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Age of Autism Award Couple of the Year: Ed and Teri Arranga

Autism one We'd like to honor Ed and Teri Arranga as our couple of the year. Ed and Teri run Autism One. Sounds simple enough, until you delve into everything Autism One offers families facing the challenges of autism from an online community, to blogs, to resources. Plus there's Autism One Radio and the Conference held each year in Chicago.  This year the conference is called The AutismOne & Generation Rescue - Autism Redefined 2010 Conference and takes place Monday, May 24 – Sunday, May 30 at the Westin O’Hare Hotel, Chicago, Illinois. In addition, Teri is on Voice America and is USA Editor for Autism File magazine.

Ed and Teri embody Parent Warriors - and have taken the term to its apex.

Please join us in thanking them for their work.




With much appreciation to Teri and Ed for all they have done for the autism community and in such an unselfish way.

As parents we appreciate you not only sticking your necks out to move forward in seeking solutions....but providing that tipping point for so many others to follow suit.

Keep up the amazing work and please know there are so, so many children with ASD and their families that have been assisted by what you have done and continue to do.

The Gammicchia Family

“The name given to that one dramatic moment … when everything can change all at once is the Tipping Point… In the end, Tipping Points are a reaffirmation of the potential for change and the power to intelligent action.”

Malcolm Gladwell

Angela Warner

From the pen of my great-great-great uncle...

"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch... to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeded."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is one of my favorite quotes from my Uncle, and Ed and Teri's lives completely embody it's meaning of success.

I, as so many of us do, know to one degree or another what goes into Autism One to make it what it is. Ed and Teri deserve this and so many other awards.

One of the things I admire about them most aside from Autism One and all that goes on, is their genuine ability to find humor in any situation, and I do mean any situation. Laughter is the best medicine...

I can't wait to see you in May!

Vicky Debold

Wonderful choice. And Sam sure does love Teri - she's very dear to him. He has a picture of the two of them from the A1 conference that he looks at often.


The Debold's

Mayer Eisenstein MD, JD,MPH

"He who saves one life... it is as if he saves an entire universe. He who destroys a life... it is as if he destroys an entire universe"

TALMUD - Sanhedrin 4:5

Ed and Teri have saved thousands of lives.
My heartfelt congratulations to my dear friends.


Jennifer Keefe

I cannot think of a more deserving couple. Congrats and thanks for all you do.

Ed & Teri

We extend our thanks to everyone for their heartwarming encouragement and kindness and to Age of Autism for consistently presenting excellent information and reflecting the pulse of the community. We are privileged to serve together as a team with all of you and the other wonderful autism organizations that further the knowledge that autism is treatable, children are recovering and significantly improving, and chronic diseases are preventable. The media, public, and powers that be must come to recognize this educated community as the holders of hope and truth for a brighter future for all children. Together, we will broaden the discussion and "take back the language" in 2010, and we will continue the mission of healing children, helping families, and protecting the public health.

We extend our love and admiration to the children and parents - heroes who face every day with immeasurable bravery, determination, and pure spirit - and those practitioners and researchers of integrity who are willing to face tribulations to serve them and compassionately pursue truth and healing.

Ed & Teri


Our sincerest congratulations and gratitude Teri and Ed!! The Wessels

Maurine Meleck

A great team of hard workers. Terrific choice. Congratulations Teri and Ed for a well deserved award.

Theresa Cedillo

Teri and Ed - congratulations! This is well deserved recognition. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do for our children. You are both incredible!

Teresa Conrick

Perfect choice! Thanks to Ed and Terri for all of their hard work for the AutismOne Conference in May and throughout the entire year. The amount of effort, generosity, care, and love that comes from them both is the reason that AutismOne is such a success.

Cherry Sperlin Misra

CDC and AAP ? - Black holes ; Ed and Teri-brilliant stars in the galaxy of autism, for us to steer by. Wish you could see us when we make use of the work you do. Many thanks.

Louise Kuo Habakus

Ed and Teri are superstars... smart, passionate, committed, relentless, creative, funny, helpful, kind, generous. Although you may not know it, unless you have the privilege to work with them, or you happen to ask about the powerhouse team behind AO... because they also happen to be selfless, humble, and quietly work behind the scenes to put people together and move mountains. No better choice. We are deeply fortunate to have them.


Ed and Teri Arranga have worked hard to promote autism discourse at a rigorously scientific level. Their reasoned intellect rises above the dreck palmed off by government agencies and abetted by the mainstream media. The Arrangas have my gratitude and extreme appreciation.

Wade Rankin

No choice could have been more perfect. Congratulations to Ed and Teri for their awesome work.


Ed & Teri ROCK!

Cathy Jameson

A very big thank you from us!


Congrats to Ed and Teri!

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