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Paul Offit's Day Job: Teaching How to Counter Vaccine Safety Concerns

Virtual Immunization Communication Network
Virtual Immunization Communication Network
Paul Offit, MD
Communicating Good Science Under a Cloud of Doubt
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
TIME: 11am - 12noon PDT /
2pm - 3pm EDT
Click Here to REGISTER NOW
(Toll free Webinar)
You will receive call-in information via e-mail after you register.
Featuring Paul A. Offit, MD, Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases and the Director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Dr. Offit will speak on current issues around parent and public concerns about vaccine safety and discuss how health professionals can effectively communicate scientific information to help the public distinguish between bad science and good science.
At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to:
  • Describe communication strategies for public health professionals to use in counteracting anti-vaccine messages.
  • Identify fact based messages that engage parents and community members to help them make informed decisions.
  • Determine the best approach for communicating science to the public
  • Identify resources and support for immunization providers who communicate with patients and parents about vaccine safety.
Please forward this to your colleagues and stakeholders.  
National Public Health Information Coalition and California Immunization Coalition



One of the true "devils' priests"

Shannon Ruhe

Why is one considered anti-vaccine if you want to follow up on your child's vaccine reaction? Why is one considered anti-vaccine if you wonder why your doctor didn't report the reaction? Why is one considered anti-vaccine when you followed the recommended schedule? How is medicine supposed to advance if we aren't allowed to ask questions? Nobody studied my kid so how do they know there is no correlation with vaccines and his autism. They don't know. I followed the rules and something happened. I left the mainstream because there was no investigation. Autism a new problem that stumped my pediatricians. Since they don't know, why can we not turn over every stone even if it means we might find answers we don't want to face. Mommies don't just accept a child stopping talking. They want to find out what happened. Mommies search and can only breathe if their child is ok. I was told by one pediatrician in the 4th largest city in America "some things just don't have easy answers." I thought I was safe in America. When something happens a proper investigation should be conducted. I left the second pediatrician with my sick babies and recovered them at home. Not because I'm anti-vaccine, only because a mommy will look in all directions if it means her baby will look at her again. A mommy has to save her baby. She doesn't care where the information is coming from. She doesn't fear uncovering her own part in all of this. She just searches for answers.

What is most troubling to me is that gov't agencies have little to no involvement in my children's recovery. Rather a large and visible push is geared towards proving that I'm anti-vaccine. I would trust the "experts" and their "science" much more if I saw that they were actually investigating what was happening. We have the resources in this country to study the vaccinated vs non vaccinated populations.

While I believe that Paul Offit has good intentions for children, a huge red flag goes up for me when I'm considered anti-vaccine because I want to follow up on my childrens' high fevers, rashes, and immune problems. I'm supposed to turn off my brain and file into special ed with the rest of the population. Wait around for genetic testing?? If it's genes why didn't I develop autism or my husband? What in the enviornment combined with genetic expression is causing the tidal wave of neurological damage we see today.

When my pediatrician says things like it's toddeler diahrea and diet doesn't matter....we have a huge problem in this country. I'm supposed to trust a team of "experts" who don't even do a proper investigation when my son stops talking? No blood work....just go get speech and OT.

Tedd Koren

I believe Offits wife also benefits financially from working on vaccinations. Anyone have any info on her?


I came across this article.

I guess he was making the rounds last week speaking at various conferences in the Northwest.

"Offit and Dr. Lance Rodevald, a pediatrician and director of the Immunization Services Division at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, stopped in Yakima after attending other national conferences in this part of the country. Invited by the Yakima Health District, their visit coincided with National Infant Immunization Week. Their talk was broadcast to 18 other locations in Washington and Oregon."

Check out the second picture with the article. It's Offit with a big sign behind him that reads, "Celebrate National Infant Immunization Week".


What a douche bag. That's actually offensive to douche-bags everywhere, sorry-- I can't think of a worse term.


Kristina, your comments made me laugh so hard! I was all geared up to search for that photo of a topless Offit holding an innocent baby and then, you posted again that it was a clothed Offit! How creepy though! I hope I don't have nightmares about it tonight! ;) Hehehehehe!

Seriously, that man sickens me's quite chilling how he talks and tries to look so sincere. My family comes from the former Soviet Union and they used to tell me horror stories of propaganda and all the corruption. I remember always feeling so lucky to be here in this honest country. We are "the good guys," I thought. This is still the best country in the world, but my comment just illustrates what we here at AoA know and the rest of the country doesn't get: there is a huge propaganda machine here as well and an abundance of corruption.

one of a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens...

Hint: Some organized indiviual might take the list of fund raising, pharma lovin, OFFITtutes on the CIC's advisory board and save their names- they are always likely to show up as some "expert" later. I wonder what kind of compensation they get for being fellow OFFITtutes?.

Curiously, from the CIC wensite- the California Immunization Coalition just got a $317,000 monetary award from the CDC. The money is specifically targeted for use to spend on MEDIA (ya know, TV, for instance~like Frontline/PBS?) and the internet to promote vaccines. Remember, this was just California. I wonder how much the other states got? Maybe they pooled their money to influence FRONTLINE? I mean, did anyone else see the cartoon of the "Sid the Kid gets a flu shot?". It came out the very same month the CIC got their CDC funds, and surprize- it's posted on the CDC's flu shot website:

Good grief- isn't it a little more than dishonest to use our own tax dollars to give awards to promote vaccines- and in turn deny compensation to families injured by the same? It almost feels like incest, doesn't it?

Just to be sure they get on record, here's those CIC names:

***CIC - Advisory Council****

Advisory Council members contribute to the development of the CIC's strategic plan, identify opportunities in outreach and program development, and assist with fund raising initiatives and CIC membership recruitment.

Sylvia Yeh, MD - Advisory Council Chair

Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Habor-UCLA Medical Center, UCLA Center for Vaccine Research

Joel Adelson, MD-UCSF Integrating Medicine and Public Health

Carol Barney, RN, MPH=Madera County Public Health Department

Dean Blumberg, MD-Pediatric Infectious Diseases, UC Davis Medical Center

Mark Finch, MD=Senior Medical Director, Brown and Toland Medical Group
Marlene Lugg, Dr.P.H.-Chair, Immunization Coalition of Los Angeles County

James McCabe, PharmD-Pharmacy Care Manager - Norcal Division - Safeway

Patricia G. Porter, RN, MPH, CHES--Programs Director, California Asthma Public Health Initiative (CAPHI) Institute for Health and Aging, University of California, San Francisco Chronic Disease and Injury Control Branch, California Department of Public Health

Norma Rosales, MD-Venice Family Clinic

Patricia Samuelson, MD-Mercy Clinic Norwood

Linda Scott, Director-Orange County Immunization Coalition


Oh, some of you might not remember but the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) gave $300,000 to fund a marketing and research campaign on public perceptions of vaccine safety. They gave the money to Banyan Communications, one of Don Holzworth's companies.

"When asked to give an example of where they would collect data and opinions, the lead marketing woman cited “Wired” magazine. "


There are billions of dollars of taxpayer money given to private entities to sway public opinion regarding NIH business. Donald Holzworth is just one of those businessmen who receive such funding. Im sure Offit gets his share for wagging the dog. Offit is small potatoes.

In April 2007, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the Constella Group, (Donald Holzworth's company) "hired by the federal government four years ago to update its list of carcinogens moved quickly to add a virus to the list while two of its clients," Merck and GlaxoSmithKline, "were developing vaccines to combat that same virus."


I just did a search for that Offit baby photo, and it turns out my memory made it worse than it was, lol. Offit is clothed in the photo. It's still gross though. Funny how memory works.


Every time I see Offit, I think back to that picture of him topless holding a naked baby. Usually those photos are done of a loving father holding his baby. But this man cares nothing about babies, and it was a sickening sight. I think that's why I get so grossed out now when I see his photo. Could A of A please stop posting photos of him? lol.


Not knowing where else to put this on a Sunday evening, here is some info from a meeting of the PAS -- the Pediatric Academic Societies.

The PAS consists of four separate pediatric organizations. Those are: the American Pediatric Society, the Society for Pediatric Research, the Academic Pediatric Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The information below is about a session at that meeting. The study was funded by "Autism Speaks":

[2320.7] GI Symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): An Autism Treatment Network Study

BACKGROUND: The prevalence of GI symptoms in children and adolescents with ASD is uncertain, with studies reporting conflicting results.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of GI symptoms as reported by parents in a large ASD registry, and to identify factors associated with GI symptoms in children with ASD.

RESULTS: GI symptom data were available for 1185 children.

Overall, 45% of children were reported to have GI symptoms at time of enrollment.

Of GI complaints that occurred within the 3 months prior to enrollment, abdominal pain was most common (59%) followed by constipation (51%), diarrhea (43%), other (40%), nausea (31%) and bloating (26%).

Reports of GI symptoms increased with age, ranging from 39% in those under 5 years to 51% in those 7 years and older (p

Date: Sunday, May 2, 2010
Poster Symposium Session: Autism


Here's something interesting from the Autism Science Foundation:


(April 2, 2010) We’re pleased to announce that the Autism Science Foundation has awarded IMFAR stakeholder travel awards to the following individuals to support their attendance at this year’s International Meeting for Autism Research. Our thanks to everyone who applied. We hope to expand this program next year to better match the level of interest.

Recipients will each receive up to $1000 in expense reimbursement to support attendance at IMFAR.

2010 Recipients:
Christie Buchovecky - PhD Candidate, Baylor College of Medicine
Louise Capps - Parent
Kate & John Fox - Parents
Stephanie Millman - Sibling/Undergraduate, Columbia University
Judy Omidvaran - Parent
James S - Parent
Jessica Yablow - Special Education Teacher

Autism Science Foundation Offering Scholarships to IMFAR

(Februry 11, 2010---New York, NY) The Autism Science Foundation today announced that is offering a limited number of grants to parents of children with autism and other stakeholders to support attendance at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), to be held in Philadelphia, May 20-22, 2010. Awards of up to $1000 can be used to cover registration, travel, accommodations, meals and other directly related expenses, including childcare. After the conference, grant recipients will be expected to share what they've learned with families in their local communities and/or online...


I've seen at least one of these grantees on Huffpo making all of the usual arguements -- science has spoken, parents don't understand science, increase in autism may not be real, better diagnosis today than before, etc.


We get it, Poul, good science, even if it's shit quality (Fombonne's, Thorsens etc.) is good because it exhonerates vaccines. Hewitson's, Wakefield's is bad simply because it really looks at vaccines. It's all so blessedly simple.
Honestly,Paul, how do you sleep at night, knowing that you are hurting hundreds of thousands of children/babies. Oh yeah, but they're just "percentages."

Jenny W

freaking troll.


Ah well, all is clear now, that explains why he doesn't actually see sick children, his real job is propaganda and doctoring of the truth. As we say in French "On ne peut être à la fois au four et au moulin", you can't be at once at the mill and at the oven.


Why do they need Offit for this?

I thought they taught this in medical school and college?

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