nails.  I felt like I was checking everything off the list while avoiding the inevitable vaccine questions, when the vet said, "The only thing really left is his rabies shot, which an animal should get every three years."

I paused for a moment.  Images of a foaming, rabid dog came to my mind, Atticus Finch in the movie To Kill a Mockingbird shooting a rabid dog which was stalking about town.  My emotions were just about to get the better of me when I asked, "What's the risk of rabies?"

"Not very high," he conceeded.  "Around here the most likely culprits are bats and skunks.  Could happen that a rabid bat might die in your yard, the dog would eat it, and get rabies.  If he did, then all of you would probably need to get the shots and they're pretty painful."

"I've never seen a dead bat," I said.

"They're around," he replied.

"So first there would have to be a dead bat in my yard, it would have to have rabies, and then my dog would have to eat it?  That's the chain of events?"


"Let me do a little research before I say yes," I told him.

"Okay," he said, "But if you're going on the internet remember that the information you get might not be accurate."

I went home and found the California Department of Health Services web-site for rabies by county and species for the state of California from 1996-2005.  During that time in my county of over more than a million people there was not one reported case of rabies in dogs and no cases among humans.  The total number of human rabies cases in my state of more than thirty million people over that ten-year period stood at 5. 

After the 1996-2005 time period I did find a case, though, in my county from late 2005.  The article noted it was the first time a domestic animal had tested positive for rabies in 17 years in my county, and since I could find no other cases it seems likely it's the only case for the past 22 years.

But even that single case of an abandoned kitten which was picked up by a kind family raised a red flag with me.  According to the story, "The kitten was picked up Oct. 11 near the intersection of Alcosta Boulevard and San Ramon Road.  It was taken to a nearby home where it was kept inside as a family pet.  The following day, the family took the kitten to the Bishop Veterinary Center for a check-up.  It was a little dehydrated and had worms, but otherwise seemed okay.  'We started vaccinating it,' said veterinary hospital administrator Margaret Urquhart.  "It was healthy at that time." 

About a month later the family rushed the kitten back to the veterinary center because it had a fever and wasn't acting right."  Later analysis showed it had rabies and it was theorized that it might have been bitten by a bat.

I was still a little confused.  Does the danger come from being bitten by a rabid bat or eating one?  Maybe both can cause an infection.  And if the cat was fully vaccinated, how did it get rabies?  Was the disease process already under way?  Can a rabies shot actually cause rabies, especially in a small, underweight, dehydrated animal?

I can't claim to be an expert on bat-rabies infection patterns.  But I thought of all the pet ailments I've heard over the past few years that I never recall hearing during my youth.  In addition to pet cancers, there are pet seizures, pet diabetes, and my in-laws recently had to euthanize their dog because of a brain tumor.  Something is amiss in our pets as surely as it's amiss in our children.

When I told my wife about it later that night she said, "You don't have to worry about rabies anyway."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because when we adopted him they'd already given him his rabies shot.  That was only two years ago.  He still has another year to go until he's even supposed to get another of those shots."

So my dog is actually up to date on all his vaccinations.  I still like to think he's my rebel dog, standing by my side as we fight for our injured children. I just know I'm not going to let him go out at night to play with any of the bats.

Kent Heckenlively is Contributing Editor of Age of Autism



Vaccines for animals really need to be done to protect against bacteria and viruses.

visite my website https://www.https://fotografianatalii.blogspot.com/">https://fotografianatalii.blogspot.com/">https://www.https://fotografianatalii.blogspot.com/


Rabies is NOT an epidemic! We are destroying millions of years of evolution with GENETICALLY engineered shots that eventually wind up in our WATER SUPPLY! All of us on earth will suffer from these toxic drugs. Diseases have and always will exist. Let God deal with His creation,not us. My pets are all healthy-no shots ever.

Give me the shot!

Just got my 2nd rabies booster today - yes it's a scary vaccine but getting rabies and ending up in the graveyard is worse. And Keith, where the devil do you think human immune globulin comes from???? It comes from the blood of people who have taken the rabies vaccine and developed immunity! Today, most rabies deaths in the US occur because of bat exposure (a bat got me). Bats' teeth & claws don't leave visible marks, so the people didn't realize they had been bitten. Read the case studies on the CDC website. Anyway - DOGS used to be the main route rabies found into the human population. That is no longer the case because mass pet vaccination campaigns were started in the 1940s. This has made our dogs and cats nice buffers between us and wildlife rabies. Human deaths due to rabies dropped off sharply when the pets were required to get the rabies shot. Do NOT listen to Keith - his info is ... "mistaken".

carole davies

I had a wonderful little yorkie/westie mix that looked like Toto. She had the sweetest disposition. At about 10 years old the vet insisted on the range of vaccines, at the time I did not know what I do now, now I would not bother a 10 year old dog with anything other than rabies and only that because the area we lived in at the time was rural ( and as it would happen she was badly bitten by a racoon a year later so thank God for the rabies shot)
After the series of vaccines, she developed an odd tic where her hind legs would jerk and it looked like a mini convulsion. Took her back to the vet who kept her for observation and could find nothing ..
I know it was the vaccines.
The tic got worse, she became incontinent,her whole hind end began to have this little convulsive spurt - but she lived until she was 16 years old when she had a stroke and we had to have her put to sleep.
I believe that small dogs simply cannot tolerate an injection of chemicals.
She was amazingly healthy and active until that shot and still acted like a puppy.. it is amazing she lived as long as she did - which was her will to live, she was a sweet and dedicated little girl ..


My dog had a severe reaction to a vaccine (who knows which one it was). His face puffed up like a marshmellow about 6 hours after getting vaccinated, and scared the absolute crap out of me. He had to be rushed back to the vet (a different, 24 hour clinic) and given a steroid injection. This doctor told us never to vaccinate our dog again as it could be fatal next time.

Looks like ONE SIZE FITS ALL isn't good for ANIMALS either!


The rabies vaccine doesn't do anything and has never been tested for effectiveness on it's own and shown to be effective. If you catch rabies you need the immunoglobin shot, it's the only thing that will help prevent or treat rabies.

The only test for the rabies vaccine was done after giving the test subjects the immunoglobin shot which was already proven effective on it's own. So they tried to claim the rabies vaccine prevented the disease.. when the subjects had been given the immunoglobin as well.. nice piece of research fraud. So never get a rabies vaccine (or any for that matter). Just get the immunoglobin shot if you ever come into contact with rabies.

michael framson

Anybody know the number of antigen units in the rabies vaccination?


Our new golden retriever pup has had some vaccinations but I was purposely slow about getting them done. I figured maybe having some more weight on her and time might help. She recently recieved her rabies shot. I watched my kids closely as a friend of mine said her son had some sort of holistic testing that said he had the rabies virus living in his body. Can someone clarify if this is indeed possible or not? I hope my kiddos are okay. Not sure if I did the right thing or not having the pup vaccinated for rabies.

Maurine Meleck

+In June, the LA Times had an article about a new flu vaccine for dogs titled "First Ever Flu Vaccine Approved For Fido." I wrote this letter to the editor, which they never printed. Too bad as I liked it.

Dear Editor:
Is your dog leading a busy social life and out until the wee hours of the morning? If so, the drug makers would hve you believing
that your dog needs the new canine flu vaccine to prevent H3N8. The bug has apparently jumped from horse tp dog. Does this sound barkingly familiar? The article states that dogs can't worry the way humans do. And fortunately they can't read the hype in the paper about the dangers of HiN1
that never materialized either. It's up to you, the owner, to decide if this smells as bad as doggie poop.

Thanks Kent.


@punter - people have always debated the legitimacy of calling viruses "alive". The word "killed" is properly not 100% accurate so use "inactivated" instead.

And, viruses are more than just protein. Genetic instructions must be available to make more viruses, so DNA or RNA must be present. In addition, some virus will have a lipid envelope that they pick up from the cell as they bud out into the environment.


Thuja is a good homeopathic remedy for vaccinations if you must vax your pet. I understand some people feel the necessity and live in places where rabies is a problem. While avoiding the vax completely would be the most desirable, there is a remedy you can give before/after to help the animal detox.

Jim Thompson

We live in a rural area and consider rabies shots for pets as a must. We have shot several skunks in our yard during daylight hours (skunks are nocturnal). One was foaming at the mouth and two were walking erratically. And we have bats in a nearby tree grove.


texvet, could you - or for that matter anybody else in the medical fraternity - explain how it could possibly be that the rabies vaccine (or any other type of vaccine, animal or human) can provide a killed virus when it is a well understood fact of biology that viruses were never alive to begin with? They are nothing more than a protein, no more alive than a grain of sugar. So when people talk about providing a "dead' form of a virus in the form of a vaccine they are simply making up fairy tales.

Nick Haas

We take our dogs to a vet we found who will write us waivers. In the future, we simply won't license our dogs.

No vaccines in this home anymore.

Cat Jameson

Another great story, Kent. I remember pinning my dog behind the exam room door to wedge him in while the doc gave him one of the "mandatory" shots. He was a huge dog (mastiff) and was nervous as anything once he saw the white lab coat coming at him. It reminds me of how I pinned my own son down on the exam room table for what I thought were "mandatory" shots. Ronan continues to fear the while lab coats....

Thanks for another great piece that will surely educate some of the masses.

Cynthia Cournoyer

So the dog was up to date and the vet was willing to vaccinate him anyway.
So the kitten was sickly when he got the rabies vaccine and no one suspects the vaccine itself.
So animals are more sick today than a generation ago.

Sounds A LOT like today's children.


Here is a great link for you to peruse on why your pets should be vaccinated appropriately according to your state laws for rabies. There are rabies cases popping up all over the country, and the only way to test for it is by euthanizing the animal and decapitating it--the brain tissue has to be analyzed. And your animal control has the right to do that if your animal is not up to date on vaccines and comes in contact with a rabid animal.


@kathleen--I've experienced a change in both the dog and cat vaccine protocols. Rabies vaccine is the ONE vaccine I will not budge on, simply because from the public health perspective, it is much more dangerous not to vaccinate. Have you ever seen "To Kill A Mockingbird"? THere is a scene in there where they had to shoot a rabid dog. It is only since we started vaccinating pets for it that the fatalities of humans started dropping off. You should check into the rabies statistics for rabies deaths in third world countries (CDC.gov). Our country could easily have about a third of the population die from not keeping dogs and cats vaccinated for it. Have you heard of the mass executions of animals in China? They don't really vaccinate for rabies there either, and yes, people have died. Rabies in the human is 99.9% fatal if contracted. To me, that is more important than the fact that your dog spends most of it's time indoors. Is it likely to catch it? No. Is it possible? Heck yes. My job is not only to advocate for animal health, but also for public health--and that includes protecting the human population from themselves.

@josie muller-your dog or cat cannot get rabies from the vaccine. A majority of rabies vaccines are killed (meaning the virus is dead) and the one modified live vaccine for cats (which, ironically, is much safer for them) only has a PORTION of the rabies DNA virus in it. So neither of them can infect animals, but they can stimulate the immune system to respond to the actual rabies virus if infected.


I wonder how many doctors would talk about 'vaccine induced sarcoma', I dare say very few.

I have had the full rabies series myself after being bitten by a dog in Mexico. No boosters are required, if I get potentially exposed again the procedure is to get a titer test to ensure I still have immunity.

That happened before I knew of the hazards of vaccines; nonetheless rabies is a different kettle of fish to most other illnesses, as a healthy immune system is no protection whatsoever. I read at the time that there is one confirmed case of a human recovering from rabies, three more from unconfirmed rabies, and everybody else in a thousand years of history has died the mad death.

josie muller

my late "jessie" a sheppard mix. at the age of 9 got a 3 year rabies shot, got fever and while sleeping had convulsions that looked like was chasing a squirrel, we thought that..slowly started to drag one back paw, then two, was so bad the bleeding we bought leather canine boots and then the whole rump would fall, so we carry her with a towel...at the end of 3 years was double incontinent and dragging half his body, so we bought a dogie wheel chair and finally put her down when people thought we were torturing her...the doctors told us that he had a disease similar to multiple sclerosis...yes, we heard that rabies shot can give rabies to the dog and bite you...it is scary! i have now a beautiful 3 year old doberman mix and a 7 year old beagle, in perfect health but i can't vaccinate them i am so scared...yes i am mother of an adult autistic...victim of vaccines...

Heidi N

Just saying that I never had a cat with Leukemia, but my father did. I did have a cat with a tumor at the injection site, which was removed and all was well. I wish vaccines were privatized, and we could sue for adverse reactions. We just might end up with safe vaccines and disease prevention. It's ridiculous this hasn't been done already.

Shiny Happy Person

@Twyla: "One of AAHA's key recommendations is that all dogs are different — and thus vaccine decisions should be made on an individual basis for each dog."

@texvet: "I do also think you are doing a disservice and making this seem to be a LOT more simplistic than it really is."

I hear what texvet has to say - my dog (who in some of my worst moments has been my best friend) has had rabies shots. He's a bush whacking, critter chasing, mud loving, poop / extension cord / bbq brush / dead rabbit eating cross between golden retriever and goat. Our vet literally saved his life on one occasion. I trust her.

There may be no simple (i.e. black and white) answers, but in a broader sense, IMHO there is a very simple truth that texvet and Twyla both illustrate nicely - the veterinary profession has more regard for the well being of my dog than the "just get the damn vaccine" Snyderman's of the world have for the well being of my child. How long will it take before the bulk of the medical profession has the courage to tell her to just shut the hell up before she does even more damage to an otherwise noble profession?

say no to vaccines

Virginia has a medical exemption clause for rabies vaccination. Not sure what underlying medical condition qualifies, but if my dog gets caught being unvaccinated, I'll find one.


Veterinarians seem to have a more nuanced view of vaccines than medical doctors. From the AVMA website:

"Vaccination is a potent medical procedure with both risks and benefits. While there is evidence that some vaccines provide immunity beyond one year, revaccination of patients with sufficient immunity does not necessarily add to their disease protection and may increase the potential risk of post-vaccination adverse events.

Adverse events may be associated with the antigen, adjuvant, carrier, preservative, or a combination thereof. Possible adverse events include, but are not necessarily limited to, failure to immunize, anaphylaxis, immuno-suppression, autoimmune disorders, transient infections, long-term infected carrier states, and local development of tumors. The role of genetic predisposition to adverse events needs further exploration and definition."


Kathy Hall

If folks are interested in learning how long a rabies shot actually lasts, please consider supporting the rabies challenge fund. They are working to prove what has already been proven in France, that rabies vaccines last at least five years and probably longer. For info on the RCF please visit //www.rabieschallengefund.org/


We don't vaccinate our dogs, either...figure we'll do a titers test if anyone objects.


When I get a dog, I plan to do the minimum vaccines required by law, which I think is just rabies.

I also would not want the extra civil liability that would come from my dog biting someone without being legally current on the rabies shot.


As a person who lost a beloved cat to feline leukemia, I do see the benefit to that vaccine. When Shammy died there was no vaccine available.
As for the rabies vaccine? I've never understood why I was expected to give any of my indoor animals this shot for any reason, and with a fenced in backyard, I see very little risk leaving our dog unvaccinated.
BUT, you, as a vet, HAVE experienced a change in canine vaccine schedules, yes? From what I have read about veternary medicine, there is a much more proactive enviroment when it comes to addressing reducing vaccine risks. That ideology is not alive and well where our childhood vaccine schedule is concerned.
I am not anti-vaccine, but I am def anti-"not proven safe EVER" vaccines. And I am against this mass attack on our children's developing immune systems. What happened to risk vs benefit??? Where is the benefit of a mass vaccine program to immunize 1 day old infants with Hep B? Our children have been sold to Big Pharma, and our animals are treated with more dignity and respect. My goodness, where have we come?


Veterinarian chiming in here. Just as an FYI, we have had two people die in Indiana of rabies from bat bites in the last two years. Both were indoors when it happens. Now your child may be smart enough not to engage a bat in the house, but do you honestly think that your dog or cat doesn't think that's a neat furry squeaky toy?

We ARE investigating why vaccines cause cancer in cats. I have had three in my seven years out of veterinary school, some practitioners have never seen any. The facts are that cats are much more sensitive to injections because of their immune system in general--it seems to me (no research, just observation after working with cats for seven years) that their immune system is much more likely to overreact than the dogs.

The AAHA and AVMA have come up with vaccine protocols based on breed, age, lifestyle, etc, just as mentioned above...but that doesn't mean that every veterinarian follows it. The last vaccine associated sarcoma I had was from a veterinarian in the same town that gave a leukemia vaccine high up the leg to a cat who was old enough not to need it. THe cat has had two surgeries and is currently doing well with chemotherapy, but she didn't even have a chance at a full resection of the tumor because of where it was located--they would have had to have taken out half of her pelvis for a complete removal.

For young cats, leukemia is an incredibly easily caught disease--simply because their immune system has not matured yet. It is usually fatal within two years. It occurs in anywhere from 5-15% of the outdoor cat population. The vaccination rates for preventing leukemia are greater han 90%. I'm not saying vaccinate if it isn't necessary, but I do also think you are doing a disservice and making this seem to be a LOT more simplistic than it really is.


Sorry about the re-post @ patrons99 10:37 and 11:49 AM. I realized after the first post that the link to my prevenile comment at the pharmalot blog was botched.


Interesting that the original Intervet/Shering-Plough Animal Health link


has been deactivated and replaced by this one.


Perhaps, the graphic image of a horse with wings was just a Wee Bit over-the-top. I've still got the graphic as a PDF. It's probably a collectible.


Was not Thimerosal removed from animal vaccines years ago (the 80's) due to "spinning dog and cat problems" ???

I would supppose some have observed this problem first hand....


We stopped vaccinating any living critter in this house three and a half years ago, including the cats. One already died of melamine-tainted pet food, so our current indoor cat eats organic. She had been previously adopted from a shelter before we inherited her and we think she was vaccine injured. She's pees everywhere and is a bit crazy, but we don't give up on our "injured creatures" around here nevertheless. She's never sick, which is good because we can scarcely afford to treat two vaccine injured kids and a sick pet. She's also a toxic exposure alarm system: if anyone's spraying pesticides or power sanding lead paint in our neighborhood, she stands by the doors and windows where any air might be leaking in and pants, then pees in the spot-- presumably to ward off the "monster" she's smelling.


There has been controversy in the veterinary world about vaccines too. The prevailing thought used to be "May as well vaccinate every year for everything since vaccines are harmless and we don't know how long immunity lasts." But reports of vaccine adverse reactions among pets and livestock have brought about change. Major vet organizations have revised their recommended vaccine schedules and divided vaccines into three categories: core (for most serious prevalent diseases), non-core (for animals whose life styles put them more at risk) and not recommended.

The American Animal Hospital Association states: "Recently, studies have shown that vaccines protect dogs for longer than previously believed... In addition, there is increased awareness and concern that vaccination is not as harmless a procedure as once thought. These factors have led to a growing number of veterinarians who recommend reduced frequency of vaccinations while at the same time tailoring vaccine recommendations to specific risk situations... One of AAHA's key recommendations is that all dogs are different — and thus vaccine decisions should be made on an individual basis for each dog. Issues to consider include the age, breed, health status, environment, lifestyle, and travel habits of the dog... You can work with your veterinarian to tailor an immunization program that best protects your dog based on his risk and lifestyle factors."

also of interest -


Here's a good website on rabies laws per state:

Not all states have moved over to the once-every-3-years routine, which is safer.


We have 2 young cats - one got whammied at the pound where I adopted; the other I caught as a kitten from the outside and has never been vaccinated. Sort of a science experiment going on here - I'll see which has better health over time.
The pound kitty got all this in one week's time - microchipped; flea bombed twice; dewormed twice; vaccinated with 3 vaccines; and neutered. Talk about too many too soon!


Great post, Kent.

We can learn a lot about portals of vaccine-associated diseases in humans from veterinary medicine.

I wonder why there was a recall of Prevenile shortly after introduction in the marketplace? Were autopsies performed on the horses? Were inflammatory cytokines involved? Was viremia detected? This is a West Nile - Yellow Fever chimera vaccine wherein both components were "modified so they cannot produce the actual disease”.

“PreveNile is a vaccine like no other. It uses cutting-edge chimera technology to generate a powerful immune response in your horse.”

“PreveNile is the first and only equine vaccine that uses chimera technology. The combination of two things like wings of a bird and the body of a horse - is a visual definition of chimera.”

“It’s important to note that both components of the WN-YF chimera vaccine have been modified so they cannot produce the actual disease.”


Let’s not forget that there are numerous vaccinoses in veterinary medicine and zoonoses in humans. I’m sure that the moral entrepeneurs at the WHO, GAVI Alliance, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and CDC, understand that only too well.




I love the "chain of events" part. Our ped gave us a "chain of events" for polio. She thought it was a really important vaccine, especially if we were leaving the country. I told her that we had no plans to do this, and she said that we could also be at risk if we ate out in a restaurant that had a foreign chef. Yes, really. So, apparently that chain of events would be us eating out in a restaurant with a foreign chef who had active polio and then defecated on our food. I decided that the risk of autism was worse than this...


My great dane developed an immune issue (her platlets dropped to almost nothing) after a series of vaccinations. The Vet actually recommended that at 2 years and 11 months we check her titers to see if she needs anything since rabies is a state law (not sure that one can claim religious exemption as pets are property?) - my state (PA) has lots of rabies so the risk was there. Seems the vets have a better knowledge on this stuff. She actually said certain breeds are more susceptible. Weren't they the first to get thimerosal removed from their vaccines?


Thanks Kent for another great post!

We can learn a lot about vaccine-associated diseases or “vaccinoses” in humans from veterinary medicine. I wonder why the manufacturer did a voluntary recall of Prevenile shortly after introduction in the marketplace? Were autopsies on the horses performed? I wonder if inflammatory cytokines were involved? Was viremia detected? We're talking about a West Nile - Yellow Fever chimera "modified so they cannot produce the actual disease".

“PreveNile is a vaccine like no other. It uses cutting-edge chimera technology to generate a powerful immune response in your horse.”

“PreveNile is the first and only equine vaccine that uses chimera technology. The combination of two things like wings of a bird and the body of a horse - is a visual definition of chimera.”

“It’s important to note that both components of the WN-YF chimera vaccine have been modified so they cannot produce the actual disease.”


Let’s not forget that there are zoonoses in veterinary medicine, too. I’m sure that moral entrepeneur Bill Gates understands that only too well. Seriously, folks, it's impossible to make this stuff up. Talk about frightening.



I was told by my functional medicine homeopath that rabies vaccines are live virus vaccines and so your pet, when vaccinated, is given rabies. Viruses are "kept down" by the immune system, but once given, they remain in the body. This can then be passed to your kids.

just say no


Here is an exemption form for Rabies.


Well I never!
I thought it was three years between rabie shots.
I told my husband when we got our new dog (old one died) it was three.

He said the vet said it was every year????

So, for two years straight our poor doggey has gotten them. But I did complain last year that he should not get that dog vaccinated every year because it did not sound right to me.

Our vet should be more sensitive than that. He has two daughters now (not just the one) with Chrons. Which he does blame on the MMR.

Our dog is a cattle dog. She is a beautiful thing to see in action. She actually grabs the tail of a fleeing cow and swings way high in the air on the tail. We do not let her do this often, we are kind to our cows. But still it is something to see.

She is also the sickest dog we have every had. She has had pancreatistis twice, and now she has this female gland thing and she rubs her ---- well it is not worms. Since she is constantly wormed. Another thing that is hard on her health, I am sure.

Kent glad to hear there are still things brewing.

just say no

I have a 100% indoor cat. Knowing full well what vaccine damage is and can do I have never had him vaccinated. I got him as a kitten before anyone vaccinated him. He is now five and has never been sick once. Boy do I wish I had known all the facts when my child was a baby. Vaccine damage is real both in humans and in animals! Anyone who thinks differently should get their big heads out of their asses!!


What a perfect way to start the day. We bought a puppy 2 weeks ago, but I was very hesitant about the purchase because the breeder vaccinated him before I could express my wishes re: not to do it as I was still researching the whole thing. I think he is okay, maybe a bit slow following the movement of things that are thrown (though we don't know what he was like before hand,) We still haven't taken him to the vet, but I love that the titers test is available for rabies and I have a recommendation for a vet that practices complimentary treatments and I fully intend to go into a consultation to discuss all this.


We follow an alternative vaccine schedule for our vaccine-injured dog. The hoops and paperwork rivaled that for our kids.

We've been told by our local University vet department that studies show the distemper shot lasts for 7 years.

Ever seen a dog with autism? Anti-social black lab with GI issues, food intolerances, spins! I thought we were alone but I just met a vet in Germany that specializes in vaccine-injured dogs.


Loved your story Kent. We have a Labradoodle and she is 7. We purchased her for my 12 year old daughter who has autism. She is from Australia as we were not breeding doodles here in the states at the time. She received her full round of puppy shots prior to flying into the states at 10 weeks old. There was nothing I could do about that series as I was required to have them done to leave Australia and enter the states. She arrived lethargic and had difficulty urinating. It took her 2 months to fully recover. I knew it was vaccine related. I have never vaccinated her for anything again. She has never been sick in 7 years. There has never been a reason to take her to the vet. We run a rabies titer test every three years and 7 years later she is still considered immune. I grew up with multiple dogs (21 in all) and we have never vaccinated our dogs and they all lived especially long lives with no health issues. It is not a coincidence. Run a titer test before you vaccinate for rabies...it is legal and valid.

Deb in IL

WTG, Kent! I had hesitations for my cats and their last vaccinations were some time in the 1990's. They both remain beautiful, active, and since switching to organic pet food, they no longer have any dietary issues. There is the occasional hair ball.

We adopted our dog last November. He's doing great so far, but when it's time for him to get a shot, I think I'm going to do some delaying. He has to go outside, and occasionally he runs away. I'm concerned about a fine if I'm caught. I wonder if Dr. Eisenstein has addressed pet exemptions?

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