Scientists Find People Vary Widely in their Ability to Eliminate Arsenic – Implications for Autism?
There’s a famous scene in the movie Casablanca in which the French police captain in Rick’s Café is told there’s illegal gambling at the establishment, and in mock surprise says, “I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!”, just before being handed his winnings. For veterans of the autism-toxic metals war this is one of those kind of stories.
According to an August 27, 2009 article in Science Daily (HERE) there’s a wide variation in the ability of people to excrete arsenic. The subjects were given seafood containing known amounts of arsenic and then in the days following their urine was measured for arsenic excretion. The researchers from the University of Graz, Austria “found that ability to eliminate arsenic from the body varied greatly, with some participants excreting up to 95 percent of the ingested arsenic, but others eliminating as little as 4 percent.”
All right, so let me break this down. Fish often contain arsenic, and I think I recall fish often contain some other toxic metal . . . it’s on the tip of my tongue . . . oh yeah, it’s MERCURY! That's the same mercury that a recent study found present in 100% of fish sampled from all parts of the United States. But we're not supposed to worry about that because only 25% of them were at unsafe levels! Just for the sake of argument let’s do a thought experiment.
If this research is to be believed, some people will excrete about 95% of the arsenic they ingest within a short period, while others will excrete only 4%. Let’s just hypothetically say that the same or similar pathway which detoxifies arsenic also detoxifies mercury. What would happen to retained mercury in the body? Oh yeah, there are those warnings at the fish counter that the mercury in fish can cause neurological problems to the children of mothers who eat fish while they’re pregnant.
But the research subjects from this study aren’t babies. They’re full-grown adults. A possibility is forming in my mind . . . I’ve got it! Maybe there’s a wide variability in the general population in their ability to eliminate toxic metals, which would mean our safety standards for exposure need to be rewritten! This same idea apparently occurred to the researchers. The authors noted “This observed individual variability in handling [arsenic] exposure has considerable implications for risk assessment of arsenic ingestion.”
And what are the known problems associated with chronic arsenic exposure? Well if you remember from that classic play, Arsenic and Old Lace, we’ve got that old favorite, death, but also “skin and internal cancers, cardiovascular disease, and possibly diabetes.”
Let’s take this all a step further. Retained toxic metals seem to cause trouble throughout the body. Maybe we’re taking about the retained toxic metals causing an auto-immunity problem in which the body can’t recognize viruses and bacteria, which then set up shop throughout the body, leading to autism and other neurological problems. That would go along with a lot of parental observations about what happened to their children as well as the finding by Dr. Wakefield of the measles virus persisting in the guts of children with autism. Maybe things which have been long accepted need to be re-examined. “In the study, Kevin Francesconi and colleagues point out that drinking water in many parts of the world, including some regions of the United States, contain amounts of arsenic that exceed the World Health Organization’s maximum acceptable levels.”
The American medical establishment has long asserted that the levels of chemicals, toxic metals, and infectious agents contained in vaccines are safe. But have they taken into account the apparent wide variability of people to process those agents?
The research is scheduled to be published in the September 21, 2009 issue of ACS’s Chemical Research in Toxicology. Francesconi’s previous publications include such classics as Arsenic-Containing Long-Chain Fatty Acids in Cod Liver Oil and Identification of Arseonlipids with GC/MS (Gas chromatography and mass spectrometer).
Play it again, Sam, it sounds like the same old tune.
Kent Heckenlively is Contributing Editor for Age of Autism
I belong to the over reactive immune reaction crowd! Not that it matters what I believe, because that is probably wrong. The trouble began when they started putting in the Al, Hg, and now this new stuff squalene.
Posted by: Benedetta Stilwell | September 09, 2009 at 04:58 PM
Hi Benedetta,
I too am convinced it's the mercury and aluminum. I think autism is basically mercury and aluminum poisoning. Both of those metals have been in vaccines since the same time period as the first cases of autism. And the amounts of these metals have increased in step with the increase in autism in a way that would be difficult to explain away as coincidental.
And you're right about the antigens. The way they lower the antigen amount is to INCREASE the adjuvant amount. And the primary adjuvant is aluminum salts, and aluminum has already been proven to cause neurological delays in premature babies, so I don't think it's a very far leap to wonder if it's connected to the delays in children with autism. Mercury is primarily just a preservative they use to make the multi-dose vials safer. Prior to the addition of mercury, several chidren died from infections received as a result of getting a vaccine from a multi-dose vial. The manufacturers just use the mercury because multi-dose vials are cheaper to make than the single dose ones. But mercury is also highly toxic and can cause neurological problems too.
So I think it's the mercury and aluminum that cause autism, but I also think there are many, many different factors that make certain individuals more susceptible to these vaccine components. A quick list of possible susceptibility factors could include vitamin d deficiency, zinc deficiency, selenium deficiency, pathogens (like you and Kathy have proposed), overactive immune responses, and even certain genetic factors too.
Posted by: CM | September 08, 2009 at 09:55 PM
CM and Kathy that was very good. I have read it before but some things takes a long time to sink in.
These things that you discussed here takes us back to what Tom Insel said when he responded to Tom Harkin's question of "More vaccines over the years and we have noticed more autism." (Something like that)
And Tom Insel's response was "More vaccines but less antigens in them".
So how do you make the immune system respond with less antigens (parts of the actual pahtogen)? You add something extra to make those parts of pathogens more reactive.
I always thought the problem was that a individual immune system over reacted to certain pathogens more than other pathogens (because of previous things that their parents were exposed too) In some of my college immuno-biology books they state that even the father's immune responses to passed pathogens are passed on to their offsrpings. I know that my family has had encounters with whooping cough more than the MMR. Most of the family only came in contact with MMR later in life. I was making it too complicated. Something we all easily do when the truth in hidden (and vaccine manufacturers know it).
I have never believed it was the mercury or Al but I was wrong! It is the adjuvents.
Posted by: Benedetta Stilwell | September 08, 2009 at 10:05 AM
A few more points about the thimerosal in infants study:
2 month olds were exposed to 45.6 mcg of thiomersal and had blood mercury levels that ranged from less than 3.75 to 20.55 nmol/L and in stool 82 ng/g dry weight
- blood levels of 3.75 - 20.55 is a wide range. doesn't that also indicate a variance in the ability to process mercury?
6 month olds were exposed to 111.3 mcg and had blood mercury levels were lower than 7.5 nmol/L and in stool 58 ng/g dry weight
- So 6 month olds were exposed to HIGHER mercury levels and had LOWER blood mercury levels than the 2 month olds.
That also strongly indicates a variance in the ability to process mercury.
- But what is troubling to me about the results in 6 month olds is that even though they were exposed to more mercury, they excreted less in their stools and has less in their blood. So what happened to the injected mercury? Did more of it get deposited elswhere like brain tissue? So does that study support the theory someone else mentioned that "the more mercury you absorb, the harder it is for you to excrete mercury"?
Kathy, thank you for posting the great information from Dr. Blaylock! When he says,
"A number of studies have shown that when you use powerful immune adjuvants, as used in vaccines (especially when combined), this inflammatory/excitotoxic reaction within the brain is maximized."
Is he referring to not just mercury, but also aluminum? I've read that aluminum also causes excitoxicty and even triggers an IgE response (which is the marker that indicates an allergy is present). So it appears that aluminum adjuvants make you allergic to the pathogen in the vaccine:
"Whereas no difference in the total antibody values was observed, the level of anti-tetanus toxoid IgE antibodies was significantly higher in the group boostered with the adjuvanted vaccine" (aluminum hydroxide was used)
And that might be significant since Dr. Blaylock said that allergens "also act as brain microglial activators, thereby worsening and prolonging the original immune/excitotoxic effect produced by the vaccines.
Posted by: CM | September 07, 2009 at 10:34 PM
Blaylock on Mitochondria and VaccinesPosted Aug 24 2008 7:08pm Mitochondria and Vaccines
From Russell L. Blaylock M.D.
As the person who first proposed the microglial/excitotoxin hypothesis (JANA 2003;6(4): 21-35 and J. Amer Phys Surg 2004; 9(2): 46-51) I feel I should explain the connection between microglia/excitotoxicity and mitochondrail dysfunction. My hypothesis was confirmed two years later by Vargis, et al in which they demonstrated chronic levels of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines as well as microglia and astrocytic activation in the brains of 11 autistics from age 5 years to 44 years, even though they never mentioned excitotoxicity as a final mechanism. I wish to address the mitochondrial issue, which has become of major interest with the appearance of the Hannah Poling’s case.
In my original hypothesis, later expanded in a number of other articles, I explained that when the systemic immune system is overactivated, the brain’s special immune system, consisting of microglia and astrocytes, also becomes activated. The microglia normally remain in a quiescent state called ramified microglia. Upon activation, they swell, assume special immune receptors in their membranes and move within the extracellular space. In this activated state they act as immune presenting cells and can secrete a number of inflammatory chemicals, such as IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-12 and IL-18, TNF-alpha, chemokines, complement and two excitotoxins called glutamate and quniolinic acid. They also generate a number of powerful free radicals and lipid peroxidation molecules.
A number of studies have shown that when you use powerful immune adjuvants, as used in vaccines (especially when combined), this inflammatory/excitotoxic reaction within the brain is maximized. With the first vaccine (or natural infection) the brain’s microglia are in a semi-activated stated called primed. If you re-vaccinate the animal or person within 1 to 2 months, these primed microglia overreact intensely, pouring out even higher levels of the excitotoxins, inflammatory cytokines and free radicals. Each subsequent set of vaccinations worsens this process.
These inflammatory/excitotoxic secretions damage the developing brain, which is undergoing its most active development at the very time the child is receiving 24 vaccines. This vaccine schedule exposes the child to a priming HepB vaccine at birth, 6 vaccines at age 2 months, then 5 vaccines at age 4 months, 7 vaccines at 6 months and finally 8 antigens at age one year. Each successive multi-dose barrage of vaccines intensely activates the brain’s microglial system and the microglia activate the astrocytes, which also secretes, inflammatory cytokines, free radicals and excitotoxins.
Experiments in which this pattern of immune stimulation is simulated using a vaccine adjuvant, demonstrate that it produces significant disruption of brain development. The greatest damage in these experiments is to the cerebellum and frontal lobes, which is also the primary sites of damage in autism. Further, food allergins also act as brain microglial activators, thereby worsening and prolonging the original immune/excitotoxic effect produced by the vaccines.
So, how does mercury play into all this. Mercury in extremely small concentrations (nanomolar concentrations) can activate microglia, trigger excitotoxicity and induce significant mitochondrial dysfunction. Blocking the glutamate receptors (that trigger excitotoxicity) also blocks most of the neurotoxic effect of mercury at these concentrations. That is, most of lower-dose effects of mercury in the brain are secondary to excitotoxicity. The mitochondria produce most of the energy used by neurons and a number of studies have shown that suppressing mitochondrial function by itself is not enough to alter brain function, but it is enough to magnify excitotoxic damage. That is, it is the excitotoxicity that is disrupting brain function and development.
A newer study has shown conclusively, that mitochondrial activation using a vaccine adjuvant not only suppresses mitochondrial function but that the damage cause by this mitochondrial suppression is actually produced by excitotoxicity. Blocking excitotoxicity completely blocks the microglial-induced neurotoxicity and mitochondrial damage cause by the vaccine.
A great number of studies have shown that activating the systemic immune system repetitively worsens neurological disorders caused by other things and can initiate neurodegeneration itself, that is prolonged. The inflammatory cytokines interact with glutamate receptors to dramatically increase excitotoxic damage. We know that autistic children have elevated CSF and blood levels of glutamate, which confirms the presence of the excitotoxic process.
Basically, what we see is a process triggered by sequential, massive vaccination that primes and then activates the brain microglial/astrocytic system, triggering the release of massive amounts of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and excitotoxins. This suppresses the mitochondria and the resulting energy loss further worsening the excitotoxic damage. Because of continued immune activation systemically, both by food allergies and natural infections, the brain’s immune system remains in an active state, leading to suppression of brain pathway development and neural function. This is why the change in the vaccine policy beginning in the mid-1980s, triggered the epidemic of autism. The mercury just aggravated the process.
I warned a number of people and published my warning, that removing the mercury from vaccines would not stop the high incidence of autism, because it was just part of the picture. We must also appreciate that there are a great number of sources of mercury besides vaccine-mainly environmental and from dental amalgam.
For more information on this mechanism you can read my original articles on my website – Also I have written more papers on my website under the heading -Information. All the information is free. I have several newer articles appearing in Medical Veritas and the Journal of Alternative Therapeutics in Health and Medicine.
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Posted by: Kathy Blanco | September 07, 2009 at 10:28 AM
The info you posted regarding Se and mercury excretion is important. There is a likely some "genetic" variation in the ability to excrete mercury. But it is also extremely likely that multiple other factors affect one's ability to excrete mercury--including diet (nutritional status), stress levels, use of antibiotics, tylenol (which affects the liver), msg (which affects the blood brain barrier), the specific mix of gut flora one has, what other microbes are in one's body (any viral or bacterial infections?), and prior or coincident exposures to other heavy metals, or possibly pcb's or other chemicals.
I think the failure to figure out what exactly is going wrong for so many kids is partly due to the fact that biology involves so many variables and the mainstream medical research/treatment model is designed to identify a single cause, or a single treatment, as if human bodies were simple machines or simple chemistry experiments.
That said, imo the mercury hypothesis holds up well--if one also recognizes that MANY variables influence whether and exactly how mercury affects a particular child--and also recognizes that there are downstream effects of toxicity (e.g. reduced immunity).
It strikes me that the number of people becoming gravely ill/dying from "suspected" swine flu is far less than 1 in 15. So using the same reasoning(?) as the authors of the first study you cite--this flu is no danger at all to anyone. Right? : )
Posted by: Sue | September 04, 2009 at 08:19 AM
Ben, it is perfectly logical to ask the questions raised in this article. That's the very basis of Scientific methodology; to use what you already know to form a hypothesis that you can then test.
But, if you want specific studies here's two.
1. Here is a study specifically about parenteral administration of thimerosal in vaccines in infants that found 1 of the 15 blood samples DID contain quantifiable mercury.
So this study supports the theory that some children are less capable of excreting mercury than others. And if the number is 1 out of 15 kids, that would be very significant. Unfortunately however, the authors of that study ignored the fact that it was high in one kid and said because of the other 14 that it's not a problem. How is "quantifiable mercury levels" in one out of 15 kids "safe" when there are countless studies about how toxic mercury is?
Also in that study, children were only given 3 vaccines (dtap, hep B, and Hib), what happens when you add the flu vaccine which also contains thimerosal? What happens when you add the other vaccines on the current schedule that have "trace" doses of thimerosal and large amounts of aluminum even though the Material safety data sheet for thimerosal warns to not combine it with aluminum?
Also, in that study some children were given thimerosal-free vaccines. Since mercury is toxic and may be harmful to at least 1 in 15 kids, why not give all kids thimerosal-free vaccines??
And furthermore:
2 month olds were exposed to 45.6 mcg of thiomersal : blood mercury levels ranged from <3.75 to 20.55 nmol/L : in stool 82 ng/g dry weight
- blood levels of 3.75 - 20.55 is a wide range and also indicates a variance in the ability to process mercury
6 month olds were exposed to 111.3 mcg : blood mercury levels were lower than 7.5 nmol/L : in stool 58 ng/g dry weight
- So 6 month olds were exposed to HIGHER mercury levels and had LOWER blood mercury levels than the 2 month olds.
That also strongly indicates a variance in the ability to process mercury.
- But what is troubling to me about the results in 6 month olds is that even though they were exposed to more mercury, they excreted less in their stools and has less in their blood. So what happened to this mercury? Did more of it get deposited elswhere like brain tissue? Could the theory someone else mentioned that "the more mercury you absorb, the harder it is for you to excrete mercury" be true?
Is that because of the errors in lipid metabolism and other forms of mitochondrial dysfunction that mercury causes? Here's a study that found that mercury does cause mitochondrial dysfunction and dyslipidemia:
2. Here's a second study that indicates the ability to process mercury can vary. This study found that selenium helps guard against mercury's harmful effects, and thus based on diet these rats had different abilities to process mercury:
For rats fed a Se-adequate diet, growth was only slightly depressed starting at week 5. For rats fed Se-rich diets, there was no indication of Hg-dependent growth depression. These results indicated that Hg is far more toxic when Se status is low, less toxic when Se status is adequate, and without any apparent effect when Se status is supplemented.
Posted by: CM | September 03, 2009 at 10:41 PM
You're right in science to say we don't "jump" to conclusions, but "inference" is one of the most powerful investigative skills. For example, if a large number of fish in an eco-system die, it's prudent to investigate the health of that eco-system. Maybe it is just a problem with that species of fish, but that is the more unlikely (although it may be true) presumption. Similarly, when it's reported that there is a wide variation in the ability of humans to eliminate one toxic metal, the presumption (which of course remains to be tested) is that it's more likely than not that there is a wide variation of people to eliminate other toxic metals. I'm sure that we can both agree that further testing should be done on people to see if there is a similar wide variation in the ability of people to eliminate mercury.
All the best,
Kent Heckenlively
Posted by: Kent Heckenlively | September 03, 2009 at 04:25 PM
Even taking this studies claims at face value, can you just keep in mind that the element in this study was not mercury and the people in this study were not children with autism? It's easy to jump to conclusions but in science, we try not to.
Posted by: ben | September 03, 2009 at 10:27 AM
Andy Cutler maintains that there is clear evidence of wide variation in the ability of humans to excrete mercury.
There is clear evidence from studies of captive animals fed known diets that individual animals vary widely in their ability to excrete mercury.
John Emsley, a researcher at London University, wrote this in his book The Elements of Murder: A History of Poison:
"A person's reaction to mercury is unpredictable. Some can tolerate it in large amounts without showing signs of poisoning, while others were so sensitive that when mercury-based drugs were injected into them they were dead within seconds of the injection. One boy aged 4 actually died as the hypodermic needle was being withdrawn from his arm!" p28 (Fascinating book--I recommend reading it.)
Not sure where he got that information, but it is clear from all the reading I have done, from many sources outside the thimerosal controversy, that humans DO vary widely in their ability to excrete mercury. We need not infer that from a study on arsenic. It is known to be the case.
What is additionally very concerning is the evidence Boyd Haley reports--that exposure to mercury reduces ones ability to excrete it--so the more we are all exposed to it, the less able we are to get rid of it, and the more likely we are to accumulate toxic levels. Add in the other toxins we are all accumulating, and the synergy of is no wonder so many of our kids aren't doing well.
Posted by: Sue | September 03, 2009 at 09:00 AM
"A possibility is forming in my mind . . . I’ve got it!Maybe there’s a wide variability in the general population in their ability to eliminate toxic metals, which would mean our safety standards for exposure need to be rewritten!"
LOL, that's great! Thanks for another excellent article!
If you're curious, these two genes might be the susceptibility factor for reduced arsenic metabolism: "the hNP and hGSTO1-1 genes need to be evaluated as potential susceptibility genes in human arsenicism "
According to Wikipedia, "Arsenic disrupts ATP production" - a marker of mitochondrial dysfunction: "Arsenic disrupts ATP production through several mechanisms. At the level of the citric acid cycle, arsenic inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase and by competing with phosphate it uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, thus inhibiting energy-linked reduction of NAD+, mitochondrial respiration, and ATP synthesis. Hydrogen peroxide production is also increased, which might form reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress."
I've mentioned many times before that aluminum also causes mitochondrial dysfunction, and apparently so does mercury:
"The role of mercury and cadmium heavy metals in vascular disease ... Mercury induces mitochondrial dysfunction with reduction in ATP, depletion of glutathione, and increased lipid peroxidation; increased oxidative stress is common. Selenium antagonizes mercury toxicity. The overall vascular effects of mercury include oxidative stress, inflammation, thrombosis, vascular smooth muscle dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction, dyslipidemia, immune dysfunction, and mitochondrial dysfunction."
So all these toxic metals, that have accumulated in most children with autism, all negatively effect mitochondrial function, and quite possibly (based on your previous articles about the fatty acids/ cell membranes/ and metals connection), healthy mitochondrial function seems to be important for getting rid of the toxic metals. So I'm wondering if maybe the self-perpetuating cycle centers around this connection between toxic metals and mitochondrial function in some way?
Based on what you saw with your daughter's fecal metals test after trying the new diet designed to strengthen cell membranes, it sounds like (and certainly hope that) her current doctor is on the right track. Please continue to keep us posted.
Thanks again for the excellent article.
Posted by: CM | September 02, 2009 at 10:54 PM
I just saw a video of how arsenic is used by the pathogens to make the biofilm communicative branches. This is how they communicate and transport nutrients to each other and protect each other from being killed. Here it is if you want to view it. Basically, those who are not secreting metals, it's because the pathogens are using them. Yikes! But this explains why children can be recovered. The heavy metals are more in the pathogens than the actual person's tissue.
http://www.scivee. tv/node/10036
Posted by: HeidiN | September 02, 2009 at 08:47 PM
I seem to remember from mt chemistry class something about heavy metals having synegistic effects....Hmm yes,yes now I remember they make eachother more toxic when mixed together.......Arsenic and mercury are a dangerous pair,and the fact that aluminum weakens and permiates the blood brain barrier not only adds to the toxicity but opens the door to the kingdom...
Posted by: Paula proffit Merckelouse | September 02, 2009 at 08:43 PM
I'm shocked, shocked... Want see my kids' toxic metals test? Arsenic and lots of it. Oh and something else, starts with an "M"...
Thank you for the important update, Kent.
Posted by: Gatogorra | September 02, 2009 at 04:58 PM
During out metals testing - my son's arsenic was really high - arsenic I asked? The DAN said does he eat a lot of chicken, yes (in fact, the only meat he does eat). He said that arsenic is an addiditve in chicken feed. Since they I try to buy organic.
Posted by: Diane | September 02, 2009 at 03:47 PM
For those who haven't seen ARI's September newsletter...
New Study Reports Strong Link Between Toxic Metals and Autism Severity
Association found between toxic metal body burden and red blood cell glutathione levels
Posted by: Donna Alvado | September 02, 2009 at 03:17 PM
Thanks for another great post, Kent. Individual ability to handle and eliminate toxic metals is an important variable lacking from our current published standards for toxic exposure. Another aspect often overlooked is the exposure pathway. Most of the research conducted to determine "safe" levels is related to the three primary exposure routes: ingestion, inhalation, and dermal (skin absorption). Injection is not a commonly addressed exposure pathway. The digestive system, lungs, and skin are all designed to protect the body from toxins when they are encountered, but our bodies have very little defense to something that might be injected directly into the blood stream. The published "safe" exposure levels are therefore probably not relevant or meaningful when we consider vaccines. If the research were to be done, the exposure levels for the injection pathway would probably end up being much, much lower than what is published now for occupational exposure through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal pathways.
Posted by: mlinn | September 02, 2009 at 02:53 PM
The country of Bangladesh served as an unwitting and unfortunate testing ground for arsenic toxicity. The groundwater there is naturally high in arsenic and when the government and aid organizations installed thousands of pipes to tap into it(and avoid the polluted surface water), millions of Bangladeshis were exposed to arsenic. Many suffered illnesses as a result;however, there were also many who were unaffected. The old adage is only half right: it is not just the dose that makes the poison, it is also the subject.
Posted by: Theodore M. Van Oosbree | September 02, 2009 at 11:53 AM
I meant autims could be a different form of kawasaki's.
Also on "Mystery Dignosis" it had a little girl that came down with pink's disease (mercury poisoning). Although it was simialiar to Kawasaki's it was still not exactly the same.
The little girl got the mercury from some one perviously spilling mercury in the carpet and when her mother recleaned it - it caused the mercury to become airborne about ankle high.
Although lots of people think it comes from wet carpet or stagnant water they have yet to isolate a mite, yeast, mold, bug, virus, bacteria, or anything else. They can't even decide if it is a regular antigen they are looking for or a super antigen (wonder what that is?).
the T cell regulations are messed up in kawasaki's.
Posted by: Benedetta Stilwell | September 02, 2009 at 10:38 AM
My daughter had Kawasaki's when she was two. My son had something wrong with him since his third DPT shot at nine months old that is called autism.
My daughter to this day is not exactly untouched. She has OC and has to wash her hands till they bleed, and chap. She has to check and recheck, and recheck her purse or back pack over and over again. She is irritable and has to take an anti-depressant. She jokes about it and says it is not for her benifit because she doesn't feel said, it is for the benifit for the people around her!
Kawasaki's 20% o patients develop some form of vascular involvement such as: coronary atery aneurysm, myocarditis, heart attack (myocardial infection), peripheral vascular occlusion, small bowel obstruction (MMR injury perhaps?, or stroke. About 1% of patients die from complications.
Why wouldn't our children with autism be a dfferent for of Kawasaki's? At least the doctors will take blood test for Sed rates and platelet counts and all that?
the cause of Kawasaki's they don't know. they (think) there are two genes involved and it is not only geneitic but also environmental. Right now they many think it involves carpet. Wet carpet or stagnant water yet the Stat study that at first pointed to that can not be repeated.
Kawasaki's was first described by a Japanese doctor in 1967 at the same time when the Japanese people were complaining that their children were immediately reacting to the DPT shot.
Posted by: Benedetta Stilwell | September 02, 2009 at 10:31 AM
The presence of mercury or other toxic metals, can invigorate viruses and it any wonder that these two cominbations are in vaccines, and destroy the immune system? And as to the thalidomide reference, when my mother was dying of myeloma, this was the drug of choice, had something to do with cutting off the blood supply to tumors. Well, it didn't go so fact, what happened to her was one of the rarest reactions they know of...she got purple blotches all over her body, sort of like the look of an AIDS patient in their last days...some kind of loss of blood or coagulation problem? When they called the doctor abaout it was widely known, apparently, that there are some people who get this reaction who don't EXCRETE the drug, yeah, here we are a family that also doesn't secrete or metabolize things correctly, and I had two with autism???? So the varied differences in drug metabolism, or the metabolism of metals are very dependent on certain things. One of them is metallothionein pathways. They are dependent on the vitamin and mineral basis of the body, such as zinc and selenium. Interestingly, when researching this, I found a correlation between the amount of selenium in soils, to be confirmation of how much autism was in the state. Conversely, the higher the selenium rate( also known as a viral silencer, and necessary for glutathione production), they had the lesser amount of autism. References to that can be sent to you if you want them..
So goes the saying, there is no one size fits all poison, or drug. And yet, curiously, that is what they propose in the whole mandated vaccination program...and as cattle in a herd, your either a downer cow, or not...
Posted by: Kathy Blanco | September 02, 2009 at 09:47 AM
Completely agree with your thoughts-
"After a period of time, my son had NO MORE MUCUS - EVER! Many parents state that their children with autism never get sick. Latent viruses, bacteria, and toxins don't get flushed out, they stick around."
Megan is the same. No runny nose, ever. Her histamine levels are off the page but she has no outward symptoms of sneezing, runny nose but when we treat the high histamine, and I mean treat it 3x per day with otc and natural antihistamines, her behavior improves.
Since histamine is tied up with receptors in many areas of the body, like the gut and also is in the whole mast cell cycle (inflammation), it makes sense that she would feel improvement.
Kent's summary is then the reason Megan and so many others would experience this odd and pervasive immune issue-
"Retained toxic metals seem to cause trouble throughout the body. Maybe we’re taking about the retained toxic metals causing an auto-immunity problem in which the body can’t recognize viruses and bacteria, which then set up shop throughout the body, leading to autism and other neurological problems. That would go along with a lot of parental observations about what happened to their children as well as the finding by Dr. Wakefield of the measles virus persisting in the guts of children with autism."
Maybe Autism Speaks would be interested in looking at this?
Posted by: Teresa Conrick | September 02, 2009 at 09:45 AM
And look this 1961 “safety” advice to the medical profession from another “expert.”
“Unfortunately, there is not sufficient evidence for us to recommend a specific treatment for thalidomide
neuropathy with any confidence although considerable research is proceeding with this end in view. It seems likely that a small section of the population are at risk (approximately 1:250) because of metabolic differences in the handling of the drug, and, as suggested in your leading article (September 30, p. 876), we are hoping to develop a modification which will overcome this disadvantage.”
Medical Adviser,
The Distillers Company (Biochemicals) Limited, 1961
Posted by: Jim Thompson | September 02, 2009 at 09:27 AM
"Maybe we’re talking about the retained toxic metals causing an auto-immunity problem in which the body can’t recognize viruses and bacteria, which then set up shop throughout the body, leading to autism and other neurological problems."
Just a few days after birth, my son developed a fever and conjunctivitis. I hypothesize that he was fighting off Group B Strep and possibly food allergens and toxins from my breastmilk.
After clearing, he would have a round of vaccinations and the mucus came back in full force - runny nose, conjunctivitis - his body trying to rid toxins. From birth to a year, he probably had about six ear infections because of the inability of his body to completely detox.
I think the LENGTH of time the mucus discharge stays around has something to do with the EFFICIENCY of detox. The mucus stayed around so long after vaccinations in my son because his body was inefficient in detoxing. If NO mucus comes, the body obviously does not recognize the antigen or simply cannot detox from it.
I wonder if Dr. Arnold Ehret was right when he stated, "All disease is caused by the clogging of the tube and membrane structures within the body due to build-up of restrictive mucus."
I wonder, do antibiotics contribute to the clogging?
After a period of time, my son had NO MORE MUCUS - EVER! Many parents state that their children with autism never get sick. Latent viruses, bacteria, and toxins don't get flushed out, they stick around.
Right now I am thinking about what I can do to give my kid a runny nose. He deserves it.
Posted by: Elizabeth | September 02, 2009 at 08:57 AM
This article contains just about too much common sense. I don't think I can handle that much common sense actually written in print.
Posted by: Casey Ohlsson | September 02, 2009 at 08:56 AM
The following is paraphrased from a comment posted at under “Unscientific Scientists” on Adventures in Autism. It seems appropriate here as well.
“It is claimed that this drug is non-toxic in that it does not produce untoward effects even if taken in large overdose. This claim is based on animal experimental work in which it proved impossible to determine a minimum lethal dose.”
L.P. DeSouza Southampton, 1959
The historical fact that this “expert” ignored the basic statistical principal that absence of evidence of harm is not evidence of absence of harm seems to be lost on modern medical “experts” when it comes to vaccine safety.
Posted by: Jim Thompson | September 02, 2009 at 08:42 AM