Liar’s Poker: Dr. Ari Brown Bets the House
Maybe doctors shouldn’t blog?
Along with many other bloggers with apparently no interest in actually reading Karl Greenfeld’s article in Time Magazine last week on Jenny McCarthy and the autism debate, Austin-based pediatrician Dr. Ari Brown wrote about it instead, and may have set a blogosphere record in the “lies per words typed” ratio.
Friday, Dr. Brown wrote a post titled “Jenny McCarthy changes her mind on autism” for the blog Basil & Spice.
Herewith, the incredible lies and ignorance of another doctor trying to defend the indefensible, in this case by just making stuff up:
#1: “Those of you who follow this blog and read my books know that I have never supported Jenny McCarthy's claims that her son developed autism from vaccines.”
You never have supported Jenny’s “claims” that her son regressed into autism? I am certain that a hallmark of good doctoring is to listen to the parents, particularly true when you’re a pediatrician. A second hallmark of good doctoring is to refrain from opining on the medical cases of patients to whom you have no direct access, like Jenny’s son.
Jenny McCarthy has written about many things she observed in her son after his MMR shot. Interestingly, a small sample of the side-effects from the insert label of the actual MMR vaccine appear to describe many of the things Jenny has talked about: “fever, syncope, headache, dizziness, malaise, irritability, diarrhea, vomiting, parotitis, nausea, myalgia, encephalitis, encephalopathy, febrile convulsions, afebrile convulsions or seizures.”
#2: “Despite the overwhelming lack of scientific evidence, her "mission" to improve public awareness and draw attention to herself has been a pretty successful campaign.”
“Overwhelming lack of scientific evidence” is, of course, nothing more than the “Hungry Lie” I have written about many times where research regarding a single vaccine, MMR, has been generalized by pharma sympathizers to represent “all vaccines”, including the 10 other licensed vaccines given to our kids that have never been studied for their relationship to autism. Anybody want to bet that Dr. Brown tells the parents in her practice the same thing, falsely reassuring them that “the science has been done”?
Of course, Dr. Brown is right about one thing, and I’m sure she’s hearing it from parents every day: Jenny’s campaign has been successful. But, it’s been successful for reasons most doctors don’t want to admit: parents on every neighborhood corner in the country are telling the same story Jenny is telling. Without this chorus of confirmation, Jenny’s story wouldn’t resonate.
#3: “More parents are freaked about vaccines (and have decided to risk leaving their child unprotected) and Jenny has just taped a pilot for a new talk show with Oprah. Congratulations, Jenny.”
At the very least, this is some snarky stuff for a pediatrician to write. Insidiously, Dr. Brown helps perpetuate a myth about our side that serves pharma supporters interests that we are 100% opposed to any and all vaccines.
Go to Generation Rescue’s website and you don’t find a note from Jenny saying, “please don’t vaccinate”, you’ll find alternative vaccine schedules.
#4: “But after years of this little campaign, Ms. McCarthy has suddenly changed her mind. (Perhaps the international flogging of the MMR Theory's creator or her new public image as talk show host was the inspiration?)”
I’m sure Ms. Brown subdues this snarkiness when meeting with concerned parents and saves it for her blogging…
Of course, we know that Andy Wakefield, who also lives in Austin, is NOT the “MMR Theory’s creator” but rather is a respected gastroenterologist who chose to listen to parents who had watched their children regress into autism after vaccination and develop severe bowel disease.
Dr. Wakefield is the kind of doctor we all love and respect, and Dr. Brown is the kind of pediatrician many of us had who we all hate.
#5: “An article this week in Time Magazine inferred that her son, Evan, had a different neurologic disorder (Landau-Kleffner syndrome)—NOT AUTISM.”
The allcaps above, NOT AUTISM, are Ms. Brown’s words, not Time Magazine’s. Let’s look at what Time said in several parts:
“A psychological evaluation from UCLA's neuropsychiatric hospital, dated May 10, 2005, was ‘conclusive for a diagnosis of Autistic Disorder,’ and yet here, running toward us on a warm California afternoon, is Evan, shouting out, ‘Are you here to play with me? When are we going to play?’ McCarthy's boy is a vivacious, articulate and communicative child who seems to have beaten the condition. He is an inspiration, the fact of him as incontrovertible as any study done in any laboratory in the world.”
First off, what a beautiful description of Evan! Second, UCLA is one of the premier autism evaluation locations in the country. Thirdly, one of the great things about this description is that it quells the previous murmurings from the blogs that Evan hadn’t actually recovered and still had autism. Having seen that one fully debunked, time to create a new story!
Time goes on to speculate:
“Or is this the truth? There are dark murmurings from scientists and doctors asking, Was her son ever really autistic? Evan's symptoms — heavy seizures, followed by marked improvement once the seizures were brought under control — are similar to those of Landau-Kleffner syndrome, a rare childhood neurological disorder that can also result in speech impairment and possible long-term neurological damage.”
Let me just say, this is one of the most wildly irresponsible bits of reporting I have ever seen. Dark murmurings? Since the only two people from the Dark Side quoted in Time are Paul Offit and Alison Singer, “dark murmurings” may in fact be the perfect word choice. Get ready folks for the next chapter: a call for UCLA to retract Evan’s diagnosis!
This is absurd, but not at all unexpected. A child who recovered from autism either never had autism or still has it, there’s just no other way. And, black swans don’t exist, either. Until they do.
The irony here is that Ms. Brown is all too happy to perpetuate this irresponsible speculation, while just down the street in her own town Thoughtful House is recovering children! Let me ask you something, what kind of advice to you think Dr. Brown is giving to parents who she a) convinced that getting every vaccine on the CDC’s schedule was perfectly safe who are now b) dealing with an autism diagnosis? Parents: run, and run fast!
#6: “Ms. McCarthy reverses her position and now does NOT believe that the MMR vaccine was the cause of her child's autism.”
This is certainly Ms. Brown’s boldest and most blatant lie. It simply boggles my mind that a physician who treats children would waste her time to write this shit piece and just make something up. For those keeping track at home, here’s what the Time article (which Dr. Brown either didn’t read or just enjoys lying pathologically) actually said:
“It is enraging to the mother to hear that nothing was wrong with her boy — she held him during his seizures, saw his eyes roll up after he received his vaccines — and how can you say that she doesn't know what she knows?...The treatments promoted by McCarthy purport to treat an injury, specifically one to the immune or digestive system of the autistic child — and the agent that activists like McCarthy most commonly point to as the cause of the injury is the MMR vaccine.”
Jenny doesn’t blame MMR for Evan’s regression? Dr. Brown literally created this out of thin air. She should retract it, apologize to Jenny, and wear a T-Shirt for a week saying, “I will make up anything to convince you vaccines are safe, my career depends on it.”
Don’t worry, parents, I’m sure she’s far more thorough when researching the vaccine-autism link, and saves her lies and ignorance for her blogging and books, but you may want to go here just in case:
#7: “So her kid never had autism at all and she's suddenly changed her mind about vaccines.”
This is really just a continuation of the lies I have spelled out above, but I think it highlights how desperate the other side is to put the genie back in the bottle, with zero success: “Evan didn’t have autism, Jenny doesn’t blame MMR, yippee, it’s all over, we’re all OK!! What? He did, she didn’t? The parents are still fighting? Oh, crap.”
#8: “Great! The only problem is, there's a lot of blood on her hands. I'd like her give a public apology or have her volunteer for a public service campaign on vaccines with the CDC. It won't take back all the damage she has done, but it would at least it would show that she had some acknowledgment of personal responsibility.”
It’s amazing, really, to read stuff like this: this is written in a public place by a pediatrician who interacts with parents.
The one thing I will say, a view I know is shared, is that Jenny has demonstrated as much personal responsibility as any parent on the planet. She could have headed off into the sunset with her recovered son, and instead she is hanging out here in the trenches, fighting for all of our kids.
#9: “Today is a new beginning for me...the post-McCarthyism era. I hope it is for you, too.”
Today is a new beginning for me, the day when I show the world that Dr. Ari Brown is just another snarky, ignorant, shrill, close-minded pediatrician who literally makes stuff up to try and make us all go away. Parents, beware!
Of course, Dr. Brown is not just a snarky pediatrician. They never are. She’s also an author of books on parenting, and the author of a highly misleading piece that she wrote on autism and vaccines HERE that has been widely circulated by the Immunization Action Coalition, a front group for the Dark Side.
Dr. Brown’s entire piece on autism and vaccines is trash, here’s just one excerpt: “No, many of these kids are now diagnosed with autism instead of mental retardation. In other words, autistic kids were there in the 80’s and 90’s—we just didn’t call them autistic.”
Double sigh.
As some AoA readers know, this isn’t the first public humiliation our side has given Dr. Brown for her poor research and lies about autism. After her horrendous piece on autism was circulated by the aforementioned IAC, the Thoughtful House published one of the all-time great scientific beat downs that you can sit back and enjoy right HERE.
Dr. Brown, welcome to your Amanda Peet moment. In this case, for perpetuating and making up blatant lies about Jenny McCarthy and her son, ostensibly to try and put the genie back in the bottle. You bet the house on a bunch of lies and we all call your bluff.
Please step away from the table, put the vaccine down, and stop lying to parents.
J.B. Handley is Co-Founder of Generation Rescue
The hyperlinks are not broken, the blog is gone.
Posted by: Managing Editor | August 19, 2013 at 02:43 PM
Great article, please fix hyperlinks so I can share :)
Posted by: Sarah D | August 19, 2013 at 12:50 PM
As Dr. Mendelsohn called them; another "devil's priest" spewing lies in the name of health. Glad we're not all sheeple and pharma slaves...
Posted by: nurse bev | March 08, 2010 at 08:04 PM
Yes J.B. Dr. Brown is just a big fat liar, but as you said, "Dr. Brown is right about one thing, and I’m sure she’s hearing it from parents every day: Jenny’s campaign has been successful. But, it’s been successful for reasons most doctors don’t want to admit: parents on every neighborhood corner in the country are telling the same story Jenny is telling. Without this chorus of confirmation, Jenny’s story wouldn’t resonate."
Oh that bad girl Jenny McCarthy--she speaks the truth and gets harrassed for using perfectly appropriate descriptive nouns such as "Sh*t"...actually I think of alot stronger profanity when I think about the sh't that has been going on with the vaccines, government agencies, and Big Pharma telling one lie after the other and putting these kind of "doctors" out in the front lines to promote their bullsh*t (ooops I mean propaganda).
Of course what I am thinking gets censored before it escapes my lips in front of my grandson, but I just love love love it that Jenny and J.B. and the rest of us here at Age of Autism speak the truth, and sometimes the best way to describe the vaccine lies is "Sh*t", "Bullsh*t", and that wonderful headline from Kim Stagliano that used that perfect word "Horsesh*t". (Isn't that French for "Lies"?) The french language just takes over in my mind when I am reading about all of these continual lies and corruption.
As J.B. said here,"It simply boggles my mind that a physician who treats children would waste her time to write this shit piece and just make something up." This is exactly what it is: SHIT. Lies Shit and More Lies and Shit....And we are not alone:
Big D posted: "looks like the good doc had a gallon of espresso and a few rails of blow before she descended on her mighty horse and wrote CRAP" and referred to her as "Dr. Douchebag" Tee hee LOVE IT!!
Kathleen:"I wouldn't spit on her if she were on fire" HA!!
Rileysmom: "Ari Brown is a bully dressed in a lab coat and a snakes grin." RIGHT ON.
Bill slim: "doctors like you make me sick" and "you are a parasite" WELL SAID.
Rileysmom:"Ms Ari and I have have gone rounds before but it was on another board that licked her ass because she was a doctor" EXACTLY.
cmo: "Back in the old west...we could simply put a saddle on her and ride her out of town." TAR AND FEATHERING SOUNDS GOOD TOO.
Sue: "Ms. Brown should be defrocked for her clear breach of ethical behavior. First, tell the truth. Second, do no harm. I hope every poor parent who has taken their child to this pathetic excuse for a doctor discovers her lies and abandons her practice." AMEN.
Jen: "I couldn't even keep reading what this bitch- faced idiot wrote." OH MY GOD IT'S PERFECT.
Erik Nanstiel: "She needs to have her sails deflated, taken down... and get her a$$ towed into port." SINK THE BOAT AND THROW HER OVERBOARD.
Garbo: "I feel sorry for her. I'm sure it's hard to hold a syringe steady when your pants are on fire." BOO HOO HOO I FEEL SORRY FOR HER TOO:)
Truth Seeker: "That shit is not in their books and they have no freakin clue. So, I leave you all with an assignment. Go through any University's Med books for Medicine and do a search for Autism and you will see shit such as Risperadol and Riddlin, perhaps even now ABA and floortime but you won't see shit about high fevers or vaccine side affects associated with Autism." MED BOOKS ARE FULL OF ALL KINDS OF SHIT.
Casey: "What a bitch" RHYMES WITH WITCH.
A Mom: ""What an idiot" PATHETIC ISN'T IT?
Stacie: "It is not a freaking coincidence. I think people like Dr. Brown love vaccines because it keeps her paycheck coming in. For most kids these days, this overload of vaccines if not cause autism, keeps them constantly sick with ear infections, eczema, etc, etc = steady money stream for the sweet, caring Ped. Gag me." THE ALMIGHTY PAYCHECK
And last but not least, Julie referred to the good doctor as "Dr Mengele in pantyhose"...and said "I'd give my son a crack pipe before I give him another vaccine." YES!!!
Posted by: Autism Grandma | March 06, 2010 at 11:25 PM
Anybody can choose what they wish about how they feel about vaccines. Likely, if you saw what I saw, you would forego them for generations to come. Likely, Jenny feels the same. And Likely, she has to politically correctly stance on it to be heard or to be taken "seriously". But the truth is, in our heart of hearts, knowing what we know of vaccines, how EVERY ingredient is neurotoxic and can't be greened or made safer or on a slower schedule (though, anything would help at this point), life changing immune surgery is what it is, a practice of wishing on a star and hoping that nothing bad happens.
Still more likely, is this pediatrician was mezmorized/hypnotized in medical school who are often sponsered by said vaccine companies. Likely, never looking into how vaccines work, and or how they don't, and how they can damage, was never alerted to her through scientific facts nor has she bothered to look at them. For, if she did, maybe she would feel a bit ashamed that she took part in the epidemic of autism, damaged an immune system for life.
The Vital Statistics of the United States contains compiled statistics for a wide variety of information since early in the 1900s. Among those are death rates from all diseases, including infectious diseases. An introductory statement from the 1937 statistics indicates that death rates from infectious diseases declined greatly in the early part of the century. These declines occurred well before the advent of vaccines to treat these conditions.
Likely, what caused those to downturn, is eating more heathfully of a large variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as sanitation, hygeine, and or "course of virus" etc. And Likely, the reason why we have a downturn of health now with kids who get vaccinated, is they are eating now as unheathfully as ever, and have a large number of neurotoxic/excitotoxic foods and Gmo's. But the fact is, vaccines may be so contaminated with unknown substances, that no independent testing is done to ensure purity, this is a standard below what is used for many foods. Such as this lovely example: •"In the Rimavex measles vaccine, we found various chicken viruses. In polio vaccine, we found acanthamoeba, which is a so-called "brain-eating" amoeba. Simian cytomegalovirus in polio vaccine. Simian foamy virus in the rotavirus vaccine. Bird-cancer viruses in the MMR vaccine. Various micro-organisms in the anthrax vaccine. I've found potentially dangerous enzyme inhibitors in several vaccines. Duck, dog and rabbit viruses in the rubella vaccine. Avian leucosis virus in the flu vaccine. Pestivirus in the MMR vaccine.
Mandatory vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code, a set of medical ethical standards created due to the horrors of nazi experimentation of humans.
"Safety testing of many vaccines is limited and the data are unavailable for independent scrutiny, so that mass vaccination is equivalent to human experimentation and subject to the Nuremberg Code, which requires voluntary informed consent. As was said on Charlie Rose last night, without voluntary consent, you have tyranny. So what do they have to do? Mandate it. Make sure you can't go to public schools without them (and we all know that is a lie too). Along with mandation, you use scare tactics, social justice speak. Sacrifice for the better good speeches. Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children are maligned as parasites and free riders. Questions are raised about the intelligence, even the rationality, of parents whose concerns arise from observation of autistic like regression immediately after vaccination of their children.
Public health officials, vaccine patent holders and internet Neurodiversity bloggers alike join arms in mocking parents who rely on their own direct observation of their children's post vaccination regression into autism to argue that vaccines actually caused the autism that followed. Apparently the " correlation does not imply causation" or " it's just a coincidence" arguments have infinite shelf lives and can be used no matter how many times the coincidences and correlations occur into the tens of thousands. (right, like we all got together to form this conspiracy all on our own, we have all this time on our hands, right...)
Likely, she too has not taken the time to read a VAERS report, where, Vaccine Adverse Reporting Systems (VAERS) documented 2,142, deaths and 3,177 permanent disabilities between 1991-2001 from vaccinations...that was nine years ago, I am sure that has increased greatly with the uptake of vaccines.
So, ok....I vote, no vaccine for my kids, my grandkids and their kids based upon my testing, observations from doctors and me post vaccine, and likely, I will not beat the drum of green the vaccine movement...but I will has caused a stir, a thought...and probably why this irritates them so...they just can't figure out our NEXT strategy, what trick we have up our sleeve, to disseminate our stories, real stories, our the american people? Perhaps truth is more the relevant problem here. Who is telling the truth? Who has the financial means to downplay our concerns? And who looks like the villain? Obviously, a parents personal nightmare, is much more believable, than "trust us we are the experts" stances. Americans are on to you pediatricians...and let's make you scared, let's make you question, let's take you completely out of the business of "wellness care", and let's go across the street to a naturopath, or like my children who have children now, self treat, and have healthy children in spite of your "recommendations and mandations"....unlike their mommy counterparts who have constant sick children with otis media, and infections after infections and autoimmune issues?
Posted by: Kathy Blanco | March 05, 2010 at 12:15 PM
From what I'm reading, it appears there is not a bright line between Landau-Kleffner and autism. For example, at this Children's Hospital Boston web site
it says, "Many years ago Landau and Kleffner described five children who, after one or more seizures developed difficulties with language. Hence an old synonym for Landau-Kleffner Syndrome (LKS) was 'epileptic aphasia'. It was also observed by others that such patients might exhibit altered behaviors with autistic characteristics. This syndrome languished as a relatively rare neurologcal entity until quite recently...
"Part of the problem is in defining the syndrome. To begin with one must consider the entire autistic spectrum disorder. Although not everyone would agree, Asperger's Syndrome (high functioning), Pervasive Developmental Disorder (severe impairment), and Landau-Kleffner Syndrome are in this broad category. If we strictly limit the definition of LKS to those children who lose language and develop autistic characteristics after a seizure or seizures, LKS would remain a rare entity. However, we soon came to note a pattern where a child whose developement was normal or nearly normal would, after some sort of insult (usually between ages 12 and 24 months), lose language and demonstrate autistic characteristics. The insult could be a seizure but could involve many major to minor illnesses or traumas. Thus epilepsy may be just one of many precipitants of our syndrome of interest."
And at:
"'One of the problems you run in to is 'what is the definition of LKS?'' says Dr. Riviello.
"While he thinks a child should have normal development prior to presenting, hallmark characteristics for LKS and its variants include a child who begins to lose language skills, initially not understanding words—called a word deafness or a verbal auditory agnosia—in combination with an abnormal EEG with sleep-activated spike or spike and wave discharges. Some variants include children who have pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), autism with regression, a congenital disorder such as developmental speech delay, or another epileptic syndrome called electrical status epilepticus of sleep (ESES)."
So, if a child developes inflammation of the brain as a result of vaccines, resulting in seizures and autism, one could call it either autism or L-K syndrome. Both ASD and L-K are syndromes based on a description of certain behaviors, not on a specific cause.
One of the favorite tactics of those who oppose recognition of the autism-vaccine link is to nitpick and split hairs over definitions. Besides the fact (as many have pointed out so well) that Evan was diagnosed by a qualified diagnostician, and the armchair diagnoses are being made by people who have not evaluated Evan, never met him, and have never reviewed any of his records, in the end it doesn't really change the issues if you call it Landau-Kleffner. It's still loss of language and seizures and autistic behaviors. The "some sort of insult" triggering the condition could just as well be vaccines. A diagnosis with L-K does not mean that a cause for the "abnormal EEG with sleep-activated spike or spike and wave discharges" has been identified.
And notice that they say L-K used to be rare. Just another condition of unknown etiology that is increasing in tandem with our growing vaccine program.
Posted by: Twyla | March 05, 2010 at 03:15 AM
Wow Shauna! That article spawned quite the Stupidfest. I can't believe how many ignorant people there are out there.
Posted by: Julia C. | March 04, 2010 at 06:24 PM
Been a long time since I have posted, but I am STILL in recovery...
This is absolutely so insane, if you google the topic there are thousands of the same article's.... I cannot stand opinion's & $ being used to mis-lead the public. Getting ahead in the mainstream, so they had to find a way to kick us down a notch & dis-credit everyone's hard work. Jenny, thank you. Thank God you now will have a vast public forum to clarify all of this idiodic propeganda. This Dr. should be ashamed of herself. But honestly, this makes perfect sense, such a public figure already hurting big pharma financially & now getting ready to have have her own show, w/ Oprah in the same sentence. This is Big Pharma's worst nightmare... Kind of funny if you think about, go Jenny!!! We are excited to see you in action ;-)
Below is just another one of these articles...
Posted by: Shauna-Founder @ Together In Autism (T.I.A) | March 04, 2010 at 01:48 PM
Nora, I love the billboard idea also! When and where can we send photos?
Ari Brown is a paid for by pharma cretin. I wouldn't spit on her if she were on fire (lol, I was wondering if there would ever be a day that I could utilize that phrase:))
Posted by: kathleen | March 04, 2010 at 08:55 AM
Ari Brown's account of a child in her care dying of chicken pox, also being HIV-antibody positive, actually indicts the medical system that prescribes daily large doses of lethal antiretroviral medicines to such kids. For instance, Canadian doctors avoid these prescriptions for Canada's HIV+ kids and there have been zero (0) pediatric deaths the last 10 years. Meanwhile, here in the U.S., there have been over 600 pediatric deaths who have been iatrogenic victims (killed by the drugs).
The bottom line, fatalities by other prescribed drugs, including other anti-viral drugs now dispensed so liberally, gives such as Ari Brown ammunition for her own ignorant advocacy.
Posted by: david burd | March 04, 2010 at 08:37 AM
I saw Oprah's show and I read the times piece. If you think that this write up covers all the lies told about Jennie, please see the show and read the Times piece yourself.
Marvin Lewis
Posted by: Marvin Lewis | March 04, 2010 at 07:01 AM
we know the real story.
Yea, I knew that part but she never happens to mention that part. When she told that "story" on the Parents board I ended up calling her out on the fact that a child was THAT close to death and she LEFT to go feed her face???? Was she HIGH??? As someone that has experience in the medical field, I under NO circumstance would EVER leave a dying patient to FEED MY FACE!! SHE IS the one that's a "lying sacka shit" as my wonderful gran-dad used to say. Jenny has told NOTHING but the truth. Ari Brown is a bully dressed in a lab coat and a snakes grin...seriously, look up at the pic!!!
Posted by: rileysmom | March 04, 2010 at 12:00 AM
Dr Ari's article reads like she is related to Campbell Brown of CNN who has broadcast lies of the same genre. I feel like Invasion of the Body Snatchers is happening right in front of our eyes everytime I see an article with such a blatant disregard for anything resembling truth. Thanks JB.
Posted by: AutismComic | March 03, 2010 at 11:33 PM
Interesting how worlds overlap... Jenny McCarthy promoting peer-reviewed clinical studies, and Dr. Ari Brown paying for a professionally photographed head shot.
Posted by: Perception vs. Reality | March 03, 2010 at 11:28 PM
In my humble opinion, looks like the good doc had a gallon of espresso and a few rails of blow before she descended on her mighty horse and wrote CRAP. Hey, maybe she can hang out with Lindsay Lohan. Dr. Douchebag is definitely a…well, a douche.
Posted by: Big D | March 03, 2010 at 10:25 PM
Riley's Mom,
The child who died in her care of Chicken Pox (the other story is that the child died in her arms) was HIV positive. She forgets to mention that second part of the famous story in an effort to scare people into getting the Varicella vaccine...
Posted by: we know the real story | March 03, 2010 at 10:24 PM
nora, I love your billboard idea!
Posted by: jen | March 03, 2010 at 10:22 PM
Dr Ari Brown please disclose how much your income depends on promotion of vaccination
you never will just like every other Schill of a doctor that appears on tv and defends vaccines like this incredible explosion of children with regressive autism is not happening
doctors like you make me sick as you have lost sight of what you are supposed to do help children not do everything you can to support big pharma
in the words of Amanda Peete you are a parasite
Posted by: Bill slimm | March 03, 2010 at 10:18 PM
This from the same doctor that went to dinner while a child "died" from chicken pox. Look it up. It's one of her all time favs to scare unsuspecting parents into vaccinating. Ms Ari and I have have gone rounds before but it was on another board that licked her ass because she was a doctor...little site called They wouldn't let anything get through that tainted her image but allowed her story about the dying girl. As a ped, she's worthless. She is no longer the consulting MD on that site. She said it was because she "needed a break"...must have taken that long to launch her smear campaign on Jenny.
Posted by: rileysmom | March 03, 2010 at 10:07 PM
Back in the old west...
we could simply put a saddle on her and ride her out of town.
Posted by: cmo | March 03, 2010 at 09:33 PM
Why don't we all provide a picture to AOA and they then take those pictures and create an add with all of their faces.
"We are the faces of Autism"
Maybe you could start small say in Austin first and create a billboard of the children in the area and raise a question to this doc something provocative about her practice and how many children has she sent on to special education classes?
Posted by: nora | March 03, 2010 at 08:55 PM
How many kids does she cause to become autistic every month. Dr Mengele in pantyhose.
I'd give my son a crack pipe before I give him another vaccine.
Posted by: julie | March 03, 2010 at 08:52 PM
Charleston Keyes, JB does not have anything to do with comment moderation on AOA, FYI. And the Basil and Spice blog does not have moderation at all - comments go right through. That's not to say they won't pull comments they deem offensive, if they are monitoring them. Thanks for commenting here.
Posted by: Managing Editor for C. Keyes | March 03, 2010 at 08:43 PM
Ms. Brown should be defrocked for her clear breach of ethical behavior. First, tell the truth. Second, do no harm.
I hope every poor parent who has taken their child to this pathetic excuse for a doctor discovers her lies and abandons her practice. From my current perspective, most parents would be far better off staying as far as possible away from all pediatricians. I wish I had been a faster learner.
My kids, and even myself and my husband, are far healthier since I turned away from the western medical church in favor of DAN!, IAOMT, Andy Cutler, other moms, naturopaths, the internet, and my own good common sense.
No more eczema, no more asthma, no more night terrors, no more sinus infections, no more ear infections, rarely a minor cold and less rare any fevers. No more screaming tantrums, no more selective mutism, no more OCD, no more severe constipation, no more slurred speech, no more glazed eyes, no more hand staring, nonsensical talk, mixed up pronouns, imagined voices, or numb extremities, AND better eyesight and far better sleep (even in this well over 50 mom) along with better ability to learn, concentrate, and remember. Never going back.
From here, the endless lies are almost laughable--IF I didn't know that many unfortunate trusting parents will swallow this nonsense hook, line and sinker--very likely to the long term detriment of their children and their own lives, and to the detriment of the future for us all. I feel certain that this doctor will one day regret her role and the side she chose in this controversy. Truth will out. I just hope for all of our sakes that it is sooner rather than later.
Posted by: Sue | March 03, 2010 at 08:39 PM
Sorry but I just saw her picture again and I couldn't help noticing how much she looks like Betty Crocker. (and her with a blog called "Basil and Spice!"). Too bad her "little career choice" is harming children.
Posted by: jen | March 03, 2010 at 08:23 PM
"Dark murmurings..." this turgid mess of emotion, fantasy and desire reads like porn for pediatricians."
Okay. That made me croup laugh! Nancy, you are too much!
Posted by: Kelli Ann Davis To Nancy | March 03, 2010 at 07:15 PM
She should be commended for not censoring your comments, JB. You take full advantage of that on other blogs but show no such respect (or courage) on your own. And as for snarky, given the sickening nature of some of your comments, that did take nerve.
Posted by: Charleston Keyes | March 03, 2010 at 07:15 PM
I would love to see someone post Dr. Ari Brown's article on
Now that would be sweet!
Posted by: Elucidatus | March 03, 2010 at 07:07 PM
Did anybody catch the fact that Dr. Brown's boldest lie (#6) was based on a "summary piece" she pulled from "Hollywood Life"??!!! (It's got to be the first time in the history of the internet a doctor has referred to a "summary piece" from an online celebrity gossip rag. Man they're desperate!!) And she has no shame about citing the source and linking readers to it!! I guess Hollywood Life is running neck and neck with the journal Pediatrics, as far as credibility goes.
JB, would you say Dr. Ari Brown has jumped the shark on this one? Maybe David Gorski can give her some tips.
Posted by: flush it down | March 03, 2010 at 05:13 PM
"They keep thinking that trying to discredit Dr. Wakefield with his journal work is going to turn things around. Pretty soon they'll figure out that it won't; kind of like when the Grinch figured that he didn't stop Christmas from coming. Ha ha!!!"
Loved this. Thanks for a laugh Jen!!
Ridiculous clueless creatures.
Posted by: Natasa | March 03, 2010 at 04:58 PM
The comments-- I've been laughing all day.
cmo- "Those who may see a problem with Toyotas are sadly anti-accelerator".
Garbo- "I feel sorry for her. I'm sure it's hard to hold a syringe steady when your pants are on fire".
nhokkenen- "...this turgid mess of emotion, fantasy and desire reads like porn for pediatricians".
Ever notice how little wit there is on the lying side of the tracks?
Posted by: Gatogorra | March 03, 2010 at 04:40 PM
Never mind you just pointed out that she was a fool. You can't make a fool look anymore the fool than they already are.
Posted by: nora | March 03, 2010 at 04:02 PM
Keep on them JB, you make them look like fools. Great job!
Posted by: nora | March 03, 2010 at 04:00 PM
It's amazing how many supposedly educated people who can write, but cannot read.
Posted by: Kristina | March 03, 2010 at 03:45 PM
Dr Brown runs an Austin convenience store for vaccine injuries. Then parents have to go down the street to Thoughtful House to see if they can repair the damage to their children.
Posted by: michael framson | March 03, 2010 at 03:41 PM
JB, I'm just reading your posts over at Basil and Spice. awesome. can you let us know if Brown issues a retraction? It's clear that you aren't the only one calling her out. looks like a lot of bloggers who don't like Jenny are doing so as well.
Posted by: Odysseus | March 03, 2010 at 03:25 PM
"Dark murmurings..." this turgid mess of emotion, fantasy and desire reads like porn for pediatricians.
And doctors like Brown wonder why patient trust in "health care professionals" is at an all-time low. Lies aren't exactly reassuring, especially easily refutable lies.
Posted by: nhokkanen | March 03, 2010 at 02:36 PM
Just in case you missed it the first time around:
Posted by: Kelli Ann Davis To JB - (This time) From Me | March 03, 2010 at 02:22 PM
Ari says, "today is a new beginning for me." It should end with "I am going to learn to read." I feel sorry for them. They keep thinking that trying to discredit Dr. Wakefield with his journal work is going to turn things around. Pretty soon they'll figure out that it won't; kind of like when the Grinch figured that he didn't stop Christmas from coming. Ha ha!!!
Posted by: jen | March 03, 2010 at 02:08 PM
I couldn't even keep reading what this bitch- faced idiot wrote. Her "little campaign" to convince people that vaccines are safe is a giant fail. What a loser. She must be dealing with some kind of guilt or something.
Posted by: jen | March 03, 2010 at 02:00 PM
I sincerely hope she's seen or will see this article! She needs to have her sails deflated, taken down... and get her a$$ towed into port.
Posted by: Erik Nanstiel | March 03, 2010 at 01:54 PM
It's libel time again for the dark side if Jenny chooses to go that way.
Sure seems to fit the bill for a libel case - yes, Brown's made false statements, and yes, those statements defame Jenny's reputation as a "warrior mom" on a mission to help other autism moms recover their autistic children. If Jenny no longer thinks vaccines are to blame (that's the libelous lie from Brown) then Jenny's reputation as a warrior mom and respected author who reached millions with her message via books and TV is greatly harmed.
Guess "the liar" Dr. Ari really doesn't care about a libel threat though given her backers are so lawyered up and have deep pockets.
Posted by: Disgusted | March 03, 2010 at 01:26 PM
In 1986, the Vaccine Industry was about to collapse with their "10 vaccines by age 5" schedule, mostly due to litigation with the DTP vaccine.
Congress then removed the product liability for the entire industry, and soon we had "36 liability free vaccines."
Anyone who may see A PROBLEM with this situation are considered anti-vaccine.....
Those who may see a problem with Toyota's are sadly anti-accelerator.
Posted by: cmo | March 03, 2010 at 01:24 PM
I feel sorry for her. I'm sure it's hard to hold a syringe steady when your pants are on fire.
Posted by: Garbo | March 03, 2010 at 01:22 PM
Vaccines are garbage. Actually, I'd rather have my garbage shot into my body before a vaccine. Why does GR promote an "alternate schedule" of poisoning? It's been a while since I've read the package inserts but don't they all list encephalopathy as a side effect. I know I've heard Jenny McCarthy say she would never give her child another vaccine. Why is it OK for everyone else.
Posted by: Maggie | March 03, 2010 at 01:21 PM
This Ped has been trained in Medicine. How could she be an expert in Vaccines and Autism? From what I remember in my books from school is that Autism was not even mentioned. If it was mentioned, it was mentioned maybe in a paragraph or two depending on what field of Medicine you go into and Pediatrician wasn't one of them.
Soooooooo....... How can these Peds treat our children when they have no clue what Autism is or what the side affects from vaccines do? Do any of you remember your Ped saying that boys progress slower than girls, or he will eventually catchup or better yet not to worry about him getting a high fever after the shots? Well,.. That shit is not in their books and they have no freakin clue. So, I leave you all with an assignment. Go through any University's Med books for Medicine and do a search for Autism and you will see shit such as Risperadol and Riddlin, perhaps even now ABA and floortime but you won't see shit about high fevers or vaccine side affects associated with Autism.
Posted by: Truth Seeker | March 03, 2010 at 01:21 PM
Thank you JB! I agree with you Holly M.!! When are we going to stop all the doctor worship? When are we going to be able to question medicine? Ever?
Not likely. What a bitch.
Posted by: casey | March 03, 2010 at 01:14 PM
#8 in your list. wow. just wow. Look in the mirror lady! It's hard for me sometimes to not wish for these people to experience what we've experienced. Ari Brown couldn't last one day parenting my child- he would eat her cowardly self alive!
Posted by: Kristen | March 03, 2010 at 12:01 PM
Most parents who have taken their kids to Ari Brown's practice in Austin have left after feeling bullied on the vaccine issue. She is well known in these parts for her 'snarkiness' and ignorance.
Posted by: Austin Texas Mom | March 03, 2010 at 11:58 AM
Incuriousity is inexcusable. The AAP and it's foot soldiers like the apparently young, well educated, but inexperienced Dr. Brown and her ilk have done little, if anything, to help our kids and adolescents. Arguably, they have done more harm than good. "He'll grow out of it.", "Boys always talk late" "You don't need to get an eeg". Egad, the first line of public health advocacy ignoring an increase in autism from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100. Heckuva job, Brownie!
Fortunately, I think the harsh invective from the AAP echo chamber speaks to trying to close internal ranks because more pediatricians are actually getting educated about autism and early diagnosis and are voluntarily adopting a spaced out, potentially lower risk, immunization schedule. Perversly, the "trust us" and insults directed at parents from the AAP, Dr. Brown, and others may be a good sign that change is taking place in the medical community.
In the absence of data, I (and many of you) have advocated a rewind to the 1989 schedule and study on the possible effects of things like Hep B on day 1 of life and adjuvadents on genetically susceptible or immune compromised subsets of the population.
I don't claim to have the answers (and never have) but clearly neither Dr. Brown, nor the AAP offer anything meaningful to help our community find the answers we seek. Frankly, I'm tired of the buck passing.
Posted by: Dadvocate | March 03, 2010 at 10:58 AM
The more interesting question is, how much blood does Brown have on her hands? We should push for a bill to force individual pediatricians and clinics to report their particular rates of autism, SIDS, seizures and life threatening allergies among children in their care since infancy. Boy, pediatricians would fight that tooth and nail because it would soon be obvious that vax-choice and no-vax practices had the lowest rates or mortality and illness. I'd love to see the injury rates from Offit's wife.
Another interesting bit is that Landau Kleffner is acquired brain damage anyway. So is Lennox Gastaut syndrome. They could throw any number of alternate names at a condition (autism) for which lab findings are not the mainstream diagnostic criterion-- and all potentially trace back to toxic cause. They just think it will slow down the whistle blowers because it hasn't been fully "proved" that lesions on the brain and brain damage in LKS and LGS are environmental and often iatrogenic.
The AAP is sort of like a criminal gang in this instance, leading a freeway chase away from the scene of a robbery and multiple murders. In order to slow down the cops on their tail, they keep throwing bodies out of the getaway car, hoping no one will figure out that the strewn victims died in the same way as victims at the scene, not really taking it in that they're just adding to the evidence.
Posted by: Gatogorra | March 03, 2010 at 10:57 AM
What an idiot. She must be so embarrassed.
Posted by: A Mom | March 03, 2010 at 10:33 AM
She probably didn't waste time writing it. No doubt she posted an article on her blog essentially written for her by the public relations arm of a drug company.
As anyone who knows how to google knows, drug companies are famous for corrupting the medical literature with their advertisements masquerading as science. Why would the internet be immune?
Posted by: Carol | March 03, 2010 at 10:20 AM
It is fascinating how challenged these people are - we are out of the phase of the well constructed deceptions of the last decade. Now they just say anything in the self-deluding hope that no one will notice.
Posted by: John Stone | March 03, 2010 at 10:05 AM
Ari Brown is just one more doctor trying to hold down the fort against an attack from all sides.
Maybe the thing she really needs to do is to admit that if the claim that vaccines trigger autism is true,
all of the doctors and health officials denying it are wrong. A public health requirement has done immeasurable damage to countless
numbers of children. Who will be held responsible? How will the medical community survive when the truth is
I notice Ari Brown doesn't trash Dr. Bernadine Healy
or Dr. Peter Fletcher for their expert opinion. That would
be a lot harder than just going after one autism mom.
Brown has yet to recognize that this war is turning against doctors like herself. Ones who still haven't noticed that autism is
destroying our children right before their eyes.
Anne Dachel
Posted by: Anne McElroy Dachel | March 03, 2010 at 09:56 AM
Why won't anyone look into these kids who have "recovered"? Here is an epidemic that effects many more than polio ever did and yet instead of celebrating/studying parents who get their children better - those idiots just lie and say "wasn't autism".
Come study my child. Never been sick a day in her life. My sisters kids (who do every single thing the great ped tells them) are sick 90% of the time and have literally been on antibiotics since birth. It is not a freaking coincidence.
I think people like Dr. Brown love vaccines because it keeps her paycheck coming in. For most kids these days, this overload of vaccines if not cause autism, keeps them constantly sick with ear infections, eczema, etc, etc = steady money stream for the sweet, caring Ped. Gag me.
Posted by: Stacie | March 03, 2010 at 09:40 AM
These doctors are annoyed because now they are having to spend more than five minutes with the patients and their parents. Oh, these darn parents and their pesky questions about medical safety! Just shut up and stick your kid's arm out already! I'll inject him with one hand while the other is on the door. And if you call tomorrow telling me your kid is crying non stop and banging his head into the floor and walls I'll tell you, "vaccines don't do that" and certainly won't call VAERS...I don't know why that reporting system even exists because vaccines are without any possible side effects, don't ya know..........
Posted by: AnaB | March 03, 2010 at 09:37 AM
Wow. I blame pediatricians for not listening and being close minded. I blame pediatricians for not looking at the truth in front of them because somehow it is easier for THEIR lives. If there was no vaccine debate, I would love our pediatrician. And aside from vaccines I trust him implicitly.
How can Dr Brown (honestly, DR??) diagnose a child she has never laid eyes on? Recovery is real (thank the Lord) and I am so lucky to be a part of that recovery side of this terrible crime against our children. I am also happy to say that my best friend was in town this week and I was able to bask in the sheer delight of L's (her son) recovery from autism. He's not quite across the finish line, but my goodness he is close. We enjoyed our kids playing TOGETHER and laughing and enjoying a wonderfully lazy afternoon with "Princess and the Frog" sound track. L didn't use to recognize that other children were around. And loud noises threw him into a tizzy and would leave him searching for a quiet place with hands stimming and his repetitive jargon "I've got to go, got to go, got to go, got to go.............."
My son's damage was ended many years before L's and it is aparent in L's much longer battle toward recovery. But, there is no more "gotta go" jargon. It has been replaced with laughter and curiosity and command over language. He's awesome!
Maybe Dr. Brown could blog about him. She's never met him, so apparently he is a perfect candidate for her musings. I am sure that L's physician-father would apprecaite her professional input on their long road to recovery. He would be most happy to have this complete stranger let him know that he never had anything to worry about...his son never had autism. There was never a need for them to completly transform their home into a "House of Therapy" for their little man. What a miracle of a doctor she is.
Okay, I can be snarky too.
Her blog on Jenny McCarthy is irresponsible and, funny enough, makes her guilty of what Dr. Wakefield is being accused of. Failing in HER duties.
Posted by: kathleen | March 03, 2010 at 09:25 AM
Dr. Brown's bedside manner explanation of mercury in vaccines…
“Well vaccines never contained harmful amounts of mercury, but there is a bit of a back story there. There was a preservative that was used in vaccines prior to 2001 called thimerosal, and it was a specific type of mercury. It was called ethyl mercury, which has not been proven to cause any harmful effects in children or adults. But because several vaccines did use that product as a preservative, the Food and Drug Administration advised for vaccine manufacturers to take it out of the vaccines as of 2001.”
See the edited AAP transcript at
Posted by: Jim Thompson | March 03, 2010 at 09:16 AM
broken link where it says HERE below:
Of course, Dr. Brown is not just a snarky pediatrician. They never are. She’s also an author of books on parenting, and the author of a highly misleading piece that she wrote on autism and vaccines HERE that has been widely circulated by the Immunization Action Coalition, a front group for the Dark Side.
Posted by: AnneS | March 03, 2010 at 08:48 AM
jb your article is great..can we get back on larry this year..these drones are a waste of you guys..candace
Posted by: candace | March 03, 2010 at 08:46 AM
She's a spokesperson for the AAP. Safe bet that she's paid by the AAP for defending the vaccine schedule.
As recently as last winter (08-09), Brown disclosed that all of the flu shots in her own pediatric practice were thimerosal-free. So she got the non-mercury shots for her own patients while telling the rest of the country mercury is safe for their kids. Nice.
I see she has a letter on the AAP website dissing Jenny McCarthy, titled "The New McCarthyism." If you ask me, Ari Brown's line of b.s. is just more Brown stuff.
Posted by: flush it down | March 03, 2010 at 08:34 AM
May she rot in HE double toothpicks!!!!!!!!
(That was a dark murmuring).
Posted by: Maurine Meleck | March 03, 2010 at 08:22 AM
OMG! I can't believe she said all that. "The Lie" is beyond hunrgy, it's ravenous.
"The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed,
for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more
easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad." Adolf Hitler
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it."
I will never believe them.
Mr. Handley, I think I love you, just a little bit. At least, I love everything you write. I must kid around because I'm trying not to cry because I'm so mad about the giant lies that mainstream media have been pumping out ever since the Wakefield decision. It sickens me. Ugh.
Time to step away from the computer and go hug my 2 kids with autism.
Posted by: LisaA | March 03, 2010 at 08:21 AM
I hate dumb ass pediatritions like this. They are a dime a dozen. They take their kids to my school and the sheeple moms fall all over them because they're doctors. They know nothing other than antibiotics and vaccines. Worthless.
Posted by: Holly M. | March 03, 2010 at 08:03 AM
J.B.Handley, thank you for an excellent review of this hit piece on Jenny by a medical doctor.
Dr. Ari Brown says “It won't take back all the damage she has done, but it would at least it would show that she had some acknowledgment of personal responsibility.”
The irony is the lack of acknowledgement of personal responsibility by the American Academy of Pediatrics for the damage that their members have done.
Posted by: Jim Thompson | March 03, 2010 at 07:25 AM