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Age of Autism Contest: 41 Things To Know About Autism by Chantal Sicile-Kira

41 thingsCongrats to Yesim Söderlund  who won a copy of Chantal Sicile-Kira'snew book, 41 Things to Know About Autism.  Order a copy for just $9.99 at AMAZON.

Chantal says, " I wrote this book because parents often write to me and ask, "Is there a book I can give to my mother-in-law or my brother or my neighbor that explains autism in simple terms - that answers the questions people ask : "I'm a grandparent: what can I do to help?" "Why does your child always carry a green plastic snake?" "Why can't he look me in the eye?" "What are the emotional and financial effects on the family?"

I wanted to get out something to help people for Autism Awareness month - so people who wanted to could have a small book to hand out!"

About the book: “A wonderful first introduction to autism for parents, teachers, relatives, and neighbors of a child on the autism spectrum.”   -  Temple Grandin, PhD

Chantal Sicile-Kira provides a clear, instructive explanation of autism. If you know someone with autism and would benefit from a quick, straightforward explanation of the condition, this book is for you. 41 Things explores questions such as: What are the causes of autism? Can vaccines cause autism? How can I recognize the symptoms of autism? What are the emotional effects of autism on the family? Why do children and teens with autism act the way they do?

Chantal Sicile-Kira is an autism advocate and award-winning author of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum, and Autism Life Skills. Sicile-Kira lives in California with her family, who has been featured in the MTV documentary True Life series and the Newsweek cover story Growing Up with Autism.



I would love to win this book.


This is a beautiful idea! I wish it was mandatory for everybody to read this!

Rashin Simoni

Please I neeed this book for my self and family. my family is always giving me advise on how to raise my child and they do not have a clue. My daughter is ten yrs old.


I'm the parent of a child on the spectrum, and I find myself being the go-to person at my son's school when parents or teachers have questions about autism. It'd be great to have a book to help me out!

D Hill

This would be a great book for professional's to hand to the family as they tell them this lifetime diagnois .

Something concrete to go home with that might allow them some "Ah yes" I have seen my son/daughter act/do these things. Understanding they are not alone.


Please enter me, as we continue to have family and friends that still wont *listen* but heck, if its written in a newspaper, on the news, or in a book, they somehow think THAT makes more 'solid' info rather from us directly? *shaking head* LOL!

Anyone know if there is a way to order several copies, maybe a discount for ordering over 10-15-20 copies?

Anyway, please enter me!
Angie Mom to Ethan, Alex, and Megan


Please enter me! I'm looking forward to hearing her speak at the ASNC conf.


My family, who doesn't live anywhere near us, only wants to hear that our son is doing well, but they don't want to hear what it takes to get him that way. They've actually suggested that he was misdiagnosed when we do say how much progress he has made. But then they'll come back with, "why don't you just let him play by himself? Stop hovering. No wonder you can't get anything done around he house!" They just so don't get it, and they won't listen to me. I'd love this book so I can give it to them to explain I'm not obsessive and the worst helicopter mom from hell. My son has a condition. This is what it is. This is what it does. This is what we're doing about it. Get it now?!


I would love to have this book

Mylinda Elliott

It would be a wonderful book to give to my mother. She still doesn't understand.

Yesim Söderlund

It would be very nice to read this book and understand my son better.Right now it is not possible to find this book in Sweden.

Lila White

What a wonderful idea! Not that I get tired of answering the same questions over and over again, but this will be a handy resource to steer people to.

bonnie b

This looks like something I could read over and over and never get bored. Plus pass onto all my friends & family!

A Mom

Please enter me in this contest.

Elizabeth Gillespie

Before I buy the book I would like to know what her position is on GF/Cf, vaccines. DAN and so on.

Shannon Hunt

Always up for entering a contest!! :)

Michelle Enfield

It looks like it'd be a really good read. :)


I want it!

Patricia Rogers

My in-laws think they are experts. They know nothing and don't even try to learn. They tell others things they have no knowledge of. My father-in-law only just started thinking in terms of GF/CF since his nephew was diagnosed with ciliac. He still brings bad food to the house for my son. I would love to win the book and stick it up his a#$...


Oh oH enter me please!!!! My osnis going to my families for the summer and this would be great for everyone to know what to expect.

Nonna C

As the grandma to a 10 year old sweetheart with autism, I would love this book for myself and other extended family members.

Lars Perner

Did you settle on 41 since that is the smallest prime number over 40?

Kelly in Big D

Enter me, please! This looks great!

Jennifer Brooking

I would love a copy. My in-laws could use it! I have three kiddoes on the's a wild ride but I am LOVING it!

Lisa Rupe

Chantal - I quickly scanned the titles on the page and read "41 things to know about Chantal Sicile-Kira". Hmm that should be interesting :-)


Sounds like another great resource to add to our library!

Lanie Anderson-Barrett

I'd love to throw my hat in the ring to win this book. Can't wait to read it and give it to my father-in-law and when he says something so ignorant about my son, like, "Can't you just tell him no?", I'm going to hit him over the head with it - too bad it's not a larger book. Selling it in jumbo print?


Lanie Anderson-Barrett

Tanners Dad

Contest Entry... Fingers crossed... TannersDad Tim Thanks!

kristie burchit

Sounds like a wonderful book to let my family read. My extended family could use a book like this they do not have a good understanding of what they can do to help.


Tina M

I think Chantal is such an inspiring mom. I would love to read her newest book.

Susan V

What a great book to share with my parents & inlaws.. I'd love to win it!!

Renee Hill

I would love to enter! I would also love for everyone in the world to read it (a mom can dream right???)!!!

Laura Morris

Looks like Amazon may have temporarily sold out on the book, but you can get a copy from Barnes & Noble at
or direct from the publisher at


I want to win a copy since I have Asperger Syndrome, my father has Asperger Syndrome, and I have two cousins with it also.
I'd like to have a copy of the book so that I can share with strangers who ask why can't you look me in the eye?


Thanks for writing an easy-to-understand book. I wish more people could accept that everyone has differences, and it's not a problem that my son needs to carry a squish ball all the time. Folks w/ASD are much more understanding than the "NT" population.
(ps. please enter me in your contest!)


Please enter me to win this book!

Donna Biroczky

All of Chantal's books have been a welcome addition to our "autism library." This one looks equally good!


Can't wait to read it : ) You go!!!!

Dorry Taloff

My son Ryan who is 15 is on the spectrum. I wish books like this were out when he was diagnosed, it would of helped so much. I would love to read your book so please enter me in your contest...



This is SO cool Chantal!!! Please enter me also.


enter me too :)

Alicia Ree Buchanan

Please enter me!
(AKA - Conner's Warrior Mom)


I would love a copy of this book. My nephew has Autism and it's hard to understand what he and his family go through each and every day. Even if I don't win, I will be checking into getting this through my library.


Patricia Apoian

I would love to have this book to keep in my purse to anyone who has a question about Autism. PLease enter me in the contest as well.


Would love it.


Enter me in the contest, please!

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