Toddler With Autism Wanders and Perishes
Age of Autism's Own Kim Stagliano Honored in NYC by NAA

City of New York Honors National Autism Association and Issues Proclamation



The Council of the City of New York is proud to observe Autism Awareness Month and to honor the members of the New York Metro Chapter of the National Autism Association for providing outstanding support to all individuals affected by autism; and
    WHEREAS: Autism Awareness Month is an opportunity for families, friends, and local communities to raise public awareness about autism, the fastest growing development disability in the country. Today, more than 1.5 million individuals in the United States are affected by autism. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that one in 110 children had autism—up from their previous estimate of one in 150. The stress on families affected by autism is immense. It is our hope that promoting greater awareness of autism will lead to more funding for research and eventually a known cause and then a cure; and
    WHEREAS: There is no known cure for autism yet, but experts agree that early intervention is important in addressing the symptoms associated with autism. When families and caregivers begin looking into the various treatments available for autism spectrum disorders, they will be surprised at the wide range of options out there. Unfortunately, what works for some families, may not work for others. Since individuals with autism spectrum disorders are not exactly the same, treatment plans need to be made specific for each individual; and
    WHEREAS: The New York Metro Chapter of the National Autism Association provides exemplary service to residents through the five boroughs of New York City, Long Island, Westchester, and Rockland County. Since its inception, it has educated and empowered families affected by autism and other neurobiological disorders, while advocating on behalf of those who cannot fight for their own rights. They have demonstrated again and again that autism is not a life-long incurable genetic disorder, but one that is bio-medically definable and treatable; and
    WHEREAS: The New York Metro Chapter of the National Autism Association has also raised public and professional awareness of environmental toxins as causative factors in neurological damage that often results in an autism or related diagnosis. We commend them for their unwavering commitment and encouragement to those in the autism community to never give up in their search to help their loved ones reach their full potential; and
    WHEREAS: Autism Awareness Month raises public awareness about autism and its effects and offers hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder by uniting the autism community to address this urgent global health crisis. Together, we will solve this puzzle; now, therefore
    BE IT KNOWN:  That the Council of the City of New York most gratefully honors the New York Metro Chapter of the National Autism Association and proclaims the month of April 2010 to be Autism Awareness Month in the City of New York.

Signed this 1st day of April in the year Two Thousand Ten.
For the Entire Council




We are so fortuante!! Those of you working so hard on our behalf are moving mountains up there in NY. How inspiring and HOPEFUL!! Our sicerest gratitude and appreciation to all of you!

Heidi N

I am happy to see awareness being publicized that autism is a medically treatable problem. My children are recovered via biomed.


Bravo! A well deserved honor for a group of talented and hard-working advocates.

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