No Longer Autistic! Recovery is Possible.
Boy Doomed to Institution Now Yearns to be President

Trine Tsouderos Responds to Autism Article Email

Brush off By Teresa Conrick

Below is an email just freshly sent out to me and probably hundreds of others who wrote to Trine Tsouderos regarding her biased reporting about autism and the biomedical treatments that are saving our children.  I did not find it helpful as it seemed quite defensive and just reiterated her initial reporting - that she is right and we, thousands of parents, doctors, and researchers are wrong. My original email to Trine is below her email response.

I do agree that Dr. Martha Herbert is one of the best, credentialed autism experts yet her comments were mangled into a series of misquotes instead of what Dr. Herbert wanted, which was, "articulating physiological issues in autism."  That definitely was not the goal of this article.

If it were only you and I "disagreeing on an issue," Trine, that would be fine but do you not realize that there will be children who will not get medical help because of your bias and deceptive writing?   So , yes...have a lovely Thanksgiving.

Dear Teresa,

Thank you for your note.

I am sorry we cannot agree on the issue, but we stand by our conclusions, which  are based on exhaustive research and talking with some of the most highly regarded, best-credentialed experts in the field.

Best wishes and hope you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving, Trine

Dear Trine:

How disappointing to read yet another trash series on autism biomedical treatments for children with autism.  My  daughter would still be in physical pain and be unreachable if it were not for treatments tailored for her specific issues.  We spent years doing solely ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) and my daughter made no progress as she was aggressive, spacey, and in diapers, well over the age of 8. The pediatrician had no recommendations except seeing a psychiatrist.  We did, and after 7 days on Adderall for her "hyperactive" behaviors, she became dizzy on it, ended up falling and was rushed to the ER for stitches.

Switching to a gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free diet with digestive enzymes stopped her "hyperactive" behavior, chronic diarrhea and she was then able to be effective in using a toilet and out of diapers at age 9. Supplements, vitamins and minerals helped with her dysfunctional immune system, and stopped frequent nosebleeds and allowed her body to begin fighting fungal, bacterial, and viral infections that had been chronic since she was a toddler, after vaccines left her ill and "autistic."

Her DAN! doctor has been the only doctor since her autism diagnosis to alleviate the pain and suffering my child has had.  Issues with mitochondrial dysfunction, GI swelling and inflammation in her head (my daughter would bang her head as she is nonverbal and unable to tell of her pain) are being treated and her life has been transformed.  She is happy, affectionate and is able to function and keeps showing us that she is picking up more understanding of her "new world", one that is pain free.

I am done with the Tribune reporting and will notify all family and friends to do the same.  The slant and bias presented does such a disservice to families needing medical help for their sick children, labeled "autistic". It is sad that historically these children have had behaviors related to pain and inflammation and have been given pills to sedate them or slow down their motions when the roots to the behavior,again- pain and inflammation, cascaded into symptoms that we now see as the core issues of autism. Off label, untested psychotropics, stimulants and anti-psychotics have been constantly pushed as not a treatment or a cure for autism, but a band-aid for the symptoms. Why is the Tribune not reporting on that and the dishonesty of the American Psychiatric Association for disregarding the side effects of these dangerous medications?

Teresa Conrick

Teresa Conrick has two beautiful daughters. When she is not teaching, she is researching the biomedical implications of autism, both past and present.


lj goes

I have found with Trine the more erudite the letter, the less likely she is to respond. I rarely, rarely mudsling on this scale but in this case I believe it must be said--Trine is not terribly bright. Letter such as this are very intimidating for her so she simply issues a canned memo, which is very much in keeping with her style of writing: stale, uninformed, painfully inadequate--soon to be irrelevant. It really does pain me to "trash" a fellow human being like this, but I feel holding such a powerful post, with a previously influential paper--a certain acumen for investigative journalism should be mandatory. She absolutely lacks ability and accountabilty on all levels and should be removed from her position. We need real journalism at this crucial time in history, not recycled handouts from pharma and the government.

Dave Marsh

I sympathize with all you poor people who are dealing with the terrible condition of Autism,only to have this paid off hack of a reporter Tsouderos set your advances in treatment and understanding of this medical condition back years.She has to have an alterior motive to write this garbage. Rumor has it she has a sister that is a assistant to one of the big shots with the FDA. Conflict of interest? I looked into this article because of the rediculous article she wrote about chronic Lyme desease that she wrote on 12-8-2010. Telling me,with her food critic background that I obviously have been faking all these debilitating symptoms since my tick bite rash in the summer of 2002. The Lyme disease community is calling for her dismissal and a public apology from the Tribune,God bless you all.

house on fire (stealing Kim's thunder)

The American Medical System Is The Leading Cause Of Death And Injury In The United States (Gary Null PhD, et al)

Yep, all you new parents out there better take care to avoid those nefarious hbot docs and their mystical, magical, spontaneously-exploding chambers-of-death (apologies for the dark humor).

Seriously, is this is the best the Trib could do? Seriously? 100 thousand + deaths from adverse drug reactions - nobody raises an eyebrow - but I should shit bricks about the prospect of blowing up during an hbot session?

Here's a challenge for any of the Trib staff:

1) stick a cork in your butt
2) no BM's for, say, a week
3) have your doc diagnose and treat (prescribe for) the resulting psychotic behaviors - don't let him / her actually examine you or your butt, or especially, look for a cork.
4) when you're in extreme agony, take more meds, and think about the scientific consensus around any "direct" links between a cork in your ass, and extreme psychosis, as these links have not been studied, and therefore do not exist.
5) 1 week in - pull the cork out, take a huge dump
6) take a severe beating from the pro-cork community while you heal
7) epiphany (you not only feel much better, but attempts to remove the cork did not cause it to explode)
8) come back to write another article on the value of attaching a string to a cork, and other such alternative therapies

Mr. T

Bob - I find it amazing they don't talk the increased amounts of mercury in the air only CO2. I am fed up with "Science has Spoken" crap. This is all about social control.


Benedetta - Thank you for asking Twyla if she really sent the last bit.

Go back and find Twyla's last bit. It's a laugh out loud hoot/chuckle. Made my morning. Thank you Twyla.

And thank you everyone for all your witty comments. I love this site.

Have a WONDERFUL DAY everyone (Missing Thanksgiving - from an American Abroad)

And, try to rise above any unkind words if any of you are related to Amanda Peet (or similar like minded people). I'm lucky(?) enough to be related to a number of Amanda Peets (thankfully, not my entire family). Maybe, it is a good thing we're missing Thanksgiving this H1N1 Season after all.

Mr. T

She has regurgetated the same old stuff with fommbonner, special masters, Don Pardo,2004 IOM and set it up with a disgruntled dad in a divorce. What a fine piece of corporate journalism.

Bob Moffitt

I, too, received the canned response...we disagree...etc.

I responded:

I, also, am sorry that we will have to disagree on the "conclusions" you reached, which you believe are "based on exhaustive research and talking with some of the most highly regarded, best-credentialed experts in the field".

I do not know if you are aware of the growing controversy over "global warming science" that is under heavy criticism for being based upon fraudulent data manipulation discovered through the uncovering of emails between some of the "most highly regarded, best-credentialed experts in the field of global warming".

Apparently, preeminent "global warming" scientists desperate to declare the issue settled...resorted to tactics eerily similar to other "scientists" desperate to declare the issue of vaccines and autism closed. Such as, subjecting "scientists" who disagree with them to savage personal attacks, ridicule and an effort to discredit and debunk any "science" that threatens their lucrative rewards for promoting the "global warming" agenda.

Yes, we will agree to disagree...but... please try to cast a critical eye on ALL data purported to be the ONLY TRUTH on ANY SCIENTIFIC SUBJECT.

To her credit...she responded..stating she would read the entire WND article I sent her.


"I hope you found something to take away from our series"?!?!?! Well, la-di-da and fiddle-dee-dee, Miss Scarlet! Indeed we have! Several, in fact. First, you are ignorant, which luckily for you is curable. Second, you are stupid, because you have no interest in becoming anything more than ignorant. Unfortunately, that's rather more of a problem in your line of business, and one you might want to consider remedying by opening your mind and your teeny tiny heart. Third, you work for a desperate, bankrupt newspaper chain that would prefer to sell its soul to the pharma devil rather than ably represent the fourth estate, which is meant to be a check on power. If you can't beat em join em, eh?


I don't know about those crappy Tribune reporters but I feel like there's been a change of heart here in Calgary. Some reporters are definitely sympathetic to the parents of children with autism re. vaccines and recently I noticed an article written by someone I bantered back and forth with on the issue and he actually stated in his article that flu vaccine efficacy was not all that great. People like "Trine" will seem pretty shady when things get ugly (and they will). People like OFfit will look even stupider (is that a word?)and morally bereft. What a pack of liars!!!

Kathy Blanco

Let's get this straight...most of the plants in media are freom EIS, yes, EIS, from the CDC. Try to go look it up, you won't be happy you did...what it testifies, is that they are cahoots with pharma, and are often conglomerates of one another. They can't shoot themselves in the's just not...well...monetarilly correct (a spin on politically correct). Hello people, the message we are sending is irritating the HELL out of them...keep going....


Thanks for trying, Teresa. Gee, I kinda thought I noticed that Tsouderos didn't really, uh, address any of your questions... she must be a student at Gardiner Harris Avoidance Academy.

What is also infuriating is seeing bloggers pick up that article as if it's gospel, noting the reference to conflicts of interest without even thinking to investigate the cronyistic backstory behind that strategically planned piece of yellow journalism.

And Gatagorra, once again your graphics made me laugh out loud. It makes journalistic idiocy easier to bear. Thanks.

Autism Grandma

Oh My God Kim, your statements to this (dare we say) "reporter" are just too perfect. Yes, reporters are paid not to rock the boat, and the actual FACTS do not speak to them as it does to us.

Everyone's correspondence to this woman are so logical and well thought out---the exact opposite of her own writing. I am so overwhelmed with so many things that need to be done, but I will make it a point to find some time to send her another "unwelcome" message from the world of reality.

Casey Ohlsson

I got a response that was a "kill em with kindness type." I think we really struck a nerve with her, if most of us got personalized responses. I would really like to hear from her editor. Anyway her response is totally patronizing (she will be hearing back from me):

RE: Risky therapies huh?‏
From: Tsouderos, Trine ([email protected])
Sent: Wed 11/25/09 10:33 AM
To: Casey Ohlsson

Dear Casey,

Thank you so much for taking the time to write to us and share your story. I hope you found something to take away from our series.

Best wishes and have a nice holiday,



From: Casey Ohlsson
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 1:08 PM
To: Callahan, Patricia; Tsouderos, Trine; Kern, Gerould W.
Subject: Risky therapies huh?

Callahan, Tsouderos (Alison Singer's friend correct?), and Kern,

My Nick is 2.5, went from being a zombie with "severe autism" nonverbal, to being dismissed from our states early intervention program. He tested at a 36 months old skill level, when he was only 30 months. He is basically recovered (with the help of diet and supplements). And after all my hard work and debt, I've been told he was misdiagnosed in the first place. It couldn't possibly be biomedical intervention!! But for every person who doubts there are 2 who are amazed at what we've done. I get calls all the time from parents who want to know more.

I don’t understand WHY the Chicago Tribune would publish something so hastily and shoddily written. This reads as if written by a petulant child! It's terrible, if I were whoever influenced or paid you to write/publish this, I would be embarrassed.
Everything else is taken from us, our credibility, insurance coverage, the medical community, even the media! The one place where unbiased, researched articles should be published continue to try to shut us down. Why? BUT, biomedical intervention isn't a secret anymore; we are doing a great job- just look at our kids. Biomedical interventions saved my son (who should have never been damaged in the first place!!)
Do you think we like to spend thousands of dollars on "non-FDA" approved treatments? Is that fun for us, that we do it for poops and giggles??!! We are simply malcontents quixotically banging our heads on Big Pharma's door? FOR FUN?
NO: the answer is THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of us are biomedically treating our children-- BECAUSE IT IS WORKING!! Not based on some false hope, or delusions of grandeur. It is very, very real.
As if it wasn't hard enough treating our kiddos, we have to wade through the crap written by literary mercenaries.
You must think how many children are being hurt by preventing this knowledge from being spread- but alas I think you don't care. I think you only care about a paycheck directly (or indirectly) from pharmaceutical companies. Why else would something so trite and slanted actually be published?

Theresa O

Damn, Twyla, you rock.

Our local newspaper recently ran an article about parents' fears about the H1N1 vaccine. The article included the typical line about how parents are afraid that thimerosal in vaccines causes autism, even though there is no mainstream research to support this.

I wrote a letter to the editor in which I very calmly noted three pieces of mainstream research that do support the thimerosal-autism link (Hitlan and DeSoto, Mady Hornig, Laura Hewitson). I was called the next day by the fact-checker from the newspaper, who wanted (1) to be sure that she listed my town correctly (because I provided my mailing address, and our local paper likes to list municipalities), and (2) to get my permission to run the letter, which of course I gave.

I checked the letters to the editor page every day, amazed that some truth was about to find its way into our local paper's coverage of health care issues, but the letter never ran. Now, of course, there could have been a space issue at the last minute, or the editors could have asked the fact-checker to call extra people in case some people changed their mind about having their letters printed, but I've written to this newspaper in the past (about unrelated issues), and they've only called me when they ended up running the letter I wrote.

Want to know who owns my local paper? Yup, the Tribune.

Evelyn Pringle

As a journalist, if I ever respond to readers with a note like the one from the Tribune reporter, people have my permission to slap me up along side the head.

If the reporting was in truth, "based on exhaustive research and talking with some of the most highly regarded, best-credentialed experts in the field," the conclusions would never have been as reported.

Anne Dachel

Tsouderos is typical of so many in the press. They start with the premise that parents are wrong, vaccines are safe, and autism isn't a problem.

I can't tell you the number of times reporters have written to me, "I stand by what I wrote." It sounds so noble and righteous. I'm sure it must be taught in journalism school. It sounds like they're saying that their findings are indisputable and they'll defend them to the end in the face of all opposition. In truth, what they usually mean is, "I'm not willing to consider both sides of this issue."

Reporters who give more credibility to one source because they're "the most highly regarded, best-credentialed experts," without acknowledging their conflicts or admitting that these are the people with everything at stake in this controversy, are not being honest.

Dispute all the links to information that challenge official claims of "vaccines are safe, vaccines save lives, " "studies show no link," and "no real increase--better diagnosing," members of the press politely ignore it all and instead tell me, "I stand by what I wrote."

For years I've asked reporters to look into this controversy and do more than talk to health officials.

I've asked them to look at the history of the mercury used in vaccines and ask the CDC how they can vouch for the safety of thimerosal when it was never tested or approved by the FDA. (Population studies done 75 years after the fact aren't proof of safety.)

I've asked them to look into the 14 studies used to prove no link between vaccines and autism. No one ever does.

I've asked them to look for the missing autistic adults who should be all over the place if there's been no real increase. Aging parents would mean that autistic individuals in the 40s, 50s, and 60s should be in group homes everywhere. The signs of autism are easy to recognize even if they have a label of mental retardation. I've asked them to find out where our children are going to go as adults. No one is willing to look.

I've even asked reporters to talk to special ed teachers (and regular ed teachers) along with speech pathologists who've been in the field for 25 and 30 years and ask them what changes they've witnessed in children. Go to schools, see what's happening. This would be great evidence to back the claim that these kids have always been around. No reporter ever cares enough to do it.

Rarely do reporters cover parents who talk about how their normally progressing children changed after vaccinations.

Reporters like Tsouderos are so busy attacking parents who use biomedical treatments and dismissing a link between vaccines and autism, that they're blind to the real emergency that autism represents.

These are the latest numbers on autism from the Dept of Ed.

2008 US Department of Education autism figures:

Age 6 to 11 161,121

Age 12 to 17 112,913

Age 18 to 21 18,604

Within the next couple of years, these kids will start to overwhelm social services and welfare funds. Five years from now, I can guarantee that we'll be able to find lots of adults with autism. Problem is, they'll be young adults in their 20s and they'll have no place to go. I hope Tsouderos is still at the Chicago Trib when that starts happening. She can tell us how we'll provide for them.



She "just disagrees"? Not so much. If only it were that simple. We are talking life and death here, not coke or pepsi! The health and future of the children of America! Disagree? Pshht, I'm done with these dummies.


Twyla did you really send that last bit of email to her!!!

I got one too, what do you know!

I too replied and said something on the order of not paying attention to the real experts, thise that are passionate and not after the all mighty buck.
But have a happey Thanksgiving and Thank God he has not tipped a little autism her way.


It's interesting. The reporter's tone is very sweet, confident, and aloof. She doesn't even realize she was probably picked for the article because she's a yes woman and could easily be played as a pawn.



I was once a journalist before I was forced into the autism world. Once their was a murder in a local hotel. The owner of the hotel was best friends with the owner of the station where I worked. My boss would not let me report the murder, and instead, sent me down the street to the McDonald's, owned by another set of friends, where they were giving away trees for Arbor Day. The next week I quit journalism forever. I could clearly see what it was all about in that one little incident.

You choose to play the game. I refused. You play a part in the brain damaging and killing of kids by participating. You have a great Thanksgiving, too.



i got the same exact message.


Thanks Teresa. I agree and am truly saddened to see the Tribune continue their attack. For the life of me, I cannot understand their attack.

The autism journey is not a gift. The people I have met along this journey are the only gifts I can think of. Thank you all for pushing forward to the right direction of healing and prevention for our kids. I really appreciate this group of hard working and caring parents.

Folks like the Tribune authors make this journey needlessly harder. We should have reporters fighting for families and this cause to help hundreds of thousands of children. It is so depressing that discrimination and picking on an already hurt and needy population in the name of newspaper sales has taken an all time low.

An extreme (and sad) situation of divorce and a dad that appears not wanting to pay out for helping his kid is an awful way to make a point. Autism is treatable. The tools available are clear. The results of treatments are undeniable. It is truly sad some reporting refuses to look at the obvious. Makes you wonder perhaps their motivations are not so pure huh?

I am hopeful with the many families seeking treatment, carefully consulting doctors, getting standard labs, taking a charted course unique to their children's needs and documenting progress will in the end prevail. I don't think the Tribune will be around to see and report it.


I have always wondered how many hits per day the AOA site receives.

I would think nearly all the Autism parents eventually find there way here.

How much time is a parent going to spend on an AAP site that only provides "no known cause, no treatments and no hope" for your you child ???


Gatogorra, I sent this off to Trine before I read your comment. Interesting we had similar analogies.:

“hahahahahahahahhaah: “most highly regarded, best-credentialed experts in the field”
Furthering the point home - thanks.
And your own personal conclusions, expectations and esteem are providing an autism CURE?
When you honestly want autism to stop, rather than sell the tribune, respond to all of us with your contribution.
Until then, you are flinging business-sponsored monkey poop to feed your own crap hole.”


Anne Dachel

"We stand by our conclusions."

Tsouderos is typical of so many in the press. They start with the premise that parents are wrong, vaccines are safe, and autism isn't a problem.

I can't tell you the number of times reporters have written to me, "I stand by what I wrote." It sounds so noble and righteous. I'm sure it must be taught in journalism school. It sounds like they're saying that their findings are indisputable and they'll defend them to the end in the face of all opposition. In truth, what they usually mean is, "I'm not willing to consider both sides of this issue."

Reporters who give more credibility to one source because they're "the most highly regarded, best-credentialed experts," without acknowledging their conflicts or admitting that these are the people with everything at stake in this controversy, are not being honest.

Dispute all the links to information that challenge official claims of "vaccines are safe, vaccines save lives, " "studies show no link," and "no real increase--better diagnosing," members of the press politely ignore it all and instead tell me, "I stand by what I wrote."

For years I've asked reporters to look into this controversy and do more than talk to health officials.

I've asked them to look at the history of the mercury used in vaccines and ask the CDC how they can vouch for the safety of thimerosal when it was never tested or approved by the FDA. (Population studies done 75 years after the fact aren't proof of safety.)

I've asked them to look into the 14 studies used to prove no link between vaccines and autism. No one ever does.

I've asked them to look for the missing autistic adults who should be all over the place if there's been no real increase. Aging parents would mean that autistic individuals in the 40s, 50s, and 60s should be in group homes everywhere. The signs of autism are easy to recognize even if they have a label of mental retardation. I've asked them to find out where our children are going to go as adults. No one is willing to look.

I've even asked reporters to talk to special ed teachers (and regular ed teachers) along with speech pathologists who've been in the field for 25 and 30 years and ask them what changes they've witnessed in children. Go to schools, see what's happening. This would be great evidence to back the claim that these kids have always been around. No reporter ever cares enough to do it.

Rarely do reporters cover parents who talk about how their normally progressing children changed after vaccinations.

Reporters like Tsouderos are so busy attacking parents who use biomedical treatments and dismissing a link between vaccines and autism, that they're blind to the real emergency that autism represents.

These are the latest numbers on autism from the Dept of Ed.

2008 US Department of Education autism figures:

Age 6 to 11 161,121

Age 12 to 17 112,913

Age 18 to 21 18,604

Within the next couple of years, these kids will start to overwhelm social services and welfare funds. Five years from now, I can guarantee that we'll be able to find lots of adults with autism. Problem is, they'll be young adults in their 20s and they'll have no place to go. I hope Tsouderos is still at the Chicago Trib when that starts happening. She can tell us how we'll provide for them.



I wish I subscribed to the Chicago Tribune, so I could have the satisfaction of canceling the subscription.


This is awesome!! I am loving the responses that parents received.

The only problem that I am seeing with this is that now she can say that she is a well known journalist. I bet she is loving the attention this is getting. What a piece of shit, her and the article.

Have a happy turkey day everyone.


Oh, I got my personal delivery.

It even included a special reference to something I wrote-- a denial that the tone of her piece had anything to do with the Glaxo product ads that appeared next to the online article.

I would tend to believe her-- in this economy, it was more likely that the ads appeared because of the tone of the piece, not the other way around. Pharma can bargain basement shop these days and can expect guarantees of fealty before shelling out to failing publications.

I need a shower.

A Mom

Should have read:

SAVE new babies from the same preventable fate.


That's an excellent letter, Teresa.


I got exactly the same email from Trine Tsouderos. Below is our exchange. I'm not including my original email as it's pretty much the same as what I usually write...


From: Tsourderos, Trine
To: twyla ramos; Callahan, Patricia; Kern, Gerould
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:32 AM
Subject: RE: Autism treatments: Risky alternative therapies...

Dear Twyla,
Thank you for your note. I am sorry we cannot agree on the issue, but we stand by our conclusions, which are based on exhaustive research and talking with some of the most highly regarded, best-credentialed experts in the field.
Best wishes and hope you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving,


From: twyla ramos
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 2:52 PM
To: Tsouderos, Trine
Cc: Callahan, Patricia; Kern, Gerould W.
Subject: Re: Autism treatments: Risky alternative therapies...

Most likely we don't agree on who are the most highly regarded and best credentialed experts in the field. Not sure who regards them so highly, but parents are pretty fed up with the "experts" who continue to ignore/deny the biomedical paradigm of autism which has been so well described by (for example) Dr. Martha Herbert. Your failure to include any of her thoughtful brilliant comments in your article is evidence of bias. She is quite well credentialed. And Dr. Jerry Kartzinel is the foremost authority on biomedical treatments for autism; you failed to include his knowledge/experience/expertise as well. A very highly regarded and well credentialed expert on dietary intervention is Julie Matthews; her comments would have been invaluable.

Even Dr. Margaret Bauman (who is very prominent and mainstream and isn't convinced that vaccines cause autism) refers kids with GI issues to Dr. Timothy Buie and kids with mitochondrial disorders to Dr. Marvin Natowicz. Autism is not only about the brain and genetics.

Somehow mainstream science and medicine have become extremely close minded and dogmatic, at least when it come to autism. Stories such as this one are ignored due to prejudice (wrongly called skepticism) because they are inconsistent with preconceived assumptions. Instead of saying, "We don't know if this is true and we'd like to investigate further" the door is simply closed.

Nevertheless, I wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving.


From: Tsouderos, Trine
To: twyla ramos
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 1:28 PM
Subject: RE: Autism treatments: Risky alternative therapies...

Hi Twyla,

Thanks for the exchange and I appreciate you taking the time to write. I respect your perspective, I just disagree.

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, too.



From: twyla ramos
To: Tsouderos, Trine
Cc: Callahan, Patricia; Kern, Gerould W.
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Autism treatments: Risky alternative therapies...

Actually, I hope you have happy Thanksgivings except for experiencing periodic twinges of guilt over writing two terrible articles.

A Mom

We stand by the children and families, Trine, and we will never stop.


It's too bad that you chose not to be helpful to a lot of innocent children and their families, but that is something you will have to live with. A lot of perfect, innocent little babies were born this week, you know?

People like you only strengthen the resolve of the other people who want to continue to help vaccine injured children and prevent new babies from the same preventable fate.


Happy Thanksgiving to all of the ASD families and vaccine-injured families, and the people who love them.


Nope! I did not get nothing from her.
I even left my email address. BUT then I am just a parent - close to a nothing.

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