Fombonne, Lord, Leventhal vs. Children with Autism
By Katie Wright
What kind of human being makes money by testifying against disabled children with autism?
Dr. Eric Fombonne
Dr. Catherine Lord
Dr. Bennet Leventhal
These parasites regularly take the stand in Vaccine Court in hopes of preventing sick autistic children from receiving financial compensation for their injuries. When I worked on forensic child abuse cases we had a word for these psychologists and doctors who were paid to testify against children. I’ll leave that to your imagination.
It is a free country and these doctors are not breaking the law by making a few bucks on the backs of kids. However, I think their “work” as anti- child professional testifiers has been insufficiently discussed and deserves a good public airing, don’t you?
Dr. Catherine Lord appears in vaccine court with great regularity. Like Fombonne, Lord appears to relish the opportunity, as a psychologist, to diagnose children she has never met and draw (erroneous and unqualified) conclusions about the cause, onset and severity of their medical disorders. Remind me the next time my son’s GI disease worsens and he loses language to make an appointment with a good child psychologist. Dr. Bennet Leventhal not only professionally testifies against children but also is a paid speaker on the pharmaceutical speaking circuit. Leventhal’s org also accepts huge amounts of money from vaccine makers.
No one is forced to testify against children in vaccine court. Most doctors and researchers with even the most rudimentary of scruples will refuse such an invitation. But not Dr. Eric Fombonne! He probably leases out a condo near the courthouse as a business tax write off. It is a wonder he has time for anything else!
Isn’t it interesting that after all these years of testifying against disabled children, that the tables have turned and Fombonne is now a defendant, charged with serious academic misconduct by his employer, McGill University. Fombonne is under investigation for:
1) unlawful access to confidential medical record and blood samples of children in his 2006 “Pediatrics” article
2) Fombonne accessed these records without the parental consent of the 220 parents of his research participants
3) Fombonne is charged with violating Articles 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 of the Quebec Civil Code
4) He is also charged with violating McGill Ethical Guidelines involving research on human subjects.
I have no information about whether or not McGill has yet to acquit Fombonne or find him guilty of these crimes, only that many angry Canadian parents are awaiting a decision. Let’s hope justice is served. If Fombonne is found guilty his research projects will be frozen and he will likely be fired.
Isn’t it interesting that one of the loudest voices decrying the “unethical” behavior of Dr. Andrew Wakefield was Fombonne’s? The British medical authorities could not find one, not one, parent who expressed anything except gratitude to Dr. Wakefield for helping their child. Meanwhile, I can barely keep up with all the news and e-mails from all the incensed Canadian parents who feel that Fombonne has used their children’s disease for his own purposes of deceit and manipulation.
Isn’t sunlight the best disinfectant? Let’s get this all out in the open! If you are a parent of one of the children in Fombonne’s studies how do you feel about all this?
KAtie Wright is a Contributing Editor for Age of Autism
UN ENFANT MARTYRE, VICTIME D’UN FAUX DIAGNOSTIC ‘’D’AUTISME’’ du Dr Éric Fombonne MCH en aout 2007qui n’a vu l’enfant qu’une seule fois,, sur demande du DPJ/ Québec ‘’direction de la protection de la jeunesse’’
DEMOCRATIE V 2.O samedi 9 février 2013/La DPJ pire que les Orphelins de Duplessis - Dixit un Orphelin lui-même
La raison pour laquelle elle m'a contacté était pour me faire part d'un cas en particulier qu'elle considère très urgent car l'enfant est maintenu sous contention chimique (on le bourre de psychotropes pour qu'il reste tranquille!) sans supervision médicale adéquate, et ce malgré l'avis de nombreux professionnels impliqués dans le dossier témoignant non seulement de l'inutilité d'une telle mesure, mais également son effet extrêmement néfaste pour le développement futur de l'enfant, qui vit une telle situation depuis l'age de 4 ans et qui en a maintenant 9 aujourd'hui, et pour qui on craint sérieusement pour sa vie tant physique que psychologique. On parle ici d'un enfant qui au départ n'avait qu'un simple retard de langage, retard qu'il était justement en train de rattraper à l'époque grâce à des services spécialisés. L'enfant vivait alors avec sa mère et sa grand-mère maternelle. Il s'avère que le père souffre d'un problème psychiatrique confirmé et documenté, et que celui-ci fait une sorte de projection de ses propres problèmes sur son fils, n'acceptant pas le diagnostic relativement bénin d'un retard de langage et suspectant davantage un problème qui serait plus lié à un trouble envahissant du développement (TED), dans ce cas-ci l'autisme, et ce malgré les opinions médicales contraires et les nombreuses preuves vidéos où l'enfant démontre clairement des comportements qui sont incompatibles avec un diagnostic d'autisme. Cependant, la soeur du père est médecin, et malgré qu'elle soit au courant des problèmes psychiatriques de son frère, décide tout de même de collaborer à son jeu en émettant un diagnostic d'autisme pour l'enfant en question, allant ainsi pourtant contre toutes les règles de l'éthique professionnelle, particulièrement celles concernant les conflits d'intérêts. La DPJ a ensuite assisté le père dans ses démarches pour reprendre la garde de l'enfant et ainsi le soustraire à l'environnement affectif et éducatif qui lui convenait pour le soumettre à un environnement éducatif spécialisé incompatible avec son état réel en plus de causer un traumatisme émotif causé par la séparation d'avec sa mère et sa grand-mère, traumatisme qui fut "géré" par voie de contention chimique. Par la suite, le père a eu un nouvel enfant avec sa nouvelle conjointe, et ne désire plus avoir la garde de l'enfant. Plutôt que de reconfier l'enfant à son milieu familial originel, d'où il n'aurait jamais du sortir d'ailleurs, il est plutôt envoyé en Centre de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle (CRDI) alors qu'il est gavé de psychotropes qui le rendent dans un état de légume ambulant, histoire de contenir la rage et la détresse que tente d'exprimer l'enfant face à la situation intolérable qu'on lui fait subir. Imaginez-vous alors que vous étiez enfant, ne serait-ce qu'un instant, de vous retrouver avec toutes vos facultés cognitives mais en étant forcé d'évoluer dans un environnement éducatif conçu pour une clientèle lourdement handicapée mentalement, et coupé de tout lien affectif et familial significatif. Imaginez les effets que cela aurait non seulement sur votre développement cognitif, sur le frein que cela peut mettre dans la réalisation du plein potentiel d'une personne, mais surtout du malaise et de l'inconfort qui n'auront d'autre choix un jour ou l'autre que de s'exprimer à travers la colère face à une telle atteinte à son propre développement personnel, et vous commencerez à comprendre le désespoir que tente d'exprimer cet enfant à travers ses crises, crises que la DPJ à choisi de réduire au silence par une camisole de force chimique plutôt que de reconnaitre ses erreurs et agir dans le bien de l'enfant en le retournant dans son véritable milieu familial. Au contraire, la DPJ traite la mère et la grand-mère d'irresponsable à cause de leur refus de reconnaitre le faux diagnostic d'autisme. Les problèmes se poursuivent au Tribunal de la Jeunesse, où la juge s'aligne sur les positions souvent mensongères de la DPJ plutôt que de garder son impartialité, allant même jusqu'à refuser le dépôt de preuves et l'écoute de témoignages qui vont à l'encontre de la position de la DPJ. Cela a été jusqu'à la juge qui refuse de reconnaitre un diplôme issu d'une Université Québécoise afin d'empêcher Mme Mino de venir à la barre pour témoigner en tant que professionnelle. La juge alla même jusqu'à refuser de se récuser dans se dossier, repoussant inutilement sa réponse concernant cette requête au mois de mars 2013, prolongeant ainsi les procédures et retardant le secours qui doit être apporté à l'enfant, ce qui devrait pourtant être sa toute première priorité.voir rapport d’évaluation de la psychoéducatrice
Posted by: aline | September 29, 2013 at 08:22 AM
UN ENFANT MARTYRE, VICTIME D’UN FAUX DIAGNOSTIC ‘’D’AUTISME’’ du Dr Éric Fombonne MCH en aout 2007qui n’a vu l’enfant qu’une seule fois,, sur demande du DPJ/ Québec ‘’direction de la protection de la jeunesse’’
DEMOCRATIE V 2.O samedi 9 février 2013/La DPJ pire que les Orphelins de Duplessis - Dixit un Orphelin lui-même
Posted by: aline | September 29, 2013 at 07:10 AM
Le choix d’école et l’orientation injustifiée d’un enfant est en soi une torture, l’enfant livré à un parent pervers narcissique en fait les frais : Pire que l’aliénation parentale, le SYNDROME DE MEDÉE : L’enfant est une proie de choix car il est fragile et malléable, avec sa confiance illimitée et sa soif d’amour et de reconnaissance. En pratique, une démarche structurée et impitoyable est mise en place, visant à entraver l’accès à l’enfant mais aussi à placer la victime dans une situation d’impotence pour mieux sévir, élément sadique pathogénique du syndrome. Des comportements d’intimidation et d’exclusion sont adoptés également envers les proches et alliés de la victime, médecins compris. Il s’agit en somme d’une forme organisée de maltraitance qui porte sur une dimension vitale de la vie affective et se traduit par des effets psycho traumatiques très importants. Celui ou celle qui en fait les frais sont à considérer à tous points de vue comme des victimes. Il est vain d’espérer que des personnalités aussi grevées de troubles de la personnalité acquiescent à autre chose que l’intimidation pénale. Et il ne sert à rien de prescrire médiations ou traitements tant que cette folie n’a pas été sanctionnée. Médecins et juristes devraient donc être conscients que paranoïa et sadisme sont tels dans le syndrome de Médée que seule l’intimidation pénale peut arrêter ces sujets délirants qui ne deviendront jamais’’ fous’’.
‘’ Le Québec fou de ses enfant’’ Maudits ceux qui un jour n’ont pas su regarder, Maudits tous ces vertueux de la vie qui du haut de leur pureté n’ont pas su prévenir, Maudits les uniformes entachés du sang de nos enfants, fétides bourreaux de fosse et de sépulture…Une petite vie d’innocent de détruite ‘’CONTROLÉ JUSQUE DANS LA MORT’’..Le regard d’un parent construit! mais dans le cas de ce petit enfant merveilleux (voir vidéo), le père a élaboré des stratégies par le biais des services de la protection de la jeunesse du Québec la ‘’DPJ’’ pour se venger de la mère et la priver de son enfant, il voulait ce diagnostic ‘’d’autisme’’ pour son enfant, il a le privilège d’avoir une sœur pédiatre qui fait partie du système, le psychiatre Éric Fombonne MCH !.. Le père et la sœur du père pédiatre, ont misé sur le programme ‘’MK ULTRA’’ initié au Canada pour la CIA, testé sur les enfants indiens dans les orphelinats, des expériences qui se poursuivent de nos jours sur les enfants DPJ, les psychotropes 2em génération, cocktail Molotov : le RISPERDAL+ EPIVAL ’’ aux effets secondaires désastreux donnés sans raison à l’enfant pour le déprogrammer, lui formater le cerveau, parce qu’il pleurait, ne supportait pas la séparation avec ses figures significatives, la mère et la grand-mère, l’enfant médicalisé a un bas âge et sur le long terme depuis 2009, orienté sciemment dans des institutions de cas lourds d’autistes avec déficience intellectuelle et déficiences associées est rendu aujourd’hui 9 ans a ‘’l’état animal’’. Une stratégie aux dimensions psychopathologiques pour garder ce petit enfant dans un statut d’inapte toute sa vie, atteindre la mère et la priver de son enfant.
Voir : Capsule vidéo du petit enfant a 3 ans , avant la pose du faux diagnostic du psychiatre Éric Fombonne , avant d’être arraché à sa mère, avant que Dr Éric Fombonne expert du DPJ ne vienne témoigner à la chambre jeunesse pour retirer la garde a la mère :
Et la vidéo de ce qu’il est advenu de l’enfant avec l’aval du DPJ suite médication RISPERDAL+EPIVAL donné à l’enfant a un bas âge(5 et demi) sur le long terme par le psychiatre Michel Lemay de l’hôpital Ste Justine de Montréal pour cristalliser les troubles et protéger son confrère Éric Fombonne du MCH
Prière de signer la pétition en ligne en soutien a ce petit enfant , MERCIétitions/ouvrir-une-enquête-publique-sur-la-dpj-au-québec
Posted by: aline | September 29, 2013 at 06:17 AM
Dr Éric Fombonne!...Dans la destruction des enfants au Québec pris dans les griffes des services à l’enfance DPJ, de gros joueurs, certains psychiatres qui par allégeance, ou considérations partisanes à maintenir des standards artificiels pour la publication et l’obtention de fonds de recherche n’hésiteront pas à délivrer des « maladies à la carte, sur mandat du DPJ», sait-on jamais cela pourrait toujours servir la science!…: «c’est comment ça que ça marche au QG du Dr Éric Fombonne du MCH» : Le parent escorté d’une intervenante du DPJ se rend dans un immeuble désaffecté, rue Ste Catherine qui donne froid au dos. A l’entrée de l’immeuble se trouve un appariteur assis à une table dans l’obscurité, le parent est invité à décliner son identité et remplir un billet comme dans les régimes soviétiques, après approbation d’un organe de contrôle contacté au téléphone, le parent toujours escorté de l’intervenante du DPJ monte à l’étage supérieur, dans ce lugubre édifice, pas âme qui vive en dehors du Dr Fombonne, fin prêt au sacrifice d’enfants sur mandat express du DPJ, l’intervenante du DPJ est entendue en premier sans la présence du parent protecteur , lors de l’examen clinique aucune information fournie par le parent, (je précise protecteur) n’est prise en considération, le diagnostic tombe sans appel à la première rencontre, le parent est invité à signer un papier d’une subvention de 160$/mois pour étiqueter l’enfant à la Régie des Rentes, des références pour bilans ultérieurs qui ne verront jamais le jour sont remises au parent, La job terminée, une lettre est adressée par le Dr Fombonne au parent ciblé, l’invitant à s’adresser désormais au médecin traitant de l’enfant qui se trouve être «un médecin de pédiatrie sociale»,Le jour de l’audience à la chambre jeunesse, Dr Fombonne témoin expert du DPJ qui n’a jamais revu l’enfant viendra témoigner à la place de l’intervenante du DPJ pour retirer la garde au parent aimant protecteur et de ce fait même le DPJ qui a le fardeau de la preuve va se soustraire au témoignage et le tour est joué , le DPJ va tenter de faire signer une entente au parent ciblé : «de reconnaitre le diagnostic émis par le Dr Fombonne, de s’’engager à ne faire aucune autre évaluation pour confirmer le diagnostic du Dr Fombonne et de consentir au droits de garde fixés par le DPJ» L’enfant pris en otage, commence alors la descente aux enfers du parent aimant, protecteur , l’enfant quant à lui va sombrer dans les dédales du DPJ, médication forcée avec de puissants psychotropes,’’Risperdal’’ séparation d’avec la figure d’attachement, l’enfant va dépérir au fils du temps, Dr Fombonne quant à lui disparaitra dans la nature , l’enfant ira rejoindre le rang des orphelins de Duplessis..
Posted by: aline | June 10, 2013 at 02:01 PM
Tony Bateson, Your words are sometimes the only thing which keeps people fighting the foulness and stinch of systemic corruption and deliberate media indifference.
Timothy Dwyer, I hope that alley will accommodate the 1 in 100 parents that have been brutalized by bowtie klan.
Posted by: michael framson | March 30, 2010 at 01:28 PM
Could this be the link?
Posted by: Media Scholar | March 24, 2010 at 06:51 PM
Sorry for the delay. I am trying to get the correct links to the case. I am not a very good French speaker and Quebec has different laws so I am just waiting to make sure the documents are legal to post.
It is always helpful for parents affected by a particular problem (difficultly getting medical care, political help, pediatrician issues, etc) to share their stories. All too often we think we are alone. So in this case if there are parents of the children who feel their privacy was violated by Fombonne, please share whatever you feel comfortable with.
These efforts are dedicated to all the incredible families like the Dwyers and the Cedillos who had to endure the ridiculous and mean spirited testimony of these doctors for hire. Our kids don't deserve this.
Posted by: Katie Wright | March 23, 2010 at 11:37 PM
Thanks Katie,
Any links to the info on Fombonne are tres tres bonne!! lol. Can't stand that guy.
Posted by: A really pi$$ed off Canadian Autism parent | March 23, 2010 at 09:45 PM
Can you provide a link to the charges by McGill? I'd like to read more about them!
Where does your list of items 1-4 that Fombonne is being investigated for come from? A link would be most appreciated.
Posted by: Felix | March 23, 2010 at 03:02 PM
Wonder if Fombonne is hiding Thorsen in his basement???
That CAIRNS site is something else! As a Canadian, now living in the US, I am grateful that I am living here instead because there is little support back home!
I'm surprised Alison Singer isn't an adviser of CAIRNS...then again, she probably is...
If nothing else, I'm pleased there are no advisers from my alumni, University of Ottawa, on board!
Posted by: Judith | March 22, 2010 at 11:30 PM
There is a marvelous web site called "muckety" that concerns itself with relationships among people of influence, and maps the relationships as well. I wish they included the folks in the worlds that concern our children.
Posted by: Coralie | March 22, 2010 at 10:11 PM
Don't forget to mention that when Catherine Lord isn't busy turning tricks in court, she's a board member of the "Autism Science Foundation". This of course is the handpicked group of prostitiutes whose bizarro Mission Statement mostly includes random commentary about vaccines and does not contain the word "prevent".
Posted by: Steve | March 22, 2010 at 09:46 PM
"Wait until our tax dollars pay these people via nationalized health care." In discussing the NHC, I just told my neighbor that he is gonna be paying for the care of the four spectrum kids on my block... he laughed, but it started to sink in. "How many kids? and how much is that?" The future may be far from what we expect...
Posted by: MAKE AUTISM STOP | March 22, 2010 at 09:14 PM
Another great article here! Keep up the great work everyone!
There should be a new section here at AoA, a listing of the so called 'professionals' and then lists of their connections and where their paychecks are coming that anyone could come here, look up one of these paid hitmen and see at a glance who these gus loyalties are too, rather than relying on the 'evidence'..ya know? That would be a GREAT asset to AoA...
Thanks again!
Mom to Ethan, Alex, and Megan
Posted by: Angie | March 22, 2010 at 08:22 PM
Special Master Hastings writes in his Omnibus decision that "respondants expert witnesses are far better qualified, far more experienced and far more persuasive"...sounds unbias to me, how about you? Why the commentary? Instead of a impartial court...sounds more like a commercial.
Posted by: omnibusted | March 22, 2010 at 06:47 PM
Great article from Katie.
My oh my!!! I have been waiting for the tables to turn and very glad to read this information about Fommbonne.
Posted by: Joan Campbell | March 22, 2010 at 06:45 PM
Fonbomme is a BIG "evidence based medicine" type - from CAIRN - Yuck!
CAIRN - Canadian Autism Intervention Research Network - YUCK!
Have "fun" poking around the site, reading their newsletters, etc.
Note: Not all on the CAIRN list are morons (Dr. Zwaigenbaum, now of Univ. of Alberta, is a lovely fellow)... Look, years ago he even referred two boys for metabolic/mitochondrial/muscle dystrophy testing. :)
Posted by: Henderson | March 22, 2010 at 06:17 PM
Thanks for always being there for us Katie!
Bow tie Benny (Leventhal) not only testifies against us for the cut rate of 30 pieces of silver, he insults our beautiful children for free. During his biased, pharmacetical infomercial that was his testimony against my then 9 year old son suffering from Autism. He casually galanced at a photo of my angelic son and immedeately diagnosed him with dysmorphic features. This statement alone should have discredited his testimony, Colin has been treated and evaluated by some of the best and most ethical Doctors in the country, and there has never been the slightest hint of any diagnosis other than Autism. He is extremely bright and fighting with all his will to overcome the injury that unscrupulous greedy rats like "benny" have put upon him. As you know Katie, if Colin could sit still for more than 3 seconds he would be making a nice living off a budding modeling career. I personally found this insult against my son more difficult to take than the Kangaroo court ruling made against him, and if I ever run into "bow tie benny" in a New York City alley he will get a free clinic on what dysmorphic features really look like.....
We put extraordinary effort onto helping our fragile, innocent, and most vulnerable of children, to let some disgrace of the medical community put them down, looking foward to your vist benny. Timothy P. Dwyer
Posted by: Timothy P. Dwyer | March 22, 2010 at 03:05 PM
Does Fombonne rhyme with trombone ?
or is fom bonnie ?
hate to not pronouce things correctly.
We need to make a list sometime of all the "felony charges" that could be brought against "various science intellects" and what the length of their prison terms could be.
Posted by: cmo | March 22, 2010 at 02:56 PM
"Sunlight... the best disinfectant..." Brilliant! Makes me think of another group of darkness-lovers who have much in common with these "anti-children" bloodsuckers...
Posted by: BJ | March 22, 2010 at 02:15 PM
Drs Lord and Leventhal worked together in the 1990's at the University of Chicago Developmental Disabilites Clinic along with Dr. Edwin Cook, a genetic researcher. Lord, a clinical psychologist whose main focus is on developing diagnostic testing tools like ADOS, left U. of C and is the Director of the University of Michigan Autism and Communications Center in Ann Arbor. She is also Board Chair of the Simons Foundation (Hedge fund manager Jim Simons' well funded genetic focused research outfit)
Leventhal left the University of Chicago and joined The University of Illinois at Chicago as the Director of their Center for Child Mental Health. He then left Chicago for a big job at the NYU as the Vice Chair of Child and Adolescent Phychiatry.
Lord also joined NYU as Interim Director of the NYU Child Study Center Asperger Institute.
You'd need to spend days and weeks and use forensic tools to unpeel the many layers of interlocking professional relationships, academic alliances, and advisory boards in the private, public, AND non-profit sectors that very savvy professionals like Leventhal and Lord use to further their careers. Leventhal is especially talented at serving on Boards and receiving "honors for his work". It wouldn't surprise me if he's on literally hundreds of boards.
When I come across a new non-profit in the autism universe, I always check out the advisory board because it tells you a ton about what their philosophy is from the people they appoint.
Paid testimony aside, a lot of prople like Lord and Leventhal have developed pretty darn good careers in the autism field without showing much in the way of results. My evidence for that claim? 1 in 110. 1 in 70 boys.
By the way, Leventhal was citing the 1 in 10,000 number in the 1990's.
Posted by: Dadvocate | March 22, 2010 at 01:47 PM
The truth will out! It's a long time coming in this case but I am old enough to have seen it happen in other areas and it will happen here.
These people are official deny-ers who lie for their country (well in this case they lie for their pensions and fat compensation from the pharma companies). When people like the Chief Executive of Eli Lilly are paid $21 million pa it is no surprise the enforcers don't come cheap.
The reality is that the epidemic we speak of is the world's first Shelf Life Disaster. It got to our kids in the same way the dried milk powder caused disaster in Africa thirty years ago, through slick marketing and massive greasing of palms.
Tony Bateson, Oxford, UK.
Posted by: Tony Bateson | March 22, 2010 at 12:54 PM
Remember when you were a child and they taught you that the very worst thing you could do was to be a traitor to your country.?
Today, are we not looking at the traitors to humanity and the traitors to science ?
If only we could ensure that we never forget these debased people - as a warning to future scientists who may be tempted.
Will we one day have the Museum of the Second Holocaust ?
Posted by: Cherry Sperlin Misra | March 22, 2010 at 12:52 PM
I'd love to share this information more widely, but I don't see any links to official sources verifying that these investigations are actually taking place. I need to have these sources to be believed. Dr. Fombonne is held in such high regard by so many people - it would be so important to prove this completely!
Posted by: Jennifer S. | March 22, 2010 at 12:47 PM
Once again, Age of Autism breaks an Autism story before the mainstream media. True investigative reporting in the media is dead. It is QUALITY blogs like this one that are the wave of the future for media.
One day, hopefully not too far into the future. Historians will want to look at this issue from all sides (unlike the media who has yielded to Kathleen Sebellius' calls for censorship on this issue). AoA will be a treasure trove for those historians.
And Katie, oh Katie, you rock. You name names. Doing your part to help these folks find their rightful place in history.
Posted by: AnaB | March 22, 2010 at 11:43 AM
Thanks for the link. I've just written one of the Canadian autism orgs that feature some of Fombonne's "prevalence data" on their website.
Posted by: jen | March 22, 2010 at 11:26 AM
Great post Katie! Call out the good-for-nothing doctors.
Posted by: autismfather | March 22, 2010 at 11:23 AM
Dr Fommbonne is in a heap of trouble and the vaccine industry knows it. When the public starts to put all this together, they will be through with these "scientists." They will catch on that the most vocal critics of vaccine safety are paid spokesmen who either a) Work for disgusting industry front groups (ie, American Council of Science and Health Trustee Paul Offit), b) are utterly corrupt and dishonest (Eric Fombonne) or c) are pathologicallly criminal (Poul Thorsen - by the way, where IS he?)
Dr Minshew, Dr. Gorski, Dr. Novella - you are next. We got the goods, and we are coming for you.
Posted by: WarnerC | March 22, 2010 at 09:54 AM
Fombonne and Leventhal challenged (from Clifford Miller's website):
Posted by: Anton B | March 22, 2010 at 09:32 AM
Beautifully put. They have no shame.
Posted by: John Stone | March 22, 2010 at 09:06 AM
I once wrote to Leventhal about what he'd said about autism in the Chicago Trib. He denied any link to vaccines or that there'd been any real increase in the rate.
He wrote back that he appreciated my letter but he didn't accept my arguments. He said, "We'll just have to agree to disagree."
?????.....What were we talking about???--Is Pluto a planet?....NO WE WERE DISCUSSING A HOLOCAUST BEING MADE OF OUR CHLDREN.
We both can't be right.
And if I'm right---the consequences are immense.
Everything is at stake in denying the possibility. And it's not bad for guys like Leventhal if they can get paid for doing it.
Anne Dachel
Posted by: Anne McElroy Dachel | March 22, 2010 at 08:43 AM
Wait until our tax dollars pay these people via nationalized health care. Because, as we know, pharma will pay for the "science" that says their protocols are "accepted" and within the standard of care.
While there need to be changes to our insurance and health care systems, what are we going to do when these people have even more power? When they demand that - as a price for entry to the "system" - all vaccines must be administered on the recommended "schedule"?
That's the day I consider a move to Canada or Europe . . . (and as a many generation, proud American I DON'T make that statement lightly).
Posted by: Parent | March 22, 2010 at 08:33 AM
Hi Katie,
FIrst Poulsen, now Fombonne. Looks like in some perverse way the chickens are coming home to roost. Fombonne has been such a fixture in epidemic denial, and denying vaccine-injured kids justice. Talk about denialism. Do you have any links to any news articles (don't laugh, I had to ask) or statements from McGill that give any information on the accusations against Fombonne?
Posted by: John Gilmore | March 22, 2010 at 08:30 AM
Wow. I remember Catherine Lord doing two-day autism "evaluations" for the University of Michigan around the time my son was diagnosed (and still does, I presume).
For a mere $3,000, she and her colleagues would spend a couple of days doing a myriad of diagnostic tests, and in the end you get a comprehensive listing of the child's deficiencies (whoopee) along with their "individualized" list of treatment recommendations that usually went along the lines of:
x hours/week of speech
x hours/week of ABA
x hours/week of occupational therapy
After due consideration, I ultimately abstained from paying for the privilege of putting my kid through two solid days of poking & prodding by Dr. Lord & co. Six years later, I still regard it as the best $3K I never spent.
cheers, Daniel
Posted by: Daniel Park | March 22, 2010 at 08:13 AM
Perfectly said Katie! Thank you for shining some sunlight on these scum of the earth. Thank you for your tireless efforts.
Posted by: camilla | March 22, 2010 at 07:20 AM
Wow, Katie, now you are really talking trash, and by trash I mean the doctors who testify in the Vaccine Court against our children, not your article! Thanks for your excellent, informed writing as always.
Posted by: Not an MD | March 22, 2010 at 07:17 AM