Histopathologist from the Lancet study Rebuffs Brian Deer’s Article in British Medical Journal
4D Conference in WI Dells for Diseases, Disorders, Disabilities May 8 & 9

Would American Medicine Ever Follow Australia's Lead and Halt a Potentially Dangerous Vaccine?

Wall-street-stock-market-drop "Shares plunged" - pretty dreadful words in America.  Then again, so are, "Your child has been injured by a vaccine." Australia has taken steps to protect its children. America has taken steps to protect it's public health policies and pharma.

Shares of Australia's CSL plunged earlier this week after word that the influenza shot Fluvax is potentially dangerous for children and could be linked to hundreds of adverse reactions in that country. And experts are now saying that exposure to last year's swine flu outbreak may have predisposed children to the severe reactions they now are exhibiting in response to influenza vaccinations, according to the Syndney Morning Herald.

As a result, Australia's Chief Medical Officer, Professor Jim Bishop, has advised immunization providers to stop giving seasonal flu vaccine to children age 5 years and younger until a cause is established. "This is a precautionary measure while the matter is being urgently investigated by health experts and the Therapeutic Goods Administration," Professor Bishop says in a statement.

Read more: FIERCE Network



I took it to mean the adverse reactions from the swine flu vaccine (stand alone) that the US used ...oh, I mean are using still. (As Australia had no swine flu vaccine at all for their season last year).



Thank you. I particularly noted the following from the link you provided:

"However, Professor Collignon said initial tests of this season's vaccine warned months ago that there were more problems than usual.

Results from America showed 35 per cent of children under three who had the flu shot received a fever and 15 per cent of those had a temperature more than 38.5 degrees - considered extremely high."

I'm not clear whether this is referring to the "standard" flu vaccine given here in the U.S. or to the H1N1? My understanding was that this vaccine halted in Australia for children under 5 was an entirely new, untested formulation?


where is the story on the death of the australian toddler? Her name was Ashley Epapara, who was found dead in her cot 12 hours after the vaccine. That, in combination with over 60 convulsions and 250 adverse reactions, is what led to the vaccine being pulled. the american media has not picked up this story at all. check this out http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/flu-death-early-warning-signs-ignored-20100428-trje.html

Australian coroner is of course already saying the girls death can't be linked to flu vaccine.

Paul  Stefanovic (autism dad)

Greetings all from Australia. Australia is not the autism friendly utopia some of you seem to think. Check out a few Autism websites in Australia and you will find the psychologists have a stranglehold on autism. It is 100% treated as a 'behavioural' problem. The DAN protocols and diets such as GFCF are either completely unknown by health 'experts' or treated with scorn. At least in the US of A there is a groundswell of autism parents making a lot of noise about vaccines and environmental triggers and making Big Pharma uneasy. In Australia these are simply never mentioned. Perhaps that is why the Big Pharma company here (CSL) thinks it can get away with its dodgy seasonal/swine flu vaccinations this year.

Paul Shapiro, USA

Hey< What about woman with child?

Not a mention!


Wanna' bet parents in Australia are not allowing their kids over 5 years old to even receive this tainted mess? I feel so bad for the children of AU that have suffered and died there over this flu (profit) vaccine!
I wonder if US Media would have had the balls to mention this if it were happening in the USA...
Pffft! Who am I kidding?! US media would either give it a 20 second mention (if that!), or gloss it over with doctors comments that make $$profits$$ over vaccines, assuring parents of the USA all is fine and to vaccinate or your children or they will die!

Yea, I can hardly wait until Sept. comes around again when all the seasonal vaccine ads play over and over on all TV channels. I always have this urge to punch my TV when they come on.

Autism Grandma

Australia has taken steps to protect its children. America has taken steps to protect it's public health policies and pharma.

Re: "stop giving seasonal flu vaccine to children age 5 years and younger until a cause is established."

Australia doesn't allow pharmaceutical advertising in the media, so they don't have the power over what is presented as "news" like they do here.

I don't know for certain, but isn't America the only country in the world that has given the vaccine industry total immunity from prosecution and damages.

This vaccine shit is really going to hit the fan some day soon and I can't wait to see all this shit land right on top of all of these "high ranking officials".


Don't throw them down the toilet , says McNeil! They won't tell us if it again is the odd pneumonia strain, of January, or what it is, they won't tell us what risks we've accepted, yet warn us to notify our doctors if we see "something" wrong with our children, but not what to look for? This is American drug companies in action this week with the massive recall of tylenol,motrin,benadryl, zyrtec, all designed for the youngest of our population. Who in their right mind expects better with vaccines?


Is this article saying that because the kids have already been exposed to the swine flu that if they then have a vaccine againest it - they are more likily to have a REACTION????

Is that what is being implied here?


With so many American "health" officials hoping to work for big pharma and other industry when they leave public office, or seeing themselves as working for industry throughout their tenure, and with industry funded politicians making these appointments, I think those who often have the most familiarity with the existing research or the situation on the ground perhaps are not at the top several levels of the decision making policy setting processes, especially if they demonstrate any tendency to act with integrity.

Too many at the top positions, I think, are trusting that their success/prestige means they know what they are doing while requiring those reporting to them to maintain that "impression."


It's clear that Australian children are more important than American children.

And Diane, they're supposed to dispose of the flu vaccines in lined landfills because they are hazardous waste. http://www.deq.state.id.us/waste/assist_business/haz_waste/thimerosal_disposal_fs_0310.pdf But I bet plenty are disposed of in the regular trash, polluting the environment.


Diane wrote "A better question to ask is why do American authorities always end up looking like a bunch of completely spineless idiots who deliberately target America's pregnant women, infants, and toddlers with Thimerosal-laced vaccines?"

I respectfully give you my opinion of the answer to this question...IF they removed the poisons and honestly researched the number of vaccines given and why...the whole world would know how incompetent, greedy and at this point purely EVIL they truly are.

Benjamin's Mom

I hope that the 250 children will be followed up closely for health issues including regression and autism.

In Australia, this kind of follow-up is conceivably possible. In the US, it will never happen.


No, because here in the US there is only one driving force - money.

Since pharma effectively can't be sued for most vax that takes liability money off the table. Which means a heavy vax schedule (and pharma profits) will always be on the table.

Making money on the backs of children - it doesn't get any more disgusting than that.

Kevin Barry

Never. US public health authorities "wouldn't say pull the vaccine". US "wouldn't say stop the program".


Here's a discussion between Dr. Marie McCormick, Chairman of the Committee, and Dr. Kathleen Stratton, Study Director of the Committee, BEFORE they had reviewed any of the evidence on either side of the debate:

Dr. McCormick: ...[CDC] "wants us to declare, well, these things are pretty safe on a population basis" (p. 33).
Dr. Stratton: ..."The point of no return, the line we will not cross in public policy is pull the vaccine, change the schedule. We could say it is time to revisit this, but we would never recommend that level. Even recommending research is recommendations for policy. We wouldn't say compensate, we wouldn't say pull the vaccine, we wouldn't say stop the program." (p. 74)
Dr. McCormick: ..."we are not ever going to come down that [autism] is a true side effect"...(p. 97)
- IOM Committee Meeting, 1/12/2001 Closed-Door Meeting Transcript

CJ's Mommy

would they ever HALT a vaccine... my quess would be no... would the american media even REPORT this... i dont even have to guess. shame.


We may try to emigrate to Australia if things don't shape up around here. Do you think they'd give us Visas or is the US too much of an ailing, chronic-disease-ridden third world country now? It seems no one wants Americans now. My 14 year old nephew was accepted at a school in Switzerland in fall and had to sign a million documents swearing he wouldn't try to stay in the country after graduating.


We were discussing this the other night. Where are they going to dispose of all those mercury-laden vaccines? In our drinking water?

Media Scholar

If you closely examine the world health reaction to the scamdemic flu shot, the vaccine manufacturing drug companies are in a heap of trouble for yet another in their long line of disease-mongering hoaxes.

A better question to ask is why do American authorities always end up looking like a bunch of completely spineless idiots who deliberately target America's pregnant women, infants, and toddlers with Thimerosal-laced vaccines?

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