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You were so incredibly helpful at the DAN conference!! Thank you so much for your help! Loved meeting your son and beautiful girls. They were all something so special! You are well on your way.
Much thanks again,
Jacey Capurso
Posted by: Jacey | April 14, 2010 at 10:48 PM
I went to the conference as a volunteer, and I really learned many things that are going to help me as I fight for my son as he recovers from Autism. Many people that are helping him are just now starting to see that He is getting better, and I am not just a quack mom who touts recovery. I am so glad that I was able to go, and I would go again if I had the oppurtunity.
Posted by: Tara McMillan | April 14, 2010 at 12:35 PM
85% of autism = poisoning.
It's that simple. According to the Cleveland Clinic, mitochondia are very vulnerable to toxins and viruses in the environment. Too many toxins can trigger a mitochondrial dysfunction. The consequences can be dire.
Toxicological tests should be performed on the effects of multiple vaccines and the vaccine schedule on the mitochondria. This is an understudied area that has lead to drug recalls after the fact. (listen to the podcast below)
Why is Testing for Mitochondrial Toxicity Important?
Pfizer Drug Safety Research & Development and author of the 2008 book "Drug Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction".
Listen to the mp3 below, right click here to download the file or subscribe to the iTunes podcast!(Link opens iTunes)
Posted by: Sarah | April 14, 2010 at 09:28 AM
Cutting edge research of the immune system - very nice!
Looking into the environmental causes very nice!
Environmental and immune will equal vaccines.
Validation - very nice!
The ground work has been laid - very nice!
And it is showing up here by the way!!!!
Take heart Dr. Wakefield and all because it is happening were it matters at the ground swell!!!!
Just in the last two years I have noticed a changing attitude in the medical profession. They are more accepting. When I say something they shake their heads YES - NOT LIKE THEY DID BEFORE!!!!!!!
"well that is too bad for you" (but we really don't care).
Or "You are just rare and if you happened to have noticed many others it is just because it is now a big world and people move around alot" (we can not save the whole world).
Or - "Oh - you blame the vaccines (then they roll eyes, and a smirk appears at the corner of their mouths) well now your baby takes vaccines about every month, the timing was just misfortunate and lead you to a wrong conclusion".
Now - a head shakes up and down slightly!
Posted by: Benedetta | April 14, 2010 at 09:08 AM